All Known Implementing Classes:
AuthorizedClientServiceOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager , DefaultOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.
@FunctionalInterface public interface OAuth2AuthorizedClientManager
Implementations of this interface are responsible for the overall management of Authorized Client(s) . The primary responsibilities include:
  • Authorizing (or re-authorizing) an OAuth 2.0 Client by leveraging an OAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider (s).
  • Delegating the persistence of an OAuth2AuthorizedClient , typically using an OAuth2AuthorizedClientService OR OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository .
  • Since:
    See Also:
  • OAuth2AuthorizedClient
  • OAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider
  • OAuth2AuthorizedClientService
  • OAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository
  • Attempt to authorize or re-authorize (if required) the client identified by the provided clientRegistrationId .


    @Nullable OAuth2AuthorizedClient authorize ( OAuth2AuthorizeRequest authorizeRequest)
    Attempt to authorize or re-authorize (if required) the client identified by the provided clientRegistrationId . Implementations must return null if authorization is not supported for the specified client, e.g. the associated OAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider (s) does not support the authorization grant type configured for the client. In the case of re-authorization, implementations must return the provided authorized client if re-authorization is not supported for the client OR is not required, e.g. a refresh token is not available OR the access token is not expired.

    authorizeRequest - the authorize request
    the OAuth2AuthorizedClient or null if authorization is not supported for the specified client