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I'm trying to deploy my application in web logic 9.1 . But when i try to deploy i get following error trace.

I tried with both log4j-1.2.8.jar and log4j-1.2.11.jar . I also saw that both jar does not contain that method. Then how does weblogic call those method. Can you specify the correct version of Jar that i have to use. Or is there any other work around to get rid of this problem as i actually dont want that log to be used.

You may need to check some things mentioned below
1) If you are using the log4j logger from a web application classes(present in WAR file) then check if the Jar is present in the web-inf\lib directory.
2) If jar is present in the web-inf\lib directory and you are trying to reference it from classes which are at application level then those classes may not find the class because log4j would be loaded by webapp classloader.
In this case you might need to add the log4j.jar to the WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH in startweblogic.cmd.( I am not much aware of 9.1 but this startup script is there till weblogic 8.1).