李洪瑞 男,硕士研究生。主要研究方向:超临界二氧化碳在螺旋管中的换热和流动特性。Tel:023-65112469,E-mail:893703924@qq.com;
流体在内径为9 mm,有效受热长度为5.5 m,节距为32 mm,绕径为283 mm的竖直螺旋管中的加热过程开展了数值模拟。研究了质量流速、进口压力、热通量以及不同流向对超临界CO
Numerical analysis on heat transfer of supercritical CO
in heated vertical helically coiled tubes is performed by renormalization group (RNG)
turbulent model. The tube diameter, effective heated length, tube pitch, curvature diameter are 9 mm, 5.5 m, 32 mm and 283 mm, respectively. The influences of the mass flux, inlet pressure, heat flux and flow direction on heat transfer and pressure drop of supercritical CO
are studied. Furthermore, the combined effects of variable physical properties, buoyancy and centrifugal force in different flow directions of helically coiled tubes on heat transfer are analyzed. It is found that the influence of the buoyancy on the supercritical fluid flow up and down in helically coiled tubes is not significant, while the influence of the buoyancy in the horizontal direction is great, especially when the ratio of the distance which a cross-section of helically coiled tube to the entrance section and the pipe diameteris between 150 and 350 (near the critical temperature). The variable physical properties, the coupling effect of buoyancy and centrifugal force cause the fluctuation of the horizontal heat transfer coefficient.
Key words:
turbulent model,
numerical analysis,
supercritical fluids,
heat transfer,
centrifugal force,
helically coiled tube
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