Hi, Can i know is this the correct way to declare using MySQL? Because i keep hitting error which state that I have an error in your SQL syntax;
What I have tried:
PROCEDURE db.Hello( )
SET @Text =
As shared by Garth in comments, VARCHAR(MAX) is SQL Server way.
For MySQL: Refer:
MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: 11.3.2 The CHAR and VARCHAR Types
How to declare in MySQL:
variable_name datatype(size) [
Values in VARCHAR columns are variable-length strings. The length can be specified as a value from 0 to 65,535. The effective maximum length of a VARCHAR is subject to the maximum row size (65,535 bytes, which is shared among all columns) and the character set used. See Section 8.4.7, “Limits on Table Column Count and Row Size”.
In contrast to CHAR, VARCHAR values are stored as a 1-byte or 2-byte length prefix plus data. The length prefix indicates the number of bytes in the value. A column uses one length byte if values require no more than 255 bytes, two length bytes if values may require more than 255 bytes.
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