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发布时间:2022年07月27日 13:49 点击数:



姓名: 孔卉


最高学位: 博士

职称: 副教授

办公室 曾呈奎楼 403 室(思明区大学路 182号)

电子邮箱: konghui@xmu.edu.cn


智慧城市、数字化城市治理、智能出行、时空大数据挖掘、地理信息系统( GIS)、共享经济与共享出行、 共健康


美国俄亥俄州立大学 (The Ohio State University),地理系,哲学博士 2015-2018年

美国俄亥俄州立大学 (The Ohio State University),地理系,文学硕士 2013-2015年

北京大学,城市与环境学院资源环境与城乡规划管理专业,理学学士 2009-2013年

北京大学,国家发展研究院,经济学学士 2009-2013年


2022 至今,厦门大学建筑与土木工程学院城市规划系,副教授

2020 . 11-2022 . 06,美国明尼苏达大学 (University of Minnesota)公共事务学院城市与区域规划系,助理教授

2019.11-2020 . 10,美国麻省理工学院 (MIT)城市研究与规划系,博士后

2018.07-2019 . 10,新加坡-MIT联合研究中心 (SMART),博士后


2021年,Transportation Research Board (TRB) 最佳论文奖

2017年,俄亥俄州立大学地理系E.Willard and Ruby S. Miller 奖








1. Planet Imagery - Data as an Asset, UMII Seed Grant, $93783, 2021-2022, Co-PI

2. Customer survey for public transit riders during the COVID-19 pandemic, 芝加哥交通管理局 (Chicago Transit Authority) 项目,2019-2021,Senior Personnel

3. TNC Regulation and Transit Management based on TNC-Transit Relationship, 芝加哥交通管理局 (Chicago Transit Authority) 项目,2019-2020,Senior Personnel

4. Public Transit User Satisfaction and Service Quality Improvement Prioritize, 世界资源组织巴西分部(World Resource Institute - Brasil)项目 2019-2020,Senior Personnel

期刊论文 ( * 为通讯作者 )

1.Zheng, Y., Kong, H.* , Petzhold, G., Barcelos, M. M., Zegras, C. P., & Zhao, J. (2022). Gender differences in the user satisfaction and service quality improvement priority of public transit bus system in Porto Alegre and Fortaleza, Brazil. Travel Behaviour and Society, 28, 22-37.

2. Saltykova, K., Ma, X., Yao, L., & Kong, H.* (2022). Environmental impact assessment of bike-sharing considering the modal shift from public transit. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 105, 103238.

3. Kang, J., Kong, H. , Lin, Z.*, & Dang, A. (2022). Mapping the dynamics of electric vehicle charging demand within Beijing's spatial structure. Sustainable Cities and Society, 76, 103507.

4. Liu, L., Kong, H. , Liu, T., & Ma, X.* (2022). Mode Choice between Bus and Bike-Sharing for the Last-Mile Connection to Urban Rail Transit. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 148(5), 04022017.

5. Meredith-Karam, P., Kong, H.* , Wang, S., & Zhao, J. (2021). The relationship between ridehailing and public transit in Chicago: A comparison before and after COVID-19. Journal of Transport Geography, 97, 103219.

6. Zheng, Y., Kong, H.* , Petzhold, G., Barcelos, M. M., Zegras, C. P., & Zhao, J. (2021). User Satisfaction and Service Quality Improvement Priority of Bus Rapid Transit in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Case Studies on Transport Policy.

7. Li, T., Meredith-Karam, P., Kong, H. , Stewart, A., Attanucci, J. P., & Zhao, J.* (2021). Comparison of Door-to-Door Transit Travel Time Estimation Using Schedules, Real-Time Vehicle Arrivals, and Smartcard Inference Methods. Transportation Research Record, 03611981211023768.

8. Diao, M., Kong, H. , & Zhao, J*. (2021). Impacts of Transportation Network Companies on Urban Mobility. Nature Sustainability, 1-7.

9. Mo, B., Kong, H. , Wang, H., Wang, X. C., & Li, R.* (2021). Impact of pricing policy change on on-street parking demand and user satisfaction: A case study in Nanning, China. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 148, 445-469.

10. Kong, H. , Zhang, X.*, & Zhao, J. (2020). How does ridesourcing substitute for public transit? A geospatial perspective in Chengdu, China. Journal of Transport Geography, 86, 102769.

11. Kong, H. , Moody, J., & Zhao, J*. (2020). ICT’s impacts on ride-hailing use and individual travel. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 141, 1-15.

12. Kong, H. , Zhang, X., & Zhao, J.* (2020). Is ridesourcing more efficient than taxis?. Applied Geography, 125, 102301.

13. Kong, H. , Jin, S. T.*, & Sui, D. Z. (2020). Deciphering the relationship between bikesharing and public transit: Modal substitution, integration, and complementation. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 85, 102392.

14. Jin, S. T ., Kong, H.*, & Sui, D. Z. (2019). Uber, public transit, and urban transportation equity: a case study in New York City. The Professional Geographer, 71(2), 315-330.

15. Zhou, Y., Huang, B.*, Wang, J., Chen, B., Kong, H., & Norford, L. (2019). Climate-conscious urban growth mitigates urban warming: evidence from Shenzhen, China. Environmental science & technology, 53(20), 11960-11968.

16. Jin, S. T.*, Kong, H. , Wu, R., & Sui, D. Z. (2018). Ridesourcing, the sharing economy, and the future of cities. Cities, 76, 96-104.

17. Tao, Z.*, Zheng, Q., & Kong, H. (2018). A modified gravity p-median model for optimizing facility locations. Journal of Systems Science and Information, 6(5), 421-434.

18. Gao, Q. L., Li, Q. Q.*, Yue, Y., Zhuang, Y., Chen, Z. P., & Kong, H. (2018). Exploring changes in the spatial distribution of the low-to-moderate income group using transit smart card data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 72, 68-77.

19. Tao, Z., Yao, Z.*, Kong, H. , Duan, F., & Li, G. (2018). Spatial accessibility to healthcare services in Shenzhen, China: improving the multi-modal two-step floating catchment area method by estimating travel time via online map APIs. BMC health services research, 18(1), 1-10.

20. Kong, H.* , & Sui, D. Z. (2017). Integrating the normative with the positive dimension of the new science for cities: a geodesign-based framework for Cellular Automata modeling. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 44(5), 837-863.

21. Sui, D. Z.*, Zhao, B., & Kong, H. (2017). The development of copycat towns in China: an analysis of their economic, social, and environmental implications. Working Paper (WP17DS1). Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

22. Kong, H.* , Sui, D. Z., Tong, X., & Wang, X. (2015). Paths to mixed-use development: a case study of Southern Changping in Beijing, China. Cities,44, 94-103.

23. 王恂 ,童昕, 孔卉 .个体流动与结构变迁:北京北部高科技产业带调查.特区经济,2013(6):28-32.