火石梁青铜时代早期遗址先民植物资源利用策略 其他题名 Ancient Strategies of Plant Resources Use at the Huoshiliang Site During the Early Bronze Age 学位类型 学士 导师 孟庆泉 ; 董广辉 2021-05-20 学位授予单位 兰州大学 学位授予地点 兰州 学位名称 理学学士 学位专业 地质学 关键词 青铜时代早期 河西走廊中段 火石梁遗址 植物大遗存 碳氮同位素 中文摘要 人类生业模式变化及其影响因素是国际学术界关注的前沿科学问题之一。河西走廊是欧亚大陆东西方文化元素最早碰撞和融合的地区之一,分布着较多新石器-青铜时代的文化遗址,是研究史前农业结构及人地关系的理想区域。因此,本文依托于河西走廊中段火石梁遗址的发掘,完成了遗址发掘时浮选的15738粒炭化植物遗存的鉴定工作,测量了1516粒农作物(粟、黍、小麦)的长、宽和厚,测试了53份农作物的碳氮同位素,测定了2个样品的AMS年代。在以上研究的基础上,结合相关的考古资料,探讨了火石梁遗址先民对主要农作物的利用策略,分析了先民对农作物的选择性培育和管理行为。主要得出了以下几结论: (1)火石梁遗址的年代范围为4000-3600a BP,该遗址鉴定的炭化植物种子共15738粒,包括14750粒炭化农作物和988粒炭化杂草种子。 (2)火石梁遗址出土的农作物和杂草组合反映了黍是当时最重要的农作物,并呈现出以黍为主、粟为辅的农业结构特征,其田间管理比较精细。 (3)在较短的时间跨度内,先民可能有意识地筛选粒径较长、较宽、较厚的农作物进行种植,并且对黍和小麦的选择性培育程度更高。 (4)冷干的气候环境可能导致了农作物的碳氮同位素偏正,增加了先民的生存压力,使得先民改变了对农作物的种植策略和管理策略。 英文摘要 The transition of human subsistence strategy and its influencing factors is a frontier scientific issue concerned by international scholarly circles. As one of the earliest areas of collision and fusion of the Eastern and Western cultural elements in Eurasia, there are a large number of cultural sites of Neolithic and Bronze age in the Hexi Corridor, which is an ideal area for studying the agriculture development and the relationship between the human and environment during prehistoric period. Therefore, based on the archaeological investigation of Huoshiliang site located at the central part of the Hexi Corridor. 15,738 charred seeds were identified from the Huoshiliang site and 1,516 charred crop seeds were selected for morphological measurements of length, width and thickness. In addition, 51 stable carbon and nitrogen isotope samples of charred crop seeds were analyzed along with 2 direct dating samples of crop seeds. From above study and combined with archaeological materials, we explore the utilization strategy of crops of ancient human during the early Bronze Age, discuss the crop management behavior and its influence. The main conclusions of this work are listed below: (1)The age range of Huoshiliang site is 4000-3600a BP and the analysis of samples yield a total of 15,738 charred plant seeds which were classified into two primary groups: 14,750 crops and 1,361 weeds. (2)The combination of crops and weeds founded in this site reflect that broomcorn millet is major crops in this area and the agriculture at that time is typical dry agriculture dominated by foxtail millet and broomcorn millet. In addition, the field management was meticulous. (3)The length, width and thickness of foxtail millet, broomcorn millet and wheat were selected planted by human in a short time span. In addition, human had a relatively high degree of selective evolution for the plump broomcorn millet and wheat. (4)The cold and dry climate environment may lead to the deviation of carbon and nitrogen isotopes in crops from the Huoshiliang site and increase the living pressure of the ancestors, which led to the change of the planting and management strategies of crop. 页数 51 URL 查看原文 语种 中文 文献类型 学位论文 条目标识符 https://ir.lzu.edu.cn/handle/262010/462878 Collection 地质科学与矿产资源学院
Recommended Citation:
GB/T 7714 芦永秀. 火石梁青铜时代早期遗址先民植物资源利用策略[D]. 兰州. 兰州大学,2021.
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