MAPI Session Handling the Sample Wrapped PST Store Providerhttps://msdn.mi
1、使用 MAP I读取 PST 文件,需要 map i32.dll或ms map i32.dll或msoe.dll,这里以 map 32.dll为例。 2、(mpai_EnsureLibraries)载入 map 32.dll: LoadLibrary(path); 3、( map i_EnsureStores(libpath)) 初始化 a)GetProcAddress(pHandle, "Fun...
转载请标明地址 微软公布了OUTLOOK 的数据文件 PST 的数据格式。 PST SDK下载地址:http:// pst SDK还存在一些问题。所以不断更新中。 下载后我的编译环境:W 很高兴为您服务。下面是一段Python代码,可以定时发送Excel文件到Outlook邮箱:import win32com.clientoutlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace(" MAP I")# Get the root folder of your Outlook account inbox = outlook.GetDefaultFolder(6) # Get the folder holding Excel files excel_folder = inbox.Folders.Item("Excel Files")# Get all the Excel files in the Excel folder excel_files = excel_folder.Items# Loop through all the Excel files for excel_file in excel_files: # Set the recipient and subject of the email recipient = "" subject = "Daily Excel Report" # Create a new email message email = outlook.CreateItem(0) email.To = recipient email.Subject = subject # Attach the Excel file to the email email.Attachments.Add(excel_file) # Send the email email.Send()