


2. BNN模型

BNN 不同于 DNN,可以对预测分布进行学习,不仅可以给出预测值,而且可以 给出预测的不确定性 。这对于很多问题来说非常关键,比如:机器学习中著名的 Exploration & Exploitation (EE)的问题,在强化学习问题中,agent 是需要利用现有知识来做决策还是尝试一些未知的东西;实验设计问题中,用贝叶斯优化来调超参数,选择下一个点是根据当前模型的最优值还是利用探索一些不确定性较高的空间。比如: 异常样本检测 ,对抗样本检测等任务,由于 BNN 具有不确定性量化能力,所以具有非常强的 鲁棒性

概率建模: 在这里,选择似然分布的共轭分布,这样后验可以分析计算。 比如,beta分布的先验和伯努利分布的似然,会得到服从beta分布的后验。


神经网络: 使用全连接网络来拟合数据,相当于使用多个全连接网络。 但是神经网络容易过拟合,泛化性差;并且对预测的结果无法给出置信度。


先验用来描述关键参数,并作为神经网络的输入。神经网络的输出用来描述特定的概率分布的似然。通过采样或者变分推断来计算后验分布。 同时,和神经网络不同,权重 W 不再是一个确定的值,而是一个概率分布。


假设 NN 的网络参数为 W W p ( W ) p(W) 是参数的先验分布,给定观测数据 D = X , Y D={X,Y}


P ( Y X , D ) = P ( Y X , W ) P ( W D ) d W 1 P\left(Y^{\star} | X^{\star}, D\right)=\int P\left(Y^{\star} | X^{\star}, W\right) P(W | D) d W (1)

由于, W W 是随机变量,因此,我们的预测值也是个随机变量。

P ( W D ) = P ( W ) P ( D W ) P ( D ) 2 P(W | D)=\frac{P(W) P(D | W)}{P(D)} (2)

这里 P ( W D ) P(W|D) 是后验分布, P ( D W ) P(D|W) 是似然函数, P ( D ) P(D) 是边缘似然。

从公式(1)中可以看出,用 BNN 对数据进行概率建模并预测的核心在于做高效近似后验推断,而 变分推断 VI 或者采样是一个非常合适的方法。

如果采样的话: 我们通过采样后验分布 P ( W D ) P(W \vert \mathcal{D}) 来评估 P ( W D ) P(W \vert \mathcal{D}) , 每个样本计算 f ( X w ) f(X \vert w) , 其中 f 是我们的神经网络。


3. 基于变分推断的BNN训练

如果直接采样后验概率 p ( W D ) p(W|D) 来评估 p ( Y X , D ) p(Y|X, D) 的话,存在后验分布多维的问题,而变分推断的思想是使用简单分布去近似后验分布。

表示 θ = ( μ , σ ) \theta = (\mu, \sigma)

希望 q ( w θ ) q(w \vert \theta) P ( w D ) P(w \vert \mathcal{D}) 相近,并使用 KL 散度来度量这两个分布的距离。 也就是优化:

θ = a r g m i n θ KL [ q ( w θ ) P ( w D ) ] ( 3 ) \theta^* = \underset{\theta}{\mathrm{argmin}} \text{ KL}\left[q(w \vert \theta) \vert \vert P(w \vert \mathcal{D})\right] \; (3)


θ = a r g m i n θ KL [ q ( w θ ) P ( w D ) ] = a r g m i n θ E q ( w θ ) [ log [ q ( w θ ) P ( w D ) ] ] (definition of KL divegence) = a r g m i n θ E q ( w θ ) [ log [ q ( w θ ) P ( D ) P ( D w ) P ( w ) ] ] (Bayes Theorem) = a r g m i n θ E q ( w θ ) [ log [ q ( w θ ) P ( D w ) P ( w ) ] ] (Drop P ( D ) because it doesn’t depend on θ ) 4 \begin{array}{l} \theta^* &= \underset{\theta}{\mathrm{argmin}} \text{ KL}\left[q(w \vert \theta) \vert \vert P(w \vert \mathcal{D})\right] & \\\\ &= \underset{\theta}{\mathrm{argmin}} \text{ }\mathbb{E}_{q(w \vert \theta)}\left[ \log\left[\frac{ q(w \vert \theta) }{P( w \vert \mathcal{D})}\right]\right] & \text{(definition of KL divegence)} \\\\ &= \underset{\theta}{\mathrm{argmin}} \text{ }\mathbb{E}_{q(w \vert \theta)}\left[ \log\left[\frac{ q(w \vert \theta)P(\mathcal{D}) }{P( \mathcal{D} \vert w)P(w)}\right]\right] & \text{(Bayes Theorem)} \\\\ &= \underset{\theta}{\mathrm{argmin}} \text{ }\mathbb{E}_{q(w \vert \theta)}\left[ \log\left[\frac{ q(w \vert \theta) }{P( \mathcal{D} \vert w)P(w)}\right]\right] & \text{(Drop }P(\mathcal{D})\text{ because it doesn't depend on } \theta) \end{array} \;(4)
q ( w θ ) q(w|\theta) 表示给定正态分布的参数后,权重参数的分布; P ( D w ) P(D|w) 表示给定网络参数后,观测数据的似然; P ( w ) P(w) 表示权重的先验,这部分可以作为模型的正则化。

L = E q ( w θ ) [ log [ q ( w θ ) P ( D w ) P ( w ) ] ] ( 5 ) \mathcal{L} = - \mathbb{E}_{q(w \vert \theta)}\left[ \log\left[\frac{ q(w \vert \theta) }{P( \mathcal{D} \vert w)P(w)}\right]\right] \;(5)

来表示变分下界ELBO, 也就是公式(4)等价于最大化ELBO:

L = i log q ( w i θ i ) i log P ( w i ) j log P ( y j w , x j ) ( 6 ) \mathcal{L} = \sum_i \log q(w_i \vert \theta_i) - \sum_i \log P(w_i) - \sum_j \log P(y_j \vert w, x_j) \;(6)

其中, D = { ( x , y ) } D =\{ (x, y)\}


w i = μ i + σ i × ϵ i ( 7 ) w_i = \mu_i + \sigma_i \times \epsilon_i \; (7)

其中, ϵ i N ( 0 , 1 ) \epsilon_i \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)

于是,用 ϵ \epsilon 代 替 w w 后有:

θ E q ( ϵ ) [ log [ q ( w θ ) P ( D w ) P ( w ) ] ] = E q ( ϵ ) [ θ log [ q ( w θ ) P ( D w ) P ( w ) ] ] ( 8 ) \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}\mathbb{E}_{q(\epsilon)}\left[ \log\left[\frac{ q(w \vert \theta) }{P( \mathcal{D} \vert w)P(w)}\right]\right] =\mathbb{E}_{q(\epsilon)}\left[ \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}\log\left[\frac{ q(w \vert \theta) }{P( \mathcal{D} \vert w)P(w)}\right]\right] \; (8)

也就是说,我们可以通过 多个不同的 ϵ N ( 0 , 1 ) \epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)

此外,除了对 w w 进行重采样之外,为了保证 θ \theta 参数取值范围包含这个实轴,对 σ \sigma 进行重采样,可以令,

σ = log ( 1 + e ρ ) ( 9 ) \sigma = \log (1 + e^{\rho}) \;\;\; (9)

然后, θ = ( μ , ρ ) \theta = (\mu, \rho)

4. BNN实践

  • N ( μ , l o g ( 1 + e ρ ) ) N(\mu, log(1+e^\rho))
  • 分别计算 log q ( w θ ) \log q(w|\theta) log p ( w ) \log p(w) log p ( y w , x ) \log p(y|w,x)
  • 重复更新参数 θ = θ α θ L \theta’ = \theta -\alpha \nabla_\theta \mathcal{L}
  • Pytorch实现:

    import torch
    import torch.nn as nn
    import torch.nn.functional as F
    import torch.optim as optim
    from torch.distributions import Normal
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.stats import norm
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    class Linear_BBB(nn.Module):
            Layer of our BNN.
        def __init__(self, input_features, output_features, prior_var=1.):
                Initialization of our layer : our prior is a normal distribution
                centered in 0 and of variance 20.
            # initialize layers
            # set input and output dimensions
            self.input_features = input_features
            self.output_features = output_features
            # initialize mu and rho parameters for the weights of the layer
            self.w_mu = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(output_features, input_features))
            self.w_rho = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(output_features, input_features))
            #initialize mu and rho parameters for the layer's bias
            self.b_mu =  nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(output_features))
            self.b_rho = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(output_features))        
            #initialize weight samples (these will be calculated whenever the layer makes a prediction)
            self.w = None
            self.b = None
            # initialize prior distribution for all of the weights and biases
            self.prior = torch.distributions.Normal(0,prior_var)
        def forward(self, input):
              Optimization process
            # sample weights
            w_epsilon = Normal(0,1).sample(self.w_mu.shape)
            self.w = self.w_mu + torch.log(1+torch.exp(self.w_rho)) * w_epsilon
            # sample bias
            b_epsilon = Normal(0,1).sample(self.b_mu.shape)
            self.b = self.b_mu + torch.log(1+torch.exp(self.b_rho)) * b_epsilon
            # record log prior by evaluating log pdf of prior at sampled weight and bias
            w_log_prior = self.prior.log_prob(self.w)
            b_log_prior = self.prior.log_prob(self.b)
            self.log_prior = torch.sum(w_log_prior) + torch.sum(b_log_prior)
            # record log variational posterior by evaluating log pdf of normal distribution defined by parameters with respect at the sampled values
            self.w_post = Normal(self.w_mu.data, torch.log(1+torch.exp(self.w_rho)))
            self.b_post = Normal(self.b_mu.data, torch.log(1+torch.exp(self.b_rho)))
            self.log_post = self.w_post.log_prob(self.w).sum() + self.b_post.log_prob(self.b).sum()
            return F.linear(input, self.w, self.b)
    class MLP_BBB(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, hidden_units, noise_tol=.1,  prior_var=1.):
            # initialize the network like you would with a standard multilayer perceptron, but using the BBB layer
            self.hidden = Linear_BBB(1,hidden_units, prior_var=prior_var)
            self.out = Linear_BBB(hidden_units, 1, prior_var=prior_var)
            self.noise_tol = noise_tol # we will use the noise tolerance to calculate our likelihood
        def forward(self, x):
            # again, this is equivalent to a standard multilayer perceptron
            x = torch.sigmoid(self.hidden(x))
            x = self.out(x)
            return x
        def log_prior(self):
            # calculate the log prior over all the layers
            return self.hidden.log_prior + self.out.log_prior
        def log_post(self):
            # calculate the log posterior over all the layers
            return self.hidden.log_post + self.out.log_post
        def sample_elbo(self, input, target, samples):
            # we calculate the negative elbo, which will be our loss function
            #initialize tensors
            outputs = torch.zeros(samples, target.shape[0])
            log_priors = torch.zeros(samples)
            log_posts = torch.zeros(samples)
            log_likes = torch.zeros(samples)
            # make predictions and calculate prior, posterior, and likelihood for a given number of samples
            for i in range(samples):
                outputs[i] = self(input).reshape(-1) # make predictions
                log_priors[i] = self.log_prior() # get log prior
                log_posts[i] = self.log_post() # get log variational posterior
                log_likes[i] = Normal(outputs[i], self.noise_tol).log_prob(target.reshape(-1)).sum() # calculate the log likelihood
            # calculate monte carlo estimate of prior posterior and likelihood
            log_prior = log_priors.mean()
            log_post = log_posts.mean()
            log_like = log_likes.mean()
            # calculate the negative elbo (which is our loss function)
            loss = log_post - log_prior - log_like
            return loss
    def toy_function(x):
        return -x**4 + 3*x**2 + 1
    # toy dataset we can start with
    x = torch.tensor([-2, -1.8, -1, 1, 1.8, 2]).reshape(-1,1)
    y = toy_function(x)
    net = MLP_BBB(32, prior_var=10)
    optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=.1)
    epochs = 2000
    for epoch in range(epochs):  # loop over the dataset multiple times
        # forward + backward + optimize
        loss = net.sample_elbo(x, y, 1)
        if epoch % 10 == 0:
            print('epoch: {}/{}'.format(epoch+1,epochs))
            print('Loss:', loss.item())
    print('Finished Training')
    # samples is the number of "predictions" we make for 1 x-value.
    samples = 100
    x_tmp = torch.linspace(-5,5,100).reshape(-1,1)
    y_samp = np.zeros((samples,100))
    for s in range(samples):
        y_tmp = net(x_tmp).detach().numpy()
        y_samp[s] = y_tmp.reshape(-1)
    plt.plot(x_tmp.numpy(), np.mean(y_samp, axis = 0), label='Mean Posterior Predictive')
    plt.fill_between(x_tmp.numpy().reshape(-1), np.percentile(y_samp, 2.5, axis = 0), np.percentile(y_samp, 97.5, axis = 0), alpha = 0.25, label='95% Confidence')
    plt.scatter(x, toy_function(x))
    plt.title('Posterior Predictive')


  • 变分推断;
  • Weight Uncertainty in Neural Networks Tutorial;