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Invalid use of group function即“集函数的无效用法”
错句示例:SELECT sname AS '优秀学生姓名',AVG(score) as '平均成绩' FROM `grade_info` WHERE AVG(score)>90 GROUP BY sno;
正确写法:SELECT sname AS '优秀学生姓名',AVG(score) as '平均成绩' FROM `grade_info` GROUP BY sno HAVING AVG(score) > 90 ;
GROUP BY,顾名思义:根据...分组,在SQL中常根据指定字段分组(指定字段内容相同是为一组),然后针对组进行相关操作
where 子句的作用是 对查询结果进行分组前 ,将不符合where条件的行去掉,即在分组之前过滤数据, where条件中不能包含聚组函数 ,使用where条件过滤出特定的行。
另外需要注意的地方是, SQL 语法:
SELECT [DISTINCT|DISINCTROW|ALL] select_expression,... -- 查询结果查询语句书写顺序须遵循上述规则。
Invalid use of group function 错误: 聚合函数 不可用 聚合函数 不可用 比如sum(count(1))这样写就是不行的 本身就已经求个数和了 而且只有一行,sum函数不起作用 所以报错了 SELECT sum(count(1)) FROM order o 还有就是 where和having where表示条件 如果条件里有 sum avg等集合函数 需要使用 having SELECT o.id FROM order o WHERE member_id " 1111 - 使用群组函数无效" 是一个 MySQL 错误消息。 这个错误通常表示您在 SELECT 语句中使用了群组函数 (例如 COUNT, SUM, AVG 等),但是没有通过 GROUP BY 子句将数据分组。在使用群组函数时,必须通过 GROUP BY 子句来分组数据,以便该函数能够正常工作。 解决方案是:在 SELECT 语句中加入 GROUP BY 子句,并将您希望分组的字段列入其... 出现问题: 查询: select d.* from v2 inner join departmentsd on d.department_id=v2.department_id where v2.ag=min(v2.ag) LIMIT 0, 1000错误代码: 1111 Invalid use of group function 错误代码: #查询平均工资最低的部门信息 SELECT d.* FROM v2 INNER JOIN `departments`d ON d.`department_id`=v2 此编辑器能满足您的所有编辑需求。 UltraEdit 是 NOTEPAD 绝佳的替代品并远远超过后者,它支持无限的文件大小,100,000 单词的拼写检查器,完整的 HEX 编辑功能,供程序员使用的可配置句法高亮显示,以及列编译等功能。UltraEdit 拥有您需要的所有特性。它可以立即处理多个文件,甚至是数兆字节的文件。它基于磁盘,只需要很小的内存,即使是很大的文档也一样。UltraEdit-32 适用于 Windows 98/Me 和 Windows NT/2000/XP/2003。 标准特性: -基于磁盘的文本编辑 -文档大小不受限制,即使是数兆字节的文件也只占用最小限度内存 -可同时打开和显示多个文档 -列模式编辑!!!插入列/删除/减切/添加序列 -拖放编译 -文件排序(包括删除重复文件,忽略大小写,升序,降序) -100,000 单词拼写检查器 -句法高亮显示-可配置,为 C/C++, VB, HTML 和 Java预配置 -在特定列以硬回车自动换行 -在现有文档的光标位置插入文件 -文件管理器支持拖放功能 -可配置工具栏 -分隔栏窗口 -插入和叠印模式用于编辑 -多层次撤消和恢复 -UltraEdit 兼容 Windows 3.x CUA -查找和替换——按下 shift 键后,允许选择插入符和查找目标之间的文本,可替换选定区域内的所有内容 -文件内查找,文件内替换 -转到行号/分页符 -显示器和打印机字体选择。(支持所有安装的字体,包括 TRUE-TYPE 字体) -打印支持页眉、页脚、页边距和分页 -自动行缩近 -制表符设置 -支持自动换行 -十六进制编辑器——允许编辑任何二进制文件——支持十六进制剪切、复制和粘贴 -十六进制字符的插入和删除 -十六进制查找、替换和全部替换 -同时多窗口编辑 -全面的宏支持,包括保存和加载 -上下文相关帮助 -在原文件目录内自动备份生成的文件,扩展名为(.BAK) -UltraEdit 在每次使用时均保持其屏幕位置 -行和列号显示(可禁用行号的显示) -用鼠标右键可弹出菜单 -文本可切换大小写首字符大写 -UNIX/MAC 到 DOS 转换 -DOS 到 UNIX 转换 -自动检测 UNIX/MAC 文件 -自动换行模式转换到CR/LF's 允许用硬回车将自动换行写入文件 -CR/LF's 转换到自动换行(从文件删除 CR/LF's) -支持模板 -代码折叠 -更多.... 此外:UltraEdit 接受命令行输入,可以用于替换 NOTEPAD 或其它编辑器,这些编辑器通过单击文件从文件管理器调用。 E-Mail 地址: info@ultraedit.com.cn http://www.qast.com 或 http://www.ultraedit.com.cn UltraEdit/UltraEdit-32 的最新中文版本可以从下地址获得: http://www.ultraedit.com.cn -------- 更新历史 ----------------------------------------- // 更新历史 - 删除 v8.00 之前的更改 v13.00a -Improved startup time -Support for additional code pages -Improved handling of Perl regex in Find/Replace -File modified date/time use s current locale format -Added Toggle Browser View to main toolbar -Added tex.conv file for Aspell filter support -Changing of directories on VMS servers -Handling of date/time for FTP/SFTP files -"Not a plain file" message when opening multiple FTP files -Truncated FTP file/folder names when names include spaces -Handling of absolute/relative paths for files in projects -[$replace$] in templates with UTF-8/UTF-16 files -Previous bookmark select does not require a parameter -JavaScript setActive function did not change activeDocument -Script issue using insertMode, hexOn/Off, columnModeOn/Off -Issue with replace select ion in replace method in scripting -Issue with extended ASCII characters in script method write() -Issue converting CR/LFs to Wrap in UTF-8 files -Read Only status when opening files from MRU list - Err oneous IE save dialog when toggling browser view -UTF-8 files and preserving cursor when switching to/from hex view -HTML Color Select or in languages other than English -Sort of UTF-8/UTF-16 files results in extraneous BOM -"No Err or Occurred" attempting to open a non-existent file -Several Explorer view enhancements -Out Of Memory condition in UE/Unix regular expression replace -Issue with File Change Detection and UltraCompare integration -Hang on exit using versioned backups -Addressed several crash scenarios v13.00 - 集成脚本支持 - 输入时拼写检查 - 支持 MSI Installer - 搜索收藏夹中的文件 - 能够在所有打开的文件中单步执行搜索和替换 - 在任何不包含搜索字符串的文件中执行“在文 件中搜索” - 用户可以自定义“在文件中搜索”结果的格式 - 集成的 IE 浏览器支持显示活动的 HTML 文件 - 资源管理器视图使用系统注册的图标显示文件 - 能够定义连续的选择 - 用于典型安装的“快速安装” - 安装过程中将 UE 设置为查看源代码编辑器时 - 可选择将光标位于词语左侧或右侧以便选择在 遇到下划线时停住 - 支持语法高亮显示逐字的字符串字符 - 语言内嵌注释 v12.20b 2006-12-12 - Added "Open in UltraEdit" right click menu command to remote file listing of FTP/SFTP Browser - Filenames with '$' are now handled correctly for VAX/VMS FTP Servers - Fixed support for BS2000 FTP servers - Fixed issue with date/time display in FTP/SFTP Browser - Crash with SSH/Telnet window and host key verification - Crash in print preview with Alt-C command - Issue with HTML Tidy and " Use memory buffers for editing" option - Sort preference now remembered in FTP/SFTP browser - Fixed crash in Find when searching for ^p with "List Lines Containing String" option enabled - Fixed crash when recovering files on application restart - Fixed issue with data corruption of Unicode files saved via FTP/SFTP(Unix files only) - Improved handling of spell-checking when using TeX filter - FTP Open/Save as dialog will now correctly display file sizes larger than 4GB - Fixed crash on application close when saving FTP files - Fixed issue with FTP files failing to save on application close - Fixed SSH/Telnet hang when switching between terminal tabs - Support for CSE Validator free version - Fixed issue with toggling external FTP accounts erasing account information - Fixed issue with using negated character classes like [^a-c]+ with the Perl Regex Engine - Improved handling of utf8 values in replace dialog when using "All Open Files" option - Fixed issue with regular expression corrupting default colors of edit window - Fixed issue with passing ignore options to UltraCompare Lite - Fixed issue with horizontal scroll bars not being displayed in UltraCompare Lite - Fixed issue with passing compare mode options to UltraCompare Lite - Fixed unicode display issue with Function List - Fixed issue with UE regex and extended ascii characters - Fixed XML Convert to CR LF on very large files - Fixed issue with display of lines of Chinese chars from non-unicode files in List Lines Containing string - Fixed issue with auto-indent wrapped lines - Word wrap enhancement to bind trailing space with preceeding word - Fixed cursor pos of trim trailing spaces when cursor is in trailing spaces - Fixed crash involving undo and find/replace - Fixed intermittent failures of perl regex engine within macros - Fixed macro failure when using perl regex with replace - Fixed crash when replacing large text blocks - Fixed splitter window delete file on large files - Fixed issue with Modified FTP file failing to save when closed - Fixed issue with Modified FTP file failing to close when saved - Fixed issue with FTP account data, such as server name, not being validated when creating an account - Fixed issue with Replace always replacing from top - Fixed Async-FTP open/save crash/hang with multiple FTP/SFTP files - Fixed path handling for several FTP server variants - Fixed path handling in FTP Browser when downloading/uploading single directories - Fixed crash in FTP/SFTP and SSH/Telnet account manager - Fixed crash in FTP/SFTP when using cached passwords or passphrases - Improved handling of cached passwords and passphrases when opening/saving multiple FTP/SFTP files - Fixed issue with Replace in "All Open Files" not displaying number of replaces v12.20a 2006-10-26 - Fixed focus issue on connect/disconnect in SSH/Telnet console - Fixed crash when hitting escape in SSH/Telnet console - Fixed issue with FTP save failure closing file - Fixed issue with invalid hostname in SSH/Telnet window on connect - Fixed issue with upload of subfolders of FTP linked folders - Fixed issue with log window when switching between FTP and SFTP - Fixed several issues with Explorer integration and shell extension dll - Fixed issue with end of line replace including line terminators - Fixed issue with multiple replace targets on multi-line match - Fixed Replace All not using Perl Regex in replace dialog - Fixed issue with Count All using Perl Regex engine - Fixed Replace following a Convert to fixed column and Convert OEM -> ASCII - Fixed issue with INI file using windows directory when Admin use r - Fixed ghost characters with auto indent wrapped lines with no indent - Fixed issue scrolling window left using mo use select or drag - Fixed issue with bookmark adjust when pasting lines in UTF-8 file - Fixed issue with folding state not saved for some UTF-8 files - Fixed Macro load err or with Goto function - Fixed print select ion from HEX edit mode - Fixed scroll bar in output window for HTML Validator output - Fixed HTML Tidy to generate output when no err ors are detected in file - Fixed file tab coloring when tab is dragged to another position - Added support for mo use wheel scroll in SSH/Telnet console - Added SSH host fingerprint prompt and caching - Remember last use d account in FTP/SFTP Browser and Account Manager - Remember password when opening previously open FTP/SFTP files v12.20 2006-10-12 - SSH/Telnet Window - Multi-key mappings (sometimes called chords) - Auto-indent wrapped lines - Support for Windows x64 Shell integration - Ability to view and print Key Mapping from configuration - Support for Alternate Data Streams on NTFS Operating Systems - Support for dual monitors - Right-click Find in Files from Explorer in File Tree view - Spell check in "strings" or "comments" - Group ed undo option - File Tab Color Highlighting on a per file extension basis (optional) - Bookmark now includes column number with line number (optional) - Default the View As option for new unsaved files (config item) - Saving of folded lines is now optional (config item) - Showing of last line of fold in syntax highlighted files is now optional (config item) - Ability to see path to the INI file in config - Integration with Explorer now a configuration - New Settings for Output Window (via right-click context menu): - Use spaces instead of Tabs - Show Tool tips - Change working directory if no files are open in directory - Mo use wheel scrolls window under mo use pointer v12.10b 2006-08-30 FTP/SFTP fixes: -Removing an FTP/SFTP account leaves empty entry in Explorer view -FTP disconnection ca use s tree view to revert to initial or root directory -SFTP authentication failure requires application restart instead of prompting for correct credentials -Blank filenames in FTP directory listing for BS2000 servers -FTP Filename displayed when uploading is prepended with a number -Crash when attempting to use a deleted FTP account -Support for Tandem/Guardian FTP with FTP Browser and Explorer View -FTP Browser, File View, and Open/Save do not use a mutual password/passphrase caching system -Local Copy feature for FTP/SFTP no longer works -FTP/SFTP files opened on program startup or when opening a project are corrupted if filenames are identical -FTP Save failure leaves file in readonly mode - Err or dialog when attempting to use Version Backup with FTP Files -Specifying line numbers in FTP files opened from the command line does not work -Remove folder ignored when using FTP linked folders Search using Regular Expressions: -Search in select ion incorrectly highlights previous character -Replace in Files dialog settings were not being remembered -Search and replace of end of line characters duplicated letters after the first line -Perl compatible Regular Expression found no function s when use d in Ctags -Find next did not properly update cursor position -Issue with not scrolling horizontally to highlighted found object -Find Prev could ca use hang or crash with Perl compatible Regular Expressions -Replace in select ion on multiline and partial line matching code -Focus to find dialog problem with Perl compatible Regular Expressions Other fixes: -Open file paths are now relative for project files -File Associations did not remember a new association to file -Cursor move to next word stops working after a while when editing UTF-8 files -Cursor positioning using command line options in UTF-8 files -Pipe character appended to filenames saved using FTP Browser -Clipboard history does not capture clipboard data from other clipboards only clipboard 0 -Improve readability of clipboard history entries by displaying line ending characters as '\r' and '\n' v12.10a 2006-06-12 - Crash when configuring custom tab stop values - Crash while navigating file tree view - Crash when deleting bookmark - Crash on auto-recovery of an unsaved new file - Fixed CSE validator .dll err or with an expired v7.01 Pro Trial version - Added FTP Log dialog, requires "Show FTP Log=1" in settings section of ini file - Addressed MVS and Tandem parsing issues - Inactivity or disconnection will no longer ca use FTP Browser/Tree to revert to initial or root directory - Passwords and key passphrases will be cleared if connection fails - Passphrases for SFTP are now correctly remembered for all FTP function s(open/save, treeview, browser) - PCRE and select ing between cursor and last find(Shift+F3) works correctly - PCRE and code unfolding works correctly - Local copy for FTP supported for tree view, browser, and async save - VMS FTP Servers when using logical path names will now work - Issue with FTP Account Manager and clearing data fields - Issue with UC Lite and registry corruption - Crash with tooltips and tagslist window - Clipboard History now captures Cut/Copy from all UE Clipboards - Added support for Windows NT4 - Issue with UE Unix style regular expressions and Find/Replace with beginning of line anchor - Fixed opening and saving of FTP files to MVS servers - Account conversion will now correctly interpret nonstandard SFTP ports when updating from previous version - Crash in Find in Files v12.10 2006-05-15 - 增强颜色选择器 - 重新设计 FTP 帐户对话框 - FTP 浏览器 - 异步保存/打开 FTP/SFTP 文件 - 对于 FTP 链接的方案文件夹按日期同步 - 剪贴板历史 - 支持代码页转换 - 支持 Xmllint - 命名的书签 - 在文件中查找忽略查找和替换中的目录 - 备份 UE 工具栏和其它个人定制内容的方法 v12.00 2006-03-15 - Perl 兼容的正则表达式/真 Unix 样式正则表达式 - FTP/SFTP 优化 - FTP 帐户在文件树视图里显示并可访问 - FTP 设置现在可以位于用户定义的文件中 - 能连接本地文件夹和远程文件夹并在远程服务器和本地系统之间上传/下载文件 - 查找/替换优化 - 进一步改良 UNICODE 支持 - 对话框完全支持 UNICODE - 高亮显示所有找到的字符串 - 将用户工具和方案工具都增加到25个 - 新的宏命令: - *IfFTP 检查文件是否为 FTP 文件 - *IfCharGt 检查字符是否大于值 - *IfColNumGt 检查列号是否大于值 - 用户工具和方案工具新改进的对话框 - 改进的 (Aspell) 拼写支持 - 代码折叠支持忽略字符串和注释字符串 - 优化对 UltraCompare Professional 的支持包括三方比较 - 在 UltraEdit 文件树视图里右键单击比较 - 更改用户概要文件时所有菜单和工具栏一道切换 - 添加新的键映射: NextWindowPanel Ctrl+F1O PrevWindowPanel Alt+F1O EditPasteCopy Ctrl+Shift+V Profile Select Menu Alt+F8 v11.20 2005-10-07 - 全新呈现高级配置对话框 - 用户可配置右键单击的上下文菜单,用于“主编辑窗口”和“文件”选项卡 - 能够定制由HTML 工具栏创建的标签(tag) - 能够编辑Unicode big endian - 支持直接编辑 ASCII escaped Unicode - 能够从 Big endian 转换到 little endian - 能够添加换行符到 XML 文件,这些XML 文件含有很少的换行符或不含换行符 - 增强了工具栏配置的可用性,包括拖放功能 - 增加与 UltraSentry 的集成,以安全删除 UltraEdit 临时文件。 - 提供选项删除最近打开的文档和方案历史记录 - 能够设置默认的编辑窗口大小 v11.10c 2005-09-20 - Fixed intermittent scrolling crash - Fixed extra new line issue when replacing with regular expression - Changed compare function to not minimize all other open files - Fixed font increase/decrease irregular point size behavior - Changed EBCDIC to ASCII conversion to more closely match expected behavior - Fixed syntax highlighting and function list parsing for FTP files - Files opened via the explorer context menu will now be detected as read-only correctly - The ESC key will now cancel out of the FTP Accounts dialog instead of saving - Added EBCDIC and create CTAGS to available toolbar commands - Files opened via FTP will now remember their ASCII/BINARY type when saved - FTP fixes for Stratus VOS - Fixed print/print preview of syntax-highlighted files - Fixed syntax highlighting issues with multiple languages in single line - Added INI setting for old style Windows file list management - Fixed cursor positioning problem with Chinese font - Other minor fixes v11.10b - Fixed multi-line quoted string issue in mutli-language file - Fixed on paste line ending conversions on Windows 9X - Fixed issue with trailing spaces in FTP filenames - Added err or message to differentiate between folders and group s in new folder dialog - Fixed heap corruption in undo buffer, specifically search/replace operations on files with long lines - Fixed issue with missing Red/Green/Blue bitmaps in color select or - Added crash dump feature - Fixed filtered display of project folder subdirectories - Fixed Find in Files, Function list, and Ctags when searching project folder subdirectories - Fixed highlighting issues and crash of FTP/SFTP Save As with syntax highlighted files - Fixed conflict when changing desktop background color on XP systems - Fixed SFTP truncated or missing filenames in file listing - Fixed UTF-8 false positive detection issue - Fixed synchronization issue with multiple instances of UE - Fixed simultaneous opening of multiple files with a single instance of UE - Removed f90 and f95 from the default FORTRAN_LANG file extension list - Explorer view will now update correctly when drives are added/removed from the system - Fixed relative path issues with project tagfile/wordfile - Fixed drag-and-drop when select ion is top line of display and mo use is clicked left of first column - Installer fixes(only applies to uedit32_all.zip NOT hotfix), added All Use rs desktop shortcut, fixed Admin issues with start menu shortcuts - Fixed update of function list in multi-language syntax highlighted Unicode files - Corrected multiline-string switch for unknown languages - Added check for attempting reindent select ion of lines >20k characters - Maintain text select ion while scrolling through large unicode files - Fixed Undo issue with converted UNIX files - Fixed screen jump when folding/unfolding code near the end of a file - Improved SFTP support for VAX/VMS - Fixed Aspell issue with single quotes causing false positive - Fixed crash with scrolling through code folded sections of file - Corrected painting issue when code folding sections >75k - Fixed brace matching in non-syntax highlighted files - Fixed crash when pasting UTF-16/UTF-8 v11.10a - Fixed corruption issue with Undo/Redo of Unix/Mac files - FTP file list now correctly displays file sizes greater than 2GB - Corrected bookmark display issue in word-wrapped file - Fixed replace history when replacing with "" - Find output from Mac/Unix files will now position correctly when double clicked in output window - Output window command, Copy to Clipboard, will now include DOS line endings in the output - Fixed possible screen jump going in and out of Column mode - Re-wrap screen text when font size is changed while in Word Wrap mode - Fixed Column mode copy/paste command with UTF-8/UTF-16 files - Fixed FTP save issue with UTF-8 files - Added FTP support for HP Tandem systems using Guardian filesystem - Fixed double FTP change directory issue on some servers - Fixed paste of text into find combo box w/read only files - Added language indicator to status bar for syntax highlighted languages - Fixed Aspell spell checking of non-syntax highlighted files - Improved performance of large XML files without line feeds - Fixed issue with auto-correct using cursor keys - Fixed crash displaying ASCII chars above 128 in syntax highlighted files - Corrected CSS highlighting in multi-language file - Corrected parsing of VBScript language in multi-language file - Project tool custom icons will now display in menus and toolbars - Multibyte filenames(Korean) can now be opened from Project tree view. - Fixed Save as ANSI/ASCII ca use s file to be corrupted. - Multiple monitor tooltips now appear in the correct location - Improved UTF-16 file detection - Defaults button from keymapping dialog will now restore defaults instead of clearing all mappings - Fixed issue where deleting Menu/Toolbar configuration files ca use s UE not to start - Added support for detection of Windows 95 to correct graphical issues with the UE toolbar - Fixed crash in Find in Files when trying to search with no documents open - Fixed Use r tool crash when select ion is passed to tool but no select ion has been made in Hex Mode v11.10 - New Icons - Clipboard conversion on paste, UNIX/MAC/DOS line endings - Enhanced "Save As" dialog - Replace in project files - Check for Updates capability - Auto-detect Unicode(UTF-16) files without BOM v11.00b - Fix for Toolbar configuration save and load from INI file - Fixed cursor positioning when toggling into HEX mode - Added new INI option for windows font: Extra Windows Font=Font Name (Default: Extra Windows Font=Tahoma) - Added new INI option for windows font size: Extra Windows Font Height=Font Size (Default: Extra Windows Font Height=13) - Added new INI option for file tab font: TAB Windows Font=Font Name (Default: TAB Windows Font=Tahoma) - Added new INI option for file tab font size: TAB Windows Font Height=Font Size (Default: TAB Windows Font Height=13) - Added " Use Check Marks on Menus" conguration for blind use rs - Fix for crash in Find in Files - Fix for crash while attempting to add invalid words to spell checker word list - Fix for Find in Files when searching Open Files and files are UTF-8/UTF-16 - Fix for replace in files for open files when files are UTF-8/UTF-16 - Fix for replace in all open files when files are UTF-8/UTF-16 - Project settings dialog now shows complete path - Quick search toolbar entry now works if on multiple toolbars at once - Auto-complete fixes - FTP/SFTP bug fixes, including crash, and correctly reloading remote file - Fixes for automatic outdenting in Perl - Win 9x startup issue with ueres.dll - Crash with split windows and delete - Many changes for multi-language files with syntax highlighting, folding and indenting - File tree view sort now includes path - Project file fixes - Added capability to change size (length) of that search window in toolbar by double-clicking on the find combobox item in toolbar customization window - Fixed line number being chopped with some fonts - Many other minor issues v11.00a - Several project related issues including refresh - Only partial project path showing in project list in some instances - File Tree View no longer access floppy/removable drives with mo use over - File Tree View did not display drives created using the SUBST command - Files with an .s03 extension show up as .s0303 in the File Tree View - Undocked windows (File tree view and others) now remember if they are undocked when closed - The HTML-Toolbar function Text2HTML did not support some conversions - HTML Bookmark button changed to anchor to avoid confusion - HTML "B"(old) button undo did not remove the tag - Added more Icons to toolbar configuration. - Toolbar position not saved in some conditions - Fixed issues with capture output from tools not always working - Output window fixes - Function list not always detecting function s that previous versions detected - Some function s not showing if function strings ended with asterisk (* ) - Fixed display issues with line numbers being clipped - Fixed display issue with themes/manifest files. - Configuration changes to spelling checker options did not always activate "apply" - Support Ctrl-B brace matching on non-syntax highlighted files - Fixes for multi-line strings - Added default folding strings for XML - Very slow drawing of XML files with very large lines - Crash on save if it's a new file that is syntax highlighted - Escape for Auto Complete dialog - Positioning problem with spell checker and Unicode file - Crash with GUID use d multiple times at beginning of file - Insert color default color issue - Icons left in system tray when UltraEdit closes and minimized to system tray - Auto correct on return key - Several minor FTP/SFTP issues including MVS. - Other minor fixes. v11.00 -Enhanced Configurable menu / TB support - Easier to use - Save configurations - Multiple configurations, select for appropriate task -HTML toolbar - Preconfigured for most popular function s -Improved HTML Tidy support - Updated - Configuration Dialog for Tidy Configuration -Aspell Spell checker (more languages available) -Enhanced Use r Interface - Framework/window changes - Improved bookmarks - Ruler guide for caret position - "Explorer" style File Tree view - Improved document tabs -Code Folding - Fold any function or Structure (C/C++) - Collapse All and Expand All -Copy/append line if no select (option) -Enhanced brace matching - New highlight based on Line/Col Background - Use r configurable match strings -File Logging - Automatically update log files at configurable interval - Files can individually be set to be log files -Multi-Language(HTML file types only) Syntax Highlighting -Tools toolbar - Enhanced color select or - CSS Style Builder - HTML Tidy enhanced interface/configuration dialog - Globally Unique ID Number generator - Number converter (converts select ion: binary, octal, decimal,hexadecimal) - Artistic Style formatter -Other Minor Changes - Lock Insert Mode Key (inhibit Overstrike) - Disable auto hex mode - Open from Explore does not change the most recent file list - Always on Top function now in View Menu - Enhancements to reindentation - Syntax Highlighting is supported with wrapped lines v10.20d -Bug Fixes - Fix right click context menu broke in v10.20d - Fix UNIX FTP dates - Multiple instance issues fixed - Several issues related to UTF-8/Unicode file handling fixed - Output window issues fixed - Access violation issues fixed - Find in files issues fixed - FTP Filter settings issue fixed - Fixed Project group issue with "Relative to Project File" setting - Opening files through symbolic links fixed - Duplicate entries in Recent File List from FTP Open/Save fixed - SFTP multi-file permissions issue fixed - Replace All issue fixed - Other minor issues v10.20c - Bug Fixes - Random print problem fixed - Print on NT4 fixed - Works with debuggers running - UTF-8 problem with UTF-8 last character of file - A few reports of startup problems fixed - Other minor issues v10.20b - Bug Fixes - Lock up on some NT/98 systems on launch - Some random crashes fixed - Display/ select ion of Asian double-byte characters fixed - FTP Save As sometimes reported change after save when no change was made - UTF-8 character conversion on very large files - Other minor issues - Added %d to tools commands to represent directory name WITHOUT backslash (%D for short directory name) v10.20a - Bug Fixes - Problems with tabs, particularly on Win 9x/Me - Problems with a few lockups when starting on Win 9x/Me - Print preview problems - Find in Files in macro after being editied did not work - Load time for files from explorer after UltraEdit is running is much quicker - Other minor fixes V10.20 - Multiple Tab Positions - Duplicate Line - New Line/Insert Line - Tooltips for Tabs show document path - Tree View function to change view to drive/path of active file - Character Properties POP-UP Dialog to show: Value of character in Decimal/HEX and Display Offset of character from start of file in Decimal/HEX - Additional Macro Commands for: Find and Replace in Files Conversion from ASCII to UNICODE UNICODE to ASCII Duplicate Line New Line/Insert Line - Command line option (" -f") to search for a string from the command line - Must be the last parameter of the command line - Use the settings from the last find within UltraEdit to allow flexibility - Increased performance for Trim Trailing Spaces - Display conversion for ISO 8859-2 Fonts from Windows normal fonts - New CHM based help - SFTP now supports PuTTY key format - INI file is now by default under the %APPDATA% folder UNLESS one already exists in the Windows Folder then it is use d for compatability - Other minor changes v10.10c - Bug Fixes - FTP Current directory not always set correctly when switching accounts if not doing a browse - Project files sometimes does not sort the first file correctly - Loading projects from older releases occasionally crashes - Improvements to copy/paste between Unicode and non-Unicode applications - Screen sometimes not rendered correctly after select ion on XP - Other minor issues v10.10b - Bug Fixes - Some list boxes not shown correctly when docked horizontally (not vertically) - Syntax highlighting dialog not showing all languages in some cases - Output Window scroll width fixed for very long lines - Folder files not always shown in Project List - Opening project with open files in File Tree View would show project files in list - Print/print preview sometimes shows an extra character at end of - Problem with cut/delete of large sections from files greater than 2GB - Revert to saved with UTF-8 BOM files would show the BOM characters - UltraCompare Lite fixes - Other minor issues - Added check for UltraCompare Professional and use it if installed instead of UltraCompare Lite - For usability for those that are visually impaired added text indicators in the General Configuration Tab to indicate items that were checked or not v10.10a - Bug Fixes - UltraCompare Binary Mode on Win 9x/Me not showing results - Paste in HEX mode of data including nulls fails - Paste some non-English characters in some locales ca use d character conversions - Several issues with projects including directories - Find in Files always did a recursive search - Fix spell checker dialogs for non-English versions - Other minor issues - Added Font Setting for UltraCompare - Added INI settings allowing use r to determine if the BOM should be written: - Write UTF-8 BOM = 1 - This setting ca use s the editor to write out the Byte Order Mark (BOM) header in a file when it is saved. If this is not set, it will not write out the BOM unless the file contained it when it was loaded into the editor. If so, the BOM will be written to the file irrespective of the setting. The BOM is an industry standard indicating the contents of the file for various UNICODE formats. This is set be default internally. - Write UTF-8 BOM NF = 1 - This setting ca use s the editor to write out the Byte Order Mark (BOM) header in a file when it is saved if the file is a new file created within UltraEdit. If the Write UTF-8 BOM setting above is set, then the BOM will always be written and this is ignored. Otherwise, the BOM will only be written out for new files if this is set. V10.10 - Resizeable dialogs for FTP Open/Save As, ASCII Table and Find List lines containg string - Column Insert Number feature allows Hex or Decimal - Project Directories allow Recursive addition of files/folders - SFTP allows Public/Private Key encryption - Improved UTF-8 support with BOM detection - Max columns increased to allow up to 20,000 - Word count enhanced with additional information - Alt+ Up/Down commands to switch documents according to File Tab order - Additional macro commands added for: - Conversion to/from EBCDIC - Next/Previous Document - Setting of code page and locale: - Locale use d (optionally) for sort - Code page use d for Unicode conversions - Increased UNDO buffer sizes - Double click empty spaces to select all contiguous space - Open of Unicode paths via Drag and Drop from Explorer - Sort optionally use s locale to sort - New file compare: - Improved interface - Better algorithms - Supports binary compare - Supports FTP files without saving locally - Double click document file tab to close file - Added INI setting to not automatically browse when changing FTP account (Default now not to browse) - Other minor changes v10.00c - Bug Fixes - Correction for syntax highlighting block comments - Fix problem with "Cannot allocate memory for text expansion" after using Preserve Case find - Fixed problems related to use rs with advanced setting to use memory buffers set - Fixed problem with macros and column mode - Other minor issues v10.00b - Bug Fixes - Installer issue sometimes causing a path problem - Word-wrap positioning bug - Other minor issues v10.00a - Bug Fixes - Uninstall not working correctly - Sort issue with UNICODE files - Regular expression problem fixed - Project/Treeview issues - SFTP issues - Other minor issues V10.00 - Secure FTP Support (SFTP) - CSE HTML Validator integration: - Run Validation - Setup Validator Options and Configuration - Job Type support * Requires CSE HTML Validator from www.htmlvalidator.com - Syntax Highlighting based on file name - Project additions include: - Support for nested group s with no limit on depth - Directories allowed as a group - Directory group s dynamically updated - Direct addition/removal of files from File Tree View - FTP Dropdown for recent directories/per account - Function to close all files but active file added to File Menu and File Tab right click menu - Macro command additions: - IfFTP to check if file is an FTP file - IfCharGt to check if character is greater than value - IfColNumGt to check if column number is greater than value - Use r tool ability to pass the line and column of the cursor to tool - Syntax Highlighting allows delimiters to be start character of word - Support for OEM Fixed Font select ion - Preserve Case Replace to preserve the case of a word when being replaced - Option for CHM use r help files to always be on top, or not - File Tree View remembers horizontal scroll position between sessions - Many additional configuration items for use r preferences - INI Settings moved to configuration - Other minor changes v9.20b - Bug Fixes - Fix "random" crash/UltraEdit disappear after Find in Files and other list related operations (created in v9.20a) - Fix issues relating to hiding lines - Minor syntax highlighiting changes with string comments - Fix problem with finding matches braces at end of file - Other minor issues v9.20a - Bug Fixes - Function list scrollbar not shown - Tools in macros run from command line did not display captured output - Project Menu could not be disabled on main menu - Focus now goes to edit window if closing Function List or Tree View when they have focus - Corrected Save As issues with MVS FTP filenames - Corrected FTP directory listing for Stratus - Other minor issues v9.20 - Function list highlights function that cursor is in - Auto-Complete includes function s in function list - Automatic highlighting of brackets/braces as typing or positioning occurs - Automatic highlighting of brackets/braces includes for HTML designated files - Incremental Search - QuickRecord Macros - One keystroke recording - File tabs showing filenames may be dragged and dropped individually - Macro support added for Copy Active Path/Name - Macro support added for Save All - Increase find/replace string limit to 30,000 characters when using ^c or ^s - Allow environment variables in tool commands/paths (%Env:) - New indent strings to specify indentation if string is at start of line - Marker characters can now have same the same start and end characters - FTP Save (not save as) option to save local copy of file automatically - HEX mode copy function to copy HEX view of text to clipboard - New INI Setting ("One Based Ruler") to allow the ruler to start at 1, not 0 - Output window now scrolls when data is added to it from tools commands - Keystroke added for Split Window and File Rename - Other minor changes v9.10b - Changed directory browser to get rid of delay for non-connected drives - Bug Fixes - Fix problem with Read-Only setting change changing properties of file when INI setting not set - Fix problem with sort of UNICODE files - Fix problem with wrap/CRLF conversions on double byte files - Fix delete line in column mode - Fix problem with last line not being converted in UNIX-DOS conversion - Fix problem with UNDO and Replace All - Other minor fixes v9.10a - Bug Fixes - Fix for column number range with line comment restrictions - Added "Check Short Name" INI setting (set to 0 to disable check when opening file for matching name with existing names). On some servers the shortname is the same, causing UltraEdit not to open the file - Fix problem with opening FTP files from command line if UltraEdit already running - Fix problem of opening multiple files with wildcards from command - Fixed some issue with sort, including numeric sort - Fixed issues with MVS Save/Save As - Fix problem with replace in select ed text in column mode - Fix issues with find and select ed text - Other minor issues reported v9.10 - Support for files greater than 4GB (previously support was for files up to 2GB) - View menu items (and toolbar support) to zoom in/out by increasing/decreasing font size - Sort support for up to 4 sort keys, much quicker in most cases - Sort option for numeric sort vs. alphanumeric - Back/Forward function s take you to the previous place you edited, or scrolled from, or jumped to a tag from etc. and works across multiple files - Added FTP support for AS400 - Added FTP support for MVS - FTP Dialog now has a log mode that shows the FTP session between UltraEdit and the FTP server - Increased performance for Macros under some conditions - Increased performance for Replace All on larger files - Added default Open Directory and Default Project File Directory - Syntax highlighting allows use r to specify what characters precede line comments - Syntax highlighting allows use r to specify what columns line comments are valid for - INI setting to disable new style toolbar and menus - use old style toolbar configuration compatible with screen readers and quicker load - Add option for tool configuration to save active file (or not) before running the tool - Quick Open now has option to open all match files recursively through sub directories - Command line option to force OEM character set - Find in Files with an empty find string will create listing of all files matching directory/name specification - Undo supported for Replace all - INI option to use memory for editing - Updated HTML Tidy version v9.00c - Bug Fixes - New file created on load not automatically being closed when file is opened - Fix problem with UNICODE and syntax highlighting comments - HEX mode not accepting ASCII character input - Fixed problem with some UTF-8 or UNICODE files being corrupted with extra '00' - Other minor issues v9.00b - Bug Fixes - Issues relating to display of page break - On XP, non printable characters are not displayed by system routines and are ignored. Changed UltraEdit to display '?' instead - Fixed crash with macros invoked from the command line that also exit - Corrected Find in Files positioning with some UNIX files - Fixed several problems with UNICODE files - Fixed problem with Print Preview and tabs with two pages on one page - Fixed scrolling problem with hidden lines - Fixed problem with replace in select ion when select ion made from right to left - Corrected problem with relative paths in projects - Fixed crash at startup with nVidia drivers and nView - Other minor issues - Added INI setting "Display DOS Lines Only" that ca use s only lines terminated with CR/LF to display as separate lines - Added INI setting "ClearType" for XP use rs that use ClearType fonts to provide better display of these with Syntax Highlighting - Added View Template List to key mapping v9.00a - Bug Fixes - Issues relating to display of page break - Unicode search of ASIAN characters sometimes failed - Addressed several issues with menu hot keys - Running tools will ca use the file change detection to run - Fixed issue with some use r tool bitmaps not showing correctly on some systems - Fixed problem with UTF-8 and FTP save - Fixed problems with Column Mode and UTF-8/Unicode files - Fixed problem with file associations setting the wrong default icon registry setting - Fixed FTP problem with some passwords not working - Fixed FTP problem with some links and directory changes - Other minor issues reported - Added PER TOOL option to display DOS box while running - Changed Find in Files back to pre-V9 default for directory with INI setting "FIF Use ActiveFilePath" option in the [Settings] section to default to active file path - Added Hungarian Spelling Dictionary v9.00 - Multiple Tools bars available ( use r configurable) - Configurable menus - Icons on menus - Find "entry" box/drop down on toolbar for quick finds - Macros can be run when file is loaded and when file is saved - Macro function s for "IfNameIs" and "IfExtIs" to check active filename/ extension within macros for conditional statements - Improved macro shortcut support - Reformmatting of existing code to indent/unindent based on language - Automatic unindenting now happens when unindent string typed, not after newline - Syntax highlighting support for up to 20 languages - EBCDIC/HEX combined view without conversion - Printing support of hidden lines - Use r tools may have use r ICONS or BITMAPS - Use r tools now run by default without command window showing - Increased number of function strings to 6 for syntax highlighting - Commands for going to END of next or previous WORD - New template list view provided for quick access to templates - Ctags support*: - Project specific Ctag file with option to create automtaically when opened - Configurable parameters and tag file for use outside of projects - Find Symbol command will locate symbol in ctag file of select ed item or item under cursor and postion to it in appropriate file - *Requires the use of thirdpart CTag EXE for tagfile generation (links provided) - INI setting to disable left cursor from going to end of previous line - Tools with output to output window run without showing DOS box - Command line parameter (/a) added to allow specifying an already open file without having the prompt to reload it (just position to specified line) - Command line parameter -lx and -cx allowed following each file name to specify line and column to position to. Older method still supported also - Multiple search paths allowed with find and replace in files - View Menu includes option to show Page Breaks as line across the screen - Added ability to copy Function List contents to clipboard - Find and Replace in Files now allows multiple directories to be specified - Other minor changes v8.20a - Find in files sometimes listed the wrong line number for UNIX files - Function List sometimes positioned to the wrong line for the function - Improvements to UNIX style Regular Expressions - File changed notification dialog corrected to show longer filenames - UNIX UTF-8 files now converted correctly - UNICODE column justify corrected - Corrected print/print preview with Syntax Highlighting in Windows 95 - Line select ion sometimes select ed too much text for copy/paste - Corrected auto-correct - Full screen mode toolbar now remembers it's position - Corrected input processing from IME2000 - Other minor changes v8.20 - Full Screen mode - Improved UNICODE support on all Win32 platforms - Support for UTF-8 and conversions to/from UTF-8 - Support for the new WM_UNICHAR message - Rename of files supported - Column mode justify (Left, Right, Center) to justify text just in the specified columns - Find in Files and Replace in Files option for UNICODE Searches - Command line option to ignore file delete detection just for the files loaded from the command line - File change notification dialog now allow all or none options for reloading changed files - Search string not found dialog now has option to search from other end of file - Increased recent project list to 12 entries - INI Setting for file compare EXE to use in place of UltraEdit's compare - INI option to ignore file delete detection - Macro support to clear clipboard - Macro support to close file with option to save file, or not to save file without prompt - Other minor changes v8.10b - Bug Fixes - SPANISH version spell checker fixed - Column mode function s in macros on large files corrected - Fix for page up positioning in some instances with wide files - Fix for scrolling issues with hidden lines - Tab indent of lines corrected to use indent value as appropriate - Conversion of files to fixed column with null fields corrected - Other minor issues v8.10a - Bug Fixes - On some systems the taglist and templates were not initially loaded - Column Markers lost when loaded - Function List would not position to function for UNIX non converted files - Once a tool captured wrote the output to the active file, all tools wrote output to file - Double byte systems did not show cursor position correctly for double byte characters - Some fonts show problems with cursor positioning under certain conditions - Other minor issues v8.10 - Ability to hide and unhide select ed portions of text - Edit Unix/MAC files without any conversion required (^n/^r use d in find/replace for lf/cr) - Line numbers now based on real lines not wrapped lines - Conversion of character delimited files to fixed column - Conversion of fixed column file to character delimited - Use r bitmaps for use r and project tools - Use r/project tools can have output go directly to the active document - Separate indent and tab stop setting - Commands to position active line at top, middle or bottom of screen - Cache INI file for quicker load/shutdown - Function s strings can recognize multiple lines - Replace in Files option to list changed files and number of occurrences - Output window double click will look for file in project directory if not fully qualified and not found in active file directory - Word count will count only select ed text if select ion exists - Line comments up to 5 characters now supported - Unix Regular Expressions setting can be changed in macros - INI option to delete existing file before saving - INI option to edit in text mode files containing nulls (HEX 00) - Other minor changes v8.00b - Bug Fixes - Problem with some find in files results showing incorrect line number - Replace in all open files ignored read-only status of file - When using View As File Type, the function list was not updated - Various corrections for Unicode file types - Fix for hanging indent with reformat file - Minor fixes for regular expressions - Problem with select ion in some macros - Other minor mixes v8.00a - Bug Fixes - Err or created when function list select ed to search project files but no project active - Focus now goes (again) to Function List when invoked - Find in Files fixed for MAC files (returned wrong line number) - Make Copy/Backup now works for FTP files (local copy) - Fixed cursor jumping in hex mode in some configurations - HTML Tidy now updates original file automatically IF the HTML Tidy configuration is set to do so - Fixed HOT Keys for templates 10-19 - Fixed delay on some systems after double click to open file from explorer then going back to explorer - Fixed running tool from within macro - Other minor fixes v8.00 - Function list support for searching for function s in all project files - Multiple function strings per language (3) - HTML Tidy support (integrated) see http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett/tidy/ - Project specific use r tools (as well as standard set) - Option to sort (or not) the function list - Group support added for projects, allowing files to be group ed together - Option to open file without temp file now has threshold size to allow only large files to use this option - Copy - append, allows the use r to copy the select ion and append it to the clipboard - Cut - append, allows the use r to cut the select ion and append it to the clipboard - Color select or added to allow use r to select a color and insert the value into a file - Delete next and previous word changed to act more like other applications - Number of templates increased to 50 - Filter for File Tree View - All macro lists are now sorted alphabetically - The ESCAPE key will now abort a macro. - The ESCAPE key will now abort a large file being loaded. - Changes to the automatic UNIX detection to cater for mixed UNIX/DOS and for UNIX files with ^M's - FTP - Added OS9000 support - Option not to display directories Windows 是 Microsoft Corporation 的注册商标。 Invalid use of group function 即“集函数的无效用法” 错句示例: SELECT sname AS ‘优秀学生姓名’,AVG(score) as ‘平均成绩’ FROM `grade_info` WHERE AVG(score)>90 GROUP BY sno; 正确写法: SELECT sname AS ‘优秀学生姓名’,AVG(score) as ‘平均成绩’ F... 在使用 MySQL 数据库时,经常会遇到一个错误提示: Invalid use of group function 。意思是没有正确使用 group function 。当查询的结果指代不明,或者和接受结果的变量数据类型不匹配时,都会导致这个错误提示。因此,遇到这个错误时,首先就考虑这两个地方有没有出问题。 代码示例: -- 原来的代码 DELIMITER $ CREATE PROCEDURE tes 存储过程插入数据报错 Invalid use of group function ,搜索了好多问题都是是由于where子句 group by的原因,修改为Having即可,但是我的存储过程中所有的查询都没有用到这个东西,一行一行的注释掉,最终确认是由于下面的语句导致 SET tmp_id = CONCAT(SUM(1000000 + i)); 注释掉就不报错了,感觉赋值时进行sum运算不合理,修改成 select into 就可以了,如下: SET tmp_procId = CONCAT(SUM(100 错误语句: SELECT s.SID, s.Sname, AVG(a.score)FROM student sLEFT JOIN sc a ON s.SID = a.SID WHERE AVG(a.score) > 60 GROUP BY s.SID正确语句: SELECT s.SID,s.Sname,AVG(a.score)FROMstudent sLEFT JOIN sc a O... You are visitor as of October 17, 1996. The Art of Assembly Language Programming <br>Forward Why Would Anyone Learn This Stuff? 1 What's Wrong With Assembly Language 2 What's Right With ... 但是在客户端不可以,服务启动时报错: java.sql.SQLException: null, message from server: “Host ‘’ is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server” 客户端访问时报错: 解决方法: 1,登陆服务器 mysql > use mysql ; //用 mysql database 2,查询 use r表如下: 3, mysql > update use r set host=’%’ where u SELECT [DISTINCT|DISINCTROW|ALL] select _expression,... -- 查询结果 [FROM table_references -- 指定查询的表 [WHERE where_definition] -- where子句 Invalid use of group function 即“集函数的无效用法” 错句示例: SELECT sname AS '优秀学生姓名',AVG(score) as '平均成绩' FROM `grade_info` WHERE AVG(score)>90 GROUP BY sno; 正确写法: SELECT sname AS '优秀学生姓名',AVG(score) as '平...