捣蛋的牙膏  ·  react datepicker 默认值 ...·  3 月前    · 
傻傻的伤痕  ·  C++ ...·  4 月前    · 
爱搭讪的猴子  ·  java.net.ProtocolExcep ...·  5 月前    · 

To return expected results, you can:

  • Reduce the number of search terms. Each term you use focuses the search further.
  • Check your spelling. A single misspelled or incorrectly typed term can change your result.
  • Try substituting synonyms for your original terms. For example, instead of searching for "java classes", try "java training"
  • Did you search for an IBM acquired or sold product ? If so, follow the appropriate link below to find the content you need.
  • Symptom

    Standard Error

    Number: 5
    Source: FrangoDirect.ExcelLinkD.FetchValuesBulk#ControllerProxyClient
    Description: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040E14): ORA-01741: illegal zero-length identifier
    at Cognos.Controller.Proxy.CCRWS.ExcelLinkB_FetchValuesBulk(String sGuid, String sKeys, String sMcurr, Boolean bLocLang, String sUser, String sRep, Boolean bIsLnk, String sSortOrd, String sParams)
    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ErrObject.Raise(Int32 Number, Object Source, Object Description, Object HelpFile, Object HelpContext)
    at Cognos.Controller.Common.RaiseErrCli.RaiseError(Int32 lErrNo, String sErrSource, String sErrDesc, String sErrHelpFile, Int32 lErrHelpContext)
    at Cognos.Controller.Direct.ExcelLinkD.FetchValuesBulk(String sKeys, String sMcurr, Boolean bLocLang, String sRep, Boolean bIsLnk, String sSortOrd, String sParams)
    at Cognos.Controller.Reports.ExcelLink.RunReportLnkBulk()

    Resolving The Problem


    Upgrade to Controller 10.2 or later.



    (1) Disable the use of Optimise2 (ERO) on the spreadsheet.

    or (2) (preferred) Create missing table 'GXLI$CALCPER$3TEMPTAB'.

    Steps for Workarounds:

    • Method #1 - Disable the use of Optimise2 (ERO) on the spreadsheet

    If using Excel 2003 :
    1. Click " Insert - Name - Define "
    2. Scroll to locate " Optimise2 "
    3. Highlight this entry, and click " Delete ".

    If using Excel 2007/2010 , then perform a similar concept, but this time:
    1. Go to the Formula's tab and click " Name Manager "
    2. Delete entry for "Optimise2".
    • Method #2 - (preferred) Create missing table 'GXLI$CALCPER$3TEMPTAB'.

    As the I.T. department's Oracle DBA to perform the following steps:

    1. Logon to the Oracle database server

    2. Launch an Oracle tool (for example "SQL Developer")

    3. Connect to the database by logging on as the Controller schema (for example user "controller_production")

    4. Run the following script:

      CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE GXLI$CALCPER$3TEMPTAB(cellref char (50) ,rowno number(10) ,colno number(10) ,refper char (4) ,manform char (4) ,antman char (3) ,akt char (2) ,
      bol char (6) ,sbol char (1) ,bolLev char (1) ,expbol char (6) ,konctyp char (2) ,koncern char(6), vkod char (3) ,konto char (13) ,form char (4) ,skonto char (1) ,expkonto char (13) ,
      dim1 char (4) ,sdim1 char (1) ,expdim1 char (4) ,dim2 char (4) ,sdim2 char (1) ,expdim2 char (4) ,dim3 char (4) ,sdim3 char (1) ,expdim3 char (4) ,dim4 char (4) ,sdim4 char (1) ,expdim4 char (4) ,
      clovbtyp char (4) ,isclov char (1) ,convetyp char (4) ,isconv char (1) ,movement char (3) ,cntcomp char (6) ,scntcomp char (1) ,cntdim char (4) ,scntdim char (1) ,expcntdim char (4) ,verno number(10) ,
      sverno char (1) ,belopp number(28,6) ,dbbel Char(1)) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS

    5. Test.