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2021年,第14届中国 R 会(北京)将于11月20-21日在中国人民大学召开,本次会议由统计之都,中国人民大学统计学院、中国人民大学应用统计科学研究中心主办,得到 RStudio 赞助支持,将以线上会议和线下会议相结合的方式举办。欢迎进入 R 会官网,获取更多会议信息!

链接: https://china-r.org/bj2021/index.html

下面为您奉上本次 R 会 机器学习专场 演讲介绍:


时间:2021年11月20日 上午9:00-11:10



01) 朱正丹




02) 李翔

Statistical Estimation and Inference via Local SGD in Federated Learning

李翔是北京大学数学科学学院统计专业的博士研究生。其于2018年获得北京大学统计学、经济学(双学位) 学士学位。主要的研究兴趣包括联邦学习、强化学习。其研究成果发于在NeurIPS, ICLR, ICML 等国际会议。

Federated Learning (FL) makes a large amount of edge computing devices (e.g., mobile phones) jointly learn a global model without data sharing. In FL, data are generated in a decentralized manner with high heterogeneity. This paper studies how to perform statistical estimation and inference in the federated setting. We analyze the so-called Local SGD, a multiround estimation procedure that uses intermittent communication to improve communication efficiency. We first establish a functional central limit theorem that shows the averaged iterates of Local SGD weakly converge to a rescaled Brownian motion. We next provide two iterative inference methods: the plug-in and the random scaling. Random scaling constructs an asymptotically pivotal statistic for inference by using the information along the whole Local SGD path. Both the methods are communication efficient and applicable to online data. Our theoretical and empirical results show that Local SGD simultaneously achieves both statistical efficiency and communication efficiency.

03) 周帆

Non-crossing Distributional Reinforcement Learning

周帆,上海财经大学统计与管理学院副教授,美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校生物统计学博士。主要研究方向包括深度学习,强化学习,图网络,因果推断,多项研究成果发表于JASA,Biometrics, Nature Genetics 等国际统计期刊和NeurIPS, IJCAI,ICDM 等国际人工智能会议,获得了泛华统计协会New Researcher Award, 北卡生统系Barry H. Margolin award等奖项。

Although distributional reinforcement learning (DRL) has been widely examined in the past few years, there are two open questions people are still trying to solve. One is how to ensure the validity of the learned quantile function, the other is how to efficiently utilize the distribution information. To address these two issues, we first propose a non-decreasing quantile function architecture to guarantee the monotonicity of the obtained quantile estimates and then design a general exploration framework for DRL which utilizes the entire distribution of the quantile function. By comparing with some competitors, we are able to show that our method can achieve better performance on Atari 2600 Games especially in some hard-explored games.

04) 许斯泳


北京邮电大学石川教授团队三年级硕士生,研究方向为图神经网络,数据挖掘和机器学习。目前已在ACL、CIKM 等国际会议上发表论文。

异质图神经网络(HGNNs)是一种可以聚合异质结构和属性信息的图表示学习方法。尽管HGNNs 其捕获丰富语义的能力可以揭示节点不同方面,但它们仍然停留在简单地利用结构(例如元路径)的粗粒度级别。事实上,节点所包含丰富的非结构化文本内容,承载着由多方面主题感知因子所产生的潜在更细粒度的语义,这从根本上揭示了不同类型的节点会进行链接并形成特定的异质结构的原因。因此,本文提出了一个用于链接预测的主题感知异质图神经网络THGNN,来层次性地挖掘主题感知语义并用于学习HGs 中链接预测的多方面节点表示。在三个真实HGs 上的实验结果表明,我们的方法在链接预测任务中优于最先进的方法,并体现了所学多方面主题感知表示的潜在可解释性。




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