南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 喻弥)玉米是全球最大的粮食和饲料作物之一,全球年产量超过10亿吨。玉米还是世界上最早利用杂种优势,也是利用最彻底的作物之一。近百年来,大量研究人员在水稻、玉米和油菜等作物中,对杂种优势进行了大量研究。但这些研究往往基于单一遗传群体,对杂种优势的理解存在一定局限性。

我校玉米研究团队前期以我国育种中常用的24个玉米骨干材料,穷十年之功,构建了一个玉米人工合成CUBIC群体。在此基础上,为系统解析玉米杂种优势,该团队创建了一套迄今为止植物中最大规模的杂交遗传设计群体,共42820个F1杂交种,涵盖30组半同胞F1群体。这套F1群体具有广泛的多样性,遗传背景清晰,是研究杂种优势的理想材料,也能为玉米遗传育种提供优良的中间材料。2017年,在安徽丰大种业公司的支持下,我校严建兵教授和清华大学鲁志教授团队联合发起玉米杂种优势预测挑战赛 (e-Maize Challenge),期待通过挑战赛,利用提供的基因组学数据和参赛选手的创新性数据分析方法,建立起一个精准、稳健、高效的计算分析方法,实现利用基因组学大数据来精准预测具有强优势表型的杂交组合。共吸引来自世界各地高校、企业等不同学科和行业的30多个代表队角逐,中国农业大学王向峰教授团队最终获得挑战赛冠军。


2021年5月10日,相关成果以“The genetic mechanism of heterosis utilization in maizeimprovement”为题,在Genome Biology(《基因组生物学》)上发表。我校植物科学技术学院肖英杰副教授、中国农业大学博士后姜淑琴、西北农林科技大学博士生程前、北京市农林科学院王夏青博士为论文共同第一作者。我校严建兵教授、中国农业大学王向峰教授和北京市农林科学院赵久然研究员为共同通讯作者。




In maize hybrid breeding, complementary pools of parental lines with reshuffled genetic variants are established for superior hybrid performance. To comprehensively decipher the genetics of heterosis, we present a new design of multiple linked F1 populations with 42,840 F1 maize hybrids, generated by crossing a synthetic population of 1428 maternal lines with 30 elite testers from diverse genetic backgrounds and phenotyped for agronomic traits.

We show that, although yield heterosis is correlated with the widespread, minor-effect epistatic QTLs, it may be resulted from a few major-effect additive and dominant QTLs in early developmental stages. Floral transition is probably one critical stage for heterosis formation, in which epistatic QTLs are activated by paternal contributions of alleles that counteract the recessive, deleterious maternal alleles. These deleterious alleles, while rare, epistatically repress other favorable QTLs. We demonstrate this with one example, showing that Brachytic2 represses the Ubiquitin3 locus in the maternal lines; in hybrids, the paternal allele alleviates this repression, which in turn recovers the height of the plant and enhances the weight of the ear. Finally, we propose a molecular design breeding by manipulating key genes underlying the transition from vegetative-to-reproductive growth.

The new population design is used to dissect the genetic basis of heterosis which accelerates maize molecular design breeding by diminishing deleterious epistatic interactions.

论文链接 https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-021-02370-7