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(1) 档案关系在北大、非在职的博士研究生(不包括港澳台学生、外国留学生)
(2) 所学专业属以下学科领域:
(3) 如被录取,派出前应完成博士生综合考试和选题报告
(4) 毕业时间应晚于2009年7月
(5) 符合哈佛燕京学社博士生奖学金项目的其他规定

(1) 填写完整的 《哈佛燕京学社博士奖学金项目申请表》
(2) 申请表中所要求的三封推荐信
(3) 申请表中所要求的一份研究计划
(4) 托福成绩单(若无,请提供有效英文水平证明)


Visiting Fellows Program
This program provides advanced Ph.D. candidates (advanced graduate students and junior faculty members) in your institution an opportunity to do dissertation research at Harvard University for three semesters, with access to Harvard University libraries and facilities. Fellows are provided with living expenses while at the Institute. There is no age limit for this program. All applicants and university/academy administrators will be notified of selection results in mid-December.  In our selection process, preference is given to advanced graduate students and junior faculty members working in East Asian Studies.  The selection criteria include academic training, quality and originality of the research proposal, depth of subject knowledge and feasibility of conducting the research at Harvard University.  The deadline for the receipt of application is June 15, 2008.  An official TOEFL score is required for this program. The TOEFL score must be submitted to the Institute by September 1, 2008.

Selection Process for the Program
Due to the number of applicants and competitive nature of the programs, we have decided to change our selection process this year.  The new selection process is as follows:
•Pre-screening: Harvard faculty in the humanities and social sciences will screen all the applications.  As a result, about 50% of the nominated candidates will be selected for an interview conducted by an Institute interview panel during the fall of this year.
We will no longer be able to offer interviews to all applicants.
•Candidates who are to be interviewed will be asked to come to a central location in each region to meet a three-member interview panel consisting of one Harvard senior faculty member and two Harvard-Yenching Alumni. The interview will last approximately 30 minutes and will be conducted in English. The three-member panel and the use of central locations are a second change from our past practice.
•Final result: our selection committee will review the applications and meet to select successful candidates in early December.
Scholarship applications sent directly to the Institute without official approval by your home institution will not be considered.

Coverage of the scholarships:
Round trip airfare from a selected fellow’s home institution to Boston;
Payment of the Harvard University Visiting Fellows fee;
A stipend adequate for a single scholar (for 2008-09, the monthly stipend is
$2,100) for three semesters,
Funding for one time participation in an academic conference within the USA.

更多信息,请访问以下网站: http://www.harvard-yenching.org/
有关问题,请咨询 lujiao2009@yahoo.com.cn 。恕不接受来电、来访。