To return expected results, you can:
Reduce the number of search terms.
Each term you use focuses the search further.
Check your spelling.
A single misspelled or incorrectly typed term can change your result.
Try substituting synonyms for your original terms.
For example, instead of searching for "java classes", try "java training"
Did you search for an IBM acquired or sold product ?
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We can check whether the secret for DokiClient was configured by using curl to get Doki profile from Vault.
1. Get decoded Vault token:
This section requires the steps in previous section, "Diagnosing The Problem" to be complete.
1. Find DokiClientSecret:
The Kubernetes secret to store ALM client secrets is named
by default. If you chose a different name for this secret (set in chart values file under
), then you would have to replace "alm-credentials" with that name in the following command:
$ kubectl get secret -oyaml | grep dokiClientSecret
dokiClientSecret: VnRqZnhrSWJJbFdobGNZdkhyT2Z4UCtiWFJZSXlJV3pPQTVnSGNkSlYzZz0=
dokiClientSecret: RnlZaE1rR0dUbERQQjc2TlF6SWZYRFVTRCtMNTU2c244WFdNaWQzK0loQT0=
$ echo VnRqZnhrSWJJbFdobGNZdkhyT2Z4UCtiWFJZSXlJV3pPQTVnSGNkSlYzZz0= | base64 -d
$ echo RnlZaE1rR0dUbERQQjc2TlF6SWZYRFVTRCtMNTU2c244WFdNaWQzK0loQT0= | base64 -d
# Both decoded values "VtjfxkIbIlWhlcYvHrOfxP+bXRYIyIWzOA5gHcdJV3g=" and "FyYhMkGGTlDPB76NQzIfXDUSD+L556sn8XWMid3+IhA=" should be stored temporarily for the following steps.