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let hollowCircle = { endpoint: [ "Dot" , {radius: 7}], // 端点的形状 isSource: true , // 是否可以拖动(作为连线起点) connector: [ "Flowchart" , {stub: [0, 0], gap: 10, cornerRadius: 5, alwaysRespectStubs: true }], // 连接线的样式种类有[Bezier],[Flowchart],[StateMachine ],[Straight ] isTarget: true , // 是否可以放置(连线终点) maxConnections: 10, // 设置连接点最多可以连接几条线 export default class JsplumbTest extends React.Component { jsPlumbInstance = null; state = { selectConn:null; componentDidMount (){ let self = this; this.jsPlumbInstance = jsPlumbIn.getInstance({ PaintStyle: {lineWidth: 1, stroke: '#89bcde' }, HoverPaintStyle: {stroke: "#FF6600" , lineWidth: 3}, Endpoints: [ [ "Dot" , {radius: 2}], "Blank" , MaxConnections: -1, EndpointStyle: {fill: "#89bcde" }, EndpointHoverStyle: {fill: "#FF6600" }, ConnectionOverlays: [ [ "Label" , { id: "label" , cssClass: "aLabel" , visible: true , events: { "click" : function (label, evt) { // alert( "clicked on label for connection " + label.component.id); // 这个是鼠标拉出来的线的属性 self.jsPlumbInstance.ready( function () { self.jsPlumbInstance.bind( 'beforeDrop' , function (conn) { //避免源节点和目标节点未同一个 let source Id = conn.sourceId, targetId = conn.targetId; if ( source Id === targetId) { return false ; } else { return true ; self.jsPlumbInstance.bind( "connection" , function (connInfo, originalEvent) { //连线时动作 //例如给连线添加label文字 let connection = connInfo.connection; let labelText = '未命名' ; connection.getOverlay( "label" ).setLabel(labelText); jsPlumbIn.bind( "dblclick" , function (conn, originalEvent) { //双击事件 self.setState({selectConn:conn) if (confirm( "Delete connection from " + conn.sourceId + " to " + conn.targetId + "?" )) self.jsPlumbInstance.bind( "contextmenu" , function (component, e) { //连线鼠标右击事件 //因为我采用的时点击添加按钮,添加一个流程框 ,然后对流程框绑定四个锚点,所以以下方法针对我这个方案 id=0; add=()=>{ let self = this; let id = this.id ++; $( "#cavans" ).append( '<div id="' + id + '" >未命名流程框</div>' ); $( "#" + id).css( "left" , 0).css( "top" , 0); $( "#" + id).addClass(styles.node);//less this.addPoint(id);//添加锚点 this.jsPlumbInstance.draggable(id, {containment: "right" });.//可移动 //添加锚点 addPoint=(id)=>{ const self = this; self.jsPlumbInstance.addEndpoint(id, {anchors: "Top" , id: id + "Top" }, hollowCircle); self.jsPlumbInstance.addEndpoint(id, {anchors: "Bottom" , id: id + "Bottom" }, hollowCircle); self.jsPlumbInstance.addEndpoint(id, {anchors: "Right" , id: id + "Right" }, hollowCircle); self.jsPlumbInstance.addEndpoint(id, {anchors: "Left" , id: id + "Left" }, hollowCircle); //下面补充一些删除方法,给已有流程框连线等方法 //删除流程框 delete = ()=>{ let ids =[1,2,3,4,5]//之前画的流程框id集合 for ( let i of ids){ this.jsPlumbInstance.remove(i) //删除连线 deleteLine=()=>{ //selectConn 为连线点击时获取的conn this.jsPlumbInstance.deleteConnection(this.state.selectConn) //为已有流程框连线 设置文字 connectAndLabel=()=>{ // source target 为之前设置的流程框id this.jsPlumbInstance.connect({ source : "test1" , target: "test2" , anchors: [ "Right" , "Left" ], ...hollowCircle, // set Label this.jsPlumbInstance.getConnections({ source : "test1" , target: "test2" , })[0].getOverlay( 'label' ).setLabel(12345); 利用jsplumb 用户可以绘制简单的流程图