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Hello I write a web page in classic ASP. But when I want to connecto to Azure database, I take error message "[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (SECDoClientHandshake()).]SSL Security error." After 3-4 times refresh, the page is work. My ASP pages on my hosting provider. And my ASP hoting is using SSL. where is the main problem? On my hosting or Azure settings?


Can you provide additional details on the SQL Connection provider you’re using in your ASP application? Also, I want to confirm your database is an Azure SQL Database correct?


Hello @Ryan Hill

You can see my connection string below (I removed user namae and pass

Set cnn = CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
cnn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=testo-azure-sunucu.database.windows.net,1433;User ID=;Password=.;Initial Catalog=testosis_mini;"

So When I try to connect from on my hosting with SSL, the page give error about SSLsecurity error. So I was put my web pages on without SSL hosting and it is work.


You didn't specify, but I'm assuming your ASP site is a local intranet site that's connecting to a hosted Azure SQL database. If so, make sure you are using the latest driver for provider. See https://www.sqlnethub.com/blog/dbnetlib-connectionopen-secdoclienthandshake-ssl-security-error-resolve/ , it's a blog post that details where to find the latest drivers and how to enable the TLS version on your local machine.



I put my pages to other hosting provider servers. And It was work. I think that my hosting provider has got some settings problems. I contacted with my hosting provider. I hope, they will resolve this problem.


Depending on the hosting provider you're using @Salih ESKİOĞLU , they may not have latest provider drivers I indicated up above. Also, since you indicated you did deploy your code to a provider, you will need to make sure your Azure database firewall settings are correctly configured to accept connections from that IP. Azure App Services does make this process seamless; see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-web-tutorial-dotnet-sqldatabase to learn more about it.
