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Applies to : Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government

The Partner Center REST APIs return a JSON object that contains a status code. This code that indicates whether your request was successful or why it failed.

Success responses

A 2xx status code indicates that the client's request was successfully received, understood, and accepted.

HTTP status codes

The following 4xx and 5xx status codes indicate an error:

  • 400: Bad request
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden
  • 404: Not found
  • 405: Method not allowed
  • 406: Not acceptable
  • 408: Request timeout
  • 409: Conflict
  • 412: Precondition failed
  • 429: Too many requests
  • 500: Internal server error
  • 501: Not implemented
  • 502: Bad gateway
  • 503: Service unavailable
  • 504: Gateway timeout
  • Error responses

    Any response with a 4xx or 5xx status code includes an error message with details about the error condition(s) for that code.

    The following table and code sample describes the schema of an error response:

    Description description string Always returned. Describes the error in detail, and provides debugging information. Non-null, non-empty. Maximum length is 1024 characters. array Only returned for some error types. A list of error objects. source string Always returned. The source of the error. "code": <string>, "description": <string>, "data": [ "source": <string> WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm=urn:cpsvc:cpid:{some cid}

    Error codes

    The following are error codes returned by the APIs:

    HTTP Status HTTP Error Code Error code Description The Offers API doesn't support item with ID {0}. Try using the Products and/or SKUs APIs BadRequest Invalid property Forbidden 20002 The partner ID {0} has no commerce relationship with the customer ID {1}. NotFound 20003 Subscription with ID {0} not found. BadRequest 27007 Invalid promotion code BadRequest 60000 The customer license migration failed NotFound 60002 User object ID isn't found NotFound 60003 Tenant not found BadRequest Subscription quantity can't be increased or decreased while subscription is being suspended BadRequest Subscription quantity isn't within minimum and maximum allowed quantity BadRequest Updates on subscriptions for offer {0} aren't allowed BadRequest Subscription with ID {0} and deleted status can't be updated. BadRequest The billing cycle for an existing subscription can't be updated using update-subscription operation. Use update-Order operation BadRequest Etag is no longer valid BadRequest PartnerID isn't a valid Advisor NotFound PartnerID of Indirect Provider isn't valid as Partner On Record Forbidden The offer isn't eligible for purchase BadRequest Unable to process this order BadRequest The billing cycle couldn't be changed because the order contains one or more subscriptions that aren't active BadRequest The billing cycle couldn't be changed because one of the order's Offer IDs doesn't support the billing term Forbidden 13605 Either a partner confirmation of the customer acceptance of the Microsoft Customer Agreement must be provided or the customer must accept the Microsoft Customer Agreement in the Microsoft Admin Center before you can complete this purchase NotFound 20000 Order ID not found BadRequest 27006 Use limit is exceeded for Offer ID Conflict 27009 can't enable a child subscription, when the parent subscription isn't Active NotFound 400013 Product wasn't found NotFound 400018 SKU wasn't found NotFound 400019 Availability not found. This error can occur when checking out a cart. Partners that get this error should issue a new GET to ensure they have the current availability ID and retry the cart check out. BadRequest 600002 Organization registration ID value isn't supported

    This error occurs if the customer's company/organization is not located in one of the following countries, but they tried to specify organizationRegistrationNumber. Countries affected:

    - Armenia (AM)
    - Azerbaijan (AZ)
    - Belarus (BY)
    - Hungary (HU)
    - India (IN)
    - Kazakhstan (KZ)
    - Kyrgyzstan (KG)
    - Moldova (MD)
    - Russia (RU)
    - Tajikistan (TJ)
    - Uzbekistan (UZ)
    - Ukraine (UA) BadRequest 600049 Organization registration ID information is missing

    This error occurs if the customer's company/organization is located in one of the following countries and the organizationRegistrationNumber hasn't been provided. Countries affected:

    - Armenia (AM)
    - Azerbaijan (AZ)
    - Belarus (BY)
    - Hungary (HU)
    - India (IN)
    - Kazakhstan (KZ)
    - Kyrgyzstan (KG)
    - Moldova (MD)
    - Russia (RU)
    - Tajikistan (TJ)
    - Uzbekistan (UZ)
    - Ukraine (UA) BadRequest 600050 Organization registration ID information is invalid and should be of the format {0}

    This error occurs if the organizationRegistrationNumber isn't valid for the customer's company located country. {0} will have the expected regular expression format of the error. For example: Organization registration ID information is invalid and should be of the format ^(\\d{7}|\\d{10})$ . BadRequest 600051 Customer phone number is missing

    This error occurs if the customer's company/organization is located in one of the following countries but billingProfile.defaultAddress.phoneNumber isn't provided. Countries affected:

    - Armenia (AM)
    - Azerbaijan (AZ)
    - Belarus (BY)
    - Hungary (HU)
    - India (IN)
    - Kazakhstan (KZ)
    - Kyrgyzstan (KG)
    - Moldova (MD)
    - Russia (RU)
    - Tajikistan (TJ)
    - Uzbekistan (UZ)
    - Ukraine (UA) Unauthorized 800001 Partner Token missing in request context BadRequest 800002 Invalid request input InternalServerError 800003 Unexpected service error BadRequest 800004 Invalid offer ID InternalServerError 800005 Create order isn't successful NotFound 800007 Unable to retrieve provisioning information NotFound 800008 Unable to retrieve cart ID BadRequest 800009 Error in Cart item(s) BadRequest 800010 Inventory isn't available for this catalog item BadRequest 800011 This subscription isn't a valid Azure subscription BadRequest 800012 This subscription isn't an active subscription BadRequest 800013 This subscription isn't enabled for RI purchase Conflict 800014 There's a pending adjustment requested for this order NotFound 800015 PartnerID isn't found BadRequest 800016 PartnerID isn't a valid Indirect Reseller BadRequest 800017 The quantity isn't available for this catalog item BadRequest 800018 The sandbox limit has been met Forbidden 800019 Non-Sandbox tenants aren't allowed to cancel purchases other than software subscriptions and perpetual software Forbidden 800020 The catalog item isn't eligible for purchase. BadRequest 800021 This subscription isn't a valid subscription BadRequest 800022 You may be eligible for this transaction. Contact Support for help Forbidden 800023 You aren't eligible for this transaction because your Credit Line isn't reaching minimum threshold for this purchase. Update your order (or) contact Support for help BadRequest 800024 You aren't eligible for this transaction BadRequest 800025 You aren't eligible for this transaction because your Credit Line isn't reaching minimum threshold for this purchase. Update your order (or) contact Support for help BadRequest 800026 You aren't eligible for this transaction Forbidden 800027 The catalog item isn't eligible for add or remove quantity Forbidden 800028 The initial purchase term is no longer available for purchase/update BadRequest 800029 The add-on isn't related to the specified parent subscription BadRequest 800030 This subscription isn't registered InternalServerError 800031 Purchase system not supported ExpectationFailed 800036 Pre-condition failed NotFound 800037 Asset ID not found NotFound 800038 Asset FutureBillingInfo not found Forbidden 800039 Reseller program status isn't active BadRequest 800040 Asset status can't be changed to {0} from {1} BadRequest 800041 This item has already been activated BadRequest 800042 Not supported Forbidden 800043 Access to pricing information isn't granted Conflict 800060 Your order is in progress. Check your order history for recent orders in few minutes BadRequest 800061 Order can't be canceled BadRequest 800062 You aren't eligible for this transaction BadRequest 800063 This order {0} can't be canceled. Use PATCH /customers/{1}/subscriptions/<subscriptionId> to suspend subscriptions Conflict 800064 Cart {0} is being processed by another request BadRequest 800065 can't check out an already submitted cart {0}. Forbidden 800066 The desired number of subscriptions exceeded the maximum number of subscriptions allowed per customer Forbidden 800067 The desired seat count exceeded the maximum seat count allowed per subscription Forbidden 800068 The desired number of subscriptions exceeded the maximum number of Azure subscriptions allowed per partner Forbidden 800069 Order failed Risk Management check BadRequest 800070 Offer isn't available in the specified country BadRequest 800071 Line Item number should be from 0 to number of line items count BadRequest 800071 Line Item number should be from 0 to number of line items count BadRequest 800072 can't change billing cycle if subscription's SyncState isn't Completed Forbidden 800073 Your customer account is currently under review. Check back in few days. Your patience is appreciated during this time. Learn more at {0} Forbidden 800074 Your customer account is currently under review. Check back in few days. Your patience is appreciated during this time. Learn more at {0} Forbidden 800075 is correct. For more information, refer to {0Your Customer account wasn't approved. Transactions for this customer aren't allowed. Verify the customer account information} NotFound 800076 Subscription history not found Forbidden 800077 Cancelling of seat-based SaaS isn't supported via patch order. Use patch subscription instead. BadRequest 800078 Transfer can't be created with invalid subscription BadRequest 800080 Can't change billing cycle if subscription isn't associated with a Mint account BadRequest 800081 Can't update a subscription before activating it Conflict 800082 Subscription is not ready to be updated. Try again after sometime InternalServerError 800083 Availability has more than one included quantity options InternalServerError 800084 Unsupported duration {0} BadRequest 800085 Subscription's billing cycle doesn't match with the original order billing cycle BadRequest 800086 Customer tenant doesn't have required tags for the offer InternalServerError 800087 There's an issue with the line item. Forbidden 800088 The requested number of {0} seat/s exceeded the remaining limit of {1} seats allowed per subscription for the CatalogID - {2} Forbidden 800089 The requested number of {0} asset/s exceeded the remaining limit of {1} assets allowed per customer BadRequest 800090 Subscription quantity can't be decreased BadRequest 800091 Can't update a subscription with suspended status BadRequest 800092 Can't increase the seat quantity for a subscription purchased under the Software Assurance program BadRequest 800093 The subscription isn't eligible to be auto-renewed InternalServerError 800094 Update subscription isn't successful BadRequest 800095 Can't update the seat quantity for this subscription BadRequest 800096 Can't update the status for this subscription BadRequest 800097 Can't update the billing cycle for this subscription BadRequest 800098 Can't update the partner on record for this subscription NotFound 800111 Azure subscription with the given entitlement ID isn't found. Forbidden 800115 Overage is already assigned to another tenant. Contact your customer to resolve ownership questions. Forbidden 800114 You aren't eligible to manage overage for this customer. Forbidden 800112 Overage can't be set as the customer has legacy Azure subscriptions. NotFound 900100 Transfer request not found Conflict 900101 This transfer isn't allowed as original transfer {0} is in progress BadRequest 900102 Can't process the transfer request for {1} transfer {0} InternalServerError 900103 Transfer order isn't successful Conflict 900104 Transfer {0} is being processed by another request Forbidden 900105 You have one or more Azure subscriptions in the suspended state. Suspended Azure subscriptions can't be transitioned to the Azure plan NotFound 900106 No upgrade request was found BadRequest 900107 Can't process Azure upgrade since Azure catalog item wasn't found Forbidden 900108 Can't process Azure upgrade since customer has no Azure subscriptions. Conflict 900109 This upgrade isn't allowed as original upgrade {0} is in progress BadRequest 900110 Can't process the upgrade request for completed upgrade {0} BadRequest 900111 The upgrade ID provided doesn't belong to customer {0}. The customer is mapped to upgrade ID {1} Conflict 900112 This purchase isn't allowed as the upgrade request {0} is in pending state Conflict 900113 This purchase isn't allowed as the upgrade request {0} is in progress Conflict 900114 This purchase isn't allowed as the upgrade request {0} failed Forbidden 900115 Azure plan can't be moved to suspended state since you have one or more Azure Subscriptions in the active state BadRequest 900116 Unable to create order. There's a limit to how many Azure plans can be created under sandbox accounts BadRequest 900117 You have passed your {0}-day cancellation window. We are unable to cancel your purchase BadRequest 900118 Invalid Customer ID Forbidden 900119 Can't process Azure upgrade for Azure Partner Shared Services Forbidden 900120 Can't process Azure upgrade Forbidden 900121 Unable to process order due to insufficient credit limit, please contact ucmwrcsp@microsoft.com for further assistance NotFound 900122 Advisor quote not found Forbidden 900123 Microsoft Partner Agreement hasn't been accepted by the indirect reseller Forbidden 900124 Your company hasn't accepted the Microsoft Partner Agreement (MPA). The global admin of the CSP account must accept the MPA to resume the full transactional capabilities. Search {0} for your global admin and have them sign the MPA on the dashboard {1} to resume full transactional capabilities BadRequest 900125 Advisor partner information not found in the request context BadRequest 900126 Unable to parse enum: {0} For more information, please visit {1} BadRequest 900127 This operation isn't supported in this environment BadRequest 900128 An Azure plan is required to purchase a SaaS subscription with a metered billing plan BadRequest 900129 The specified Azure plan ID wasn't found or there are no active Azure subscriptions under it. An Azure plan with active subscription(s) is required to purchase a SaaS product with a metered billing plan Forbidden 900130 One or more Azure subscriptions were purchased recently, these subscriptions can't be transitioned at this time. Try again later BadRequest 900131 This transfer request can't be initiated as the customer has legacy Azure subscriptions BadRequest 900132 This transfer request can't be initiated as the Azure plan isn't active, please enable the Azure plan BadRequest 900133 This transfer request can't be initiated as customer hasn't purchased Azure plan BadRequest 900134 This transfer request can't be initiated as the Azure plan isn't purchasable InternalServerError 900135 Initiate transfer request failed. Try again later BadRequest 900136 Transfer can't be initiated as source partner email/domain details missing in the request Forbidden 900137 Transfer can't be created as partner: {0} not enabled for this feature Forbidden 900138 Transfer can't be created as partner's: {0} national cloud {1} isn't supported Forbidden 900139 Transfer request can't be accepted. Please request the partner to create transfer without Azure subscription(s) NotFound 900140 Unable to get Azure Active Directory subscriptions for a customer with tenant ID {0} and source provisioning ID {1} BadRequest 900141 This operation isn't supported BadRequest 900142 The catalog item ID isn't present BadRequest 900143 The request failed to retrieve all availabilities with productId: {0}, skuId: {1} for a customer with ID: {3} BadRequest 900144 The provisioning SKU ID isn't present BadRequest 900145 This request for transfer of billing ownership can't be completed as Azure reservations don't transfer with subscriptions. Cancel the Azure reservations associated with the subscriptions in your selection and try again. BadRequest 900146 This request for transfer of billing ownership can't be completed as third-party marketplace products don't transfer with subscriptions. Remove the third-party marketplace products from your selection and try again. BadRequest 900147 Provide a valid domain associated with the current partner BadRequest 900148 Transfer creation failed due to source partner details matched with requesting partner Forbidden 900149 {0} program status isn't active. Forbidden 900150 The supplied role doesn't have the rights to perform the requested operation BadRequest 900169 One or more of the order items do not support the given currency, USD. Input currency should be either partner or customer (market) currency. InternalServerError 900192 Something went wrong. Try again after some time. BadRequest 900203 CatalogItemId: {0} requires attestation acceptance. BadRequest 900206 Partner Attestation is missing BadRequest 900213 You have passed your {0}-hour cancellation window. We are unable to cancel your purchase BadRequest 900214 You have passed your {0}-hour window for reducing seats for this subscription. BadRequest 900215 Subscription {0} cannot be migrated to New Commerce because the status is not active. BadRequest 900216 Subscription {0} cannot be migrated to New Commerce because the subscription is currently being processed. BadRequest 900217 Subscription {0} cannot be migrated to New Commerce because it is less than 24 hours from the term end. BadRequest 900218 Subscription {0} cannot be migrated to New Commerce because it has promotions applied to it. BadRequest 900219 Subscription {0} cannot be migrated to New Commerce because it has add-ons. BadRequest 900220 Subscription {0} cannot be migrated to New Commerce because there is not a valid migration path for this offer yet. BadRequest 900221 Subscription {0} cannot be migrated to New Commerce because of one or more reasons (possible reasons: subscription not in Active state - subscription has promotions applied to it - subscription has add-ons attached to it - subscription is too close to term end - subscription offer is not available in New Commerce yet). BadRequest 900222 Subscription {0} cannot be migrated to New Commerce because the combination of term duration and billing cycle is not supported for the New-Commerce product. Forbidden 900223 Partner tenant ID {0} is not yet allowed to perform migrations to New Commerce on their subscriptions. BadRequest 900224 New-Commerce migration {0} could not be found. RequestTimeout 900225 There was an unexpected error when processing the New-Commerce migration. Forbidden 900226 Subscription {0} cannot be migrated to New Commerce because it has been active for 1 month or less. Please try again later. BadRequest 900247 Subscription {0} cannot be migrated to New Commerce because the partner ID on record in the current subscription is not valid. BadRequest 900248 Migration cannot be performed because two or more add-on migrations were specified with the same current subscription ID BadRequest 900257 You have passed your {0}-day window for reducing seats for this subscription. BadRequest 900258 The target transition ToSubscriptionId field is invalid. Target subscription must be active. BadRequest 900259 The target transition ToSubscriptionId field is invalid. Target subscription id can not be the same as the source subscription id. BadRequest 900236 The target transition ToSubscriptionId field is invalid. Target subscription CommitmentEndDate must be later than source subscription BadRequest 900260 The target transition ToSubscriptionId field is invalid. Target subscription must have the same CatalogItemId as in the transition request. BadRequest 900261 The target transition ToSubscriptionId field is invalid. The target subscription is not ready to be upgraded. Please try again after sometime. BadRequest 900262 Subscription cannot be migrated to New-Commerce because one or more add-on subscriptions specified in the AddOnMigrations collection do not exist or are not active. Forbidden 900263 This API method is not supported for legacy subscriptions. BadRequest 900267 Target transition can not have a term duration shorter than that of the source subscription. BadRequest 900268 The term duration on the target transition is invalid. BadRequest 900269 The billing cycle is invalid. BadRequest 900270 The billing cycle cannot be longer than the term. Conflict 900278 There is a pending operation on this subscription. Please try again after 24 hours. BadRequest 900279 Update operations are no longer allowed for this subscription. BadRequest 900280 Update operations are currently not allowed for this subscription. BadRequest 600049 Organization registration ID information is missing. This error is thrown if the customer's company or organization is located in the following countries: Armenia(AM), Azerbaijan(AZ), Belarus(BY), Hungary(HU), India (IN), Kazakhstan(KZ), Kyrgyzstan(KG), Moldova(MD), Russia(RU), Tajikistan(TJ), Uzbekistan(UZ), Ukraine(UA)but organizationRegistrationNumber isn't passed in. BadRequest 600050 Organization registration ID information is invalid and should be of the format {0} . This error is thrown if the organizationRegistrationNumber that is passed in isn't valid for the customer's company located country. {0} will have the expected regular expression format of the error. Eg: Organization registration ID information is invalid and should be of the format ^(\\d{7}|\\d{10})$ BadRequest 600051 Customer phone number is missing. This error is thrown if the customer's company or organization is located in the following countries: Armenia(AM), Azerbaijan(AZ), Belarus(BY), Hungary(HU), India (IN), Kazakhstan(KZ), Kyrgyzstan(KG), Moldova(MD), Russia(RU), Tajikistan(TJ), Uzbekistan(UZ), Ukraine(UA) but billingProfile.defaultAddress.phoneNumber isn't passed in. BadRequest 600002 Organization registration ID value isn't supported. This error is thrown if the customer's companyor organization isn't located in the following countries: Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Belarus (BY), Hungary (HU), India (IN), Kazakhstan (KZ), Kyrgyzstan (KG), Moldova (MD), Russia (RU), Tajikistan (TJ), Uzbekistan (UZ), Ukraine (UA), but they tried to specify organizationRegistrationNumber. BadRequest 900244 The custom term end date specified on the scheduled next term instructions is only valid for OnlineServicesNCE products. BadRequest 900245 The custom term end date specified on the scheduled next term instructions must be within the first term duration after renewal. Also monthly term products cannot align with a subscription ending on the 28th, 29th, or 30th of the month, unless that date is the last day of the month. BadRequest 900246 The custom term end date specified on the scheduled next term instructions does not match with the end date of any active non-trial OnlineServicesNCE subscription or align with the end of the calendar month. BadRequest 900252 Purchase order document is required. BadRequest 900253 When part of tender, either tender link or tender document is required. BadRequest 900254 Invalid metadata. (If the customer price, currency is missing). BadRequest 900275 The requested quantity for line item {0} is not within the allowed quantity for this offer. BadRequest 900277 Your subscription is in the process of being expired. No further updates are allowed on this subscription. BadRequest 900291 The custom term end date specified for the migration must be within the first term duration. Also, monthly term products cannot align with a subscription ending on the 28th, 29th, or 30th of the month, unless that date is the last day of the month. BadRequest 900292 The custom term end date specified for the migration does not match with the end date of any active non-trial OnlineServicesNCE subscription or align with the end of the calendar month. Forbidden 900308 Insufficient privileges to complete the operation. Forbidden 900309 Access has been blocked by Conditional Access policies. The access policy does not allow token issuance. Learn more at Users and groups in Conditional Access policy - Microsoft Entra . BadRequest 900311 This subscription has been updated too many times. Please contact partner support if you need to make more updates on this subscription. BadRequest 900316 Partner token is not allowed in license management calls. Please call with partner access token. BadRequest 800107 Term changes are not supported for trial offers. BadRequest 800121 The term duration provided is invalid. BadRequest 800122 The target term duration cannot be shorter than the current term duration. BadRequest 900320 The subscription ID must be the Azure Plan subscription ID.