addNode (node) { if (! this . adjacencyList . has (node)) { this . adjacencyList . set (node, []); } else { throw new Error ( '节点已存在' ) * 添加边 * to 节点1 * form 节点2 addEdge (to, from ) { this . adjacencyList . has (to) && this . adjacencyList . has ( from ) // 做一个去重 let toAdjacent = this . adjacencyList . get (to) let fromAdjacent = this . adjacencyList . get ( from ) toAdjacent = [... new Set ([...toAdjacent, from ])]; fromAdjacent = [... new Set ([...fromAdjacent, to])]; // 无向图,所以边是连接两边的 this . adjacencyList . set (to, toAdjacent); this . adjacencyList . set ( from , fromAdjacent); print () { const nodes = this . adjacencyList . keys (); for ( let node of nodes) { const neighbors = this . adjacencyList . get (node); const neighborsString = neighbors. join ( ' ' ); console . log ( `节点 ${node} , 相邻节点 ${neighborsString} ` );


const graph = new Graph () // 添加节点 graph. addNode ( 'A' ) graph. addNode ( 'B' ) graph. addNode ( 'C' ) graph. addNode ( 'D' ) graph. addNode ( 'E' ) graph. addNode ( 'F' ) // 添加边 graph. addEdge ( 'A' , 'B' ) graph. addEdge ( 'A' , 'D' ) graph. addEdge ( 'A' , 'E' ) graph. addEdge ( 'B' , 'A' ) graph. addEdge ( 'B' , 'C' ) graph. addEdge ( 'C' , 'B' ) graph. addEdge ( 'C' , 'E' ) graph. addEdge ( 'C' , 'F' ) graph. addEdge ( 'D' , 'A' ) graph. addEdge ( 'D' , 'E' ) graph. addEdge ( 'E' , 'A' ) graph. addEdge ( 'E' , 'C' ) graph. addEdge ( 'E' , 'D' ) graph. addEdge ( 'E' , 'F' ) graph. addEdge ( 'F' , 'C' ) graph. addEdge ( 'F' , 'E' ) // 打印 graph. print () // 节点A, 相邻节点B D E // 节点B, 相邻节点A C // 节点C, 相邻节点B E F // 节点D, 相邻节点A E // 节点E, 相邻节点A C D F // 节点F, 相邻节点C E


* 无向图 class Graph { // ... * 图的广度优先遍历 * node 遍历的起点 bfs (node) { if ( this . adjacencyList . has (node)) { const result = []; const hash = {}; const queue = []; const nodes = this . adjacencyList . keys (); for ( let node of nodes) { hash[node] = false ; hash[node] = true ; queue. push (node); result. push (node); while (queue. length > 0 ) { let q = queue. shift (); let list = this . adjacencyList . get (q); for ( let i = 0 ; i < list. length ; i++) { let temp = list[i] if (!hash[temp]) { result. push (temp) hash[temp] = true queue. push (temp) return result; return null


* 无向图 class Graph { // ... * 图的深度优先遍历 * node 遍历的起点 dfs (node) { const result = []; const hash = {}; const nodes = this . adjacencyList . keys (); for ( let node of nodes) { hash[node] = false ; const DFS = ( node ) => { let list = this . adjacencyList . get (node); for ( let i = 0 ; i < list. length ; i++) { let temp = list[i]; if (!hash[temp]) { hash[temp] = true ; result. push (temp); DFS (temp); if ( this . adjacencyList . has (node)) { hash[node] = true ; result. push (node); DFS (node); return result; return null ;


* 无向图 class Graph { constructor () { this . matrix = []; * 添加节点 addNode () { this . matrix . push ([]); const L = this . matrix . length ; for ( let i = 0 ; i < L; i++) { let start = this . matrix [i]. length ; while (start < L) { this . matrix [i][start] = 0 ; start += 1 * 添加边 addEdge (to, from ) { (to < this . matrix . length && to >= 0 ) && ( from < this . matrix . length && from >= 0 ) this . matrix [to][ from ] = 1 ; this . matrix [ from ][to] = 1 ; print () { const L = this . matrix . length ; for ( let i = 0 ; i < L; i++) { const current = i; let neighbors = this . matrix [i]. map ( ( m, index ) => { index !== i && m === 1 return index; return null ; neighbors = neighbors. filter ( n => n !== null ); const neighborsString = neighbors. join ( ' ' ); console . log ( `节点 ${current} , 相邻节点 ${neighborsString} ` );


* 无向图 class Graph { // .... bfs (node) { if (node >= 0 && node < this . matrix . length ) { const result = []; const hash = {}; const queue = []; for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . matrix . length ; i++) { hash[i] = false ; hash[node] = true ; result. push (node); queue. push (node); while (queue. length > 0 ) { let q = queue. shift (); let list = this . matrix [q]; for ( let i = 0 ; i < list. length ; i++) { list[i] === 1 && !hash[i] result. push (i); hash[i] = true ; queue. push (i); return result; return - 1 ; dfs (node) { if (node >= 0 && node < this . matrix . length ) {


* 无向图 class Graph { // ... dfs (node) { if (node >= 0 && node < this . matrix . length ) { const result = []; const hash = {}; for ( let i = 0 ; i < this . matrix . length ; i++) { hash[i] = false ; hash[node] = true ; result. push (node); const DFS = ( node ) => { let list = this . matrix [node]; for ( let i = 0 ; i < list. length ; i++) { list[i] === 1 && !hash[i] result. push (i); hash[i] = true ; DFS (i); DFS (node); return result; return - 1 ;

实现有向图(oriented graph)


* 有向图 class Graph { constructor () { this . adjacencyList = new Map (); addNode (node) { if (! this . adjacencyList . has (node)) { this . adjacencyList . set (node, []); } else { throw new Error ( '节点已存在' ) addEdge (to, from ) { this . adjacencyList . has (to) && this . adjacencyList . has ( from ) let toAdjacent = this . adjacencyList . get (to) toAdjacent = [... new Set ([...toAdjacent, from ])]; // 有向图,只连接to -> from this . adjacencyList . set (to, toAdjacent); print () { const nodes = this . adjacencyList . keys (); for ( let node of nodes) { const neighbors = this . adjacencyList . get (node); const neighborsString = neighbors. join ( ' ' ); console . log ( `节点 ${node} , 相邻节点 ${neighborsString} ` );


* 有向图 class Graph { constructor () { this . matrix = []; addNode () { this . matrix . push ([]); const L = this . matrix . length ; for ( let i = 0 ; i < L; i++) { let start = this . matrix [i]. length ; while (start < L) { this . matrix [i][start] = 0 ; start += 1 addEdge (to, from ) { (to < this . matrix . length && to >= 0 ) && ( from < this . matrix . length && from >= 0 ) this . matrix [to][ from ] = 1 ; print () { const L = this . matrix . length ; for ( let i = 0 ; i < L; i++) { const current = i; let neighbors = this . matrix [i]. map ( ( m, index ) => { index !== i && m === 1 return index; return null ; neighbors = neighbors. filter ( n => n !== null ); const neighborsString = neighbors. join ( ' ' ); console . log ( `节点 ${current} , 相邻节点 ${neighborsString} ` );




使用数组存储每一个节点,数组的长度就是节点的数量。而数组的每一位则存储着,第 i 个节点相邻的节点列表, 以及每一个相领节点到当前节点的权重。

class Graph { constructor () { // key ~ 节点 // [value, weight] ~ 相邻节点的列表, 以及权重 this . adjacencyList = new Map (); addNode (node) { if (! this . adjacencyList . has (node)) { this . adjacencyList . set (node, []); } else { throw new Error ( '节点已存在' ) * 添加边 * to 节点1 * form 节点2 * weight 权重 addEdge (to, from , weight) { this . adjacencyList . has (to) && this . adjacencyList . has ( from ) && typeof weight === 'number' let toAdjacent = this . adjacencyList . get (to); let fromAdjacent = this . adjacencyList . get ( from ); toAdjacent = [...toAdjacent, [ from , weight]]; fromAdjacent = [...fromAdjacent, [to, weight]]; this . adjacencyList . set (to, toAdjacent); this . adjacencyList . set ( from , fromAdjacent);


使用一个大小等于L * L的二维数组表示,L是节点的数量。Matrix[i][j], 表示节点 i 到 j边的权重值(0 ~ ∞),'*'表示没有边。

class Graph {
    constructor () {
        this.matrix = [];
    addNode () {
        const L = this.matrix.length;
        for (let i = 0; i < L; i++) {
            let start = this.matrix[i].length;
            while (start < L) {
                this.matrix[i][start] = '*';
                start += 1
     * to 端点1
     * from 端点2
     * weight 端点1和端点2的权重
    addEdge (to, from, weight) {
            (to < this.matrix.length && to >= 0) && 
            (from < this.matrix.length && from >= 0) &&
            typeof weight === 'number'
            this.matrix[to][from] = weight;
            this.matrix[from][to] = weight;



* 无向图中,查找某一个顶点,到其他顶点的最短路径 * graph 图 * node 起始的顶点 * 无权重的图,边的距离默认为1 const shortestPath = (graph, node) => { // 使用bfs graph && graph.adjacencyList && graph.adjacencyList.has(node) const hash = {}; const queue = []; const nodes = graph.adjacencyList.keys(); for (let node of nodes) { hash[node] = false; hash[node] = 0; queue.push(node); while (queue.length > 0) { let q = queue.shift(); let list = graph.adjacencyList.get(q); for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { let temp = list[i] if (hash[temp] !== false && hash[temp] > hash[q] + 1) { hash[temp] = hash[q] + 1; if (hash[temp] === false) { hash[temp] = hash[q] + 1; queue.push(temp) return hash; return -1;





// 创建加权图
const graph = new Graph();
// 添加节点
// 添加边以及权重
graph.addEdge('start', 'A', 5)
graph.addEdge('start', 'B', 2)
graph.addEdge('A', 'B', 8)
graph.addEdge('A', 'C', 4)
graph.addEdge('A', 'D', 2)
graph.addEdge('B', 'D', 7)
graph.addEdge('C', 'D', 6)
graph.addEdge('C', 'finish', 3)
graph.addEdge('D', 'finish', 1)
 * Dijkstra 算法
 * @param graph 图
 * @param startNode 开始的节点
 * @param endNode 结束的节点
const Dijkstra = (graph, startNode, endNode) => {
        graph.adjacencyList.has(startNode) &&
        graph.adjacencyList.has(endNode) &&
        endNode !== startNode
        const queue = new Queue();
        const path = [];
        const timeHash = {};
        const backHash = {};
        const nodes = graph.adjacencyList.keys();
        for (let node of nodes) {
            // 默认距离为无限大
            timeHash[node] = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
        // 起始点的距离是0
        timeHash[startNode] = 0;
        queue.enqueue([startNode, 0]);
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            const [currentNode] = queue.dequeue();
            const list = graph.adjacencyList.get(currentNode);
            for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
                const [nextNode, nextNodeWeight] = list[i];
                let time = timeHash[currentNode] + nextNodeWeight;
                // 总是取最短的路径
                if (time < timeHash[nextNode]) {
                    timeHash[nextNode] = time;
                    backHash[nextNode] = currentNode;
                    queue.enqueue([nextNode, time]);
        let lastNode = endNode
        // 使用回溯对象,查询最短路径
        while (startNode !== lastNode) {
            lastNode = backHash[lastNode];
        return `最短路径: ${path.join(' --> ')}, 所花费的时间: ${timeHash[endNode]}`
    return -1
// 最短路径: start --> A --> D --> finish, 所花费的时间: 8
Dijkstra(graph, 'start', 'finish')
  • A Walkthrough of Dijkstra’s Algorithm (in JavaScript!)
  • Dijkstra's algorithm
  • What is a graph
  • Implementation of Graph in JavaScript
  • 分类: