儅需要使用一個庫時,通過import導入一個庫,import 所用庫的路徑(string)
儅使用的庫名相同時,可以使用關鍵字 as 來定義一個自定義庫名

toolUtil.dart 與 math.dart、student,dart的作用於空間並不相互公用,要想在toolUtil.dart使用math.dart的方法必須通過math.dart的類來調用


library person 



library math;
export 'random.dart';


part與part of

part "B.dart" 			//指明B是A的part部分
part of 'A.dart'		//指明B是屬於A的part

part 與 part of是主體與部分的關係,A類與B類公用一個作用於空間,兩者的成員函數可以相互調用


importtoolUtil.dart;import 'dart:math';import 'lib/student/student.dart' as Student使用的情景:儅需要使用一個庫時,通過import導入一個庫,import 所用庫的路徑(string)儅使用的庫名相同時,可以使用關鍵字as來定義一個自定義庫名限制:toolUtil.dart 與 math.dart... - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 10.2 Tokyo now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 10.1 Berlin now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 10 Seattle now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE8 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE7 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE6 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE5 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE4 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE3 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE2 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder XE now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 2010 now supported. - ADD: Delphi/CBuilder 2009 now supported. - ADD: New demo project FlexCADImport. - FIX: The height of the TFlexRegularPolygon object incorrectly changes with its rotation. - FIX: Added division by zero protect in method TFlexControl.MovePathSegment. - FIX: The background beyond docuemnt wasn't filled when TFlexPanel.DocClipping=True. - FIX: In "Windows ClearType" font rendering mode (OS Windows mode) the "garbage" pixels can appear from the right and from the bottom sides of the painted rectangle of the TFlexText object. - FIX: The result rectangle incorrectly calculated in the TFlexText.GetRefreshRect method. - FIX: Added FPaintCache.rcPaint cleanup in the TFlexPanel.WMPaint method. Now it is possible to define is the drawing take place via WMPaint or via the PaintTo direct call (if rcPaint contain non-empty rectangle then WMPaint in progress). - FIX: The TFlexPanel.FPaintCache field moved in the protected class section. Added rcPaint field in FPaintCache that represents drawing rectangle. - ADD: In the text prcise mode (TFlexText.Precise=True) takes into account the rotation angle (TFlexText.Angle). - FIX: Removed FG_NEWTEXTROTATE directive (the TFlexText Precise mode should be used instead). - FIX: The TFlexRegularPolygon object clones incorrectly drawed in case when TFlexRegularPolygon have alternative brush (gradient, texture). - ADD: Add TFlexPanel.InvalidateControl virtual method which calls from TFle
1,01.zip<br>Dialogs in DLL<br>在DLL中实现对话框(5KB)<END><br>2,02.zip<br>Export dialogs in MFC Extension DLLs<br>在MFC扩充DLL中输出对话框(12KB)<END><br>3,03.zip<br>Remapping resource script ID's<br>重影象资源的标识符(4KB)<END><br>4,04.zip<br>Determine DLL version number<br>检测DLL的版本号(7KB)<END><br>5,05.zip<br>Getting the complete information about DLL/Exe module<br>得到DLL/EXE模块的编译信息(5KB)<END><br>6,06.zip<br>Using one extension DLL in another<br>在DLL中使用扩充的DLL(4KB)<END><br>7,07.zip<br>Handling VB strings (as part of an array of UDT)<br>VB的串句柄(5KB)<END><br>8,08.zip<br>Class for Dynamic DLL Loading<br>动态装入DLL的一个类(6KB)<END><br>9,pop3.zip<br>CPop3Connection - an MFC Class to encapsulate the POP3 protocol(20KB)<END><br>10,ipenum.zip<br>IPEnum - an MFC class and console app to allow IP address enumeration<br>(11KB)<END><br>11,smtp.zip<br>CSMTPConnection - an MFC Class to encapsulate the SMTP protocol(69KB)<END><br>12,ping.zip<br>CPing - an MFC class to encapsulate the PING protocol(13KB)<END><br>13,mailslot.zip<br>CServerMailslot & CClientMailslot - 2 MFC classes to support Win32 mailslots(29KB)<END><br>14,rasman.zip<br>A shareware application to monitor your Dial-Up Networking Connections.<br>(49KB)<END><br>15,rasmonitor.zip<br>The MFC class to monitor connections as used by RasMan.(17KB)<END><br>16,npipe.zip<br>A Freeware MFC class to encapsulate Named Pipes(24KB)<END><br>17,apipe.zip<br>A Freeware MFC class to encapsulate(8KB)<END><br>18,csntp.zip<br>A Freeware MFC class to encapsulate the SNTP protocol(18KB)<END><br>19,tracer.zip<br>an MFC class to encapsulate trace route functionality(13KB)<END><br>20,popwatch.zip<br>A freeware application to monitor your POP3 mailbox(72KB)<END><br>21,w3mfc.zip<br>A collection of freeware MFC classes to implement a Web Server(34KB)<END><br>22,mfccddb.zip<br>A freeware MFC class to support access to CDDB servers(39KB)<END><br>23,cmapi.zip<br>an MFC class to encapsulate sending mail using Simple MAPI(21KB)<END><br>24,finger.zip<br>An MFC class to encapsulate the "Finger" protocol(26KB)<END><br>25,eqd.zip<br>A Freeware MFC class to support retrieval of recent Earthquake data from the USGS(10KB)<END><br>26,httpdownloaddlg.zip<br>The class implements an MFC CDialog derived class which performs HTTP downloads similar to the Internet Explorer(43KB)<END><br>27,ccmc.zip<br>an MFC class to encapsulate sending mail using CMC(19KB)<END><br>28,ftptransferdlg.zip<br>CFTPTransferDlg provides an MFC dialog which performs FTP uploads and downloads similar to the Internet Explorer(43KB)<END><br>29,memmap.zip<br>A freeware MFC class to encapsulate Memory Mapped Files(18KB)<END><br>30,pstat.zip<br>A Freeware generalized framework for executing a lengthy operation in a thread. (20KB)<END><br>31,cfile64.zip<br>A freeware MFC class to encapsulate the Win32 64 bit file system API(16KB)<END><br>32,serv.zip<br>A class framework for developing NT services in MFC(53KB)<END><br>33,shelllink.zip<br>2 Freeware MFC classes to encapsulate shell shortcuts(12KB)<END><br>34,dyndata.zip<br>A collection of freeware MFC classes to encapsulate the Windows 95/98 performance counters.(10KB)<END><br>35,cpdh.zip<br>A collection of freeware MFC classes to encapsulate the NT Performance Counters.(25KB)<END><br>36,serialport.zip<br>A freeware MFC class for Win32 serial ports(19KB)<END><br>37,cpl_pp.zip<br>A freeware MFC class framework for developing Control Panel Applets(14KB)<END><br>38,parallelport.zip<br>An MFC class to control parallel ports on 95, 98, ME, NT and 2000(16KB)<END><br>39,versioninfo.zip<br>An MFC class to encapsulate the Windows Version API(14KB)<END><br>40,waitabletimer.zip<br>A freeware MFC class for Win32 waitable timers(13KB)<END><br>41,vfwwnd.zip<br>CAVICapWnd - AN MFC wrapper class for Video For WIndows(47KB)<END><br>42,fraction.zip<br>a double / fraction / string conversion class(5KB)<END><br>43,cmd5.zip<br>A C++ Message Digest 5 Class(13KB)<END><br>44,cryptit.zip<br>Keep sensitive data safe via encryption (130KB)<END><br>45,gener1.zip<br>Template functions for serializing arbitrary linked nodes.(25KB)<END><br>46,gener2.zip<br>Template functions for serializing arbitrary linked nodes. (3KB)<END><br>47,zip1.zip<br>The library to create, modify and extract zip archives(92KB)<END><br>48,zip2.zip<br>The library to create, modify and extract zip archives (31KB)<END><br>49,pointers.zip<br>A Beginner's Guide to Pointers<br>An article showing the use of pointers in C and C++ (4KB)<END><br>50,linkedlist_demo.zip<br>An article showing the basics of the linked list, and how the CList class operates (7KB)<END><br>51,ocarray_demo.zip<br>A simple derived template class that can boost the efficiency of your programs. (18KB)<END><br>52,clist_iter_src.zip<br>A simple iteration class for MFC's CList linked list (2KB)<END><br>53,dynopenhashtable_src.zip<br>Making assorted hash table of strings and/or other data types. (4KB)<END><br>54,extcol_demo.zip<br>Extended Collection classes to provide copy, compare and find operations with 2 dimensional arrays and maps (24KB)<END><br>55,extcol_src.zip<br>Extended Collection classes to provide copy, compare and find operations with 2 dimensional arrays and maps (11KB)<END><br>56,lookaside_src.zip<br>A simple way to keep items such as COM instances 'warm' and available for reuse (3KB)<END><br>57,isarray_src.zip<br>A simple templated array class. (2KB)<END><br>58,collectionnotes.zip<br>An article describing MFC Collection Classes (9KB)<END><br>59,qarray_demo.zip<br>A CArray derived class that provides quick and convenient sorting (13kb)<END><br>60,qarray_src.zip<br>A CArray derived class that provides quick and convenient sorting (2KB)<END><br>61,smartlist.zip<br>Wrapper classes for MFC list classes the extend their functionality (4KB)<END><br>62,ufstmaps.zip<br>A fully featured map class that uses balanced trees to store and retrieve data quickly by key (558KB)<END><br>63,qsort_demo.zip<br>An introduction to a useful function (15KB)<END><br>64,seexception_demo.zip<br>This article describes how to handle SE and C++ exception together(16KB)<END><br>65,seexception_src.zip<br>This article describes how to handle SE and C++ exception together(2KB)<END><br>66,circular_buffer_demo.zip<br>A circular, thread-safe read/write character buffer (12KB)<END><br>67,avltree_demo.zip<br>Describes an implementation of AVL Trees. (54KB)<END><br>68,metaclass_demo.zip<br>A class that can be modified at run-time (6KB)<END><br>69,metaclass_src.zip<br>A class that can be modified at run-time (4KB)<END><br>70,arrayex_src.zip<br>This article presents a callback based, QuickSort enabled CArray template class (2KB)<END><br>71,arrayex_demo.zip<br>This article presents a callback based, QuickSort enabled CArray template class (28KB)<END><br>72,chookwnd_src.zip<br>A freeware MFC class to support MFC subclassing (19KB)<END><br>73,cinifile_demo.zip<br>A class that makes it easy to implement an INI settings file in your applications(14KB)<END><br>74,cinifile_src.zip<br>A class that makes it easy to implement an INI settings file in your applications(4KB)<END><br>75,cint96_src.zip<br>A Freeware MFC class which provides 96 bit integers. (10KB)<END><br>76,csingleinst_src.zip<br>An MFC class to implement single instance apps. (9KB)<END><br>77,enitl.zip<br>A cross platform scripting engine for server applications providing HTML, XML, SGML or other text based formats (38KB)<END><br>78,floatutils_src.zip<br>A set of floating point utilities (3KB)<END><br>79,switch_languages.zip<br>Multilingual Application - Change Application Language(33KB)<END><br>80,duration_demo.zip<br>A simple class that provides high precision timing. (3KB)<END><br>81,duration_src.zip<br>A simple class that provides high precision timing. (1KB)<END><br>82,save_temp_var.zip<br>A safe, and convenient way to store variables temporarily (1KB)<END><br>83,tcxunitconverter_demo.zip<br>TCX Unit Conversion Library(18KB)<END><br>84,tcxunitconverter_src.zip<br>TCX Unit Conversion Library(7KB)<END><br>85,templates_demo.zip<br>Templates are a great way of reusing code, unfortunately MFC<br>makes it hard to write MFC friendly template classes... (124KB)<END><br>86,templates_src.zip<br>Templates are a great way of reusing code, unfortunately MFC<br>makes it hard to write MFC friendly template classes... (2KB)<END><br>87,functionparser.zip<br>A simple yet powerful function parser that parses and evaluates standard mathematical functions (82KB)<END><br>88,stlxmlparser.zip<br>This is a small non-validating XML parser based purely on STL (10KB)<END><br>89,xmimabparser_src.zip<br>A class to read and write non validated XML files (178KB)<END><br>90,rexsearch_src.zip<br>Compiles a regular expression into a fast automaton (11KB)<END><br>91,rexsearch_demo.zip<br>Compiles a regular expression into a fast automaton (50KB)<END><br>92,sascript.zip<br>A simple stack-based language that you can easily add to your projects (52KB)<END><br>93,strtok_src.zip<br>A customizable string tokenizer (23KB)<END><br>94,ismart_demo.zip<br>A template-based smart pointer implementation(19KB)<END><br>95,ismart_src.zip<br>A template-based smart pointer implementation(2KB)<END><br>96,smartptr.zip<br>A smart pointer wrapper class(4KB)<END><br>97,blockallocator.zip<br>A block allocator for use with STL containers that greatly improves speed in programs doing massive data insertions and extractions(6KB)<END><br>98,stltools.zip<br>Defines some TCHAR compatible STL elements and gives you an std::ostream to send output to the debugger windows. (4KB)<END><br>99,tokeniterator.zip<br>Token Iterator provides an easy to use, familiar, and customizable way in which to go through the tokens contained in a string (7KB)<END><br>100,stdsort.zip<br>An introduction to sorting using STL(4KB)<END><br>101,clniex_src.zip<br>Class CIniEx carries out extended set of ini-files functions in memory (106KB)<END><br>102,dtconverter.zip<br>A simple app that converts to and between time_t, DATE, and regular date string expressions(17KB)<END><br>103,dumphandle_demo.zip<br>A method of getting more details about application crashes.(24KB)<END><br>104,libdump.zip<br>A tool to display the contents of a library file (383KB)<END><br>105,vbactivexwithvc.zip<br>A simple way to call a VB ActiveX DLL from a VC/MFC Client(24KB)<END><br>106,staticlink.zip<br>VC++ Standard Edition only has support for dynamically linked exes. This article shows you how to by-pass this restriction.(14KB)<END><br>107,displayloadedmodules.zip<br>A Debugging Tool for Application using Multiple DLLs (246KB)<END><br>108,dynamicdiiloading_demo.zip<br>How to dynamically load a DLL (11KB)<END><br>109,hookimport_src.zip<br>A class to hook any imported function call made by your app.(7KB)<END><br>110,plug-in_demo.zip<br>Extending the functionality of your programs using explicit linking (60KB)<END><br>111,data_seg_share_demo.zip<br>Using #pragma statements to share variables in a DLL(37KB)<END><br>112,niftyloadlib_src.zip<br>The home of NiftyLoadLibrary - and some notes on rebasing dlls(3KB)<END><br>113,rcremap.zip<br>Remapping resource script ID's (21KB)<END><br>114,get_info.zip<br>Getting the complete information about DLL/Exe module (29KB)<END><br>115,vbstring.zip<br>Handling VB strings (as part of an array of UDT) (5KB)<END>
/*********************** (C) COPYLEFT 2010 Leafgrass *************************/ This project runs on uC/OS-II V2.52 and is based on STM32F103RBT6(ARM Cortex-M3 Core) Take care of the configuration of project. There're some Include Paths while linking which cannot be modified. Procedure of driving a device(IMPORTANT!!!): 1.Connect hardware correctly. 2.Prepare DEVICE_NAME.h and DEVICE_NAME.c. 3.Enable clock of related components. 4.Enable related interrupt while configure NVIC. 5.Configure related IO pins. 6.Finish test code and begin testing. 2010-06-10( original ): Sucessfully port uCOS-II V2.52. 2010-06-11: Add code "SysTick_CounterCmd(SysTick_Counter_Enable);" in SysTick_Configuration(), solve the problem that the program can't get into SysTickHandler(), as below: /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : SysTick_Config * Description : Configures SysTick * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void SysTick_Configuration(void) NVIC_SystemHandlerPriorityConfig(SystemHandler_SysTick, 0, 1); /* Configure HCLK clock as SysTick clock source */ SysTick_CLKSourceConfig(SysTick_CLKSource_HCLK_Div8); /* SysTick interrupt each 1000 Hz with HCLK equal to 72MHz */ SysTick_SetReload(9000); /* Enable the SysTick Interrupt */ SysTick_ITConfig(ENABLE); SysTick_CounterCmd(SysTick_Counter_Enable); //Important!! Solve "the program can't get into SysTickHandler()!! 2010-06-12( updates to V1.0 ): 1. Add EXTI8, EXTI9 on PC8, PC9, only for EXTI test. 2. Modify some comments in LCD5110_lib. 3. (in main.c) Modifiy tasks' priority LED_TASK_Prio 1 -> 5 START_TASK_Prio 2 -> 10 4. (in main.c) Modify code "OSTaskDel(START_TASK_Prio);" to "OSTaskSuspend(START_TASK_Prio);" 2010-07-13 1.Drive LTM022A69B LCD ok. Just use I/O to imitate SPI. Still cannot use internal SPI to drive it. 2.Move LCD library of LTM022A69B into "LCD_lib.c". 2010-07-15: Add color bar display in LCD_test(). 2010-07-16( updates to V1.1 ): 1.Solve problem about position error and color error, when display a set of 16-bit color data. Mainly resulted from CPU type, big endian or little endian. STM32F103RBT6 is little endian while in default set. 2.Add Draw_img(); 3.Add colorful characters and strings, add parameters about colors in display functions.(colors are defined in LTM022A69B.h) 2010-07-17: 1.Add comments in LCD_Init(). 2.Add parameter "color" to function Draw_dot(). 3.Add function SetCursor(). 4.Unify LCD related functions' name. Add prefix "LCD_". 2010-07-19: Modify data type in LCD_Lib. normal --> const. At one time, modify the pointers type to const. 2010-07-20: 1.Correct the error that OSTimeDlyHMSM() can't delay an accurate time, by modifying SysTick_Configuration() to get an correct clock frequency. 2010-07-31: Add STM32_Init.c but is not referenced, for future use of Configuration Wizard. 2010-08-01: Configure SPI ok, and do some test(SPI2 tx -> SPI1 rx, display on LCD). 2010-08-03: 1.Add SPI test code in main.c, SPI2 send data, SPI1 receive data , display info on LCD, use soft SPI. 2.Add exported macro "USESPI" to choose if use SPI to drive LCD or not. 3.After several days researching about hard SPI to drive LCD, failed. So switch to use a faster GPIO method, as below: Replace "#define LCD_RST_H() GPIO_SetBits(LCD_CTRL_PORT, LCD_RST)" in ST library with "#define LCD_RST_H() ( LCD_CTRL_PORT->BSRR = LCD_RST )" for a faster LCD refresh speed. 4.Modify name "LCD_SCI" to "LCD_SI", 'cause it means Serial Interface. 5.Modify function name "LCD_test()" to "LCD_Test()". 2010-08-06: Comment off "typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = !FALSE} bool;" in stm32f10x.type.h in order to avoid warning. 2010-08-09: Prepare to update to v2.0. 2010-08-10( Update to v2.0, use ST's FWLib3.1.2 ): 1. Set project(Keil RealView MDK). (1) RO memory area : IROM1 -- start at 0x08000000, size 0x20000. (2) RW memory area : IRAM1 -- start at 0x20000000, size 0x5000. (3) Output setup. (4) Listing setup, no assembler list. (5) C/C++ setup. Preprocessor Symbols : Define -- USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER, STM32F10X_MD. Include Paths : ..\; ..\..\Libraries\CMSIS\Core\CM3; ..\..\Libraries\STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver\inc; ..\..\App; ..\..\Driver; ..\..\OS; ..\..\OS\port (6) Linker, Use memory layout from target dialog. (7) Debug and Utilities, Cortex-M/R J-Link/J-Trace. Disable Trace. 2. Modify code in "includes.h". 3. Modify startup code, did not use the st original one. Port those used in FWLib2.0 instead. Of course, some code are revised for FWLib3.1.2(StdPeriph_Driver and CMSIS). Mainly rewrite the names of the ISR. The most important two are : "PendSV_Handler" and "SysTick_Handler". ---> "OSPendSV" and "SysTick_Handler". (in "os_cpu_a.asm") (in "stm32f10x_it.c") 4. Modify initial code for SysTick in "SysTick_Configuration()" in "CPU_Init.c" because of the changing of library. Note : A general problem is that program always go into "B OSStartHang" in "OSStartHighRdy" in "os_cpu_a.asm", and will die in there... That's caused by program hasn't step into the correct ISR yet. Enable the SysTick interrupt, check if the name of Interrupt Service Routines are right, then all will be OK. 5. Still some problem with retargeting "printf()". If use "printf()" in program, system wouldn't run. 6. Change Project name to "RTOS_STM32". 2010-08-11( Update to v2.1, use ST's FWLib3.3.0 ): 1. Modify Include Path in Target Options. 2. Comment "typedef enum {FALSE = 0, TRUE = !FALSE} bool;" off in order to avoid error: "..\stm32f10x.h(454): error: #40: expected an identifier". 2010-08-12( Update to v2.2 ): 1. Remove the incorrect use of SPI in LCD display, add a new schedule( maily used SPI busy flag ). 2. Commen off code "assert_param(IS_SPI_ALL_PERIPH(SPIx));" in "SPI_I2S_SendData()", "SPI_I2S_ReceiveData()", and "SPI_I2S_GetFlagStatus" in "stm32f10x_spi.h", in order to improve LCD refresh frequency. 3. Finish to retarget C library printf() to UART. As a foundation, change the setup of KEIL in "Target Options" --> "Code Generation" --> tick "Use MicroLIB". There are still some problem with building, modify a few lines in "stm32f10x_startup.s" : ================================ IF :DEF:__MICROLIB EXPORT __initial_sp EXPORT __heap_base EXPORT __heap_limit IMPORT __use_two_region_memory EXPORT __user_initial_stackheap ================================ Then rebuild. Add retarget code in main.c : ================================================================ #ifdef __GNUC__ // With GCC/RAISONANCE, small printf // (option LD Linker->Libraries->Small printf set to 'Yes') // calls __io_putchar() #define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int __io_putchar(int ch) #else #define PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE int fputc(int ch, FILE *f) #endif // __GNUC__ ---------------------------------------------------------------- PUTCHAR_PROTOTYPE // Place your implementation of fputc here // e.g. write a character to the USART USART_SendData(USARTx, (u8)ch); // Loop until the end of transmission while (USART_GetFlagStatus(USART1, USART_FLAG_TC) == RESET) return ch; ================================================================ 2010-08-14(update to v2.3): 1. Rewrite the different part of code into its C file. 2. Drive TIM3 output PWM wave successfully. 3. Add "servo" file, for servo control. 2010-08-19(update to v2.4, GPS data receive ok): 1. Add "gps" file. 2. Add code in "USART3_IRQHandler()", mainly to receive data from GPS. But there's still someting confusing, that the pair "USART_ITConfig(USART3, USART_IT_RXNE, DISABLE);" and "USART_ITConfig(USART3, USART_IT_RXNE, ENABLE);" cannot work well. Because once use them, some data will be lost. 2010-08-22: Refresh firmware of GPS, modify to Baudrate 9600, China timezone, WGS-84 coordinate. 2010-09-02: Replace those two old startup files "cortexm3_macro.s" and "stm32f10x_startup.s" with the one "startup_stm32f10x_md.s" which is created by MCD Application Team in FWLib3.3.0. 2010-09-13: 1. Add general_task.h and .c for miscellaneous experimental purpose. 2. Add uart output infomation in booting stage. 3. Add macro "LED_TOGGLE()" use "(GPIO_ReadOutputDataBit(GPIOA, GPIO_Pin_1))" 4. Create Logo: _ / / | | ___ __ _ _| |_ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ | | / _ \/ _` |_ _/ _` | \/ _)/ _` | / / / / | |_ _ __( (_| | | | (_| | | | ( (_| | \ \ \ \ |_ _ _\___|\__,_| | | \__, / | | \__,_| /_/ /_/ /_/ \_ _/ 5. EXTI again. setup procedure: GPIO IN FLOATING -> NVIC IRQ -> EXTI Config -> _it.c /*********************** (C) COPYLEFT 2010 Leafgrass *************************/
********************************************************************** Author: TMS Software E-mail: info@tmssoftware.com Web: http://www.tmssoftware.com ********************************************************************** TMS Pack for FireMonkey TMS Pack for FireMonkey contains components for use in user interfaces designed with the Embarcadero FireMonkey framework. The components have been designed from the ground up based on the core concepts of the FireMonkey framework: made up of styles, fully cross-platform, scalable and compatible with FireMonkey抯 effects, rotation, livebindings. Release ----------------- Highly styleable cross-platform FireMonkey controls Support for Windows 32 bit, 64 bit, Mac OS X, iOS and Android Support for HTML formatted text, including hyperlinks in various parts of the components Built-in support for LiveBindings in TTMSFMXTableView and TTMSFMXTileList, allows to bind any item element to data Includes various demos and an extensive PDF developers guide Includes various helper controls (badge, button and html enabled text controls) that can be used separately as well Includes several Sample applications for the TTMSFMXGrid component History : --------- v1.0 : first release v1.0.0.1 Fixed : Issue with setting the focus on the form (Can be activated / deactivated with ShowActivated property) in TTMSFMXPopup Fixed : Issue with BitmapContainer assignment V1.1.0.0 New : Introducing TTMSFMXSpeedButton New : Introducing TTMSFMXHotSpotImage with separate editor Improved : TMSIOS Define Fixed : Issue with initial state when State is ssOn in TTMSFMXSlider Fixed : Issue with Opacity in HTML Drawing in TTMSFMXHTMLText v1.1.0.1 Fixed : Issue with parent in TTMSFMXPopup v1.1.0.2 Fixed : Issue with lfm file missing in package v1.1.0.3 New : Support for update 4 hotfix 1 Fixed : Issue with order of freeing objects in TTMSFMXTableView v1.1.0.4 Fixed : Issue with state changing with mouse out of bounds in TTMSFMXSlider Fixed : Issue with resizing detail view in TTMSFMXTableView v1.5.0.0 New : Components TTMSFMXGrid, TTMSFMXNavBar, TTMSFMXEdit and TTMSFMXEditBtn, TTMSFMXProgressBar New : Helper components: TTMSFMXGridPrintPreview, TTMSFMXFindDialog, TTMSFMXReplaceDialog, TTMSFMXExcelIO, TTMSFMXRTFIO. Improved : Performance for handling hover & click of hotspots in TTMSFMXHotSpotImage Fixed : Issue with mouse capturing in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with alignment and resizing of detail view container when item has no detail view assigned in TTMSFMXTableview v1.6.0.0 New : XE3 Support New : OnSearchOpen / OnSearchClose called when swiping done or showing the filter with the ShowFilter property in TMSFMXTableView New : OnCanColumnDrag, OnCanRowDrag events added in TTMSFMXGrid New : OnColumnDragged, OnRowDragged events added in TTMSFMXGrid New : LiveBindings support in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Options.Mouse.ColumnDragging = false / Options.Mouse.RowDragging = false in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with OnCanInsertRow/OnCanDeleteRow triggering in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with selection on top when dragging in touch mode in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Access violation when touching outside the grid in touch mode in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Enabling touch mode in none selection mode in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with OnClick / OnDblClick in instrumentation components Fixed : Issue with scrolling and selecting value in iOS in TTMSFMXSpinner Fixed : Issue with escape key not cancelling edit mode in TTMSFMXGrid v1.6.0.1 Fixed : Issue with double databinding registration in XE2 ios package v1.7.0.0 : New : added components TTMSFMXCalendar and TTMSFMXCalendarPicker New : Fixed cell single and range selection in TTMSFMXGrid New : Autosizing columns / rows on double-click in TTMSFMXGrid New : Column persistence in TTMSFMXGrid Improved : Data reset when toggling active in TTMSFMXScope Fixed : Issue with checkbox and radiobutton not rendering correctly on iOS project in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with accessing and adding progressbar cells in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Repaint bug in XE3 in TTMSFMXTileList Fixed : ShowGroupGount implement in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : GroupCountFormat implemented in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with memoryleak in TTMSFMXLedBar Fixed : Access violation when clicking edit button in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with OnDblClick not triggered in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with popupmenu on background interfering with scrolling interaction in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with selection persistence of items when scrolling in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Access violation Loading footer at designtime in TTMSFMXPanel v1.7.5.0 New: Capability to export multiple grids to a single RTF file in TTMSFMXGridRtfIO New : Options.Filtering.MultiColumn added to perform automatic multicolumn filtering in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Delphi XE3 compatibility in TTMSFMXCalendar Fixed : Issue with ApplyPlacement for plTop/plTopCenter in TTMSFMXPopup Fixed : Issue with sorting & filtering in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with InsertRow on non-initialized grid in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with XE3 Mac filtering in TTMSFMXGrid v1.7.5.1 Fixed : Issue with anchor detection when scrolling in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with ccCount column calc in TTMSFMXGrid v1.7.5.2 New : Exposed functions CancelEdit / StopEdit in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with text initialization in constructor in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with default values for ArrowHeight and ArrowWidth in TTMSFMXPopup Fixed : Issue with focusing calendar in TTMSFMXCalendar Fixed : Issue with lookuplist in TTMSFMXEdit in XE3 Fixed : Issue with absoluteopacity in TTMSFMXLED v1.8.0.0 New : PDF Export component for Windows (QuickPDF), Mac and iOS v1.8.0.1 Fixed : Issue with absolute opacity in TTMSFMXBitmap Fixed : Issue with editing cell functionality while selecting all cells in TTMSFMXGrid v1.8.0.2 Fixed : Issue with peristing column states Fixed : Issue with printing DPI on different real and virtual printers v1.8.0.3 Fixed : Issue with dblclick in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with dropdown window visible after editing in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with wordwrapping and strikeout font style in html engine v1.8.0.4 : Fixed : Issue with debug message in TTMSFMXGrid v1.8.0.5 Fixed : Issue with dblclick focusing issue in TTMSFMXGrid Improved : comment popup in cell configurable in TTMSFMXGridCell v1.8.0.6 Improved : PDF Export engine v1.8.0.7 Package build options change v1.8.0.8 Fixed : Issue with text repainting at runtime in TTMSFMXHTMLText Fixed : Issue with text fill color initialization in TTMSFMXHTMLText Fixed : Repaint bug in XE3 in drag/drop tiles in TTMSFMXTileList Fixed : Issue with memoryleak when reparenting items in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with hidden radio button checked property in TTMSFMXGrid v1.8.1.0 Fixed : Issue with clipboard on empty grid in TTMSFMXGrid New : Event OnTopLeftChanged event v1.8.1.1 Improved : block refreshing columns when destroying the component in TTMSFMXSpinner Fixed : Small issue in HTML Rendering engine for anchor rendering in TTMSFMXHTMLEngine Fixed : Issue with hidecolumn in TTMSFMXGrid v1.8.1.2 Issue with C++Builder OSX library paths not updated when installing v1.8.1.3 Issue compilation in FPC with TMSPlatforms constant v1.8.1.4 Improved : Added Event OnCellEditCancel in TTMSFMXGrid Improved : OnTileAnchorClick event exposed in TTMSFMXTileList Improved : Escape key handling in TTMSFMXCalendarPicker to cancel date selection Fixed : Issue with TMSFMXEdit signed float Fixed : Issue with dblclick in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Issue with dropdown access violation in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Access violation in TTMSFMXPopup v2.0.0.0 New : Syntax highlighting and editing component TTMSFMXMemo New : Persisted Columns collection in TTMSFMXGrid New : KeyBoard and Mouse Wheel handling support in TTMSFMXSpinner Improved : Escape to cancel date selection and return to previous selected date in TTMSFMXCalendar Fixed: Issue with autosizing and client-aligned captions v2.0.1.0 New : Pointer direction property in TTMSFMXBarButton Fixed : Issue with repainting header and footer text in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Selection changed notification to observer in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with list read access in TTMSFMXNavBar Fixed : incorrect Gutter behavior when gutter is visible false or width = 0 in TTMSFMXMemo Fixed : Issue with XE2 FMI package memo registration v2.0.1.1 Fixed : Issue with height of tabs in TTMSFMXNavBar v2.0.2.0 New : OnButtonClick event in TTMSFMXEditBtn Fixed : Issue with fixed cell property persistence in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Excel font color import in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with border width in new columns persistence collection in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with bitmap assignment in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with clearing cells in TTMSFMXGrid v2.0.2.1 Fixed : Issue with anchors & readonly cells in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with handling Columns[x].ReadOnly Improved : Published events for Find and Replaced dialog in TTMSFMXMemo v2.1.0.0 New : XE4 support Fixed : Issue with memory leak in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with triggering OnCursorChange in TTMSFMXMemo Fixed : Issue with UpdateMemo call when client-aligning Fixed : Issue with index out of bounds in empty grid connected to dataset v2.1.0.1 Improved : NextPage and PreviousPage methods in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue compiling demo's in trial version Fixed : Issue with LoadFromFile column widths in TTMSFMXGrid v2.1.0.2 Improved : GetTextHeight function in TTMSFMXHTMLText Fixed : Issue with iOS cell objects not being freed in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Scrolling when scrollbars are not visible in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with readonly cells when using columns in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue accessing correct cell colors in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with displaying DetailView in TTMSFMXTableView v2.1.0.3 Improved : Added Fixed Disjunct Row and Column Selection in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with LiveBindings editing and row selection in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Replacement for TScrollBox issues at designtime / runtime. Fixed : Issue with Form Key handling in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Issue with designtime initialization of caption in TTMSFMXPanel Fixed : Issue with autocompletion popup in TTMSFMXMemo Fixed : Issue with font persistence in TTMSFMXMemo Fixed : Issue with ShowImage in TTMSFMXBarButton Fixed : Issue on iOS with categories in TTMSFMXTableView v2.1.0.4 Fixed : Issue with grid editing / inserting in LiveBindings in TTMSFMXGrid v2.1.0.5 Fixed : Memory leak with panel list in TTMSFMXNavBar Fixed : Access violation in TTMSFMXMemo v2.1.1.0 New : VisibleRowCount and VisibleColumnCount functionality in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with disjunct selection and sorting in TTMSFMXGrid v2.1.1.2 New : LiveBinding support for Notes in TTMSFMXTileList v2.1.1.3 New : Published Anchors property Fixed : Issue inserting and deleting records in LiveBindings in TTMSFMXGrid v2.1.1.4 Fixed : Issue with RadioButtons in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Text position and width in TTMSFMXRotarySwitch v2.1.1.5 Fixed : Issue with rtf exporting on iOS in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with ColumnStatesToString and column swapping in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with lookup list on Mac in TTMSFMXEdit v2.1.1.6 Fixed : Issue with assign procedure collection item in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Issue with TTMSFMXPopup component on the form already exists v2.1.1.7 Improved: Assign() handling in TTMSFMXTableView Improved : conditionally use XOpenURL or XOpenFile for cell anchors in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Padding vs Margins in TTMSFMXPageSlider Fixed : Issue with comment resizing in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with TableView resizing in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : issue with column alignment settings for cell states different from normal in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed: Do not set TopMost = true in GetStyleObject, interferes with use on a popup in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Issue with initialization years in popup picker in TTMSFMXCalendarPicker Fixed : issue with setting Collaps = true at design time in TTMSFMXPanel Fixed : Issue with pressing ESC when date is empty in TTMSFMXCalendarPicker v2.2.0.0 New : XE5 support New : Android support New : Width and Height properties on lookup list in TTMSFMXEdit New : Redesign of TTMSFMXPopup to support iOS / Android Fixed : Issue with lookup autosize calculation in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Hints in TTMSFMXHTMLText and TTMSFMXBitmap Fixed : Issue with OnColumnSorted event not triggered in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.0.1 Fixed : Issue with deleting rows in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with date parsing in TTMSFMXCalendar Fixed : CSV parsing on iOS / Android in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.1.0 New : OnMonthChanged and OnYearChanged events in TTMSFMXCalendar Fixed : Issue with money editing in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.1.1 Fixed : Issue with disposing objects on iOS in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with items return with incorrect CategoryID in TTMSFMXTableView v2.2.1.2 Fixed : Issue with column moving & column sizes in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with save to file & linebreaks on iOS / Android in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with column, row dragging out of the grid boundaries in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with resizing in TTMSFMXTableView v2.2.1.3 Fixed : Issue with scrollbox and applystyle empty text initialization in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Issue with string conversion on iOS / Android in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with column, row dragging out of the grid boundaries in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Livebindings in TTMSFMXCalendarPicker v2.2.1.4 Fixed : Issue with badge in TTMSFMXTileList Fixed : Issue with row sorting and objects in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.2.0 Improved : Disjunct deselection of column, rows and cells in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with horizontal scrolling and text trimming in TTMSFMXMemo Fixed : Issue with displaylist on XE5 in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed : Issue with assignment of item an OnItemClick in TTMSFMXTableView Fixed : Floating point division by zero in TTMSFMXPopup Fixed : Issue with OnCellEditDone event and focus changes v2.2.2.1 Fixed: Issue with Keyboard handling for ComboBox editor type in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.2.2 Fixed : Issue with saving hotspot images in TTMSFMXHotSpotImage Fixed : Issue with memo find & replace dialog up and down search in TTMSFMXMemo Fixed : Issue with naming for led elements in TTMSFMX7SegLed Fixed : Issue with mouse enter/leave in TTMSFMXCalendar Fixed : Issue with column hiding and memory leak in sorting data in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.2.3 Fixed : Issue with column/row hiding combinations in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with Escape key in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.2.4 Fixed : Issues with column/row handling in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with calculation setpoints, needles and sections with minimumvalue > 0 in TTMSFMXLinearGauge v2.2.2.5 Improved: Signed numeric not being handled in GetInt/SetInt in TTMSFMXEdit Fixed: Issue with unhiding row combinations in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.2.6 Improved : OnFormatCellDataExpression in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with selection initialization in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with cell creation in xls export v2.2.2.7 Fixed : Issue with using semi opaque hover, selected, down color in TTMSHotSpotImage Fixed : Issue with row insertion in TTMSFMXGrid v2.2.2.8 Fixed : Issue with grouping / ungrouping and row / column insertion changes v2.2.2.9 Improved : Clearing grid offset in TTMSFMXScope Fixed : Issue with initializing grid with default no. columns in TTMSFMXGrid Fixed : Issue with adding data without animation in TTMSFMXScope v2.3.0.0 New : XE6 Support v2.3.0.1 Fixed : XE6 Style compatibility issues Usage: ------ Use of TMS software components in applications requires a license. A license can be obtained by registration. A single developer license registration is available as well as a site license. With the purchase of one single developer license, one developer in the company is entitled to: - use of registered version that contains full source code and no limitations - free updates for a full version cycle - free email priority support & access to support newsgroups - discounts to purchases of other products With a site license, multiple developers in the company are entitled - use of registered version that contains full source code and no limitations - add additional developers at any time who make use of the components - free updates for a full version cycle - free email priority support & access to support newsgroups - discounts to purchases of other products Online order information can be found at: http://www.tmssoftware.com/go/?orders Note: ----- The components are also part of the TMS Component Pack bundle, see http://www.tmssoftware.com/go/?tmspack Help, hints, tips, bug reports: ------------------------------- Send any questions/remarks/suggestions to : help@tmssoftware.com Before contacting support about a possible issue with the component you encounter, make sure that you are using the latest version of the component. If a problem persists with the latest version, provide information about which Delphi or C++Builder version you are using as well as the operating system and if possible, steps to reproduce the problem you encounter. That will guarantee the fastest turnaround times for your support case.
最近在写一个组件时候遇到一个问题,用webpack将组件打包成一个符合UMD规范的组件时出现一个比较奇怪的现象:使用export default导出的全局变量会多一个default属性: – index.js let webpackDemo = { val: 'hello webpack' export default webpackDemo; 打包之后发现在全局下只能这么访问val值: webpackDemo.default.val; 修改index.js代码 let webpac.
Flutter教程- Dart语言知识点整理Dart语言简介Dart语言介绍① 注释的方式② 变量的声明③ 符串的声明和使用④ 集合变量的声明⑤ 数的处理⑥ 循环的格式⑦ 抛异常的方式⑧ 函数的写法⑨ 函数的可变参数⑩ 构造函数⑩① Getter 和 Setter⑩② 导包&amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;结语&amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; Dart语言简介 Flutter是使用Dart语言开发的。 Dart语言是基于类的纯面向对象语言。
在Dart中,我们可以导入一个库来使用它所提供的功能。 库的使用可以使代码的重用性得到提高,并且可以更好的组合代码。 Dart中任何一个dart文件都是一个库,即使你没有用关键library声明。 1、库的导入 import语句用来导入一个库,后面跟一个符串形式的URI来指定表示要引用的库,语法如下: import "库所在的uri"; 常见的库URI有三种不同的形式 来自dart标准版,比如dart:io、dart:html、dart:math、dart:core import 'dart:io
================================================================================ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ================================================================================ Apache Tomcat Version 7.0.57 Release Notes ========= CONTENTS: ========= * Dependency Changes * API Stability * JNI Based Applications * Bundled APIs * Web application reloading and static fields in shared libraries * Tomcat on Linux * Enabling SSI and CGI Support * Security manager URLs * Symlinking static resources * Viewing the Tomcat Change Log * Cryptographic software notice * When all else fails =================== Dependency Changes: =================== Tomcat 7.0 is designed to run on Java SE 6 and later. In addition, Tomcat 7.0 uses the Eclipse JDT Java compiler for compiling JSP pages. This means you no longer need to have the complete Java Development Kit (JDK) to run Tomcat, but a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is sufficient. The Eclipse JDT Java compiler is bundled with the binary Tomcat distributions. Tomcat can also be configured to use the compiler from the JDK to compile JSPs, or any other Java compiler supported by Apache Ant. ============== API Stability: ============== The public interfaces for the following classes are fixed and will not be changed at all during the remaining lifetime of the 7.x series: - javax/**/* The public interfaces for the following classes may be added to in order to resolve bugs and/or add new features. No existing interface will be removed or changed although it may be deprecated. - org/apache/catalina/* - org/apache/catalina/comet/* Note: As Tomcat 7 matures, the above list will be added to. The list is not considered complete at this time. The remaining classes are considered part of the Tomcat internals and may change without notice between point releases. ======================= JNI Based Applications: ======================= Applications that require native libraries must ensure that the libraries have been loaded prior to use. Typically, this is done with a call like: static { System.loadLibrary("path-to-library-file"); in some class. However, the application must also ensure that the library is not loaded more than once. If the above code were placed in a class inside the web application (i.e. under /WEB-INF/classes or /WEB-INF/lib), and the application were reloaded, the loadLibrary() call would be attempted a second time. To avoid this problem, place classes that load native libraries outside of the web application, and ensure that the loadLibrary() call is executed only once during the lifetime of a particular JVM. ============= Bundled APIs: ============= A standard installation of Tomcat 7.0 makes all of the following APIs available for use by web applications (by placing them in "lib"): * annotations-api.jar (Annotations package) * catalina.jar (Tomcat Catalina implementation) * catalina-ant.jar (Tomcat Catalina Ant tasks) * catalina-ha.jar (High availability package) * catalina-tribes.jar (Group communication) * ecj-4.4.jar (Eclipse JDT Java compiler) * el-api.jar (EL 2.2 API) * jasper.jar (Jasper 2 Compiler and Runtime) * jasper-el.jar (Jasper 2 EL implementation) * jsp-api.jar (JSP 2.2 API) * servlet-api.jar (Servlet 3.0 API) * tomcat7-websocket.jar (WebSocket 1.1 implementation) * tomcat-api.jar (Interfaces shared by Catalina and Jasper) * tomcat-coyote.jar (Tomcat connectors and utility classes) * tomcat-dbcp.jar (package renamed database connection pool based on Commons DBCP) * tomcat-jdbc.jar (Tomcat's database connection pooling solution) * tomcat-util.jar (Various utilities) * websocket-api.jar (WebSocket 1.1 API) You can make additional APIs available to all of your web applications by putting unpacked classes into a "classes" directory (not created by default), or by placing them in JAR files in the "lib" directory. To override the XML parser implementation or interfaces, use the endorsed mechanism of the JVM. The default configuration defines JARs located in "endorsed" as endorsed. ================================================================ Web application reloading and static fields in shared libraries: ================================================================ Some shared libraries (many are part of the JDK) keep references to objects instantiated by the web application. To avoid class loading related problems (ClassCastExceptions, messages indicating that the classloader is stopped, etc.), the shared libraries state should be reinitialized. Something which might help is to avoid putting classes which would be referenced by a shared static field in the web application classloader, and putting them in the shared classloader instead (JARs should be put in the "lib" folder, and classes should be put in the "classes" folder). ================ Tomcat on Linux: ================ GLIBC 2.2 / Linux 2.4 users should define an environment variable: export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 Redhat Linux 9.0 users should use the following setting to avoid stability problems: export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 There are some Linux bugs reported against the NIO sendfile behavior, make sure you have a JDK that is up to date, or disable sendfile behavior in the Connector.<br/> 6427312: (fc) FileChannel.transferTo() throws IOException "system call interrupted"<br/> 5103988: (fc) FileChannel.transferTo should return -1 for EAGAIN instead throws IOException<br/> 6253145: (fc) FileChannel.transferTo on Linux fails when going beyond 2GB boundary<br/> 6470086: (fc) FileChannel.transferTo(2147483647, 1, channel) cause "Value too large" exception<br/> ============================= Enabling SSI and CGI Support: ============================= Because of the security risks associated with CGI and SSI available to web applications, these features are disabled by default. To enable and configure CGI support, please see the cgi-howto.html page. To enable and configue SSI support, please see the ssi-howto.html page. ====================== Security manager URLs: ====================== In order to grant security permissions to JARs located inside the web application repository, use URLs of of the following format in your policy file: file:${catalina.base}/webapps/examples/WEB-INF/lib/driver.jar ============================ Symlinking static resources: ============================ By default, Unix symlinks will not work when used in a web application to link resources located outside the web application root directory. This behavior is optional, and the "allowLinking" flag may be used to disable the check. ============================== Viewing the Tomcat Change Log: ============================== See changelog.html in this directory. ============================= Cryptographic software notice ============================= This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See <http://www.wassenaar.org/> for more information. The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. The form and manner of this Apache Software Foundation distribution makes it eligible for export under the License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object code and source code. The following provides more details on the included cryptographic software: - Tomcat includes code designed to work with JSSE - Tomcat includes code designed to work with OpenSSL ==================== When all else fails: ==================== See the FAQ http://tomcat.apache.org/faq/
================== Qt5 is a rapidly changing bleeding edge environment. This branch is our initial support for it and thus is also rapidly changing and bleeding edge. This branch is experimental, and unsupported. This information is provided for advanced use only. No guarantees about API stability or even if this works at all are supplied, use at your own risk. First fetch the Qt5 source tree and Qt3D master branch: cd ~/depot git clone ssh://codereview.qt-project.org:29418/qt/qt5.git cd qt5 ./init-repository --codereview-username \ --module-subset=qtbase,qtsvg,qtdeclarative,qttools,qtxmlpatterns,qtdoc,qlalr,qtrepotools,qtqa,qtlocation,qt3d git submodule foreach "git fetch gerrit && git reset --hard gerrit/master" cd qt3d scp -p -P 29418 codereview.qt-project.org:hooks/commit-msg .git/hooks/ git fetch gerrit git checkout --track -b master gerrit/master If you are reading this file then somehow you probably already got this far anyway. Now build Qt5, which will also build Qt3D as a module: cd ~/build mkdir qt5 cd qt5 ~/depot/qt5/configure -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -no-webkit -no-phonon -nomake tests \ -nomake examples -declarative -opengl -svg && make -j 4 What's in Qt3D ================== Directory structure: src/threed/ This is the main library of the Qt3D project, containing abstractions for cross-platform GL, shaders, lighting models, and so on. src/plugins/ Scene format loading plugins. src/imports/ QML import plugins. util/ Various utilities that are useful when working with Qt3D. examples/ Some examples of using Qt3D QML bindings and Qt3D C++ API. demos/ Some more complex demos of using Qt3D QML bindings and Qt3D C++ API. tests/auto/qml3d/ Unit tests for the QML bindings. tests/auto/threed/ Unit tests for the C++ API Documentation. devices/symbian/ Symbian deployment file Documentation ============= The documentation can be generated with "make docs". It will be placed into "doc/html" in the build directory. Packages ======== This section is only for those developing Qt3D. Read on to discover how the building of packages works. This section is also important if you want to change how the structure of the Qt3D pro files work. To build Qt3D, run: qmake && make The .pro files will cause the toolchain to place the libraries, QML files and meshes of Qt3D directly into place, as part of the compile process. The files go into the bin/ directory, and the executables can be run directly from there. If you are doing a developer build, plugins will be installed in such a way that Qt will find them. After building the tree the install step is invoked using the INSTALL_ROOT environment export to cause the installation rules to place all the files into a sandboxed install tree, ready for packaging: INSTALL_ROOT=tmp make install Examples ======== Some examples require assimp library to parse the content. Go to http://assimp.sourceforge.net/ and build and install the assimp library. Then configure Qt3D to include assimp and run qmake && make.
15 ORA-32800 to ORA-32999 16 ORA-33000 to ORA-65535 Part III Oracle Database Server Utilities Messages 17 Export Messages (EXP) 18 Import Messages (IMP) 19 SQL*Loader Messages (SQL*Loader) 20 External Tables Messages (KUP) 21 DBVERIFY Messages (DBV) 22 DBNEWID Messages (NID) 23 Parameter Messages (LCD) 24 Summary Advisor, Explain Rewrite, and Explain Materialized View Messages (QSM) 25 Recovery Manager Messages (RMAN) Part IV Core Library Messages 26 Parameter Messages (LRM) 27 BFILE-Related Messages (LFI) Part V PL/SQL Messages 28 PL/SQL and FIPS Messages (PLS) Part VI Oracle OLAP Catalog Metadata Messages 29 Oracle OLAP Catalog Metadata Messages (AMD) Part VII Network Messages 30 Oracle Net Messages (TNS) 31 Oracle Names Client Messages (NNC) 32 Oracle Names Server Messages (NNO) 33 Oracle Names Control Utility Messages (NNL) 34 Oracle Names Server Network Presentation Layer Messages (NPL) 35 External Naming Messages (NNF) 36 Simple Network Management Protocol Messages (NMP) 37 Remote Operation Messages (NCR) 38 Network Security Messages (NZE) Part VIII Precompiler Messages 39 SQL*Module Messages (MOD) 40 Object Type Translator Type File Messages (O2F) 41 Object Type Translator Initialization Messages (O2I) 42 Object Type Translator Unparser Messages (O2U) 43 Pro*COBOL Messages (PCB) 44 PCF FIPS Messages (PCF) 45 Pro*C/C++ Messages (PCC) 46 SQL Runtime Messages (SQL) Part IX interMedia Messages 47 interMedia Audio Messages (AUD) 48 interMedia Image Messages (IMG) 49 interMedia Video Messages (VID) Part X Oracle Text Messages 50 Oracle Text Messages (DRG) Part XI XML Messages 51 XML Parser Messages (LPX) 52 XML Schema Processor Messages (LSX) Part XII Oracle Trace Messages 53 Oracle Trace Collection Services Messages (EPC) Index
XLSReadWriteII is a simple solution for working with Excel files in Delphi. Delphi programmers can easily access Excel files with this library and perform their processing on these files. For the program to work correctly, there is no need to install the Excel software on the user's system, and it works seamlessly with Excel files. XLSReadWriteII has a part in memory management to extract the cells in Excel files with extreme speed. This is due to the fact that the program does not encounter any problems in processing bulk files, and the speed of access always remains the same. Data is loaded in RAM to the extent that the memory has the ability to accept data, but when it is full, it continues to read the operation and writes to the hard disk. One of the main goals of this library is its sustainability. This means that you do not worry about corrupting Excel files, this product has been tested repeatedly by the team and has the best data access strategies used to prevent any damage to files. Excel does not enter. Features of XLSReadWriteII: Ability to read all kinds of quantities in Excel cells Efficiency and high speed library Ability to format cells and document as you wish All the facilities needed for printing are available Unicode Full Support Ability to read and write directly to the hard disk Ability to add notes to cells The ability to create charts with the same options and options provided by Excel itself Ability to use extensive Excel functions for calculations on cells You can invoke visual basic macros to perform more advanced tasks Ability to copy / delete / cut cells Ability to import / export arbitrary data And …
Enhancements and Bug Fixes ========================== SCGCQ00393585 (DFCT) - VD creation from MegaCli fails on Solaris Sparc 10u9 operating system. SCGCQ00413883 (DFCT) - "megacli -version -pd -a0" Segmentation Faults if PDs are missing SCGCQ00445356 (CSET) - Megacli crashes after invoking any command in SGI system with one 9280-8e and 2 quad port qlogic FC cards. SCGCQ
一、使用背景 大多数情况下,使用另一个dart文件中的变量/方法/类时,需要先导入(使用import关键)。但是当被导入的文件很多,且都在某一个目录时,可以新建一个导入入口文件,在这个入口文件中,使用export关键将这些dart文件集中导出。然后其他地方使用的使用只需要import这个入口文件就可以了。 以下是flutter官方的一个事例代码库,在material目录中定义了很多界面类库。 在这material文件中,就使用了export关键导出这些界面类库,用于供外层的文件i
### 回答1: export ld_library_path 用于告诉操作系统在运行程序时应该搜索哪些目录以寻找共享库文件。可以通过在命令行中输入 "export ld_library_path=path_to_library" 来设置该变量。 ### 回答2: "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH"是一个环境变量,它告诉系统在运行可执行文件时从哪里查找共享库文件。当运行一个程序时,操作系统会在特定的路径下查找可执行文件和与之链接的动态共享库文件。如果这些文件不在默认位置,则需要指定它们的位置。这就是使用“export LD_LIBRARY_PATH”命令的原因。 在Linux系统中,“export LD_LIBRARY_PATH”命令用于设置共享库的搜索路径。共享库是一组为多个程序提供公用功能的文件。这些文件通常有".so"扩展名,它们包含了多种程序需要的函数和代码。如果程序无法找到所需的共享库,则会出现"Segmentation fault"错误。 "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH"命令告诉系统在哪里查找共享库文件。该命令设置环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH,它包含了一个或多个目录的路径,每个目录都包含共享库文件。当运行程序时,操作系统会在这些目录中查找所需的共享库文件。 例如,如果要编译和运行一个程序,该程序需要访问一个共享库,而该共享库位于/opt/mylibrary目录中,则可以使用以下命令: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mylibrary 这将告诉系统在/opt/mylibrary目录中查找共享库文件。如果该共享库文件不在该目录下,则程序无法运行。因此,正确设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH环境变量对于程序的成功运行非常重要。 总之,“export LD_LIBRARY_PATH”命令是Linux系统中设置共享库搜索路径的重要命令。它告诉系统在哪里查找共享库文件,从而确保程序能够正确地访问所需的库文件。 ### 回答3: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH是用来设置在Unix/Linux系统下动态链接库的搜索路径的环境变量。 当我们使用动态链接库编译程序时,程序中用到的一些库在程序运行时需要动态地加载到内存中。此时,系统会在默认的搜索路径下寻找这些库文件。如果无法在默认的搜索路径下找到这些库文件,则程序就会运行失败。 这时,我们可以通过设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH环境变量来修改动态链接库的搜索路径。其中,export是设置环境变量的命令。通过export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=xxx的命令,我们可以将动态链接库的搜索路径改为xxx。 需要注意的是,export LD_LIBRARY_PATH只会在当前shell中生效。如果我们要让所有用户都能使用新的搜索路径,那么我们可以将export LD_LIBRARY_PATH加入到/etc/profile或/etc/environment中,这样就会在所有用户登录时被执行。 LD_LIBRARY_PATH的使用需要谨慎,因为错误的设置可能会导致系统的异常。特别是在管理多个软件包时,如果不小心将多个软件包中的动态链接库混淆在一起,那么可能会导致系统崩溃或者数据丢失。因此,在设置LD_LIBRARY_PATH时,我们应该仔细考虑并做好备份工作。