To return expected results, you can:

  • Reduce the number of search terms. Each term you use focuses the search further.
  • Check your spelling. A single misspelled or incorrectly typed term can change your result.
  • Try substituting synonyms for your original terms. For example, instead of searching for "java classes", try "java training"
  • Did you search for an IBM acquired or sold product ? If so, follow the appropriate link below to find the content you need.
  • Diagnosing The Problem

    We can check whether the secret for DokiClient was configured by using curl to get Doki profile from Vault.

    1. Get decoded Vault token:

    "":"alm-elasticsearch:9200", "":"alm-cassandra", "":"xxxxxxxxxx", "":"xxxxxxxxxx"

    Resolving The Problem

    This section requires the steps in previous section, "Diagnosing The Problem" to be complete.

    1. Find DokiClientSecret:

    The Kubernetes secret to store ALM client secrets is named "alm-credentials" by default. If you chose a different name for this secret (set in chart values file under ), then you would have to replace "alm-credentials" with that name in the following command:

    $ kubectl get secret -oyaml | grep dokiClientSecret dokiClientSecret: VnRqZnhrSWJJbFdobGNZdkhyT2Z4UCtiWFJZSXlJV3pPQTVnSGNkSlYzZz0= dokiClientSecret: RnlZaE1rR0dUbERQQjc2TlF6SWZYRFVTRCtMNTU2c244WFdNaWQzK0loQT0= $ echo VnRqZnhrSWJJbFdobGNZdkhyT2Z4UCtiWFJZSXlJV3pPQTVnSGNkSlYzZz0= | base64 -d VtjfxkIbIlWhlcYvHrOfxP+bXRYIyIWzOA5gHcdJV3g= $ echo RnlZaE1rR0dUbERQQjc2TlF6SWZYRFVTRCtMNTU2c244WFdNaWQzK0loQT0= | base64 -d FyYhMkGGTlDPB76NQzIfXDUSD+L556sn8XWMid3+IhA= # Both decoded values "VtjfxkIbIlWhlcYvHrOfxP+bXRYIyIWzOA5gHcdJV3g=" and "FyYhMkGGTlDPB76NQzIfXDUSD+L556sn8XWMid3+IhA=" should be stored temporarily for the following steps. "":"alm-elasticsearch:9200", "":"alm-cassandra", "":"xxxxxxxxxx", "":"xxxxxxxxxx", "security.oauth2.client.clientSecret":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"