I just randomly got that warning. That file exists on my hard drive, but VS refuses to understand it. I have no idea how to fix it, there are no solutions available online.
Weird thing is VS is not actually letting me manually insert the path. It basically says "Not found and there is nothing you can do about it". But there must be solution that does not include format.
What I have tried:
Nothing beside googling because it appears there is no solution. If you get it, you are screwed. go to the Dependences => Frameworks => what ever did you use to create your project => and look for System.Runtime if it missing then you might messed up. the things you can do is download the framework from web and run the installation and during installation choose repair it should be fixed. but if System.Runtime is exist then clean and rebuild you project.. Open The Dependencies folder of your project => Frameworks => (which you use to create your project or chose the first one) => Looks for System.Runtime
if System.Runtime is not missing then clean the build the project should fix the problem.
or else you might messed up your framework... right now all you can do go to online and download the framework which you are using then during installation choose repair should fix the issue..
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