吴开亮,男,籍贯安徽省安庆市,理学博士,南方科技大学数学系副教授、博士生导师。2011年获华中科技大学数学学士学位;2016年获北京大学计算数学博士学位;2016-2020年先后在美国犹他大学和美国俄亥俄州立大学从事博士后研究工作;2021年1月加入南方科技大学、任副教授。研究方向包括计算流体力学与数值相对论、机器学习与数据驱动建模、微分方程数值解、高维逼近与不确定性量化等。研究成果发表在SINUM、M3AS、Numer. Math.、SISC、J. Comput. Phys.、JSC、ApJS、Phys. Rev. D等重要期刊上。曾获中国数学会计算数学分会 优秀青年论文奖一等奖(2015)和中国数学会 钟家庆数学奖(2019);入选国家高层次人才计划(青年);主持国家自然科学基金面上项目。


◆ 2020:国家高层次人才计划(青年项目)

◆ 2019:中国数学会 钟家庆数学奖

◆ 2015:中国数学会计算数学分会 优秀青年论文奖一等奖

◆ 2014:北京大学 “挑战杯”五四青年科学奖一等奖

代表性论文 (全部文章列表见【发表论著】)

K. Wu

Positivity-preserving analysis of numerical schemes for ideal magnetohydrodynamics
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis ,   56(4):2124--2147, 2018.

K. Wu* and C.-W. Shu

Provably positive high-order schemes for ideal magnetohydrodynamics: Analysis on general meshes

Numerische Mathematik ,   142(4): 995--1047, 2019.

K. Wu and D. Xiu*

Data-driven deep learning of partial differential equations in modal space

Journal of Computational Physics ,   408: 109307, 2020.

K. Wu and C.-W. Shu*
Geometric quasilinearization framework for analysis and design of bound-preserving schemes
submitted for publication, 2021.  arXiv:2111.04722.  8 Nov 2021

K. Wu* and C.-W. Shu

Provably physical-constraint-preserving discontinuous Galerkin methods for multidimensional relativistic MHD equations

Numerische Mathematik ,   148: 699--741, 2021.

K. Wu

Minimum principle on specific entropy and high-order accurate invariant region preserving numerical methods for relativistic hydrodynamics

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing , 43(6): B1164--B1197 , 2021.

◆ Z. Sun, Y. Wei, and K. Wu*

On energy laws and stability of Runge--Kutta methods for linear seminegative problems

submitted to SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis ,   2022.

◆ Z. Chen, V. Churchill, K. Wu , and D. Xiu

Deep neural network modeling of unknown partial differential equations in nodal space

Journal of Computational Physics ,     449: 110782, 2022.

K. Wu and Y. Xing

Uniformly high-order structure-preserving discontinuous Galerkin methods for Euler equations with gravitation: Positivity and well-balancedness

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing ,    43(1): A472--A510, 2021.

◆ Y. Chen and K. Wu*

A physical-constraint-preserving finite volume method for special relativistic hydrodynamics on unstructured meshes

Journal of Computational Physics ,     submitted for publication, 2021.

◆ H. Jiang, H. Tang, and K. Wu*

Positivity-preserving well-balanced central discontinuous Galerkin schemes for the Euler equations under gravitational fields

Journal of Computational Physics ,     submitted for publication, 2021.

K. Wu , T. Qin, and D. Xiu

Structure-preserving method for reconstructing unknown Hamiltonian systems from trajectory data

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing ,   42(6): A3704--A3729, 2020.

K. Wu and C.-W. Shu

Entropy symmetrization and high-order accurate entropy stable numerical schemes for relativistic MHD equations

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing ,   42(4): A2230--A2261, 2020.

◆ Z. Chen, K. Wu , and D. Xiu

Methods to recover unknown processes in partial differential equations using data

Journal of Scientific Computing ,   85:23, 2020.

K. Wu , D. Xiu, and X. Zhong

A WENO-based stochastic Galerkin scheme for ideal MHD equations with random inputs

Communications in Computational Physics ,   30: 423--447, 2021.

◆ J. Hou, T. Qin, K. Wu and D. Xiu

A non-intrusive correction algorithm for classification problems with corrupted data

Commun. Appl. Math. Comput. , 3: 337--356, 2021.

◆ T. Qin, K. Wu , and D. Xiu

Data driven governing equations approximation using deep neural networks

Journal of Computational Physics ,   395: 620--635, 2019.

K. Wu and D. Xiu

Numerical aspects for approximating governing equations using data

Journal of Computational Physics ,   384: 200--221, 2019.

K. Wu and C.-W. Shu

A provably positive discontinuous Galerkin method for multidimensional ideal magnetohydrodynamics

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing ,   40(5):B1302--B1329, 2018.

◆ Y. Shin, K. Wu , and D. Xiu

Sequential function approximation with noisy data

Journal of Computational Physics ,   371:363--381, 2018.

K. Wu and D. Xiu

Sequential function approximation on arbitrarily distributed point sets

Journal of Computational Physics ,   354:370--386, 2018.

K. Wu and H. Tang

On physical-constraints-preserving schemes for special relativistic magnetohydrodynamics with a general equation of state

Z. Angew. Math. Phys. ,   69:84(24pages), 2018.

K. Wu , Y. Shin, and D. Xiu

A randomized tensor quadrature method for high dimensional polynomial approximation

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing ,   39(5):A1811--A1833, 2017.

K. Wu

Design of provably physical-constraint-preserving methods for general relativistic hydrodynamics

Physical Review D ,   95, 103001, 2017.

K. Wu , H. Tang, and D. Xiu

A stochastic Galerkin method for first-order quasilinear hyperbolic systems with uncertainty

Journal of Computational Physics ,   345:224--244, 2017.

K. Wu and H. Tang

Admissible states and physical-constraints-preserving schemes for relativistic magnetohydrodynamic equations

Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. ( M3AS ) ,   27(10):1871--1928, 2017.

K. Wu and H. Tang

Physical-constraint-preserving central discontinuous Galerkin methods for special relativistic hydrodynamics with a general equation of state

Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. ( ApJS ) ,   228(1):3(23pages), 2017. (2015 Impact Factor of ApJS: 11.257)

K. Wu and H. Tang

A direct Eulerian GRP scheme for spherically symmetric general relativistic hydrodynamics

SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing ,   38(3):B458--B489, 2016.

K. Wu and H. Tang

High-order accurate physical-constraints-preserving finite difference WENO schemes for special relativistic hydrodynamics

Journal of Computational Physics ,   298:539--564, 2015.

K. Wu and H. Tang

Finite volume local evolution Galerkin method for two-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamics

Journal of Computational Physics ,   256:277--307, 2014.

K. Wu , Z. Yang, and H. Tang

A third-order accurate direct Eulerian GRP scheme for the Euler equations in gas dynamics

Journal of Computational Physics ,   264:177--208, 2014.

◆ 美国《数学评论》评论员

◆ 下列期刊审稿人

  • Communications in Computational Physics

  • Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

  • East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics

  • Engineering Optimization

  • Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

  • Journal of Computational Physics

  • Journal of Scientific Computing

  • Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing

  • Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS)

  • Mathematica Numerica Sinica

  • SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

  • SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
