sparkConf.set("spark.driver.maxResultSize", "4g")


Limit of total size of serialized results of all partitions for each Spark action (e.g. collect). Should be at least 1M, or 0 for unlimited. Jobs will be aborted if the total size is above this limit. Having a high limit may cause out-of-memory errors in driver (depends on spark.driver.memory and memory overhead of objects in JVM). Setting a proper limit can protect the driver from out-of-memory errors.

每个Spark action的所有分区的序列化结果的总大小限制(例如,collect行动算子)。 应该至少为1M,或者为无限制。 如果超过1g,job将被中止。 如果driver.maxResultSize设置过大可能会超出内存(取决于spark.driver.memory和JVM中对象的内存开销)。 设置适当的参数限制可以防止内存不足。




本地local模式运行报spark.driver.maxResultSize超出1024M,接下来分解决方法、参数含义及默认值等维度说明。一、解决方法:增大spark.driver.maxResultSize,设置方式是sparkConf.set("spark.driver.maxResultSize", "4g")二、参数含义及默认值:Limit of total size of seriali...
今天遇到了 spark . driver . max Result Size 的异常,通过增大该值解决了,但是其运行机制不是很明白,先 记录 在这里,希望后面有机会可以明白背后的机制。 该异常会报如下的异常信息: Job aborted due to stage failure: Total size of serialized result s of 3979 tasks (1024.2 MB) is bigger than spark . driver . max Result Size (1024.0 MB) 锁定了是sp...
最近有个需求需要union 上千甚至更多的dataset数据,然后cache(),然后count(),在执行count()这个action操作的时候, spark 程序报错,如下: org.apache. spark . Spark Exception: Job aborted due to stage failure: Total size of serialized result s of 16092 tasks (16.0 GB) is bigger than spark . driver . max Result Size
.builder \ .appName("Python Spark SQL basic example") \ .config(" spark .memory.fraction", 0.8) \
INFO org.apache. spark .deploy.yarn.ApplicationMaster: Unregistering ApplicationMaster with FAILED (diag message: User class threw exception: org.apache. spark . Spark Exception: Job aborted
16/03/11 12:05:56 ERROR TaskSetManager: Total size of serialized result s of 4 tasks (1800.7 MB) is bigger than spark . driver . max Result Size (1024.0 MB) java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Direct buffer memory
Shuffle Map Task运算结果的处理 这个结果的处理,分为两部分,一个是在Executor端是如何直接处理Task的结果的;还有就是 Driver 端,如果在接到Task运行结束的消息时,如何对Shuffle Write的结果进行处理,从而在调度下游的Task时,下游的Task可以得到其需要的数据。 Executor端的处理 在解析BasicShu...
一.异常信息 Total size of serialized result s of 12189 tasks is bigger than spark . driver . max Result Size 1024M . Total size of serialized result s of 12082 tasks is bigger than spark . driver . max Result Size 1024M . Total size of serialized result s of 12131 tasks is bigg