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I have a form whereby i need to do select multiple employees on a HtmlDropDownFor. I have used an SelectListItem and in my controller i am getting an exception 'Cannot implicitly convert type 'string' to string[] ' on the property pertaining to the employee i.e on line
request.EmployeeNumber = Convert.ToString(formcollection[ " EmployeeNumber" ]); I also have a related exception 'Cannot implicitly convert type 'string[]' to 'string'' on the function that loads an individual employee in the model i.e
This is how im getting the employees :
private static IEnumerable<SelectListItem> GetEmployees() string department = string .Empty; department = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[ " Department" ].ToString(); string number = string .Empty; number = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[ " UserId" ].ToString(); List<SelectListItem> employees = new List<SelectListItem>(); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Helpers.DatabaseConnect)) SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( " SELECT DisplayName,EmployeeNumber FROM Users WHERE Active=" + Convert.ToInt32(Helpers.parameters.active) + " AND Department=" + Convert.ToInt32(department) + " " , conn); conn.Open(); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) employees.Add( new SelectListItem Text = dr[ " DisplayName" ].ToString(), Value = dr[ " EmployeeNumber" ].ToString() conn.Close(); return employees; In model OverTimeRequest.cs i have :
[ Required ] [Display(Name = " Employee " )] public string[] EmployeeNumber { get ; set ; } public Employee Employee { get ; set ; } public String DisplayName { get ; set ; } public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> employees { get ; set ; }
Controller :
[ HttpPost ] public ActionResult NewOverTimeRequest(FormCollection formcollection) Models.Employee.OverTimeRequest request = new Models.Employee.OverTimeRequest(); var batch = new OvertimeBatch(); batch.AppliedBy = Convert.ToString(Session[ " UserId" ]); batch.Justification = Convert.ToString(formcollection[ " Justification" ]); batch.rate = Convert.ToInt32(formcollection[ " RateId" ]); batch.NumberOfHour = Convert.ToInt32(formcollection[ " Hours" ]); batch.Month = Convert.ToDateTime(formcollection[ " PayMonth" ]); batch.AppliedOn = DateTime.Now; batch.id = batch.save(); request.employees = GetEmployees(); request.Rates = PopulateOverTimeRates(); request.EmployeeNumber = Convert.ToString(formcollection[ " EmployeeNumber" ]); request.RateId = Convert.ToInt32(formcollection[ " RateId" ]); request.Justification = Convert.ToString(formcollection[ " Justification" ]); request.Hours = Convert.ToInt32(formcollection[ " Hours" ]); request.PayMonth = Convert.ToDateTime(formcollection[ " PayMonth" ]); request.AppliedBy = Convert.ToString(Session[ " UserId" ]); request.AppliedOn = DateTime.Now; DateTime Today = request.PayMonth; var startdate = new DateTime(Today.Year, Today.Month, 1 ); request.PayMonth = startdate.AddMonths( 1 ).AddDays(-1); PayRunController payrun = new PayRunController(); var employees = request.EmployeeNumber.Split( ' ,' ); request.OverTimeAmount = 0 . 00 ; double total = 0 . 0 ; if (ModelState.IsValid) foreach ( var employee in employees) // request.OverTimeAmount = payrun.CalculateOverTimeAmount(employee, request.RateId); total += request.OverTimeAmount; using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Helpers.DatabaseConnect)) SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( " SubmitOverTimeRequest" , conn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @EmployeeNumber" , employee); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @OverTimeRate" , request.RateId); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @Justification" , request.Justification); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @NumberOfHours" , request.Hours); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @PayMonth" , request.PayMonth); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @Amount" , request.OverTimeAmount); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @AppliedBy" , request.AppliedBy); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @AppliedOn" , request.AppliedOn); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( " @OverTimeBatch" , batch.id); conn.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); batch.TotalAmount = total; batch.updateTotalAmount(); return RedirectToAction( " OverTime" ); catch (Exception ex) ViewBag.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; return View(request); return RedirectToAction( " OverTime" ); This is how im getting the data in the view NewOverTimeRequest.cshtml :
@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.EmployeeNumber, Model.employees, "Please Select", htmlAttributes: new { @class = "form-control" }) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.EmployeeName, "", new { @class = "text-danger" }) Anyone with ideas on how i can properly implement the functionality.
What I have tried:
I have searched sources and suggestions point to that i should use a range in GetEmployees function. Also i have tried using a forech in the view as below but its not working since the example im using does not use a select element, but rather HtmlDropDownFor/Html.ListBoxFor
m.EmployeeNumber, Model.employees, " Please Select" , htmlAttributes: new { @class = " form-control" }) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.EmployeeName, " " , new { @class = " text-danger" })> I am following the answer from this thread asp.net mvc 3 - How do you properly create a MultiSelect <select> using the DropdownList helper? - Stack Overflow [ ^ ] The reason that you are getting this error is that EmployeeNumber is declared as an array of strings ( string[] ) and you are attempting to populate it from a single string directly.
I believe that you want this just to be a string, and not an array of them. OverTimeRequest.cs
[ Required ] [Display(Name = " Employee " )] public string[] EmployeeNumber { get ; set ; } // ^^ you probably want a string, not a string[] which would be an array public Employee Employee { get ; set ; } public String DisplayName { get ; set ; } public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> employees { get ; set ; }
If you should actually want this to be an array, then you would populate it like this
EmployeeNumber = new string[] { Convert.ToString(formcollection[ " EmployeeNumber" ]) };
@MadMyche. I want EmployeeNumber to be an array , its an overtime requisition for multiple employees hence I have used ListBoxFor. in the controller i have var employees = request.EmployeeNumber.Split(','); which then extracts the selected employees.

I have amended the code to have :
request.EmployeeNumber = new string[] { Convert.ToString(formcollection["EmployeeNumber"]) };

but im getting an exception Argument 1: Cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> to string for the employee object on the line
foreach (var employee in employees)
request.OverTimeAmount = payrun.CalculateOverTimeAmount(employee, request.RateId); //employee

What am i doing wrong.
EmployeeNumber = new string[] { Convert.ToString(formcollection["EmployeeNumber"]) };
this solution only work in single index ,
can you please tell this statment with loop
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