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select PageInfo->'$.utmSource', JSON_UNQUOTE(json_extract(PageInfo,'$.utmSource')) from BLP_WinningRecord where id =140455331


json_extract(jsonStr,'$.key') 等同于 jsonStr->'$.key'

JSON_UNQUOTE( json_extract(jsonStr,'$.key') ) 等同于 jsonStr->>'$.key' (两个箭头)

A JSON array contains a list of values separated by commas and enclosed within [ and ] characters:

["abc", 10, null, true, false]

A JSON object contains a set of key-value pairs separated by commas and enclosed within { and } characters:

{"k1": "value", "k2": 10}

As the examples illustrate, JSON arrays and objects can contain scalar values that are strings or numbers, the JSON null literal, or the JSON boolean true or false literals. Keys in JSON objects must be strings. Temporal (date, time, or datetime) scalar values are also permitted:

["12:18:29.000000", "2015-07-29", "2015-07-29 12:18:29.000000"]

Nesting is permitted within JSON array elements and JSON object key values:

[99, {"id": "HK500", "cost": 75.99}, ["hot", "cold"]]
{"k1": "value", "k2": [10, 20]}

You can also obtain JSON values from a number of functions supplied by MySQL for this purpose (see Section 12.16.2, “Functions That Create JSON Values” ) as well as by casting values of other types to the JSON type using CAST( value AS JSON) (see Converting between JSON and non-JSON values ). The next several paragraphs describe how MySQL handles JSON values provided as input.

In MySQL, JSON values are written as strings. MySQL parses any string used in a context that requires a JSON value, and produces an error if it is not valid as JSON. These contexts include inserting a value into a column that has the JSON data type and passing an argument to a function that expects a JSON value (usually shown as json_doc or json_val in the documentation for MySQL JSON functions), as the following examples demonstrate:

  • Attempting to insert a value into a JSON column succeeds if the value is a valid JSON value, but fails if it is not:

    mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (jdoc JSON);
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec)
    mysql> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}');
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
    mysql> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('[1, 2,');
    ERROR 3140 (22032) at line 2: Invalid JSON text: 
    "Invalid value." at position 6 in value (or column) '[1, 2,'.

    Positions for at position N in such error messages are 0-based, but should be considered rough indications of where the problem in a value actually occurs.

  • The JSON_TYPE() function expects a JSON argument and attempts to parse it into a JSON value. It returns the value's JSON type if it is valid and produces an error otherwise:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_TYPE('["a", "b", 1]');
    | JSON_TYPE('["a", "b", 1]') |
    | ARRAY                      |
    mysql> SELECT JSON_TYPE('"hello"');
    | JSON_TYPE('"hello"') |
    | STRING               |
    mysql> SELECT JSON_TYPE('hello');
    ERROR 3146 (22032): Invalid data type for JSON data in argument 1
    to function json_type; a JSON string or JSON type is required.

    MySQL handles strings used in JSON context using the utf8mb4 character set and utf8mb4_bin collation. Strings in other character sets are converted to utf8mb4 as necessary. (For strings in the ascii or utf8 character sets, no conversion is needed because ascii and utf8 are subsets of utf8mb4 .)

    As an alternative to writing JSON values using literal strings, functions exist for composing JSON values from component elements. JSON_ARRAY() takes a (possibly empty) list of values and returns a JSON array containing those values:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY('a', 1, NOW());
    | JSON_ARRAY('a', 1, NOW())              |
    | ["a", 1, "2015-07-27 09:43:47.000000"] |

    JSON_OBJECT() takes a (possibly empty) list of key-value pairs and returns a JSON object containing those pairs:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_OBJECT('key1', 1, 'key2', 'abc');
    | JSON_OBJECT('key1', 1, 'key2', 'abc') |
    | {"key1": 1, "key2": "abc"}            |

    JSON_MERGE() takes two or more JSON documents and returns the combined result:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE('["a", 1]', '{"key": "value"}');
    | JSON_MERGE('["a", 1]', '{"key": "value"}') |
    | ["a", 1, {"key": "value"}]                 |

    For information about the merging rules, see Normalization, Merging, and Autowrapping of JSON Values .

    JSON values can be assigned to user-defined variables:

    mysql> SET @j = JSON_OBJECT('key', 'value');
    mysql> SELECT @j;
    | @j               |
    | {"key": "value"} |

    However, user-defined variables cannot be of JSON data type, so although @j in the preceding example looks like a JSON value and has the same character set and collation as a JSON value, it does not have the JSON data type. Instead, the result from JSON_OBJECT() is converted to a string when assigned to the variable.

    Strings produced by converting JSON values have a character set of utf8mb4 and a collation of utf8mb4_bin :

    mysql> SELECT CHARSET(@j), COLLATION(@j);
    | CHARSET(@j) | COLLATION(@j) |
    | utf8mb4     | utf8mb4_bin   |

    Because utf8mb4_bin is a binary collation, comparison of JSON values is case-sensitive.

    mysql> SELECT JSON_ARRAY('x') = JSON_ARRAY('X');
    | JSON_ARRAY('x') = JSON_ARRAY('X') |
    |                                 0 |

    Case sensitivity also applies to the JSON null , true , and false literals, which always must be written in lowercase:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_VALID('null'), JSON_VALID('Null'), JSON_VALID('NULL');
    | JSON_VALID('null') | JSON_VALID('Null') | JSON_VALID('NULL') |
    |                  1 |                  0 |                  0 |
    mysql> SELECT CAST('null' AS JSON);
    | CAST('null' AS JSON) |
    | null                 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    ERROR 3141 (22032): Invalid JSON text in argument 1 to function cast_as_json:
    "Invalid value." at position 0 in 'NULL'.

    Case sensitivity of the JSON literals differs from that of the SQL NULL , TRUE , and FALSE literals, which can be written in any lettercase:

    mysql> SELECT ISNULL(null), ISNULL(Null), ISNULL(NULL);
    | ISNULL(null) | ISNULL(Null) | ISNULL(NULL) |
    |            1 |            1 |            1 |

    Sometimes it may be necessary or desirable to insert quote characters ( " or ' ) into a JSON document. Assume for this example that you want to insert some JSON objects containing strings representing sentences that state some facts about MySQL, each paired with an appropriate keyword, into a table created using the SQL statement shown here:

    mysql> CREATE TABLE facts (sentence JSON);

    Among these keyword-sentence pairs is this one:

    mascot: The MySQL mascot is a dolphin named "Sakila".

    One way to insert this as a JSON object into the facts table is to use the MySQL JSON_OBJECT() function. In this case, you must escape each quote character using a backslash, as shown here:

    mysql> INSERT INTO facts VALUES 
         >   (JSON_OBJECT("mascot", "Our mascot is a dolphin named \"Sakila\"."));

    This does not work in the same way if you insert the value as a JSON object literal, in which case, you must use the double backslash escape sequence, like this:

    mysql> INSERT INTO facts VALUES 
         >   ('{"mascot": "Our mascot is a dolphin named \\"Sakila\\"."}');

    Using the double backslash keeps MySQL from performing escape sequence processing, and instead causes it to pass the string literal to the storage engine for processing. After inserting the JSON object in either of the ways just shown, you can see that the backslashes are present in the JSON column value by doing a simple SELECT , like this:

    mysql> SELECT sentence FROM facts;
    | sentence                                                |
    | {"mascot": "Our mascot is a dolphin named \"Sakila\"."} |

    To look up this particular sentence employing mascot as the key, you can use the column-path operator -> , as shown here:

    mysql> SELECT col->"$.mascot" FROM qtest;
    | col->"$.mascot"                             |
    | "Our mascot is a dolphin named \"Sakila\"." |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    This leaves the backslashes intact, along with the surrounding quote marks. To display the desired value using mascot as the key, but without including the surrounding quote marks or any escapes, use the inline path operator ->> , like this:

    mysql> SELECT sentence->>"$.mascot" FROM facts;
    | sentence->>"$.mascot"                   |
    | Our mascot is a dolphin named "Sakila". |

    The previous example does not work as shown if the NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES server SQL mode is enabled. If this mode is set, a single backslash instead of double backslashes can be used to insert the JSON object literal, and the backslashes are preserved. If you use the JSON_OBJECT() function when performing the insert and this mode is set, you must alternate single and double quotes, like this:

    mysql> INSERT INTO facts VALUES 
         > (JSON_OBJECT('mascot', 'Our mascot is a dolphin named "Sakila".'));

    See the description of the JSON_UNQUOTE() function for more information about the effects of this mode on escaped characters in JSON values.

    When a string is parsed and found to be a valid JSON document, it is also normalized: Members with keys that duplicate a key found earlier in the document are discarded (even if the values differ). The object value produced by the following JSON_OBJECT() call does not include the second key1 element because that key name occurs earlier in the value:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_OBJECT('key1', 1, 'key2', 'abc', 'key1', 'def');
    | JSON_OBJECT('key1', 1, 'key2', 'abc', 'key1', 'def') |
    | {"key1": 1, "key2": "abc"}                           |

    This first key wins handling of duplicate keys is not consistent with RFC 7159 . This is a known issue in MySQL 5.7, which is fixed in MySQL 8.0. (Bug #86866, Bug #26369555)

    MySQL also discards extra whitespace between keys, values, or elements in the original JSON document. To make lookups more efficient, it also sorts the keys of a JSON object. You should be aware that the result of this ordering is subject to change and not guaranteed to be consistent across releases.

    MySQL functions that produce JSON values (see Section 12.16.2, “Functions That Create JSON Values” ) always return normalized values.

    Merging JSON Values

    In contexts that combine multiple arrays, the arrays are merged into a single array by concatenating arrays named later to the end of the first array. In the following example, JSON_MERGE() merges its arguments into a single array:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE('[1, 2]', '["a", "b"]', '[true, false]');
    | JSON_MERGE('[1, 2]', '["a", "b"]', '[true, false]') |
    | [1, 2, "a", "b", true, false]                       |

    Normalization is also performed when values are inserted into JSON columns, as shown here:

    mysql> CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 JSON);
    mysql> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES 
         >     ('{"x": 17, "x": "red"}'),
         >     ('{"x": 17, "x": "red", "x": [3, 5, 7]}');
    mysql> SELECT c1 FROM t1;
    | c1        |
    | {"x": 17} |
    | {"x": 17} |

    Multiple objects when merged produce a single object. If multiple objects have the same key, the value for that key in the resulting merged object is an array containing the key values:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE('{"a": 1, "b": 2}', '{"c": 3, "a": 4}');
    | JSON_MERGE('{"a": 1, "b": 2}', '{"c": 3, "a": 4}') |
    | {"a": [1, 4], "b": 2, "c": 3}                      |

    Nonarray values used in a context that requires an array value are autowrapped: The value is surrounded by [ and ] characters to convert it to an array. In the following statement, each argument is autowrapped as an array ( [1] , [2] ). These are then merged to produce a single result array:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE('1', '2');
    | JSON_MERGE('1', '2') |
    | [1, 2]               |

    Array and object values are merged by autowrapping the object as an array and merging the two arrays:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_MERGE('[10, 20]', '{"a": "x", "b": "y"}');
    | JSON_MERGE('[10, 20]', '{"a": "x", "b": "y"}') |
    | [10, 20, {"a": "x", "b": "y"}]                 |

    A JSON path expression selects a value within a JSON document.

    Path expressions are useful with functions that extract parts of or modify a JSON document, to specify where within that document to operate. For example, the following query extracts from a JSON document the value of the member with the name key:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"id": 14, "name": "Aztalan"}', '$.name');
    | JSON_EXTRACT('{"id": 14, "name": "Aztalan"}', '$.name') |
    | "Aztalan"                                               |

    Path syntax uses a leading $ character to represent the JSON document under consideration, optionally followed by selectors that indicate successively more specific parts of the document:

    • A period followed by a key name names the member in an object with the given key. The key name must be specified within double quotation marks if the name without quotes is not legal within path expressions (for example, if it contains a space).

    • [ N ] appended to a path that selects an array names the value at position N within the array. Array positions are integers beginning with zero. If path does not select an array value, path [0] evaluates to the same value as path :

      mysql> SELECT JSON_SET('"x"', '$[0]', 'a');
      | JSON_SET('"x"', '$[0]', 'a') |
      | "a"                          |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    • Paths can contain * or ** wildcards:

      • .[*] evaluates to the values of all members in a JSON object.

      • [*] evaluates to the values of all elements in a JSON array.

      • prefix ** suffix evaluates to all paths that begin with the named prefix and end with the named suffix.

    • A path that does not exist in the document (evaluates to nonexistent data) evaluates to NULL .

    Let $ refer to this JSON array with three elements:

    [3, {"a": [5, 6], "b": 10}, [99, 100]]


    • $[0] evaluates to 3 .

    • $[1] evaluates to {"a": [5, 6], "b": 10} .

    • $[2] evaluates to [99, 100] .

    • $[3] evaluates to NULL (it refers to the fourth array element, which does not exist).

    Because $[1] and $[2] evaluate to nonscalar values, they can be used as the basis for more-specific path expressions that select nested values. Examples:

    • $[1].a evaluates to [5, 6] .

    • $[1].a[1] evaluates to 6 .

    • $[1].b evaluates to 10 .

    • $[2][0] evaluates to 99 .

    As mentioned previously, path components that name keys must be quoted if the unquoted key name is not legal in path expressions. Let $ refer to this value:

    {"a fish": "shark", "a bird": "sparrow"}

    The keys both contain a space and must be quoted:

    • $."a fish" evaluates to shark .

    • $."a bird" evaluates to sparrow .

    Paths that use wildcards evaluate to an array that can contain multiple values:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": [3, 4, 5]}', '$.*');
    | JSON_EXTRACT('{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": [3, 4, 5]}', '$.*') |
    | [1, 2, [3, 4, 5]]                                       |
    mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": [3, 4, 5]}', '$.c[*]');
    | JSON_EXTRACT('{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": [3, 4, 5]}', '$.c[*]') |
    | [3, 4, 5]                                                  |

    In the following example, the path $**.b evaluates to multiple paths ( $.a.b and $.c.b ) and produces an array of the matching path values:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT('{"a": {"b": 1}, "c": {"b": 2}}', '$**.b');
    | JSON_EXTRACT('{"a": {"b": 1}, "c": {"b": 2}}', '$**.b') |
    | [1, 2]                                                  |

    In MySQL 5.7.9 and later, you can use column -> path with a JSON column identifier and JSON path expression as a synonym for JSON_EXTRACT( column , path ) . See Section 12.16.3, “Functions That Search JSON Values” , for more information. See also Indexing a Generated Column to Provide a JSON Column Index .

    Some functions take an existing JSON document, modify it in some way, and return the resulting modified document. Path expressions indicate where in the document to make changes. For example, the JSON_SET() , JSON_INSERT() , and JSON_REPLACE() functions each take a JSON document, plus one or more path/value pairs that describe where to modify the document and the values to use. The functions differ in how they handle existing and nonexisting values within the document.

    Consider this document:

    mysql> SET @j = '["a", {"b": [true, false]}, [10, 20]]';

    JSON_SET() replaces values for paths that exist and adds values for paths that do not exist:.

    mysql> SELECT JSON_SET(@j, '$[1].b[0]', 1, '$[2][2]', 2);
    | JSON_SET(@j, '$[1].b[0]', 1, '$[2][2]', 2) |
    | ["a", {"b": [1, false]}, [10, 20, 2]]      |

    In this case, the path $[1].b[0] selects an existing value ( true ), which is replaced with the value following the path argument ( 1 ). The path $[2][2] does not exist, so the corresponding value ( 2 ) is added to the value selected by $[2] .

    JSON_INSERT() adds new values but does not replace existing values:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_INSERT(@j, '$[1].b[0]', 1, '$[2][2]', 2);
    | JSON_INSERT(@j, '$[1].b[0]', 1, '$[2][2]', 2) |
    | ["a", {"b": [true, false]}, [10, 20, 2]]      |

    JSON_REPLACE() replaces existing values and ignores new values:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_REPLACE(@j, '$[1].b[0]', 1, '$[2][2]', 2);
    | JSON_REPLACE(@j, '$[1].b[0]', 1, '$[2][2]', 2) |
    | ["a", {"b": [1, false]}, [10, 20]]             |

    The path/value pairs are evaluated left to right. The document produced by evaluating one pair becomes the new value against which the next pair is evaluated.

    JSON_REMOVE() takes a JSON document and one or more paths that specify values to be removed from the document. The return value is the original document minus the values selected by paths that exist within the document:

    mysql> SELECT JSON_REMOVE ( @j , '$[2]' , '$[1].b[1]' , '$[1].b[1]' ) ; + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + | JSON_REMOVE(@j, '$[2]', '$[1].b[1]', '$[1].b[1]') | + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + | ["a", {"b": [true]}] | + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +

    从 MySQL 5.7.8 开始,MySQL 支持原生的 JSON 数据类型。

    创建 JSON
    类似 varchar,设置 JSON 主要将字段的 type 是 json, 不能设置长度,可以是 NULL  但不能有默认值。

    mysql> CREATE TABLE lnmp (
    `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `category` JSON,
    `tags` JSON,
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    mysql> DESC lnmp;
    | Field    | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
    | id       | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
    | category | json             | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
    | tags     | json             | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    这样 JSON 的字段就创建好了。

    插入 JSON
    就是插入 json 格式的字符串,可以是对象的形式,也可以是数组的形式

    mysql> INSERT INTO `lnmp` (category, tags) VALUES ('{"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"}', '[1, 2, 3]');
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

    MySQL 也有专门的函数 JSON_OBJECT,JSON_ARRAY 生成 json 格式的数据

    mysql> INSERT INTO `lnmp` (category, tags) VALUES (JSON_OBJECT("id", 2, "name", "php.net"), JSON_ARRAY(1, 3, 5));
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)


    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp;
    | id | category                     | tags      |
    |  1 | {"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"} | [1, 2, 3] |
    |  2 | {"id": 2, "name": "php.net"} | [1, 3, 5] |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    更多生成 JSON 值的函数请参考: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-creation-functions.html

    查询 JSON
    查询 json 中的数据用 column->path 的形式,其中对象类型 path 这样表示 $.path, 而数组类型则是 $[index]

    mysql> SELECT id, category->'$.id', category->'$.name', tags->'$[0]', tags->'$[2]' FROM lnmp;
    | id | category->'$.id' | category->'$.name' | tags->'$[0]' | tags->'$[2]' |
    |  1 | 1                | "lnmp.cn"          | 1            | 3            |
    |  2 | 2                | "php.net"          | 1            | 5            |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    可以看到对应字符串类型的 category->'$.name' 中还包含着双引号,这其实并不是想要的结果,可以用 JSON_UNQUOTE 函数将双引号去掉,从 MySQL 5.7.13 起也可以通过这个操作符 ->> 这个和 JSON_UNQUOTE 是等价的

    mysql> SELECT id, category->'$.name', JSON_UNQUOTE(category->'$.name'), category->>'$.name' FROM lnmp;
    | id | category->'$.name' | JSON_UNQUOTE(category->'$.name') | category->>'$.name' |
    |  1 | "lnmp.cn"          | lnmp.cn                          | lnmp.cn             |
    |  2 | "php.net"          | php.net                          | php.net             |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    下面说下 JSON 作为条件进行搜索。因为 JSON 不同于字符串,所以如果用字符串和 JSON 字段比较,是不会相等的

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp WHERE category = '{"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"}';
    Empty set (0.00 sec)

    这时可以通过 CAST 将字符串转成 JSON 的形式

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp WHERE category = CAST('{"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"}' as JSON);
    | id | category                     | tags      |
    |  1 | {"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"} | [1, 2, 3] |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    通过 JSON 中的元素进行查询, 对象型的查询同样可以通过 column->path

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp WHERE category->'$.name' = 'lnmp.cn';
    | id | category                     | tags      |
    |  1 | {"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"} | [1, 2, 3] |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    上面有提到 column->path 形式从 select 中查询出来的字符串是包含双引号的,但作为条件这里其实没什么影响,-> 和 ->> 结果是一样的

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp WHERE category->>'$.name' = 'lnmp.cn';
    | id | category                     | tags      |
    |  1 | {"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"} | [1, 2, 3] |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    要特别注意的是,JSON 中的元素搜索是严格区分变量类型的,比如说整型和字符串是严格区分的

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp WHERE category->'$.id' = '1';
    Empty set (0.00 sec)

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp WHERE category->'$.id' = 1;
    | id | category                     | tags      |
    |  1 | {"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"} | [1, 2, 3] |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    可以看到搜索字符串 1 和整型 1 的结果是不一样的。

    除了用 column->path 的形式搜索,还可以用JSON_CONTAINS 函数,但和 column->path 的形式有点相反的是,JSON_CONTAINS 第二个参数是不接受整数的,无论 json 元素是整型还是字符串,否则会出现这个错误

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp WHERE JSON_CONTAINS(category, 1, '$.id');
    ERROR 3146 (22032): Invalid data type for JSON data in argument 2 to function json_contains; a JSON string or JSON type is required.

    这里必须是要字符串 1

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp WHERE JSON_CONTAINS(category, '1', '$.id');
    | id | category                     | tags      |
    |  1 | {"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"} | [1, 2, 3] |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)
    对于数组类型的 JSON 的查询,比如说 tags 中包含有 2 的数据,同样要用 JSON_CONTAINS 函数,同样第二个参数也需要是字符串

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp WHERE JSON_CONTAINS(tags, '2');
    | id | category                     | tags      |
    |  1 | {"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"} | [1, 2, 3] |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    更多搜索 JSON 值的函数请参考:http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/json-search-functions.html

    更新 JSON
    如果是整个 json 更新的话,和插入时类似的。

    mysql> UPDATE lnmp SET tags = '[1, 3, 4]' WHERE id = 1;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp;
    | id | category                     | tags      |
    | 1  | {"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"} | [1, 3, 4] |
    | 2  | {"id": 2, "name": "php.net"} | [1, 3, 5] |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    但如果要更新 JSON 下的元素,MySQL 并不支持 column->path 的形式

    mysql> UPDATE lnmp SET category->'$.name' = 'lnmp', tags->'$[0]' = 2 WHERE id = 1;
    ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '->'$.name' = 'lnmp', tags->'$[0]' = 2 WHERE id = 1' at line 1


    JSON_INSERT() 插入新值,但不会覆盖已经存在的值

    mysql> UPDATE lnmp SET category = JSON_INSERT(category, '$.name', 'lnmp', '$.url', 'www.lnmp.cn') WHERE id = 1;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp;
    | id | category                                           | tags      |
    |  1 | {"id": 1, "url": "www.lnmp.cn", "name": "lnmp.cn"} | [1, 3, 4] |
    |  2 | {"id": 2, "name": "php.net"}                       | [1, 3, 5] |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    可以看到 name 没有被修改,但新元素 url 已经添加进去

    JSON_SET() 插入新值,并覆盖已经存在的值

    mysql> UPDATE lnmp SET category = JSON_SET(category, '$.host', 'www.lnmp.cn', '$.url', 'http://www.lnmp.cn') WHERE id = 1;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp;
    | id | category                                                                         | tags      |
    |  1 | {"id": 1, "url": "http://www.lnmp.cn", "host": "www.lnmp.cn", "name": "lnmp.cn"} | [1, 3, 4] |
    |  2 | {"id": 2, "name": "php.net"}                                                     | [1, 3, 5] |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    可以看到 host 已经插入,url 已经被修改

    JSON_REPLACE() 只替换存在的值

    mysql> UPDATE lnmp SET category = JSON_REPLACE(category, '$.name', 'php', '$.url', 'http://www.php.net') WHERE id = 2;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp;
    | id | category                                                                         | tags      |
    |  1 | {"id": 1, "url": "http://www.lnmp.cn", "host": "www.lnmp.cn", "name": "lnmp.cn"} | [1, 3, 4] |
    |  2 | {"id": 2, "name": "php"}                                                         | [1, 3, 5] |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
    可以看到 name 已经被替换,url 不存在被忽略。

    JSON_REMOVE() 删除 JSON 元素

    mysql> UPDATE lnmp SET category = JSON_REMOVE(category, '$.url', '$.host') WHERE id = 1;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

    mysql> SELECT * FROM lnmp;
    | id | category                     | tags      |
    |  1 | {"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"} | [1, 3, 4] |
    |  2 | {"id": 2, "name": "php"}     | [1, 3, 5] |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    MySQL JSON 在 PHP 中的表现
    虽然在 MySQL 是个JSON 类型,但实际在 PHP 应用中返回的是 JSON 格式的字符串

    array(2) {
    array(3) {
    string(1) "1"
    string(28) "{"id": 1, "name": "lnmp.cn"}"
    string(9) "[1, 3, 4]"
    array(3) {
    string(1) "2"
    string(24) "{"id": 2, "name": "php"}"
    string(9) "[1, 3, 5]"

    娜娜 | 数学 | 56 | 84 | 94 | 234 | 2 || 宋宋 | 数学 | 86 | 84 | 64 | 234 | 3 || 孙悟空 | 数学 | 95 | 68 | 87 | 250 | 1 | JSON 是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,采用了独立于语言的文本格式,类似XML,但是比XML简单,易读并且易编写。对机器来说易于解析和生成,并且会减少网络带宽的传输。 JSON 的格式非常简单: 名称/键值 。之前 MySQL 版本里面要实现这样的存储,要么用VARCHAR要么用TEXT大文本。 MySQL 5.7 发布后,专门设计了 JSON 数据类型以及关于这种类型的检索以及其他 函数 解析。 下面一起来实际操作一下。 创建带有 JSON 字段的表 比如一个‘文章’表,字段包括 id、标题 title、标签 tags 一篇文章会有多个标签,tags 就可以设为 JSON 类型 建表语句如下: CREAT InvalidArgumentError: Feature: feature (data type: string) is required but could not be found. 问题原因: 生成的.tfrecord数据中的key(键值)和你在代码中读取的 key 不匹配导致的。我们在使用不是自己产生的数据时经常会出现这样的错误。既然数据已经生成了,就不可能再去修改数据了,所以将你读取的代码中的键值改成生成时的就OK了 例:我产生报错的原因 feature = { 错误提示:invalid use of member (did you forget te ‘&’ ?) 解决方法:这个错误是由于toInteger 函数 在BString类中不是静态 函数 导致的,所示调用该 函数 需要初始化对象。 1.impala不 支持 从本地导入数据,只能从大数据平台将数据导入load use ljh; hadoop fs -put /home/test_user/t_access.txt /user/hive/warehouse/ljh.db/t_access load data inpath '/user/hive/warehouse/ljh.db/t_access/t_access.txt' into table t_access; 2.year(‘2021-03-03’)里面传入的时间应为string,并以 我确实有这样的消息体。< message type = "chat"to = "[emailprotected]"from = "[emailprotected]/9fs4kgn090" > {"opponent_xmpp_id": "[emailprotected]","latest_message_id": "6233"} < /body>http://jabb... 1、报错原因: SQL语句中包含特殊的处理 函数 ,例如: SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.task_no, '-', 1) original_task_no, CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(t.task_no, '-', -1) as SIGNED) sequence 2、解决办法: 在Mapper接口上添加@SqlParser(filter = true)即可。 @SqlParser(filter = true) IPage<TaskVO> page(Page page, @P Doris导入数据,使用show load 查看任务状态cancelled. 浏览器打开URL的信息是: File path is invalid 后面跟着一串目录, 具体的原因是尽然是navicat for mysql 只显示了部分的URL数据,没有完全的数据,所以会显示这样的错误信息。 这样的问题只是个别的navicat的问题,希望doris日后可以打开的URL不正确,可以显示熟悉的... dyld: Symbol not found: _NSArray0 Referenced from: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework  报类似错误的一般是低版本手机会遇到,解决方案如下: - 先确定在Build Phases -&gt; Link Binary With Libraries 中是否添加了CoreFo... 本文总结了Impala在网易有数BI应用场景下的最新查询优化经验,并探讨后续进一步优化的思路。文章首先简述有数BI + Impala在网易云音乐等业务使用时遇到的挑战,再介绍进行有数查询优... Function s That Search JSON Values The function s in this section perform search operations on JSON values to extract data from them, report whether data exists at a location within them, or report the...