iOS15引导越狱-Palera1n支持iOS 15.0~15.7越狱15.x,6s6sp SE 7 7p、8/8p、X适用

专栏 / iOS15引导越狱-Palera1n支持iOS 15.0~15.7越狱15.x,6s6sp SE 7 7p、8/8p、X适用

iOS15引导越狱-Palera1n支持iOS 15.0~15.7越狱15.x,6s6sp SE 7 7p、8/8p、X适用

2022年10月16日 13:57 --阅读 · --喜欢 · Rtyu000
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Palera1n支持iOS 15.0~15.7越狱15.x,适用于A9~A11设备


Palera1n越狱 ,在iOS 15.0-15.3.1 支持checkm8的越狱,支持 iOS15.0-15.7 半引导越狱。

帕梅拉Palera1n越狱是由Nebule和mineek合作开发的一款开发者越狱工具。他们的官网是: ,项目开源网站是:



提取码: 356655

Palera1n越狱 支持设备:基于硬件漏洞!


Palera1n越狱 支持的iOS版本:

15.0~15.3.1 支持Substituteon、支持越狱插件

15.4~15.7    没有root权限、不支持越狱插件

15.5 ~15.7上目前还无法安装越狱插件 ,不过可以安装 TrollStore巨魔商店、 Filza文件管理器、安装OpenSSH远程SSH通道、AppStore++、NewTerm 2终端等应用程序。

Palera1n越狱 iOS 15.0 ~ 15.3.1教程

(越狱教程只适用于 Mac Linux

1,下载玄烨品果已经汉化简体中文的版本,在这里 Palera1n 简体中文版.(解压密码

PALERA1N 越狱工具 1.1.1版本 提取码: dk88 (百度网盘)

PALERA1N 越狱工具 1.1.1版本 提取码: 356655 (诚通网盘)

2,解压出来,打开终端,输入cd 空格 把工具文件夹拖进来

3, 将设备进入DFU模式,输入命令: ./ --tweaks 15.1 (你的iOS版本号)


4,此时会有提示是否启用越狱插件支持,输入Yes ,然后再次输入确认。




8,启动完成之后,打开手机上的提示APP,点击install,完成后打开Sileo软件管理器,添加源 ,安装Openssh、curl、wget。

下载这里的必备依赖插件: 必备依赖 ,通过爱思助手~文件管理~导入到手机里面。



9,输入密码 alpine,开始下载越狱插件支持必备文件。

10,安装完成后,打开Sileo管理软件,添加源,然后安装NewTerm 2 和 PreferenceLoader. 点击重启SprinBroad.

11,按任意键继续,再次输入密码alpine ,设备注销桌面,安装完成,现在越狱完成了!


提醒:由于目前iOS 15.0~ 15.3.1是引导越狱,所以重启设备之后,需要再次运行palera1n引导设备启动,才可以让越狱生效。

Palera1n越狱 iOS 15.4 ~ 15.7教程


1,下载玄烨品果已经汉化简体中文的版本,在这里 Palera1n 简体中文版.(解压密码

PALERA1N 越狱工具 1.1.1版本 提取码: dk88 (百度网盘)

PALERA1N 越狱工具 1.1.1版本 提取码: 356655 (诚通网盘)

2,解压出来,打开终端,输入cd 空格 把工具文件夹拖进来

3, 将设备进入DFU模式,输入命令: ./ --dfu 15.7 (你的iOS版本号)





提示:如果你在这一步卡在 Error init failed失败 爆报错,这是网络原因未能获取到地址。
解决办法:使用玄烨修改的版本脚本,适合国内的用户: ,下载解压出来,放在palera1n目录内,终端输入 chmod +x 赋予运行权限。15.7改成你对应的版本号

设备重新进入DFU模式,终端运行命令: ./ --dfu 15.7 (你的iOS版本号)

8,启动完后,打开手机上的提示应用程序,点击install 安装,完成后返回桌面,点击桌面的 TrollHelper ,进去后点击 install TrollStore ,等待10秒,安装完成。巨魔商店成功安装好了。

如果桌面没有 TrollHelper,打开Sileo软件管理器,添加源,安装TrollStore Helper,击桌面的TrollHelper,进去后点击install TrollStore,等待10秒,巨魔商店成功安装好了。



  • 更新了 Substitute on 2.3.1。

  • Palera1n tethered 安装 Substitute 以在 iOS 15 上运行调整。

  • 添加了用于 iOS 15 – iOS 15.3.1 的 Palera1n 的调整分支。

  • 自动安装 Pogo 应用程序。

  • 越狱不需要blob。

  • 添加了对 iOS 15.5 – iOS 15.7 的支持。

  • 初始发行。

Palera1n 越狱交流群


NameCompatibleIssueDescriptionRepoAccent✔️–iOS accent colors in macOS styleBigBossAmber⭕Changing flashlight color doesn’t work when enabled due to sandboxAmber-ify your LED torchPoomSmartAmelija✔️–Take full control of your wallpapers on the flyTwickdAtria⭕Widgets bug out sometimesA proper homescreen layout editor for iOS 13-15CharizAxon✔️–Notification priority hub tweakm3BatteryBoobs✔️–Enable Apple’s hidden % in batteryDownload DebCC On & Off✔️–Toggle Wi-Fi and Bluetooth fully on/off from Control CenterPoomSmartCCBalance✔️–Change the audio balance from CCKingPuffdaddiCCSupport✔️–Support tweak for CC modulesopa334Checkl0ck❌Crashes to safe mode. Not installable anyway since deb control file is munted.A11 devices like iPhone 8/X which have been jailbroken with Checkra1n cannot have passcode or FaceID/TouchID. Checkl0ck is a tweak for such devices to give you back the passcode and biometric capabilities.HavocColorMeNotifs❌Crashes to safemodeBring colors to your notificationsPackixColorMyBattery✔️–Battery Color based on the battery percentagePackixDockSearch✔️–Adds a browser search bar to your dockGinsuDodo✔️–The perfect LS redesign.GinsuDress✔️–Dress up your lockscreenTaurige GithubDualClock 2⭕LS works, status bar doesn’tAdd 2 time zones to the LS and status barGinsuEmojiPort (iOS 12.0-14.8)✔️Needs control file editing to installLatest emojis for iOS 12.0-14.8PoomSmartEneko✔️–Set a video as your wallpaperTaurige GithubErsatz✔️–Replace any text, system-wideSkittyFilza File Manager 64-bit⭕Pressing on .deb’s/binaries crashes the appFile Manager for iPhone, iPad, iPod TouchTIGI SoftwareFloatingDockPlus 13/14✔️–Use your dock like a proPackixFrontPage✔️–Powerful HTML for the SpringBoardJunesiPhoneHideSerialNumber✔️–Hide Serial Number in Settings About pageichitasoKalm❌Respring loopsA beautiful first sightCharizLaetus⭕User apps can’t be injected without no-sandboxUnparalleled keyboard customisationSparkDevLastLook✔️–A last look at your Notification Center when you lock your phonePackixLockApps✔️–Add an App Library with your favorite apps to the LSGinsuLower✔️–Change media controls/notifications height on iOS 11+PackixNeonboard⭕Theming application icons are buggednoneArtikusHGNewTerm 2✔️–A powerful terminal app for iOSCharizOTADisabler✔️–Delete and disable OTA badgeichitasoPerfectTime✔️–Adds second line in status bar for showing the date on notched devicesJohnzaro’sPomPom✔️–A tidy lock screen redesignnoneProGesture❌Crashes to safemodeModern gestures, iPad features, and many unique features but lightweight and less battery drainPackixPullToRespring✔️–Pull down in Settings to respringBigBossQuitAll✔️–One tweak to quit them allCharizRelocate Reborn⭕Doesn’t change locationChanges GPS locationnoneRose✔️–The most advanced and feature rich system wide haptic feedback tweakTaurige GithubS8Edge✔️–Brings Galaxy S8 Infinity to iOSBruno Andrade’s RepoShortLook✔️–Your notifications. At a glance.DynasticShuffle⭕Sometimes crashes settingsMix up your preferencesCreatureCodingSmartBattery 2✔️–Battery saving, monitoring, and tuning tweakHavocSmartNetwork 2✔️–Smart features and functions for internet connectionsHavocSnapper 2✔️–Pin screenshots on the screenHavocSnowBoard⭕Theming application icons are buggedTheming engineSparkDevSpectrum✔️–Customize system colorsSkittyStarfish Beta⭕Activating spotlight crashesThe long-awaited HS redesignDynasticSwipeExtenderX⭕User apps can’t be injected without no-sandboxReinvent your keyboard with this full remake of the legendary SwipeExpander tweak, designed to work on modern iOSCharizSystem Info✔️–System information in Settings app > General > About, and other sections. Set boot-nonce, save shsh, battery info, etcARX8xTako❌Crashes to safemodeNotification priority hub tweakXyaman RepoTetherMe✔️–Dynamically enables native tethering for iOS 8+ devicesBigBossTranzlo⭕User apps can’t be injected without no-sandboxA life savior translator tweakMiRO92TweakSettings✔️–Dedicated settings app for tweaksCreatureCodingUltrasound✔️–The volume HUD you deserveDynasticVinyl✔️–A simplified look for the lockscreen music playerBigBossXen HTML⭕Can’t add widgetsRun HTML widgets on the Lockscreen and HomescreenMatchsticcroutons13✔️–Brings croutons tweak to iOS 13+Rendotto+✔️–Notifications, your styleDynasticlockdown beta✔️–Re-enables passcode functionality on A10/A11 deviceskrit’s repovisum✔️–Wake up and watch the weather directly on your Lock ScreenPackix

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