Hi Guys,
I am doing an Electronic Library Management System that includes counting of time for each student who logged in every time he/she goes or used e-library. But I'm having trouble in frmReserve.
Here is the error that I got:
Syntax error in date in query expression 'tblReserve.studID=tblStudents.StudNumber and tblReserve.inDate =#00/30/2012#'.
Below are m
<pre lang= " vb" >y codes:
this code is executed when the command cmdLoad button is clicked
Private Sub cmdLoad_Click( ByVal sender As System. Object , ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdLoad.Click MsgBox(Today.ToString) paintStudList( " SELECT tblReserve.pcNum, tblStudents.FullName, tblReserve.numOfTime FROM tblReserve,tblStudents where tblReserve.studID=tblStudents.StudNumber and tblReserve.inDate =#" & Today.ToString( " mm/dd/yyyy" ) & " #" , dgrid2, " PC NUMBER" , " STUDENT NAME" , " NUMBER OF TIME" ) dgrid2.Columns.Item( 0 ). ReadOnly = True dgrid2.Columns.Item( 1 ). ReadOnly = True End Sub
the following codes are executed if the SQL above is true
Sub paintStudList( ByVal newSQL As String , ByVal myGrid As System. Object , ByVal str1 As String , ByVal str2 As String , ByVal str3 As String ) Dim adap1 As OleDbDataAdapter Dim dt1 As New DataTable Dim con As New OleDbConnection ' con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0; Data Source=Library2.mdb; JET OleDb:Database Password=3Musketeers" con.ConnectionString = " PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & " \Library2.mdb; JET OleDb:Database Password=3Musketeers" ' Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "\location.mdb" adap1 = New OleDbDataAdapter(newSQL, con) con.Open() ' fill data to datable adap1.Fill(dt1) myGrid.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.EnableResizing dt1.Columns.Item( 0 ).ColumnName = str1 dt1.Columns.Item( 1 ).ColumnName = str2 dt1.Columns.Item( 2 ).ColumnName = str3 myGrid.DataSource = dt1 ' bsource.DataSource = dt1 con.Close() End Sub
Hope someone could help me...
thanks in advance If you used a parameterized query instead of this very shaky string concatentation, you wouldn't have this problem at all and your code would be much more readable and maintainable.
VB.NET Parameterized Query [ ^ ]
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