高效率图像格式HEIF(High Efficiency Image Format )是一种压缩图片格式,通过使用更现代的压缩算法,在相同质量的前提下,HEIF文件大小是JPEG文件的40%左右。
阿里云高性能HEIC解码库在开源的libheif和libde265基础上进行二次开发,针对ARM平台做了大量优化,参考了其它同类开源库优点,在解码链路上的各个环节进行优化,显著地提升了运行速度。相比原始的开源版本,解码的效率有数倍的提升。阿里云高性能HEIC解码库代码链接,请参见 Github 。
在 build.gradle 的repositories节点中添加阿里云Maven仓库配置。
maven { url 'https://maven.aliyun.com/repository/public' }
在 build.gradle 的dependencies节点添加依赖。
implementation 'com.aliyun:libheif:0.0.4'
-keep class com.aliyun.libheif.**
/** * judge file is heic format or not * @param length the length of effective file memory * @param filebuf file pointer in memory * @return rgba byte, convenient to create a {@link android.graphics.Bitmap} public static native boolean toRgba(long length, byte[] fileBuf, Bitmap bitmap); * judge file is heic format or not * @param length the length of effective file memory * @param filebuf file pointer in memory * @return bool, if true, the format is heif; * if false, the fromat is not heif public static native boolean isHeic(long length, byte[] fileBuf); * get info from heic picture * @param HeifInfo info * @param length the length of effective file memory * @param filebuf file pointer in memory * @return bool, if true, outSize is valid; * if false, outSize is not valid public static native boolean getInfo(HeifInfo info, long length, byte[] fileBuf);
以下以将asset目录下的 test.heic 解码成Bitmap为例为您进行介绍。
val image = findViewById<ImageView>(R.id.image); val inputStream = assets.open("test.heic") val buffer = ByteArray(8192) var bytesRead: Int val output = ByteArrayOutputStream() while (inputStream.read(buffer).also { bytesRead = it } != -1) { output.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead) val heifInfo = HeifInfo() val fileBuffer: ByteArray = output.toByteArray() HeifNative.getInfo(heifInfo, fileBuffer.size.toLong(), fileBuffer) // 单帧图片,获取frameList的第一个元素即图片高宽。 val heifSize = heifInfo.frameList.first() // 根据高宽创建好图片。 val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap( heifSize.width, heifSize.height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) // 解码。 val heifBuffer = HeifNative.toRgba(fileBuffer.size.toLong(), fileBuffer, bitmap) image.setImageBitmap(bitmap)
Glide是一个知名开源的图片缓存库。更多信息,请参见 Glide官方文档 。
build.gradle 中接入Glide。
implementation 'com.aliyun:libheif:0.0.4' implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:4.13.2' implementation 'com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler:4.13.2'
class HeifByteBufferBitmapDecoder(bitmapPool: BitmapPool): ResourceDecoder<ByteBuffer, Bitmap> { private val bitmapPool: BitmapPool init { this.bitmapPool = Preconditions.checkNotNull(bitmapPool) override fun handles(source: ByteBuffer, options: Options): Boolean { val buffer = ByteBufferUtil.toBytes(source) return HeifNative.isHeic(buffer.size.toLong(), buffer); override fun decode( source: ByteBuffer, width: Int, height: Int, options: Options ): Resource<Bitmap>? { val buffer = ByteBufferUtil.toBytes(source) var heifInfo = HeifInfo() HeifNative.getInfo(heifInfo, buffer.size.toLong(), buffer) val heifSize = heifInfo.frameList[0] val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(heifSize.width, heifSize.height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) HeifNative.toRgba(buffer.size.toLong(), buffer, bitmap) return BitmapResource.obtain(bitmap, bitmapPool) }
@GlideModule(glideName = "HeifGlide") open class HeifGlideModule : LibraryGlideModule() { override fun registerComponents( context: Context, glide: Glide, registry: Registry val byteBufferBitmapDecoder = HeifByteBufferBitmapDecoder(glide.bitmapPool) registry.prepend( ByteBuffer::class.java, Bitmap::class.java, byteBufferBitmapDecoder }
fun loadHeif(context: Context, imageView: ImageView, file: File) { Glide.with(context).asBitmap().load(file).into(imageView) }
Fresco是Facebook开源的一个知名Android图片缓存库。更多信息,请参见 Fresco官方文档 。
build.gradle 中接入Fresco。
implementation 'com.aliyun:libheif:0.0.4' implementation 'com.facebook.fresco:fresco:2.6.0'
class FrescoHeifDecoder: ImageDecoder { private var mFile: File? = null private var mUri: Uri? = null constructor(file: File) { mFile = file constructor(uri: Uri) { mUri = uri override fun decode( encodedImage: EncodedImage, length: Int, qualityInfo: QualityInfo, options: ImageDecodeOptions ): CloseableImage? { var imageRequest: ImageRequest? = null if (mFile != null) { imageRequest = ImageRequest.fromFile(mFile) if (mUri != null) { imageRequest = ImageRequest.fromUri(mUri) try { val cacheKey = DefaultCacheKeyFactory.getInstance() .getEncodedCacheKey(imageRequest, null) val fileCache = ImagePipelineFactory.getInstance() .mainFileCache val resource = fileCache.getResource(cacheKey) val file: File = if (resource == null) { mFile!! } else { (resource as FileBinaryResource).file val bufferFromFile = ByteBufferUtil.fromFile(file) val bytes = ByteBufferUtil.toBytes(bufferFromFile) val heifInfo = HeifInfo() HeifNative.getInfo(heifInfo, file.length(), bytes) val heifSize = heifInfo.frameList[0] val bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(heifSize.width, heifSize.height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) HeifNative.toRgba(file.length(), bytes, bitmap) return CloseableStaticBitmap( pinBitmap(bitmap), qualityInfo, encodedImage.rotationAngle, encodedImage.exifOrientation } catch (e: Exception) { return null private fun pinBitmap(bitmap: Bitmap?): CloseableReference<Bitmap>? { return CloseableReference.of(Preconditions.checkNotNull(bitmap), BitmapCounterProvider.get().releaser) }
object ByteBufferUtil { @Throws(IOException::class) fun fromFile(file: File): ByteBuffer { var raf: RandomAccessFile? = null var channel: FileChannel? = null return try { val fileLength = file.length() if (fileLength > Int.MAX_VALUE) { throw IOException("File too large to map into memory") if (fileLength == 0L) { throw IOException("File unsuitable for memory mapping") raf = RandomAccessFile(file, "r") channel = raf.channel channel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, fileLength).load() } finally { if (channel != null) { try { channel.close() } catch (e: IOException) { if (raf != null) { try { raf.close() } catch (e: IOException) { fun toBytes(byteBuffer: ByteBuffer): ByteArray { val result: ByteArray val safeArray = getSafeArray(byteBuffer) if (safeArray != null && safeArray.offset == 0 && safeArray.limit == safeArray.data.size) { result = byteBuffer.array() } else { val toCopy = byteBuffer.asReadOnlyBuffer() result = ByteArray(toCopy.limit()) rewind(toCopy) toCopy[result] return result private fun rewind(buffer: ByteBuffer): ByteBuffer { return buffer.position(0) as ByteBuffer private fun getSafeArray(byteBuffer: ByteBuffer): SafeArray? { return if (!byteBuffer.isReadOnly && byteBuffer.hasArray()) { SafeArray(byteBuffer.array(), byteBuffer.arrayOffset(), byteBuffer.limit()) } else null internal class SafeArray (val data: ByteArray, val offset: Int, val limit: Int) }
fun loadHeif(simpleDraweeView: SimpleDraweeView, file: File) { val request = ImageRequestBuilder.newBuilderWithSource(Uri.fromFile(file)).setImageDecodeOptions( ImageDecodeOptions.newBuilder().setCustomImageDecoder(FrescoHeifDecoder(file)) .build() ).build() val controller = Fresco.newDraweeControllerBuilder() .setImageRequest(request).build() simpleDraweeView.controller = controller }
AVIF的解码可以用采用官方解码库libavif。libavif已经封装好了Android的相关接口,相关代码在android_jni目录下。关于libavif代码的更多信息,请参见 Github 。
* Decodes the AVIF image into the bitmap.
* @param encoded The encoded AVIF image. encoded.position() must be 0.
* @param length Length of the encoded buffer.
* @param bitmap The decoded pixels will be copied into the bitmap.
* @param threads Number of threads to be used for the AVIF decode. Zero means use number of CPU
* cores as the thread count. Negative values are invalid. When this value is > 0, it is
* simply mapped to the maxThreads parameter in libavif. For more details, see the
* documentation for maxThreads variable in avif.h.
* @return true on success and false on failure. A few possible reasons for failure are: 1) Input
* was not valid AVIF. 2) Bitmap was not large enough to store the decoded image. 3) Negative
* value was passed for the threads parameter.
public static native boolean decode(ByteBuffer encoded, int length, Bitmap bitmap, int threads);
其中,threads参数建议指定为1,即单线程解码。如果你的图片编码使用了AV1 tiles特性,开启多线程才能提升效率。关于接口的更多信息,请参见 Github 。
Glide自定义Module已经支持AVIF,源码参考其代码仓库 Github 。
implementation "com.github.bumptech.glide:avif-integration:4.13.2"
关于Fresco如何集成解码库,请参见 自定义解码器相关文档 。