张明杰,大连理工大学建设工程学院教授,博士生 硕士生导师,国家级青年人才计划入选者

主要从事 桥梁风工 程、流致振动及其控制、钝体空气动力 等研究,涵盖土木、力学、机械、计算机等学科内容。

课题组长期招收 博士后、博士生、硕士生 欢迎交流或报考, 联系方式: mingjiezhang92@dlut.edu.cn

2013.09-2019.12, 大连理工大学 桥梁与隧道工程 博士

2017.12-2018.12, 纽约州立大学布法罗分校 结构工程 联合培养

2009.09-2013.06, 四川大学 土木工程 本科

2020.02-2023.03, 挪威科技大学,结构工程系 博士后

2023.03 至今 大连理工大学,建设工程学部 副教授

1. 大连理工大学引进人才科研启动项目,基于非线性能量阱的大跨桥梁涡振控制, 2023-2026 ,主持,在研

2 国家自然科学基金面上项目,非均匀风场下大跨度桥梁非线性自激力的跨向相关性及软颤振响应研究, 2022-2025 ,参与,在研

3. 挪威研究理事会与企业联合项目, AluBridge 2021-2024 ,参与,在研

4. 破坏力学与工程防灾减灾四川省重点实验室开放课题,大跨桥梁非线性自激力特性及颤振失稳全过程研究, 2021-2022 ,主持,结题

5. 挪威研究理事会与企业联合项目, Compacts 2 2020-2023 ,参与,结题

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,大跨轻窄悬索管道桥雷诺数效应及管道覆冰气动性能研究, 2017-2021 ,参与

1. 大连理工大学学术成果奖励(技术创新类)一等奖(排名 2/4 ), 2022

2. 中国公路学会科学技术一等奖(排名 8/15 ), 2020

SCI 期刊 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 编委、 EI 期刊《铁道科学与工程学报》青年编委、 EI 期刊 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委、 SCI 期刊 Shock and Vibration 特刊编辑

ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics Engineering Structures、 Ocean Engineering Marine Structures Structural Engineering International Energy Sensors International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 等期刊审稿人

代表性论著(通讯作者 : *

1. Zhang, M., Xu, F. (*). Tuned mass damper for self-excited vibration control: Optimization involving nonlinear aeroelastic effect, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics , 2022, 220, 104836, SCI: 000721032100004, IF: 4.437 (4.716), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, CIVIL), Q1 (MECHANICS). ESI 热点论文 .

2. Zhang, M., Xu, F. (*). Nonlinear vibration characteristics of bridge deck section models in still air, Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE) , 2018, 23(9), 04018059, SCI: 000438688600001, IF: 3.385 (3.667), JCR: Q2 (ENGINEERING, CIVIL). Editor's Choice.

3. Zhang, M., Xu, F. (*) , Zhang, Z., Ying, X., Energy budget analysis and engineering modeling of post-flutter limit cycle oscillation of a bridge deck, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics , 2019, 188, 410-420, SCI: 000464136200031, IF: 4.437 (4.716), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, CIVIL), Q1 (MECHANICS).

4. Zhang, M. (*) , Xu, F. (*), Øiseth, O., Aerodynamic damping models for vortex-induced vibration of a rectangular 4: 1 cylinder: Comparison of modeling schemes, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics , 2020, 205, 104321, SCI: 000573409400006, IF: 4.437 (4.716), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, CIVIL), Q1 (MECHANICS).

5. Zhang, M., Xu, F. (*), Han Y., Assessment of wind-induced nonlinear post-critical performance of bridge decks, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics , 2020, 203, 104251, SCI: 000550474900011, IF: 4.437 (4.716), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, CIVIL), Q1 (MECHANICS).

6. Zhang, M. (*) , Wu, T. and Øiseth, O. Vortex-induced vibration control of a flexible circular cylinder using a nonlinear energy sink, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics , 2020, 229, 105163 , SCI: 000861941800003, IF: 4.437 (4.716), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, CIVIL), Q1 (MECHANICS). ESI 热点论文 .

7. Zhang, M. (*) , Øiseth, O. Fluidelastic instability of tube arrays in nonuniform flow: Effect of multimode coupling. Journal of Fluids and Structures , 2022, 110, 103545, SCI: 000787855000002, IF: 3.482 (3.696), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL), Q2 (MECHANICS).

8. Zhang, M., Song, Y. (*), Abdelkefi, A., Yu, H., Wang, J . Vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder with nonlinear stiffness: Prediction using forced vibration data. Nonlinear Dynamics , 2022, 108(3), 1867-1884 , SCI: 000766047000002, IF: 5.741 (5.11), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL), Q1 (MECHANICS).

9. Zhang, M. (*) , Øiseth, O., Petersen, Ø.W. and Wu, T. Experimental investigation on flow-induced vibrations of a circular cylinder with radial and longitudinal fins. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics , 2022, 223, 105163 , SCI: 000789156600002, IF: 4.437 (4.716), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, CIVIL), Q1 (MECHANICS).

10. Song, Y., Zhang, M. (*) , Øiseth, O. and Rønnquist, A. Wind deflection analysis of railway catenary under crosswind based on nonlinear finite element model and wind tunnel test. Mechanism and Machine Theory , 2022, 168, 104608 , SCI: 000718165400004, IF: 4.93 (4.59), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL).

11. Zhang, M. , Yu, H. (*), Ying, X., 2021. Incorporation of subcritical Reynolds number into an aerodynamic damping model for vortex-induced vibration of a smooth circular cylinder. Engineering Structures , 2021, 249, 113325 , SCI: 000707475000008, IF: 5.582 (5.861), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, CIVIL).

12. Zhang, M. , Abdelkefi, A., Yu, H., Ying, X., Gaidai, G., Wang, J. (*). Predefined angle of attack and corner shape effects on the effectiveness of square-shaped galloping energy harvesters. Applied Energy , 2021, 302, 117522, SCI: 000787855000002, IF: 11.446 (11.268), JCR: Q1 (ENERGY & FUELS), Q1 (ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL).

13. Zhang, M. (*) , Øiseth, O., Xu, F. Laminar flow-induced vibration of a three-degree-of-freedom circular cylinder with an attached splitter plate. Physics of Fluids , 2021, 33(11), 113605, SCI: 000726880100007, IF: 4.98 (4.534), JCR: Q1 (MECHANICS), Q1 (PHYSICS, FLUIDS & PLASMAS).

14. Zhang, M. (*), Wang, X. (*), Øiseth, O. Torsional vibration of a circular cylinder with an attached splitter plate in laminar flow. Ocean Engineering , 2021, 236, 109514, SCI: 000726880100007, IF: 4.372 (4.5), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, CIVIL), Q1 (ENGINEERING, MARINE).

15. Zhang, M. , Zhang, C., Abdelkefi, A., Yu, H., Gaidai, O., Qin, X., Zhu, H. (*), Wang, J. (*). Piezoelectric energy harvesting from vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder: Effect of Reynolds number. Ocean Engineering , 2021, 235, 109378, SCI: 000685263300001, IF: 4.372 (4.5), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, CIVIL), Q1 (ENGINEERING, MARINE).

16. Zhang, M. (*) and Øiseth, O. Convolution-based time-domain simulation for fluidelastic instability in tube arrays. Nonlinear Dynamics , 2021, 104(4), 4063-4081, SCI: 000645187100002, IF: 5.741 (5.11), JCR: Q1 (ENGINEERING, MECHANICAL), Q1 (MECHANICS).

17. Zhang, M. , Zeng, H., Xu, F. (*) and Ma, Z., 2022. Modal parameter identification of time-varying and weakly nonlinear systems based on an improved empirical envelope method. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics , accepted. (JCR 二区 , IF = 2.659).

18. Zhang, M., Yu, H., Yurchenko, D., Wang, J. (*), Xu, F. (*) and Demartino, C., 2022. Influence of predefined angle of attack on piezoelectric energy harvesting from transverse galloping of different bluff bodies. Applied Ocean Research , 128, p.103361. (JCR 一区 , IF = 3.761).

19. Wang, B., Zhang, M. and Xu, F. (*), 2022. Experimental investigation on the vortex-induced vibration of a rectangular 4:1 cylinder under skew winds. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics , 229, p.105114. (JCR 一区 , IF = 4.437).

20. Xu, F., Yang, J., Zhang, M. (*) and Yu, H., 2021. Experimental investigations on post-flutter performance of a bridge deck sectional model using a novel testing device. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics , 217, p.104752. (JCR 一区 , IF = 4.437).

21. Yu, H. and Zhang, M. (*) , 2021. Effects of side ratio on energy harvesting from transverse galloping of a rectangular cylinder. Energy , 226, p.120420. (JCR 一区 , IF = 8.857).

22. Wang, J., Gu, S., Abdelkefi, A., Zhang, M. (*) , Xu, W. (*) and Lai, Y., 2021. Piezoelectric energy harvesting from flow-induced vibrations of a square cylinder at various angles of attack. Smart Materials and Structures , 30 08LT02. (JCR 一区 , IF = 4.131).

23. Song, Y., Zhang, M. (*) and Wang, H., 2021. A Response Spectrum Analysis of Wind Deflection in Railway Overhead Contact Lines Using Pseudo-Excitation Method. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology , 70(2), pp.1169-1178. (JCR 一区 , IF = 6.239).

24. Zhang, M. , Xu, F. (*) and Yu, H., 2021. A simplified model to evaluate peak amplitude for vertical vortex-induced vibration of bridge decks. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences , 192, p.106145. (JCR 一区 , IF = 6.772).

25. Zhang, M. , Xu, F. (*), Wu, T. and Zhang, Z., 2020. Postflutter analysis of bridge decks using aerodynamic-describing functions. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering , 25(8), p.04020046. (JCR 二区 , IF = 3.677).

26. Zhang, M. , Wu, T. (*) and Xu, F. (*), 2019. Vortex-induced vibration of bridge decks: describing function-based model. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics , 195, p.104016. (JCR 一区 , IF = 4.437).

27. Zhang, M. and Xu, F. (*), 2019. Variational mode decomposition based modal parameter identification in civil engineering. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering , 13(5), pp.1082-1094. (JCR 二区 , IF = 3.252).

28. Zhang, M. , Xu, F. (*) and Ying, X., 2017. Experimental investigations on the nonlinear torsional flutter of a bridge deck. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering , 22(8), p.04017048. (JCR 二区 , IF = 3.677).

29. Xu, F. (*), Zhang, M. , Wang, L. and Zhang, J., 2016. Recent highway bridge collapses in China: review and discussion. ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities , 30(5), p.04016030. (JCR 二区 , IF = 2.317).