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Thread.sleep(2000); SearchContext shadowHostEls = (SearchContext) (js.executeScript("return document.querySelector(\""+my-open-component+"\").shadowRoot")); shadowHostEls.findElement(By.cssSelector("input")).sendKeys("qavboxOpen");

Js.executeScript(….).shadowRoot returns the SearchContext which is parent to the WebElement, so we can use the SearchContext object/variable “shadowHostEls” to fetch all the root elements of the shadowDOM and perform actions.

This above code will work if you are using Selenium 3 or 4.

Note – If you are using Chrome > 96 version and using WebElement as return type of JS.executeScript, then you will get an exception as “o rg.openqa.selenium.remote.ShadowRoot cannot be cast to org.openqa.selenium.WebElement java.lang. ClassCastException : org.openqa.selenium.remote. ShadowRoot cannot be cast to org.openqa.selenium. WebElement

So please use SearchContext instead of WebElement

Thread.sleep(2000); SearchContext shadowHostEls = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("my-open-component")).getShadowRoot(); shadowHostEls.findElement(By.cssSelector("input")).sendKeys("qavboxOpen");

Note – this above method will work only if you have an OPEN shadowDOM.

connectedCallback() { this._root.innerHTML = '<div>Close shadow with ref=_root</div><input type="text"></input><br>'

this._root is the reference to the closed shadowDOM element and we can automate the elements inside this shadowRoot.

 driver = new ChromeDriver();
    js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
    SearchContext shadowHostEls = 
            (SearchContext) (js.executeScript("return document.querySelector(\""+my-close-component+"\")._root"));

Observe the 7th line of above code, we used ._root instead of shadowRoot to identify the closed shadowRoot with reference.

hope this helps!

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Author: Admin

Experience & exploration about software QA tools & techniques. Maintaining & writing blog posts on qavalidation.com! Publishing video tutorials on youtube.com/qavbox

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