眉毛粗的硬盘  ·  VS2008,System.Runtime. ...·  1 年前    · 
autoCancel: boolean # Whether to cancel running PR builds when a new commit lands in the branch. Default: true. branches: # Branch names to include or exclude for triggering a run. include: [ string ] # List of items to include. exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude. paths: # File paths to include or exclude for triggering a run. include: [ string ] # List of items to include. exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude. drafts: boolean # Whether to start a run when a draft PR is created. Default: true.

autoCancel 布尔值
当新提交落入分支时,是否取消正在运行的 PR 生成。 默认值:true。

branches includeExcludeFilters

paths includeExcludeFilters

drafts 布尔值
是否在创建草稿 PR 时启动运行。 默认值:true。

autoCancel: boolean # Whether to cancel running PR builds when a new commit lands in the branch. Default: true. branches: # Branch names to include or exclude for triggering a run. include: [ string ] # List of items to include. exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude. paths: # File paths to include or exclude for triggering a run. include: [ string ] # List of items to include. exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude.

autoCancel 布尔值
当新提交落入分支时,是否取消正在运行的 PR 生成。 默认值:true。

branches includeExcludeFilters

paths includeExcludeFilters

branches: # Branch names to include or exclude for triggering a run. include: [ string ] # List of items to include. exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude. paths: # File paths to include or exclude for triggering a run. include: [ string ] # List of items to include. exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude.

branches includeExcludeFilters

paths includeExcludeFilters