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國圖紙本論文 國圖紙本論文 研究生:柯禕藍 論文名稱:現代吳語太湖片發展的初步分析 論文名稱(外文):A Preliminary Description of the Historical Development of Modern Northern Wú Dialects 指導教授:張光宇 指導教授(外文):Chang, Kuang-yu 學位類別:碩士 校院名稱:國立清華大學 系所名稱:語言學研究所 論文出版年:2014 語文別:英文 論文頁數:86 論文摘要
The current work provides an outline of the development of modern Tàihú dialects of Wú. Wú is a Sinitic language with between 70 and 90 million speakers, spoken in the Yangtze Delta region of East China. Shànghǎi is the largest city in the Wú speaking area. The language is notable for its retention of the tripartite voicing distinction of Middle Chinese which has been lost in all but a few non-Wú dialects of the Sinitic languages, as well as for its complex tonal system unique among the Sinitic languages.
This paper provides an historical reconstruction of the stages of development from an earlier common form of the Tàihú dialects – referred to here as Old Wú – up to the current modern dialects spoken in and around Shànghǎi, Southern Jiāngsū and in Northern Zhèjiāng. It provides an historical account of phonemic inventories of the dialects surveyed, as well as providing an explanation for competing trends of affrication and de-affrication in the region. A step- by-step account is provided for modern realisations of the traditional Qièyùn categories. The reconstructions – to include stages development – have been formulated through the comparative method by analysing data from a wide range of Wú dialects, both modern and historical. This paper aims to add to the literature on the subject of linguistic diversity among the Wú dialects and to facilitate future research in the region.