1. 欧盟经济政策框架 - 内部视角(经济学讲座 11 ,课号: ECON830062

Georg M. BUSCH, Lecturer, University of Economics and Business, Vienna

Course title: The EU Economic Policy Framework – An Insider's View

Syllabus 3 new Georg Busch.docx

Classroom: H6401


18:30-21:05 Oct. 10 Thursday

13:30-16:10 Oct. 11 Friday

13:30-16:10 Oct. 15 Tuesday

18:30-21:05 Oct. 16 Wednesday

18:30-21:05 Oct. 17 Thursday

13:30-16:10 Oct. 18 Friday

Georg M.BUSCH,现为维也纳经济管理大学讲师,曾先后于维也纳大学、国际教育规划学院求学。1973年至1977年间任职经济合作与发展组织(OECD)教育、人力、社会事务局管理人员,负责教育、失业、收入再分配的政策分析。1977年至1997年就职于奥地利经济研究所,研究财政/社会政策问题,经济周期分析与预测,宏观调控与国际经济。1993-94年任OECD经济学部主要管理人员,负责德国/奥地利事宜。1997年至2012年,Georg入职欧盟委员会担任经济顾问,负责财政、欧洲货币联盟预算政策分析,并先后担任D-2(G7经济问题)副负责人和F-1(成员国经济)负责人。2013年至今,Georg进入维亚纳经济管理大学担任讲师。


本课程将展示欧洲经济政策的制度框架,以及在整个欧洲货币联盟中超国家与国家层面的任务协调分配与合作,不同政策工具对共同货币所造成的各种影响,以及欧洲未来将有可能面临的问题与挑战。因Georg M.BUSCH先生曾经就职于欧盟委员会数年,本课程将以“内部人士”的视角来展示。课程将先后展示欧盟形成的历史,欧盟形成之初所面临的经济机遇与挑战,欧元危机,英国退欧,欧盟的预算与税收,欧盟经济政策的制度框架,货币政策与欧洲央行,财政政策与债务危机,经济增长策略等9个主题,同时在每个主题下,课程将分析中国经济政策的制定所能吸取到的教训。

2. 快乐经济学(经济学讲座10 ECON830061 )- CANCELLED

Francis Munier, Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Strasbourg

Course title: Economics of Happiness

Economics of Happiness.docx


13:30-18:00 Nov. 5 Tuesday

17:15-20:50 Nov. 6 Wednesday

17:15-20:50 Nov. 7 Thursday

13:30-18:00 Nov. 8 Friday

Classroom: H6401


Francis Munier是法国斯特拉斯堡大学经济学院副教授、法国国家科学研究中心BETA (Bureau d’Economie Théorique et Appliquée)研究员。他的研究领域为幸福经济学、贸易与幸福、知识经济、产业经济学。他于1999年获得法国路易巴斯德大学经济学博士学位。



本课程将以Easterlin Paradox为开端,讲述人类快速的经济发展和与这种发展不相匹配的幸福水平这一悖论。同时,教授也将从心理学的角度分析形成幸福的机制,认为影响幸福的四种过程分别是Adaption, Aspiration, Social Comparison以及Coping。随后,Munier教授将从经济政策的角度进行对幸福的分析,主要关注失业与通胀两个方面。最后,本课程将对幸福进行国际间的比较,这个比较涉及宗派、制度变迁、民主进程、现代化以及文化的转型。

3. 经济增长与发展 ( 经济学讲座 9 ECON830060)

Michael Graff, Professor and Head of Division Macroeconomic Forecasting, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich


Course title: Economic Growth and Development


Classroom: H6401


13:30-16:10 December 10 Tuesday

18:30-21:05 December 11 Wednesday

18:30-21:05 December 12 Thursday

13:30-16:10 December 17 Tuesday

18:30-21:05 December 18 Wednesday

18:30-21:05 December 19 Thursday


Michael Graff教授于1994年、2000年分别获得德国汉堡大学、德国德累斯顿工业大学经济学博士学位,现为瑞士苏黎世联邦高等工学院KOF瑞士经济研究所教授、经济预测部研究主管,他的研究针对社会科学的多个领域,重点是国际视角下与经济体和社会表现相关的、含政策内容的应用性研究。尤其值得一提的是,他从事金融、政治和社会经济子系统功能的比较分析。此外, 他的研究领域还包括资本主义、劳动力市场、教育、技术历史、货币政策、贸易政策、国际商业周期和经济预测变量。近年论文发表于 International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies Journal of Trade and Global Markets Global Economy Journal CESifo Economic Studies International Review of Applied Economics Applied Economics




2. Historical, Global, and Environmental Perspectives on Chinese Economic Development (经济学讲座13, ECON830070)

R. Bin Wong (王国斌), Distinguished Professor of History, UCLA



18:30-21:00 March 21 Thursday H6505

18:30-21:00 March 25 Monday H6505

王国斌(R.Bin Wong),现为洛杉矶加州大学(UCLA)历史学杰出教授,曾任UCLA亚洲研究所所长。本科毕业于密歇根大学经济学系,后进入哈佛大学,师从著名历史学家费正清先生和孔飞力先生,在中国史与欧洲史均极有建树。2004年进入UCLA之前,王教授任加州大学欧文分校亚洲研究中心主任、历史与经济学讲座教授。王教授研究中国的政治、经济和社会变革模式,尤其自18世纪以来的情况。王教授的研究既着眼于亚洲地区环境,也注重与欧洲模式的比较。王国斌教授辗转于经济学和历史学之间,用历史学解读经济学,用欧洲史解读中国史,是崛起的“加州学派”之中坚。著有《转变中国:历史变化和欧洲经验之局限》等。他的著作中以《转变的中国:历史变迁及欧洲经验的局限》为最著名,该书译成几国语言出版。

R. Bin Wong is Distinguished Professor of History and was Director of the Asia Institute at UCLA from 2004 through 2016. His research has examined Chinese patterns of political, economic and social change both within Asian regional contexts and compared with more familiar European patterns, as part of the larger scholarly efforts underway to make world history speak to contemporary conditions of globalization.

He is author or editor of several books, including China Transformed: Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience (1997) and Before and Beyond Divergence: The Politics of Economic Change in China and Europe (2011), along with more than ninety articles published in North America, East Asia and Europe. Since 2009 he has been a Distinguished Guest Professor at the Fudan University Institute for Advanced Study in Social Sciences. He also serves on the International Advisory Board of the Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes and on the Berggruen Institute on Philosophy and Culture Academic Board.

3. Why Did Industrial Revolution Not Happen in China First? (经济学讲座14, ECON830071)

Debin Ma, Economic History Department, London School of Economics

Debin Ma is Associate Professor of the Department of Economic History at London School of Economics, with research affiliation to Australian National University, the University of Warwick. He is also Secretary General of International Economic History Association. He obtained his PhD in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and had taught in the United States, Japan and China. His research interest includes (1) long-term economic growth in East Asia; (2) international comparison of living standards, human capital and productivity; (3) institutions, legal traditions, long-run growth and global history; and (4) economics of the silk sector. He recently worked with Loren Brandt and Thomas G. Rawski and published a journal paper ‘From Divergence to Convergence: Re-evaluating the History behind China’s Economic Boom’ on the Journal of Economic Literature.

4. Audit Overview (经济学讲座15, ECON830072)

Dr. Piotr Staszkiewicz





13:30-16:00 April 19 Friday

9:55-12:30 April 22 Monday

18:30-21:00 April 23 Tuesday

8:55-11:35 April 24 Wednesday (additional session) (Classroom: 510 of SOE)

18:30-21:00 April 25 Thursday

9:55-12:30 April 29 Monday

18:30-21:00 May 2 Thursday (cancelled)

Classroom: H5405

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