Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has lashed out at Western officials who have been peddling the purported threat of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Apparently, they do it for the sheer pleasure of accusing Moscow, he told RT in an exclusive interview on Friday.
俄罗斯外长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫(Sergey Lavrov)猛烈抨击西方官员,指责他们一直在兜售所谓的“俄罗斯入侵乌克兰威胁论”。他在周五的独家采访中告诉RT新闻,对方这样做纯粹是为了指责莫斯科而指责莫斯科。
(英文摘自2022.02.03 RT News 网站)
▲图片来源: The Washington Post 网站
Moscow accused its opponents of cherry-picking parts of its suggestions on how to deflate tensions, while ignoring Moscow’s essential concerns for its safety due to NATO expansion and other threats posed by Western powers.
(英文摘自2022.02.03 RT News 网站)
The Russian foreign ministry said that the US’ response to Russia’s demands for bilateral security agreements were insufficient, addressing only some of Russia’s grievances… and that the US is cherry-picking solutions in response to security proposals.
(英文摘自2022.02.18 bne IntelliNews 网站)
▲图片来源: ABC News 网站
Moscow is considering filming a fake attack against Russian territory or Russian-speaking people by Ukrainian forces as a pretext to invade its neighbor, the Biden administration said Thursday, warning that the resulting propaganda footage could include “graphic scenes of a staged false explosion with corpses.”
(英文摘自2022.02.03 The Washington Post 网站)
Russian intelligence may be creating a pretext to invade Ukraine by producing an elaborate staged video—using crisis actors, fake Ukrainian military hardware and actual corpses—to depict an attack on Russian civilians, Biden Administration officials announced.
(英文摘自2022.02.03 Forbes 网站)
President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that Russia needed to work on increasing its economic sovereignty and that the West would always find a pretext to impose sanctions on Moscow.
(英文摘自2022.02.18 Reuters 网站)
The Guardian
The disinformation is often designed to muddy the waters for Russia’s domestic audience rather than make a convincing case worldwide.
(英文摘自2022.02.03 The Washington Post 网站)
Other Russian media muddied the water even further -- mentioning locations both in the south, in the direction of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol -- and in the north, near the Russian village of Mityakinskaya. However, a CNN analysis of the two videos confirms that they were filmed at a common location, just a few meters from each other.
(英文摘自2022.02.22 CNN 网站)
▲ 图片来源: Financial Times 网站
Minsk I ’s provisions included prisoner exchanges, deliveries of humanitarian aid and the withdrawal of heavy weapons, five months into a conflict that had by then killed more than 2,600 people.
Representatives of Russia, Ukraine, the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the leaders of two regions signed the 13-point Minsk II in February 2015.
(英文摘自2022.02.21 Reuters 网站)
Yang said if the 2015 Minsk Agreements had been fully implemented, Russia won't be concerned that Ukraine would join NATO. But the US and other forces overtly agree but covertly oppose the Minsk Agreements to push Ukraine to join NATO or try to deploy military forces in the country. This has caused Russia's tough reactions.
(英文摘自2022.02.22 Global Times 网站)
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