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  • 建立模型构造出一种分割方法,可以将左右两个镜头的待测区域(白色环形内区域)准确地分离出来。
  • 建立模型构造一种检测方法,自动地在待测区域之内将所有缺陷点找出,缺陷点为人眼可识别的白点,最小可为一个像素点。要求给出缺陷点的数学描述,并根据该描述建立检测模型,自动确定每个缺陷点的位置和像素大小。给出右侧镜头中按像素大小排序的最大的前五个缺陷点的位置坐标。
  • 由于在实际拍照中镜头可能会在模具中抖动,所以拍摄的图片可能并不是正对镜头的,此为图像的偏心现象。比如图中左侧图像就是正对的情况,右侧就是不正对(偏心)的情况。建立模型构造一种校正方法,校正右侧图像的偏心现象。呈现校正效果,并给出第2问所求五个缺陷点校正后的位置坐标。
  • 这个问题是目标检测,并且需求十分明确:提取出白色圆环中的区域的图像。观察图像可以发现图中白色的部分几乎只有需要检测的白色圆环,其他的白色区域基本上都是不规则图形以及一些噪点。一种比较简单的处理方式是直接选取一个合适的阈值二值化,把除了需要的白色圆环之外的区域全部置位黑色。不过为了鲁棒性我们并没有使用这种简单粗暴的方式。


    预处理结束之后直接使用OpenCV内置的 findContours() 寻找边界,这个函数非常方便的一点是它可以根据轮廓之间的嵌套关系,对各个轮廓构造层次关系,函数原型为:

    cv2.findContours(image, mode, method[, contours[, hierarchy[, offset ]]])


  • image:输入的图像
  • mode:轮廓的检索模式,共有四种取值。
  • cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL:只检索外轮廓。
  • cv2.RETR_LIST:检索轮廓不建立层次关系。
  • cv2.RETR_CCOMP:建立两层的层次关系(即父子关系),父轮廓为外轮廓,子轮廓为相应内孔。若内孔中还有内孔,则下一层的内孔作为另一个父轮廓。
  • cv2.RETR_TREE:对轮廓建立等级树的层次关系。
  • method:轮廓的逼近方法,共有四种取值。
  • cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE:储存所有轮廓点,相邻两个点的横纵坐标之差均不超过1。
  • cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE:压缩水平方向,垂直方向,对角线方向的元素,只保留该方向的终点坐标,例如一个矩形轮廓只需4个点来保存轮廓信息。
  • cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_L1和cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_TC89_KCOS都是使用teh-Chinl chain近似算法。
  • 对于圆环来说直接选取CCOMP模式,图中的所有轮廓中只有圆环的外轮廓有子轮廓,从而找出所有的目标边界。根据此边界创建遮罩,再将遮罩与原图做按位与即可分割出目标图像。最后做出来的结果相当不错。(就不放在这里了,有兴趣的可以自己拿原图跑一下代码)

     1 '''
     2 * detection.py
     3 Runtime environment:
     4     python = 3.7.4
     5     opencv-python =
     6     numpy = 1.17.2
     7 '''
     9 from cv2 import imread, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE, threshold, THRESH_BINARY, THRESH_OTSU,\
    10     getStructuringElement, MORPH_RECT, erode, dilate, GaussianBlur, findContours,\
    11     RETR_CCOMP, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, IMREAD_COLOR, drawContours, bitwise_and,\
    12     imwrite
    13 from numpy import zeros, shape, uint8
    15 def detection():
    16     original = imread('Original.png', IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    17     _, binary = threshold(original, 0, 255, THRESH_BINARY | THRESH_OTSU)
    18     imwrite('problem1_binary.png', binary)
    19     kernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, (20, 20))
    20     eroded = erode(binary, kernel)
    21     dilated = dilate(eroded, kernel)
    22     blur = GaussianBlur(dilated, (5, 5), 0)
    23     imwrite('problem1_preprocess.png', blur)
    24     contours, hierarchies = findContours(blur, RETR_CCOMP, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    25     chromatic = imread('Original.png', IMREAD_COLOR)
    26     drawContours(chromatic, contours, -1, (0, 0, 255), 10)
    27     imwrite('problem1_contours.png', chromatic)
    28     chromatic = imread('Original.png', IMREAD_COLOR)
    29     for hierarchy in hierarchies[0, :]:
    30         if hierarchy[2] != -1:
    31             drawContours(chromatic, contours, hierarchy[2], (255, 0, 255), 15)
    32     imwrite('problem1_target_contours.png', chromatic)
    33     chromatic = imread('Original.png', IMREAD_COLOR)
    34     count = 0
    35     for hierarchy in hierarchies[0, :]:
    36         if hierarchy[2] != -1:
    37             mask = zeros(shape(chromatic), dtype = uint8)
    38             drawContours(mask, contours, hierarchy[2], (255, 255, 255), -1)
    39             imwrite('mask' + str(count) + '.png', mask)
    40             imwrite('detection' + str(count) + '.png', bitwise_and(chromatic, mask))
    41             count += 1
    43 if __name__ == '__main__':
    44     detection()


     1 '''
     2 Runtime environment:
     3     python = 3.7.4
     4     opencv-python =
     5     numpy = 1.17.2
     6 '''
     8 from cv2 import imread, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE, threshold, THRESH_BINARY, THRESH_OTSU,\
     9     imwrite, bitwise_and, IMREAD_COLOR, circle
    10 from numpy import shape, zeros, uint8
    12 def findDefect():
    13     original = imread('Original.png', IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    14     _, binary = threshold(original, 0, 255, THRESH_BINARY | THRESH_OTSU)
    15     mask = imread('mask0.png', IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    16     target = bitwise_and(binary, mask)
    17     imwrite('problem2_target.png', target)
    18     flag = zeros(shape(target), dtype = uint8)
    19     defects = []
    20     for i in range(shape(target)[0]):
    21         for j in range(shape(target)[1]):
    22             if target[i][j] == 255 and flag[i][j] == 0:
    23                 queue = []
    24                 head, tail= 0, 0
    25                 x, y = i, j
    26                 queue.append(None)
    27                 queue[head] = (x, y)
    28                 flag[x][y] = 1
    29                 head += 1
    30                 while head > tail:
    31                     if x > 0 and target[x - 1][y] == 255 and flag[x - 1][y] == 0:
    32                         queue.append(None)
    33                         queue[head] = (x - 1, y)
    34                         flag[x - 1][y] = 1
    35                         head += 1
    36                     if y > 0 and target[x][y - 1] == 255 and flag[x][y - 1] == 0:
    37                         queue.append(None)
    38                         queue[head] = (x, y - 1)
    39                         flag[x][y - 1] = 1
    40                         head += 1
    41                     if x < shape(target)[0] - 1 and target[x + 1][y] == 255 and flag[x + 1][y] == 0:
    42                         queue.append(None)
    43                         queue[head] = (x + 1, y)
    44                         flag[x + 1][y] = 1
    45                         head += 1
    46                     if y < shape(target)[1] - 1 and target[x][y + 1] == 255 and flag[x][y + 1] == 0:
    47                         queue.append(None)
    48                         queue[head] = (x, y + 1)
    49                         flag[x][y + 1] = 1
    50                         head += 1
    51                     (x, y) = queue[tail]
    52                     tail = tail + 1
    53                 size = len(queue)
    54                 xsum, ysum = 0, 0
    55                 for (x, y) in queue:
    56                     xsum += x
    57                     ysum += y
    58                 defects.append((size, xsum // size, ysum // size))
    59     defects.sort()
    60     print(defects[::-1], len(defects))
    61     print(defects[-5:])
    62     return defects[-5:]
    64 def visualize(defects):
    65     original = imread('Original.png', IMREAD_COLOR)
    66     for defect in defects:
    67         circle(original, (defect[2], defect[1]), 10, (0, 0, 255), -1)
    68     imwrite('defects.png', original)
    70 if __name__ == '__main__':
    71     defects = findDefect()
    72     visualize(defects)


    这个问题是对镜头在模具内抖动造成的偏心畸变进行修正,再重新计算缺陷点坐标。修正畸变是本次各个问题中最为棘手的一个部分。查找了一下资料,偏心畸变是由于图像中目标的光轴与摄像机的光轴不重合造成的,这也是偏心畸变在英文中被称为decentering distortion的原因。在本问题中,大概是这样:





     1 '''
     2 * locating.py
     3 Runtime environment:
     4     python = 3.7.4
     5     opencv-python =
     6     numpy = 1.17.2
     7 '''
     9 from cv2 import imread, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE, threshold, THRESH_OTSU, THRESH_BINARY,\
    10     imshow, waitKey, imwrite, THRESH_TRIANGLE, adaptiveThreshold, ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,\
    11     ADAPTIVE_THRESH_GAUSSIAN_C, HoughCircles, HOUGH_GRADIENT, circle,\
    12     getStructuringElement, MORPH_RECT, erode, dilate, medianBlur, GaussianBlur,\
    13     Canny, findContours, RETR_CCOMP, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, drawContours,\
    14     IMREAD_COLOR, RETR_TREE, minEnclosingCircle
    15 from numpy import uint16
    17 if __name__ == '__main__':
    18     original = imread('detection0.png', IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # read original image as grayscale image
    19     kernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, (20, 20))
    20     eroded = erode(original, kernel)
    21     dilated = dilate(eroded, kernel)
    22     dilated = dilate(dilated, kernel)
    23     eroded = erode(dilated, kernel)
    24     blur = GaussianBlur(eroded, (5, 5), 0)
    25     original = blur
    26     binary = adaptiveThreshold(original, 255, ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, THRESH_BINARY, 99, 2)
    27     imwrite('adaptive_mean.png', binary) # save image adaptive mean method(loc.)
    28     origin = imread('adaptive_mean.png', IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    29     kernel = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, (40, 40))
    30     eroded = erode(origin, kernel)
    31     dilated = dilate(eroded, kernel)
    32     blur = GaussianBlur(dilated, (5, 5), 0)
    33     origin = blur
    34     contours, hierarchies = findContours(origin, RETR_TREE, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    35     print(hierarchies)
    36     chromatic = imread('Original.png', IMREAD_COLOR)
    37     for i in range(len(hierarchies[0])):
    38         if hierarchies[0][i][2] == -1:
    39             break
    40     length = len(contours[i])
    41     (x0, y0), r = minEnclosingCircle(contours[i])
    42     sum = [0, 0]
    43     for k in contours[i]:
    44         sum = sum + k
    45     print(sum // length)
    46     x, y = tuple(sum[0] // length)
    47     circle(chromatic, (int(x0), int(y0)), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1)
    48     circle(chromatic, (int(x0), int(y0)), int(r), (0, 255, 0), 10)
    49     X, Y, R = (2585, 1270, 433)
    50     circle(chromatic, (X, Y), 5, (0, 0, 255), -1)
    51     circle(chromatic, (X, Y), R, (0, 0, 255), 10)
    52     print(int(x0), int(y0), int(r))
    53     print(X, Y, R)
    54     imwrite('contours.png', chromatic)
     1 """
     2 * calibrate.py
     3 Runtime environment:
     4     python = 3.7.4
     5     opencv-python =
     6     numpy = 1.17.2
     7 """
     9 from math import sqrt
    10 from cv2 import imread, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE, imwrite, medianBlur
    11 from numpy import shape
    14 def dist(p1, p2):
    15     r = (float(p1[0] - p2[0]) ** 2 + float(p1[1] - p2[1]) ** 2) ** 0.5
    16     return r
    19 def calibrate():
    20     x, y, r = 2567.0, 1289.0, 63.0
    21     x0, y0, r0 = 2585.0, 1270.0, 433.0
    22     dist0 = dist((x, y), (x0, y0))
    23     input_img = imread('Original.png', IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    24     output = imread('Original.png', IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
    25     tan_theta = float(y - y0) / float(x0 - x)
    26     sin_theta = tan_theta / sqrt(1 + tan_theta * tan_theta)
    27     cos_theta = 1 / sqrt(1 + tan_theta * tan_theta)
    28     sin_theta, cos_theta = sin_theta.real, cos_theta.real
    29     for i in range(shape(input_img)[1]):
    30         for j in range(shape(input_img)[0]):
    31             original = (i, j)
    32             if dist(original, (x0, y0)) < r0:
    33                 neo = (cos_theta * float(i - x0) - sin_theta * float(j - y0),
    34                        -sin_theta * float(i - x0) - cos_theta * float(j - y0))
    35                 a = float(neo[1]) ** 2 + (float(neo[0]) + dist0) ** 2
    36                 b = -2.0 * float(neo[1]) * dist0 * (float(neo[0]) + dist0)
    37                 c = float(neo[1]) ** 2 * (dist0 ** 2 - r0 ** 2)
    38                 delta = b ** 2 - 4 * a * c
    39                 if delta < 0 or a == 0 or float(neo[1]) == 0:
    40                     continue
    41                 yr = (sqrt(delta) - b) / (2 * a)
    42                 if (yr * float(neo[1])) < 0:
    43                     yr = (0 - b - sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a)
    44                 xr = ((float(neo[0]) + dist0) * yr / float(neo[1])) - dist0
    45                 x2, y2 = xr / yr * float(neo[1]), float(neo[1])
    46                 real = (cos_theta * x2 - sin_theta * y2 + x0, -sin_theta * x2 - cos_theta * y2 + y0)
    47                 output[int(real[1])][int(real[0])] = input_img[int(original[1])][int(original[0])]
    48     imwrite('problem3_after_mapping.png', output)
    49     medianed = medianBlur(output, 3)
    50     imwrite('Result3.png', medianed)
    53 if __name__ == '__main__':
    54     calibrate()
