I am currently facing an error especially when I run my flask .. The erro description is "AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'values'"
The error points at line 11, and 331 which is defined in the function def course_options.
The error is found on this definition"options = [ tuple(course.values()) for course in courses]"
What I have tried:
1 from flask import render_template, url_for, flash, redirect, request 2 from . import student_bp 3 from app.student.forms import StudentForm, CollegeForm, CoursesForm, SearchStudentForm, SearchCourseForm, SearchCollegeForm 4 from app import student, mysql 6 @student_bp .route( ' /' ) 7 @student_bp .route( ' /view_students' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 8 def view_students(): 9 form = StudentForm() 10 search_form = SearchStudentForm() 11 form.course_code.choices = course_options() 12 cur = mysql.connection.cursor() 13 cur.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM student ' ' ' ) 14 students_data = cur.fetchall() 15 return render_template( ' student/view_students.html' , 16 students_data=students_data, 17 search_form=search_form, 18 form=form) 20 @student_bp .route( ' /view_courses' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 21 def view_courses(): 22 form = CoursesForm() 23 search_form = SearchCourseForm() 24 cur = mysql.connection.cursor() 25 cur.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM course ' ' ' ) 26 courses_data = cur.fetchall() 27 form.college.choices = college_options() 28 return render_template( ' course/view_courses.html' , 29 courses_data=courses_data, 30 form=form, 31 search_form=search_form) 33 @student_bp .route( ' /view_colleges' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 34 def view_colleges(): 35 form = CollegeForm() 36 search_form = SearchCollegeForm() 37 cur = mysql.connection.cursor() 38 cur.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM college ' ' ' ) 39 colleges_data = cur.fetchall() 40 return render_template( ' college/view_colleges.html' , 41 colleges_data=colleges_data, 42 form=form, 43 search_form=search_form) 46 @student_bp .route( ' /add_student' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 48 def add_student(): 49 form = StudentForm() 52 form.course.choices = course_options() 53 if form.validate_on_submit(): 54 id_number = form.id_number.data 55 first_name = form.first_name.data 56 last_name = form.last_name.data 57 course_code = form.course_code.data 58 yr_level = form.year_level.data 59 gender = form.gender.data 60 cur = mysql.connection.cursor() 61 cur.execute( ' ' ' INSERT INTO student VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ' ' ' ,(id_number,first_name, last_name, course_code, yr_level, gender)) 62 mysql.connection.commit() 63 flash( " Student {} has been added, successfully!" . format (id_number), " success" ) 64 return redirect(url_for( ' view_students' )) 65 cur.close() 66 return render_template( ' student/view_students.html' , title= ' Add Student' , form=form) 68 @student_bp .route( ' /add_course' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 69 def add_course(): 70 form = CoursesForm() 71 form.college.choices = college_options() 72 if form.validate_on_submit(): 73 course_code = form.course_code.data 74 course_name = form.course_name.data 75 college_code = form.college_code.data 76 cur = mysql.connection.cursor() 77 cur.execute( ' ' ' INSERT INTO course VALUES(%s,%s,%s) ' ' ' ,(course_code,course_name, college_code)) 78 mysql.connection.commit() 79 flash( " Course has been added, successfully!" , " success" ) 80 return redirect(url_for( ' view_courses' )) 81 cur.close() 82 return render_template( ' course/view_courses.html' , title = ' Add Course' , form = form) 84 @student_bp .route( ' /add_college' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 85 def add_college(): 86 form = CollegeForm() 87 cur = mysql.connection.cursor() 88 if form.validate_on_submit(): 89 college_code = form.college_code.data 90 college_name = form.college_name.data 91 cur = mysql.connection.cursor() 92 cur.execute( ' ' ' INSERT INTO college VALUES(%s,%s) ' ' ' ,(college_code,college_name)) 93 mysql.connection.commit() 94 flash( " College has been added, successfully!" , " success" ) 95 return redirect(url_for( ' view_colleges' )) 96 cur.close() 97 return render_template( ' course/view_colleges.html' , title = ' Add Course' , form = form) 100 @student_bp .route( ' /edit_student/<id_number>' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 101 def edit_student(id_number): 102 cursor = mysql.connection.cursor() 103 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM student WHERE school_id = %s ' ' ' , (id_number,)) 104 existing_data = cursor.fetchall() 105 data = [ tuple (data.values()) for data in existing_data] 106 form = StudentForm() 107 form.course_code.choices = course_options() 108 if form.validate_on_submit(): 109 first_name = form.first_name.data 110 last_name = form.last_name.data 111 id_ = form.id_number.data 112 course_code = form.course_code.data 113 yr_level = form.year_level.data 114 gender = form.gender.data 115 cur = mysql.connection.cursor() 116 cur.execute( ' ' ' UPDATE students SET school_id = %s, 117 first_name = %s, 118 last_name = %s, 119 course_code = %s, 120 year = %s, 121 gender = %s 122 WHERE id_number = %s ' ' ' ,(id_, first_name, last_name, course_code, yr_level, gender, id_number)) 123 mysql.connection.commit() 124 flash( " Student has been updated, successfully!" , " success" ) 125 return redirect(url_for( ' view_students' )) 126 cur.close() 128 elif request.method == " GET" : 129 form.id_number.data = data[ 0 ][ 0 ] 130 form.first_name.data = data[ 0 ][ 1 ] 131 form.last_name.data = data[ 0 ][ 2 ] 132 form.course_code.data = data[ 0 ][ 3 ] 133 form.year_level.data = data[ 0 ][ 4 ] 134 form.gender.data = data[ 0 ][ 5 ] 135 form.submit.label.text = " Update" 136 return render_template( ' student/edit_student.html' , 137 title = ' Update Student' , 138 id_number=id_number, 139 form=form) 141 @student_bp .route( ' /edit_course/<course_code>' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 142 def edit_course(course_code): 143 cursor = mysql.connection.cursor() 144 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM course WHERE course_code = %s ' ' ' , (course_code,)) 145 existing_data = cursor.fetchall() 146 data = [ tuple (data.values()) for data in existing_data] 147 form = CoursesForm() 148 form.college_code.choices = college_options() 149 if form.validate_on_submit(): 150 course_code1=form.course_code.data 151 course_name = form.course_name.data 152 college_code = form.college_code.data 153 cur = mysql.connection.cursor() 154 cur.execute( ' ' ' UPDATE course SET name = %s, 155 college_code = %s 156 WHERE course_code = %s ' ' ' ,( course_name, college_code, course_code1,)) 157 mysql.connection.commit() 158 flash( " Course has been updated, successfully!" , " success" ) 159 return redirect(url_for( ' view_courses' )) 160 cur.close() 162 elif request.method == " GET" : 163 form.course_code.data = data[ 0 ][ 0 ] 164 form.course_name.data = data[ 0 ][ 1 ] 165 form.college_code.data = data[ 0 ][ 2 ] 166 form.submit.label.text = " Update" 167 return render_template( ' course/edit_courses.html' , 168 title = ' Update Student' , 169 form = form) 171 @student_bp .route( ' /edit_college/<college_code>' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 172 def edit_college(college_code): 173 cursor = mysql.connection.cursor() 174 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM college WHERE college_code = %s ' ' ' , (college_code,)) 175 existing_data = cursor.fetchall() 176 data = [ tuple (data.values()) for data in existing_data] 177 form = CollegeForm() 178 if form.validate_on_submit(): 179 college_code1=form.college_code.data 180 college_name = form.college_name.data 181 cur = mysql.connection.cursor() 182 cur.execute( ' ' ' UPDATE college SET name = %s 183 WHERE college_code = %s ' ' ' ,( college_name, college_code1,)) 184 mysql.connection.commit() 185 flash( " College has been updated, successfully!" , " success" ) 186 return redirect(url_for( ' view_colleges' )) 187 cur.close() 189 elif request.method == " GET" : 190 form.college_code.data = data[ 0 ][ 0 ] 191 form.college_name.data = data[ 0 ][ 1 ] 192 form.submit.label.text = " Update" 193 return render_template( ' college/edit_college.html' , 194 title = ' Update College' , 195 form = form) 198 @student_bp .route( ' /del_student/<id_number>' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 199 def del_student(id_number): 200 form = StudentForm() 201 cursor = mysql.connection.cursor() 202 cursor.execute( " DELETE FROM student WHERE school_id = %s" , (id_number,)) 203 cursor.close() 204 mysql.connection.commit() 205 flash( " {}'s record has been deleted, successfully!" . format (id_number), 206 " danger" ) 207 return redirect((url_for( " view_students" ))) 209 @student_bp .route( ' /del_course/<course_code>' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 210 def del_course(course_code): 211 cursor = mysql.connection.cursor() 212 cursor.execute( " DELETE FROM course WHERE course_code = %s" , (course_code,)) 213 cursor.close() 214 mysql.connection.commit() 215 flash( " {} course has been deleted, successfully!" . format (course_code), 216 " danger" ) 217 return redirect((url_for( " view_courses" ))) 219 @student_bp .route( ' /del_college/<college_code>' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 220 def del_college(college_code): 221 cursor = mysql.connection.cursor() 222 cursor.execute( " DELETE FROM college WHERE college_code = %s" , (college_code,)) 223 cursor.close() 224 mysql.connection.commit() 225 flash( " College has been deleted, successfully!" , 226 " danger" ) 227 return redirect((url_for( " view_colleges" ))) 230 @student_bp .route( ' /student_search' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 231 def student_search(): 232 search_form = SearchStudentForm() 233 form = StudentForm() 234 field = search_form.search_field.data 235 searchby = search_form.search_by.data 236 cursor = mysql.connection.cursor() 237 if (searchby == ' all' ): 238 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM student WHERE school_id REGEXP %s or 239 first_name REGEXP %s or 240 last_name REGEXP %s or 241 course_code REGEXP %s or 242 year REGEXP %s or 243 gender REGEXP %s ' ' ' , ([field], [field], [field], [field], [field], [field])) 244 students_data = cursor.fetchall() 245 if (searchby == ' school_id' ): 246 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM students WHERE school_id REGEXP %s ' ' ' , [field]) 247 students_data = cursor.fetchall() 248 if (searchby == ' first_name' ): 249 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM students WHERE first_name REGEXP %s ' ' ' , [field]) 250 students_data = cursor.fetchall() 251 if (searchby == ' last_name' ): 252 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM students WHERE last_name REGEXP %s ' ' ' , [field]) 253 students_data = cursor.fetchall() 254 if (searchby == ' course' ): 255 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM students WHERE course REGEXP %s ' ' ' , [field]) 256 students_data = cursor.fetchall() 257 if (searchby == ' year' ): 258 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM students WHERE year REGEXP %s ' ' ' , [field]) 259 students_data = cursor.fetchall() 260 if (searchby == ' gender' ): 261 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM students WHERE gender REGEXP %s ' ' ' , [field]) 262 students_data = cursor.fetchall() 263 flash( " Search results for \" {} \"" . format (field), 264 " success" ) 265 return render_template( ' student/view_students.html' , 266 students_data=students_data, 267 search_form=search_form, 268 form=form, 269 title= ' Search Results' ) 271 @student_bp .route( ' /course_search' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 272 def course_search(): 273 search_form = SearchCourseForm() 274 form = CoursesForm() 275 field = search_form.search_field.data 276 searchby = search_form.search_by.data 277 cursor = mysql.connection.cursor() 278 if (searchby == ' all' ): 279 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM course WHERE course_code REGEXP %s or 280 name REGEXP %s or 281 college_code REGEXP %s ' ' ' , ([field], [field], [field])) 282 courses_data = cursor.fetchall() 283 if (searchby == ' course_code' ): 284 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM course WHERE course_code REGEXP %s ' ' ' , [field]) 285 courses_data = cursor.fetchall() 286 if (searchby == ' name' ): 287 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM course WHERE name REGEXP %s ' ' ' , [field]) 288 courses_data = cursor.fetchall() 289 if (searchby == ' college_code' ): 290 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM course WHERE college_code REGEXP %s ' ' ' , [field]) 291 courses_data = cursor.fetchall() 292 flash( " Search results for \" {} \"" . format (field), 293 " success" ) 294 return render_template( ' course/view_courses.html' , 295 courses_data=courses_data, 296 search_form=search_form, 297 form=form, 298 title= ' Search Results' ) 300 @student_bp .route( ' /college_search' , methods=[ " POST" , " GET" ]) 301 def college_search(): 302 search_form = SearchCollegeForm() 303 form = CollegeForm() 304 field = search_form.search_field.data 305 searchby = search_form.search_by.data 306 cursor = mysql.connection.cursor() 307 if (searchby == ' all' ): 308 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM college WHERE college_code REGEXP %s or 309 name REGEXP %s ' ' ' , ([field], [field])) 310 colleges_data = cursor.fetchall() 311 if (searchby == ' college_code' ): 312 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM college WHERE college_code REGEXP %s ' ' ' , [field]) 313 colleges_data = cursor.fetchall() 314 if (searchby == ' name' ): 315 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT * FROM college WHERE name REGEXP %s ' ' ' , [field]) 316 colleges_data = cursor.fetchall() 317 flash( " Search results for \" {} \"" . format (field), 318 " success" ) 319 return render_template( ' college/view_colleges.html' , 320 colleges_data=colleges_data, 321 search_form=search_form, 322 form=form, 323 title= ' Search Results' ) 326 def course_options(): 327 cursor = mysql.connection.cursor() 328 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT course_code, name, college_code FROM course ' ' ' ) 329 courses = cursor.fetchall() 331 options = [ tuple (course.values()) for course in courses] 334 return options 336 def college_options(): 337 cursor = mysql.connection.cursor() 338 cursor.execute( ' ' ' SELECT college_code, name FROM college ' ' ' ) 339 colleges = cursor.fetchall() 340 options = [ tuple (college.values()) for college in colleges] 342 return options
@student_bp.route('/college_search', methods=["POST", "GET"])
def college_search():
search_form = SearchCollegeForm()
form = CollegeForm()
field = search_form.search_field.data
searchby = search_form.search_by.data
cursor = mysql.connection.cursor()
if(searchby == 'all'):
cursor.execute(''' SELECT * FROM college WHERE college_code REGEXP %s or
name REGEXP %s ''', ([field], [field]))
colleges_data = cursor.fetchall()
if(searchby == 'college_code'):
cursor.execute(''' SELECT * FROM college WHERE college_code REGEXP %s ''', [field])
colleges_data = cursor.fetchall()
if(searchby == 'name'):
cursor.execute(''' SELECT * FROM college WHERE name REGEXP %s ''', [field])
colleges_data = cursor.fetchall()
flash("Search results for \" {} \"".format(field),
return render_template('college/view_colleges.html',
title='Search Results')

def course_options():
cursor = mysql.connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(''' SELECT course_code, name, college_code FROM course ''')
courses = cursor.fetchall()

options = [ tuple(course.values()) for course in courses]

return options

def college_options():
cursor = mysql.connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(''' SELECT college_code, name FROM college ''')
colleges = cursor.fetchall()
options = [tuple(college.values()) for college in colleges]

return options
def course_options():
cursor = mysql.connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(''' SELECT course_code, name, college_code FROM course ''')
courses = cursor.fetchall()

options = [ tuple(course.values()) for course in courses]

return options

def college_options():
cursor = mysql.connection.cursor()
cursor.execute(''' SELECT college_code, name FROM college ''')
colleges = cursor.fetchall()
options = [tuple(college.values()) for college in colleges]

return options
Not sure of your data structure, nor on how you plan to use 'options'.

Tuple doesn't have value attribute.

// If you want to use list form of returned tuple list
data = cursor.fetchall()
data = list(data)

// Based on index
// If result is ((123,), (234,), (345,)):
row = [item[0] for item in cursor.fetchall()]
//[123, 234, 345]
329 courses = cursor.fetchall() 331 options = [ tuple (course.values()) for course in courses]
The fetchall method returns an array of rows, and each row is a tuple of the columns read from the database. So the expression course.values() on line 331, is trying to call the values method of a tuple object named course . And as can be seen in Built-in Types — Python 3.11.0 documentation [ ^ ], there is no such method.
But since course is already a tuple you can just write:
options = [ course for course in courses]
or even:
options = cursor.fetchall()
And that will give a list of tuple s, which may, or may not, be what you want.
  • Read the question carefully.
  • Understand that English isn't everyone's first language so be lenient of bad spelling and grammar.
  • If a question is poorly phrased then either ask for clarification, ignore it, or edit the question and fix the problem. Insults are not welcome.
  • Don't tell someone to read the manual. Chances are they have and don't get it. Provide an answer or move on to the next question. Let's work to help developers, not make them feel stupid.