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To further accelerate economic construction and social development of Fujian Province and help investors to understand the direction of industrial development and benefit from key areas with foreign investment, 103 key provincial projects are proposed, with a total investment of RMB 119 billion. These projects include 50 industrial projects with a total investment of RMB 51 billion, 10 agricultural projects with a total investment of RMB 3 billion, 24 service projects with a total investment of RMB 23 billion and 19 infrastructure projects with a total investment of RMB 42 billion. These projects are in line with the orientation of national industry policies with strong industrial base and distinct resource advantages. Preliminary work has been carried out to a certain extent, undertaking units have been selected and the expected investment returns are satisfying.
We are looking forward to your negotiation and investment for co-development.
Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission
May 2015
1. 福州物联网智能家居产品设计及制造项目1
2. 厦门高科技通讯设备生产项目2
3. 厦门生物科技保健品项目3
4. 福清可视监控摄像设备项目4
5. 福清光控产业项目5
6. 闽清县精密仪器模具加工项目6
7. 莆田彩色涂层钢板生产项目7
8. 莆田汽车用冷轧钢板生产项目8
9. 莆田港口机械生产基地项目9
10. 莆田抗动脉粥样硬化海洋药物几丁糖酯项目10
11. 莆田健康产业园入驻项目招商11
12. 仙游绿色建筑产业项目12
13. 三明大功率LED研发生产项目13
14. 三明钕铁硼永磁材料产业化项目14
15. 三明建筑产业化生产项目15
16. 龙岩高精度减震器零部件产业化项目16
17. 龙岩高端装备数控机床制造项目17
18. 龙岩年产3万台汽车底盘生产项目18
19. 永定轻中重型卡生产项目19
20. 上杭县超长耐腐蚀铜合金冷凝管生产项目20
21. 长汀县年产1000吨稀土柔性陶瓷材料生产线项目21
22. 龙岩LYSO(硅酸钇镥)晶体生产项目22
23. 龙岩稀土永磁电机精深加工项目23
24. 漳州玻璃深加工项目24
25. 南平大乘乳业股份有限公司资产重组项目25
26. 南平延平新城机电装备专业园招商项目26
27. 南平特种电缆开发生产项目27
28. 浦城县年产5000吨竹原纤维项目28
29. 浦城县薏苡素提取加工项目29
30. 松溪茶多酚、黄酮高效提取项目30
31. 松溪笋竹废弃物提取黄酮等生物活性物质项目31
32. 邵武动力型锂离子电池生产项目32
33. 邵武草甘膦专用炭氧化催化剂项目33
34. 邵武年产300吨阿维菌素及100吨依维菌素生物制剂项目34
35. 邵武农、林废弃物制备纤维素乙醇项目35
36. 邵武年产2万吨有机硅橡胶项目36
37. 邵武锂离子电池隔膜项目37
38. 邵武年产2000吨天然石墨锂离子电池负极材料项目38
39. 永春新型高端瓷土项目39
40. 永春生物医药产业园项目40
41. 泉州开发区国家火炬电子信息特色产业基地41
42. 泉港3万吨/年特种环氧树脂42
43. 泉港10万吨/年高级脂肪醇43
44. 泉港10万吨/年甲基丙烯酸甲酯44
45. 惠安120万吨/年精对苯二甲酸45
46. 惠安40万吨/年PET聚酯瓶片46
47. 惠安6万吨/年PBT聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯47
48. 惠安6万吨/年PTT长丝48
49. 惠安5万吨/年PETG共聚聚酯项目49
50. 石狮海洋生物科技园区一期项目50
51. 清流台湾农民创业园千亩精致园艺果蔬观光园项目51
52. 龙岩兰田生态农业观光园项目52
53. 屏南熙岭高山食用菌示范园区建设项目53
54. 古田永安食用菌现代农业示范基地项目54
55. 长汀万亩蓝莓基地示范种植及加工建设项目55
56. 连城铁皮石斛基地建设及加工项目56
57. 松溪油茶种植、育苗、加工产业化项目57
58. 松溪县无患子能源林示范基地建设项目58
59. 邵武中药材种植及加工项目59
60. 邵武铁皮石斛规模化种植与深加工项目60
服 务 业
61. 福州海峡冷链物流集散分拔中心项目61
62. 长乐数字福建产业园启动区一期62
63. 永泰清凉镇养生养老项目63
64. 永泰县嵩口古镇旅游综合开发项目64
65. 永泰小火车休闲体验项目65
66. 平潭台湾免税市场招商项目66
67. 莆田对台贸易物流基地及小额商品交易市场项目67
68. 莆田健康产业国际会议展览中心项目68
69. 莆田冷链物流产业园69
70. 莆田南日岛生态旅游开发项目70
71. 莆田平海湾游艇港湾项目71
72. 海西·龙岩(上杭)金铜产业物流园建设项目72
73. 连城四堡雕版印刷基地旅游业态建设项目73
74. 诏安工业园区婴童用品专业市场74
75. 福建海西国家广告产业园区(泉州园)75
76. 泉州软件园招商项目76
77. 南安消防器材交易市场77
78. 霞浦台湾水产品集散中心水产品加工冷链基地78
79. 柘荣县剪纸创意产业开发建设项目79
80. 浦城九牧詹溪峡谷生态漂流开发建设项目80
81. 邵武养老养生基地建设项目81
82. 明溪县中药材产业博览园建设项目82
83. 尤溪县联合梯田旅游开发项目83
84. 龙海埭美水上古民居项目84
85. 惠安斗尾港区5万吨级公用多用途码头85
86. 惠安小岞剑屿10万吨级公用多用途码头86
87. 惠安小岞虎空山10万吨级散杂货码头87
88. 泉州台商投资区秀涂人工岛项目88
89. 霞浦下浒镇港口物流园区深水码头89
90. 宁波至东莞国家高速公路福建省沙埕湾跨海公路通道工程90
91. 福安市韩赛快速通道91
92. 湄洲湾东吴港区东吴作业区1#、2#、3#泊位工程建设项目92
93. 上杭蛟洋至城关高速公路(经营权转让招商项目)93
94. 莆田至湄洲岛轨道交通项目94
95. 松溪县农村污水处理工程项目95
96. 南平港延平新城港区项目96
97. 连江西北内陆经济区一期项目97
98. 松溪县纺织专业园项目98
99. 邵武市林产加工专业园二期建设项目99
100. 泉州台商投资区高端装备制造产业园100
101. 顺昌县食品、光电产业园建设项目101
102. 顺昌新城开发建设项目102
103. 长泰县陈巷镇港园工业园103
Industrial projects
1. Internet of Things Intelligent Household Product Design and Manufacturing Project in Fuzhou1
2. Xiamen Hi-Tech Communication Equipment Production Project2
3. Xiamen Biotechnology Health Care Product Project3
4. Fuqing Visual Surveillance Camera Project4
5. Fuqing Light Control Industry Project5
6. Precise Instrument Mold Processing Project in Minqing County6
7. Color Painted Steel Plate Production Project in Putian7
8. Automotive Cold-Rolled Plate Production Project in Putian8
9. Port Facilities Production Base Project in Putian9
10. Anti-atherosclerosis Marine Drug Chitosan Ester Project in Putian10
11. Investment Attraction for Projects to Settle in Health Industry Park in Putian11
12. Green Building Industry Project in Xianyou12
13. High-Power LED R & D and Production Project in Sanming13
14. Sanming NdFeB Permanent Magnet Material Industrialization Project14
15. Sanming Building Industrialized Production Project15
16. High-Precision Shock Absorber Parts Industrialization Project in Longyan16
17. High-End Equipment CNC Machine Tools Manufacturing Project in Longyan17
18. Longyan Automotive Chassis Production Project with annual capacity of 30,00018
19. Yongding Light & Medium & Heavy Truck Production Project19
20. Ultra-Long Anti-Corrosion Copper Alloy Condenser Pipe Production Project in Shanghang County20
21. Changting Rare Earth Flexible Ceramic Material Production Line Project with Annual Capacity of 1000 tons21
22. Longyan LYSO Crystal Production Project22
23. Longyan Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Motor Fine & Deep Processing Project23
24. Zhangzhou Glass Deep Processing Project24
25. Asset Restructuring Project of Dacheng Dairy Industry Co., Ltd. in Nanping25
26. Nanping Yanping New Town Mechanical & Electrical Equipment SpecialPark Project26
27. Nanping Special Cables Development & Production Project27
28. Pucheng Natural Bamboo Fiber Project with Capacity of 5000 tons28
29. Pucheng Coixol Extraction & Processing Project29
30. Songxi Tea Polyphenols & Flavone Efficient Extraction Project30
31. Songxi Flavone and Other Bioactivators Extraction Project with Bamboo Shoot Wastes31
32. Shaowu Power Lithium Ion Battery Production Project32
33. Special Carbon Oxidation Catalyst for Glyphosate Project in Shaowu33
34. Shaowu AVM (300 tons annually) and IVM (100 tons annually) Biological Agent Project34
35. Shaowu Cellulosic Ethanol Production with Agricultural and Forest Wastes Project35
36. Shaowu Organic Silicon Rubber with Annual Capacity of 20,000 tons36
37. Shaowu Lithium Ion Battery Separator Project37
38. Shaowu Natural Graphite Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Material Project with Annual Capacity of 2000 tons38
39. Yongchun New High-End China Clay Project39
40. Yongchun Biomedical Industry Park Project40
41. National Torch Electronic Information Special Industry Base in Quanzhou Development Zone41
42. Quangang 30,000 t/a Special Epoxy Resin Project42
43. Quangang 100,000 t/a Higher Aliphatic Alcohol Project43
44. Quangang 100,000 t/a Methyl Methacrylate Project44
45. Hui'an 1.2 million t/a Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) Project45
46. Hui'an 400,000 t/a PET Bottle Chip Project46
47. Hui'an 60,000 t/a PBT Project47
48. Hui'an 60,000 t/a PTT Filament Project48
49. Hui'an 50,000 t/a PETG Project49
50. Shishi Marine Biotechnological Park Phase I Project50
Agricultural Projects
51. Qingliu Taiwan Farmers Pioneer Park 1000 mu Fine Gardening, Fruits &
Vegetables Sightseeing Garden Project51
52. Longyan Lantian Eco-Agriculture Sightseeing Park Project52
53. Pingnan Xiling Alpine Edible Fungi Demonstration Park Construction Project53
54. Gutian Yong'an Edible Fungi Modern Agriculture Demonstration Base Project54
55. Changting 10,000 mu Blueberry Plantation and Processing Demonstration Base Construction Project55
56. Liancheng Dendrobium Officinale Base Construction and Processing Project56
57. Songxi Camellia Oleifera Plantation, Seedling Culture and Processing Industrialized Project57
58. Songxi Sapindus Energy Forest Demonstration Base Construction Project58
59. Shaowu Medicinal Herb Planting and Processing Project59
60. Scale Growth and Deep Process of Dendrobium Officinale in Shaowu60
Tertiary Industry
61. Fuzhou Western Taiwan Straits Cold-chain Logistics Distribution Center Project61
62. Phase I Test Area of Digital Fujian Industrial Park in Changle62
63. Health Care and Retirement Project in Qingliang Town, Yongtai County63
64. Comprehensive Development Project of Tourism in Songkou Ancient Town of Yongtai County64
65. Yongtai Sightseeing Train Leisure Project65
66. Pingtan Investment Attraction of Taiwan Duty-free Market66
67. Putian-Taiwan Trade Logistics Center and Petty Commodity Trade Market Project67
68. Putian International Health Care Expo Center68
69. Putian Cold-chain Logistics Industrial Park69
70. Eco-tourism Development of Putian Nanri Island70
71. Putian Pinghai Bay Yacht Harbor Project71
72. West Coast Economic Zone·Longyan (Shanghang) Gold and Copper Industrial Park72
73. Liancheng Sibao Block Printing Base Tourism Development Project73
74. Baby product market of Zhaoan Industrial Park74
75. Fujian National Western Taiwan Straits Advertising Industrial Park (Quanzhou Zone)75
76. Quanzhou Software Park Investment Attraction Project76
77. Nan'an Fire Equipment Market77
78. Xiapu Aquatic Products Processing and Cold-chain Base for Taiwan Aquatic Products78
79. Zherong County Paper-cut Creative Industrial Development and Construction Project79
80. Pucheng Jiumu Zhanxi Valley Drifting Eco-tourism Development Project80
81. Shaowu Retirement and Elderly Health Care Base81
82. Mingxi County Traditional Chinese Medicine Industrial Expo Park Construction Project82
83. Youxi County Lianhe Township Terrace Tourism Development Project83
84. Longhai Daimei Waterfront Ancient Dwelling Project84
85. Hui'an Douwei Port 50,000t Public Multi-purpose Dock85
86. Hui'an Xiaozuo Jianyu 100,000t Public Multi-purpose Dock86
87. Hui'an Xiaozuo Hukongshan 100,000 t Bulk & General Cargo Terminal87
88. Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone - Xiutu Man-made Island Project88
89. Deepwater Dock of Port Logistics Park in Xiahu Town, Xiapu County89
90. Fujian Shacheng Bay Cross-sea Highway Channel of Ningbo-Dongguan National Expressway90
91. Fu'an Hangyang-Saiqi Fast Lane91
92. 1#, 2#, 3# Berth Construction of Dongwu Work Zone, Dongwu Port Area, Meizhou Bay92
93. Shanghang Jiaoyang-Chengguan Expressway (Investment attraction project for transfer of management right)93
94. Putiain-Meizhou Island Railway Transportation Project94
95. Songxi County Rural Sewage Treatment Engineering Project95
96. Port Area of Yanping New Town, Nanping Port96
97. Lianjiang Northwest Inland Economic Zone Phase I Project97
98. Songxi County Textile Special Park Project98
99. Shaowu Forest Process Special Park Phase II Construction Project99
100. High-end Equipment Manufacture Park of Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone100
101. Shunchang County Food and Photoelectric Industrial Park Construction101
102. Shunchang New Town Development and Construction Project102
103. Gangyuan Industrial Park of Chenxiang Town, Changtai County103
工 业 Industrial Projects
1. 福州物联网智能家居产品设计及制造项目
项目联系人:江军 联系电话:0591-63150123 18859159876
传真:0591-83684146 电子邮箱:qjjfzj@126.com
1. Internet of Things Intelligent Household Product Design and Manufacturing Project in Fuzhou
I. Description: The project is located in Fuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, covering a total building area of 10,000 m2.
II. Reasons and conditions Currently:The Development Zone has attracted a batch of Internet of Things intelligent household product design and manufacturing enterprises such as the Newland, Gridlink and Chuango to settle in the Zone and has formed a complete industry chain with a good number of talents. With the establishment of this type of projects, the Zone is expected to further expand industry scale and achieve industry cluster effect.
III. Preliminary work: Existing properties can be rented for use
IV. Total investment: USD 30 million
V. Analysis of economic benefits: As the office building will be rented, the preliminary input will be small and the largest input is the introduction and training of talents. The expected return ratio will be over 15% and the investment payback period will be 6 years.
VI. Contact unit: Economic Trade Bureau of Mawei Development Zone of Fuzhou
Contact person: Jiang Jun Tel.: 0591-63150123 18859159876
Fax: 0591-83684146 E-mail: qjjfzj@126.com
2. 厦门高科技通讯设备生产项目
项目联系人:何鲲 联系电话:13799749491
2. Xiamen Hi-Tech Communication Equipment Production Project
I. Description:It is proposed to build an industrialization base for communication base stations, antennas (2G/3G/4G) and wireless network coverage software and hardware in Xiamen Huoju (Xiang'an) Industry Base with a planned land area of 10 hectares.
II. Reasons and conditions: Hi-tech communication equipment has been used in more and more industries and its market demand is stable with a growing trend, making it a very profitable project. Huoju (Xiang'an) Industry Base has adopted the management mode of "one zone with several parks" of Huoju Hi-Tech Zone and actively uses supporting industries, favorable policies and talents to promote development of computer, communication equipment and new material industries.
III. Preliminary work: It is under business negotiation.
IV. Total Investment: About RMB 1 billion.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It is estimated to generate an annual value of production of RMB 1 billion after the Project is put to operation.
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Center of Xiamen Huoju Hi-Tech Management Committee
Contact person: He Kun Tel.: 13799749491
E-mail: 704787524@qq.com
3. 厦门生物科技保健品项目
项目联系人:张春华 联系电话:13666031093
3. Xiamen Biotechnology Health Care Product Project
I. Description:It is proposed to build an R& D and production project for cosmetics, health food and medical materials in Xiamen Biomedical Port in Haicang District with a planned land area of 18 hectares.
II. Reasons and conditions:Xiamen Biomedical Port was approved as a national pilot area for agglomeration and development of strategic new industries and an industrial agglomeration mainly consisting of medical equipment, diagnostic reagent and health care product industries is taking shape there with over 190 bio-medical companies and an annual value of production of over RMB 10 billion. Construction of the Project helps to further increase bio-medical industry scale and promote industry agglomeration.
III. Preliminary work: It is under business negotiation.
IV. Total Investment: About RMB 3 billion.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It is expected to generate an annual value of production of no less than RMB 1 billion in the second year of operation and its production value will reach RMB 5 billion in five years.
VI. Contact unit: Haicang Biological Science & Technology Company (Xiamen Biomedical Port Management Company)
Contact person: Zhang Chunhua Tel.: 13666031093
E-mail: 466329518@qq.com
4. 福清可视监控摄像设备项目
项目联系人:林立秀 联系电话:0591-85377885 18750112727
传真:0591-85377821 电子邮箱:rongqiaojingfa@163.com
4. Fuqing Visual Surveillance Camera Project
I. Description: Visual monitoring camera device project will be introduced in Fuqing Rongqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone.
II. Reasons and conditions: Rongqiao Development Zone is the production base of LCD terminal products with the largest scale, most concentrated layout and highest international market share in China. Supporting industries such as injection molding, SMT, printed wiring board, film pasting and lens manufacturing are developed.
III. Preliminary work: Complete industrial chain and infrastructure supporting facilities have been established.
IV. Total investment: RMB 500 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: Strong industrial chain and cluster and stable and increasing market demand contribute to good economic benefits.
VI. Contact unit: Economic Development Bureau of Management Committee of Fuqing Rongqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone
Contact person: Lin Lixiu Tel.: 0591-85377885 18750112727
Fax: 0591-85377821 E-mail: rongqiaojingfa@163.com
5. 福清光控产业项目
项目联系人:林立秀 联系电话:0591-85377885 18750112727
传真:0591-85377821 电子邮箱:rongqiaojingfa@163.com
5. Fuqing Light Control Industry Project
I. Description: Light control industrial projects such as photochromic glass will be introduced, with the production capacity being over RMB 1 billion annually. The Project is located in Fuqing Rongqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone.
II. Reasons and conditions: Rongqiao Development Zone is dominated by optoelectronic industry. The Zone features improved infrastructure and boasts obvious regional advantages. Light control materials have a wide application and a broad market prospect.
III. Preliminary work: Complete infrastructure support facilities
IV. Total investment: RMB 300 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: Stable and increasing market demand contributes to good economic benefits.
VI. Contact unit: Economic Development Bureau of Management Committee of Fuqing Rongqiao Economic and Technological Development Zone
Contact person: Lin Lixiu Tel.: 0591-85377885 18750112727
Fax: 0591-85377821 E-mail: rongqiaojingfa@163.com
6. 闽清县精密仪器模具加工项目
联系电话:0591—22331285 15959051919
6. Precise Instrument Mold Processing Project in Minqing County
I. Description: The Project is located in Dongqiao Industrial Park in Minqing County with an area of about 80 mu.
II. Reasons and conditions: Located in Dongqiao Industrial Park, the Dongqiao Watch Industrial Park has a close connection between upstream and downstream industry chains and is in urgent need of supporting technologies for precise mold production.
III. Preliminary work: Preliminarily planning for the Project has been completed and township government is investigating the possibility of land requisition and resettlement.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The estimated annual value of production will be RMB 200 million and the average annual profit RMB 30 million with an investment payback period of 7 years upon completion of the Project.
VI. Contact unit: Construction Headquarters of New Industrial District of Dongqiao in Minqing County
Contact person: Yan Ying
Tel.: 0591-22331285 15959051919
7. 莆田彩色涂层钢板生产项目
项目联系人:杨志 联系电话:0594-5850988 18050519393
传真:0594-5060988 电子邮箱:xy5850988@163.com
7. Color Painted Steel Plate Production Project in Putian
I. Description: It is planned to build a color painted steel plate production line with annual output of 200,000 tons in Xiuyu District, Putian City.
II. Reasons and conditions: As applications and demands for color painted steel plates grow, annual domestic demand for it increases to 1.4 - 1.7 million tons. However, annual domestic production capacity is only 600,000 - 800,000 tons and the gap has to be made up via import. Currently, Ansteel Cold-Rolled Plate (Putian) Project with a total investment of RMB 3.8 billion and an annual output of 1 million tons has been settled and put to operation and is capable of supplying cold-rolled plates as raw materials for the Project.
III. Preliminary work: The Project is now at planning and recommendation stage.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The output annual value is estimated to be RMB 1.5 billion after the Project is completed and put into production.
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Bureau of Xiuyu District
Contact person: Yang Zhi Tel.: 0594-5850988 18050519393
Fax: 0594-5060988 E-mail: xy5850988@163.com
8. 莆田汽车用冷轧钢板生产项目
项目联系人:杨志 联系电话:0594-5850988 18050519393
传真:0594-5060988 电子邮箱:xy5850988@163.com
8. Automotive Cold- Rolled Plate Production Project in Putian
I. Description: It is planned to build an automotive cold-rolled plate project with an annual output of 10,000 tons in Xiuiyu District, Putian City.
II. Reasons and conditions: Current market demand for automobile manufacturing materials is high and Ansteel Cold-Rolled Plate (Putian) Project constructed in Xiuyu District with an annual production of 1 million tons and a total investment of RMB 3.8 billion provides the Project a nearby source of raw materials so as to reduce product cost and improve economic returns.
III. Preliminary work: The Project is now at planning and recommendation stage.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: An annual output value of RMB 150 million can be obtained after completion of construction.
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Bureau of Xiuyu District
Contact person: Yang Zhi Tel.: 0594-5850988 18050519393
Fax: 0594-5060988 E-mail: xy5850988@163.com
9. 莆田港口机械生产基地项目
项目联系人:杨志 联系电话:0594-5850988 18050519393
传真:0594-5060988 电子邮箱:xy5850988@163.com
9. Port Facilities Production Base Project in Putian
I. Description: It is planned to build a port machine production base in Xiuiyu District, Putian City.
II. Reasons and conditions: As one of three key port under construction in Fujian Province, Meizhou Bay Port is a Class I national open port accessible by foreign vessels. The area has great geographic advantages for producing port facilities because local port is the nearest market and convenient and low-cost shipping helps to transport facilities produced to ports and interchange points in Shanghai, Guangdong and even other cities in China.
III. Preliminary work: The Project is now at planning and recommendation stage.
IV. Total investment: RMB 500 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual sales revenue is expected to reach about RMB 1 billion after completion of construction.
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Bureau of Xiuyu District
Contact person: Yang Zhi Tel.: 0594-5850988 18050519393
Fax: 0594-5060988 E-mail: xy5850988@163.com
10. 莆田抗动脉粥样硬化海洋药物几丁糖酯项目
项目联系人:杨志 联系电话:0594-5850988 18050519393
传真:0594-5060988 电子邮箱:xy5850988@163.com
10. Anti-atherosclerosis Marine Drug Chitosan Ester Project in Putian
I. Description: The Project is to produce anti-atherosclerosis marine drug -chitosan ester by extraction & separation and molecular modification with marine crustacean as raw materials. The Project is located in Xiuyu District, Putian City.
II. Reasons and conditions: Fujian has the largest amount of oyster shells nationwide. They can be treated in environmentally friendly manner to extract biological calcium and inorganic salts to be used as health care products, pharmaceutical materials, food, feed additive and functional cosmetics additive. Xiuyu District has ranked to be the largest shallow water float-raft abalone culture base in China and it produced 500 million pieces of Nanri abalone annually with adequate supply of raw materials.
III. Preliminary work: The Project is now at planning and recommendation stage.
IV. Total investment: RMB 100 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual sales revenue is expected to reach about RMB 50 million after completion of construction.
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Bureau of Xiuyu District
Contact person: Yang Zhi Tel.: 0594-5850988 18050519393
Fax: 0594-5060988 E-mail: xy5850988@163.com
11. 莆田健康产业园入驻项目招商
项目联系人:杨志 联系电话:0594-5850988 18050519393
传真:0594-5060988 电子邮箱:xy5850988@163.com
11. Investment Attraction for Projects to Settle in Health Industry Park in Putian
I. Description: It is planned to introduce medical appliance, consumables manufacturing and biological medicine projects to settle in the Health Industry Park in Xiuyu District, Putian.
II. Reasons and conditions: Xiuyu District, Putian is the birthplace of private hospitals built by Putian people. By the end of 2013, such hospitals account for around 80% in various private hospitals in China with an annual total purchase amount of RMB 100 billion. The Health Industry Park is located in the square of Putian Railway Station and features convenient transportation as it is 6 km from Shenhai Expressway exit and 10 km from Xiuyu Port.
III. Preliminary work: The Project is now in project investment stage.
IV. Total investment: It depends on specific projects.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The Project has a promising prospect.
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Bureau of Xiuyu District
Contact person: Yang Zhi Tel.: 0594-5850988 18050519393
Fax: 0594-5060988 E-mail: xy5850988@163.com
12. 仙游绿色建筑产业项目
五、项目经济效益分析:拟用项目建设期为2年,第三年达产50%,第4年达产80%,第5年工程全部达产分析。项目建成财务内部收益率25.10% ,项目税后投资回收期为4.93年,总投资收益率39.20%。
项目联系人:颜文星 联系电话:0594-6761328 13950763998
12. Green Building Industry Project in Xianyou
I. Description: It is planned to construct production base, R&D base, logistics base, comprehensive service platform and comprehensive service facilities and introduce green building projects in the Project with an area of 1200 mu and a total investment of RMB 6 billion. The Project is located between Huating Exit and Gaiwei Exit of Puyong Expressway.
II. Reasons and conditions: Green building industry helps to cut production energy consumption, reduce cost and broaden market space.
III. Preliminary work: Infrastructure construction in the Park has been completed.
IV. Total investment: It depends on specific projects.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It is proposed to take 2 years to construct, to obtain 50% design capacity in the third year, 80% in the fourth year and 100% in the fifth year. It is estimated that the financial internal rate of return is 25.10% after completion of construction and the after-tax investment payback period is 4.93 years with a total rate of return on investment of 39.20%.
VI. Contact unit: Development and Reform Bureau of Xianyou County
Contact person: Yan Wenxing Tel.: 0594-6761328 13950763998
E-mail: fgjbgs8292270@163.com
13. 三明大功率LED研发生产项目
项目联系人:郑霞 联系电话:0598-8213099 18906089519
传真:0598-8213099 电子邮箱:8213099@sina.com
13. High-Power LED R & D and Production Project in Sanming
I. Description: It is planned to cover an area of 50 mu in the Project and produce annually 50 million pieces of 1 W LEDs, 30,000 pieces of LED street lamps, 20,000 pieces of LED spotlights, 10,000 pieces of LED mining lights and 500,000 pieces of lamp cups. The Project is located in Yangxi Park of Meilie Economic Development Zone.
II. Reasons and conditions: Yangxi Park has good location and convenient transportation with a broad market prospect for high-power LEDs.
III. Preliminary work: The pre-feasibility preparation of the project has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 300 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: After completion and attainment of full capacity, the Project is estimated to bring annual sales revenue of RMB 200 million. Total return on investment is 13 % and the payback period is estimated to be 8 years.
VI. Contact unit: Foreign Economic and Trade Bureau of Meilie District
Contact person: Zheng Xia Tel.: 0598-8213099 18906089519
Fax: 0598-8213099 E-mail: 8213099@sina.com
14. 三明钕铁硼永磁材料产业化项目
项目联系人:胡泊平 联系电话:0598-8250056 13306983777
14. Sanming NdFeB Permanent Magnet Material Industrialization Project
I. Description: It is planned to build a high-performance NdFeB permanent magnet material production line with an annual production capacity of 10,000 tons. The Project is located in Jikou New Industry Park in Sanming Taiwanese Investment Zone.
II. Reasons and conditions: NdFeB permanent magnet material is a kind of rare earth permanent magnet material of excellent performance with wide application in energy, electronic, automotive, aerospace and military industry industries and great market demand. Sanming is endowed with abundant rare earth resources, among which ionic REO reserves reach 2 million tons, accounting for 50% of that of Fujian Province. Construction of rare earth separation project with annual output of 10,000 tons will soon begin and supply of rare earth oxides for the Project is guaranteed.
III. Preliminary work: Environmental assessment and regulatory plan review for Jikou New Industry Park of Sanming Taiwanese Investment zone have been completed and survey and argumentation for feasibility study is in progress.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1 billion
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: After completion, the Project is estimated to bring annual sales revenue of RMB 2.3 billion. Total return on investment is 27 % and the payback period is estimated to be 5 years.
VI. Contact unit: Management Committee of Sanming Taiwanese Investment Zone
Contact person: Hu Boping Tel.: 0598-8250056 13306983777
E-mail: smtstzq@163.com
15. 三明建筑产业化生产项目
项目联系人:朱斌 联系电话:13605987646
15. Sanming Building Industrialized Production Project
I. Description: It is planned to introduce building industrialized production project with a building area of 120,000 m2 to build PC component factory and heavyweight steel structure factory. The Project is located in Xiaojiao Industry Park of Meilie Economic Development Zone.
II. Reasons and conditions: Modern technology, advanced management techniques and industrialized production are adopted to completely transform traditional housing industry to adapt building industry production and techniques to current development needs and explore broader market. Sangang and other manufacturers can supply raw materials.
III. Preliminary work: "Three supplies (water, electricity and road) and one leveling (ground leveling)" works are in progress.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: After completion and attainment of full capacity, the Project is estimated to bring annual sales revenue of RMB 480 million. Total return on investment is 22 % and the payback period is estimated to be 5 years.
VI. Contact unit: Sanming Ruiyun New District Construction & Development Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Zhu Bin Tel.: 13605987646
E-mail: smzb666@sina.com
16. 龙岩高精度减震器零部件产业化项目
项目联系人:林美红 联系电话:0597-3291088 13806999930
16. High-Precision Shock Absorber Parts Indus-trialization Project in Longyan
I. Description: It is planned to introduce a high-precision shock absorber key parts industrialization project with an annual capacity of 2.5 million. The Project is located in Longyan industrial concentration district.
II. Reasons and conditions: Automotive suspension system requires high-precision shock absorber for ancillary use. As a high-tech industry development project, the Project produces high-precision shock absorber parts for cars by apply independent innovation capacity and high technology and complies with national industry policies and industry and local development plans with strong market competitiveness and broad market outlook.
III. Preliminary work: The feasibility study report has been prepared.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1.25 billion
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: After the Project reaches its design capacity, normal annual realizable sales revenues will be RMB 2.45 billion and accumulated net profits within the operation period will be RMB 586.88 million with a pre-tax rate of return on investment of 6.62 years (including construction period).
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Bureau of Xinluo District
Contact person: Lin Meihong Tel.: 0597-3291088 13806999930
Fax: 0597-2311482
17. 龙岩高端装备数控机床制造项目
项目联系人:林美红 联系电话:0597-3291088 13806999930
17. High-End Equipment CNC Machine Tools Manufacturing Project in Longyan
I. Description: It is planned to introduce an automated composite production line with annual capacity of 100 high-end precision equipment including five-axis linkage precision machining centers, 4000 vertical CNC machining centers, 4000 horizontal CNC machining centers, 2000 precision composite drilling & tapping centers and 10,000 NC lathes. The Project is located in Longzhou Industrial Park, Fujian.
II. Reasons and conditions: The Project can use technology, equipment, brand and market sales network of Longyan Lishang Precision Machine Co., Ltd. to accelerate development and mass production of four-axis and five-axis precision machining centers, vertical machining center series, horizontal machining center series, vertical NC lathes, horizontal NC lathes, inverted NC lathes, vertical and inverted combined NC lathes, turn milling composite high-speed precision driller centers and develop proper automated production line of automotive parts based on the above products to set up a national first-rate high-end CNC equipment production base and promote upgrade of CNC equipment industry chain.
III. Preliminary work: The feasibility study report has been prepared.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1.6 billion
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual revenue will be RMB 3,977.44 million and the annual net profit will be RMB 415,54 million. The after-tax FIRR will be 18.01 % and the after-tax investment payback period will be 6.09 years (including construction period).
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Bureau of Xinluo District
Contact person: Lin Meihong Tel.: 0597-3291088 13806999930
Fax: 0597-2311482
18. 龙岩年产3万台汽车底盘生产项目
项目联系人:张初德 联系电话:0597-2961606 18659790316
18. Longyan Automotive Chassis Production Project with annual capacity of 30,000
I. Description: It is planned to use existing plants of Longking Excavator to build a new automotive chassis production line with annual capacity of 30,000. The Project is located in Longyan Economic and Technological Development Zone.
II. Reasons and conditions: It is proposed in the 12th Five-Year Plan of Longyan to focus on development of automobiles and automotive parts production projects. Now some automotive parts enterprises have settled in Longyan Economic and Technological Development Zone. As sanitation truck enterprises in Longyan grow quickly, automotive chassis production enterprises need to be introduced to meet the requirements of Longyan automobile industry and extend industry chain.
III. Preliminary work: The feasibility report has been prepared.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1 billion
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: An annual value of production will be RMB 2.5 billion after completion of construction.
VI. Contact unit: Longyan Economic and Technological Development Zone
Contact person: Zhang Chude Tel.: 0597-2961606 18659790316
19. 永定轻中重型卡生产项目
联系电话:0597-5689860 13859571219
19. Yongding Light & Medium & Heavy Truck Production Project
I. Description: It is planned to introduce a light, medium and heavy truck production project with an annual capacity of 100,000. The Project is located in Gaopo Town, Yongding.
II. Reasons and conditions: Yongfeng New District focuses manufacturing of automobiles and other advanced equipment. Currently, complete-vehicle production qualifications for light, medium and heavy trucks have been obtained and the Project is in line with national industry policies and industrial development plan.
III. Preliminary work: Complete-vehicle production qualifications have been obtained and planning and site selection has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 2 billion
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: After completion, the annual output will be over RMB 8 billion.
VI. Contact unit: Economic Development Bureau of Yongfeng New District
Contact person: Rao Shuntang
Tel.: 0597-5689860,13859571219
20. 上杭县超长耐腐蚀铜合金冷凝管生产项目
联系电话:0597-3832319 13605903272
20. Ultra-Long Anti-Corrosion Copper Alloy Condenser Pipe Production Project in Shanghang County
I. Description: It is planned to build an ultra-long anti-corrosion copper alloy condenser pipe production project with an annual capacity of 30,000. The Project is located at Chengnan plot of Shanghang Industrial Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: As demands for copper alloy condenser pipes from power, shipbuilding and other industries grow constantly, annual domestic market demand has increased to over 300,000 tons.
III. Preliminary work: The feasibility report has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1.2 billion
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: An annual profit of RMB 2945 million
VI. Contact unit: Economic and Trade Bureau of Shanghang County
Contact person: Peng Xurong
Tel.: 0597-3832319 13605903272
21. 长汀县年产1000吨稀土柔性陶瓷材料生产线项目
项目联系人:钟可良 联系电话:0597-6823569 13600996699
传真:0597-6813228 电子邮箱:txxtb@163.com
21. Changting Rare Earth Flexible Ceramic Material Production Line Project with Annual Capacity of 1000 tons
I. Description: It is planned to build a rare earth flexible ceramic material project with an annual capacity of 1000 tons. The Project is located in Changting County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Rare earth flexible ceramic materials are a good solution to fragility of ceramics and improve its strength and thus their products find wide application in different industries. Changting County boasts good rare earth resources and a certain scale of rare earth separation, rare earth oxides and rare earth metal manufacturing has been established.
III. Preliminary work: Feasibility study and site selection have been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 100 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual sales revenue will be about RMB 200 million and the annual profit will be about RMB 21 million after the project reaches the design capacity.
VI. Contact unit: Industry Department for Rare Earth of Changting County, Fujian Province
Contact person: Zhong Keliang Tel.: 0597-6823569 13600996699
Fax: 0597-6813228 E-mail: txxtb@163.com
22. 龙岩LYSO (硅酸钇镥) 晶体生产项目
项目联系人:吴友林 联系电话:0597-3269892 13559318055
传真:0597-6687877 电子邮箱:xt3269890@163.com
22. Longyan LYSO Crystal Production Project
I. Description: It is an industrialized project for purification of LYSO crystals used in high-end medical image products CT, PET-CT and other medical equipment with an annual capacity of 400,000 cm3. The Project is located in Fujian (Longyan) Rare Earth Industrial Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: LYSO crystals are widely used in radiation detection such as CT and PET/CT medical image equipment and purchase cost of LYSO crystals accounts for over 40% of manufacturing cost of CT and PET/CT equipment. Therefore, this Project has a promising market outlook.
III., Preliminary work: The feasibility report has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 500 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual revenue will be RMB 700 million and the annual profit will be RMB 100 million upon completion of the Project.
VI. Contact unit: Economic Development Department of Management Committee of Fujian (Longyan) Rare Earth Industrial Park
Contact person: Wu Youlin Tel.: 0597-3269892 13559318055
Fax: 0597-6687877 E-mail: xt3269890@163.com
23. 龙岩稀土永磁电机精深加工项目
项目联系人:吴友林 联系电话:0597-3269892 13559318055
传真:0597-6687877 电子邮箱:xt3269890@163.com
23. Longyan Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Motor Fine & Deep Processing Project
I. Description: The planned floor area of the Project is about 800 mu. It is planned to build a project with annual capacity of 5,000 tons NdFeB permanent magnet materials, 50,000 NdFeB permanent magnet wind power motors, 50,000 HEV NdFeB permanent magnet motors, 20,000 NdFeB permanent variable frequency motors, 10,000 elevator permanent magnet synchronous motors, 20,000 permanent magnet motors for automated textile equipment and
50,000 rare earth permanent magnet motors for NC lathes. The Project is located in Fujian
(Longyan) Rare Earth Industrial Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: The Project will greatly increase production capacity of enterprises, improve production technological level and product quality and meet urgent market demand of high-performance motor products.
III. Preliminary work: The land planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 2.4 billion
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual sales revenue is expected to reach about RMB 2.5 billion after completion of construction.
VI. Contact unit: Economic Development Department of Management Committee of Fujian (Longyan) Rare Earth Industrial Park
Contact person: Wu Youlin Tel.: 0597-3269892 13559318055
Fax: 0597-6687877 E-mail: xt3269890@163.com
24. 漳州玻璃深加工项目
二、项目建设理由和条件:目前,漳州旗滨玻璃有限公司已在区内建成投产了优质浮法玻璃、在线 low-E镀膜玻璃、在线TCO薄膜太阳能玻璃、超白光伏玻璃等五条生产线,成为全国最大、最先进玻璃生产基地,可长期提供稳定的原材料货源。
联系电话:0596-5835104 13709373795 13306069687
24. Zhangzhou Glass Deep Processing Project
I. Description: It is planned to build production lines of off-line Low-E glasses, insulating glasses, laminated glasses, tempered glasses and automotive glasses. The Project is located in Dongshan County, Zhangzhou.
II. Reasons and conditions: Zhangzhou Qibin Glasses Co., Ltd. has built and put into operation five production lines of quality float glasses, online Low-E coating glasses, online TCO film solar glasses and ultrawhite PV glasses in the Park to make it the largest and most advanced glass production which can serve as a stable source of raw materials supply for a long time.
III. Preliminary work: The preliminary planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: USD 30 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: Product profit margins are huge.
VI. Contact unit: PV & Glasses New Materials Industrial Park, Dongshan National Economic & Technological Development Zone
Contact person: Hong Yongde
Tel.: 0596-5835104 13709373795 13306069687
25. 南平大乘乳业股份有限公司资产重组项目
项目联系人:梁兴文 联系电话:0599-8311205 13960630058
25. Asset Restructuring Project of Dacheng Dairy Industry Co., Ltd. in Nanping
I. Description: Asset restructuring of Fujian Dacheng Dairy Industry Co., Ltd. Located at No. 81, Jianxi Road, Nanping City, the company covers an floor area of 610 mu, including 227 mu for headquarters and 383 mu of Daheng Pasture. It is one of the leaders of agricultural industrialization with a total net assets of RMB 90 million.
II. Preliminary work: Current problems such as change of identities of the staff, land use, liabilities due to banks and legal disputes have been addressed under coordination of Dacheng Restructuring and Reorganization Leading Group of Yanping District Government before purchase and reorganization of strategic investors.
III. Analysis of expected economic benefits: After investors become shareholders, milk sources in the whole city can be integrated quickly by complementing advantages to finance and construct a cow raising base with a capacity of 25,000 and set up a large dairy production base.
IV. Contact unit: Fujian Dacheng Dairy Industry Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Liang Xingwen Tel.:0599-8311205 13960630058
Fax: 0599-8805115
26. 南平延平新城机电装备专业园招商项目
项目联系人:张国治 联系电话:0599-8616117 18960618387
传真:0599-8601080 电子邮箱:npgyyq8616117@163.com
26. Nanping Yanping New Town Mechanical & Electrical Equipment Special Park Project
I. Description: The planned floor area is 5600 mu and it is proposed to construct a modern equipment manufacturing project mainly for wires & cables, new energy equipment and automotive parts. The Project is located in Chenkeng-Wakuo Agglomeration of Nanping Industrial Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: As a traditionally competitive industry in Nanping, equipment manufacturing industry here features good industry scale and foundation, quick development, great brands, technology, talents and supporting facilities as well as adequate backup technical workers.
III. Preliminary work: "Three supplies and one leveling" work for the land used in Phase I of the Project has been completed and Fujian Nanping Sun Cable Co., Ltd. has settled in and begun operation.
IV. Total investment: It depends on specific projects.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The Project has a good investment prospect.
VI. Contact unit: Management Committee of Fujian Nanping Industrial Park
Contact person: Zhang Guozhi Tel.: 0599-8616117 18960618387
Fax: 0599-8601080 E-mail: npgyyq8616117@163.com
27. 南平特种电缆开发生产项目
项目联系人:魏国胜 联系电话:0599-6161817 13055997719
传真:0599-6161815 电子邮箱:npypyqb@126.com
27. Nanping Special Cables Development & Production Project
I. Description: It is planned to build a production plant for special cables for new energy, ships and frequency conversion & energy saving with an annual capacity of 18 million m. The Project is located in Luxia Agglomeration of Nanping Industrial Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: Special cable project is an industrial project encouraged by the State for development. Yanping District, as the largest cable production base and driven by leading enterprises such as Sun Cable, has sufficient production elements such as talents, technology and supporting facilities and thus the Project has a promising prospect.
III. Preliminary work: Development and construction of the project site have completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 600 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual value of production of the Project will be RMB 1.2 billion, the annual profits RMB 96 million, the ROI 16 %, and the investment payback period 6 years.
VI. Contact unit: Management Committee of Fujian Nanping Yanping District Industrial Park
Contact person: Wei Guosheng Tel.: 0599-6161817 13055997719
Fax: 0599-6161815 E-mail: npypyqb@126.com
28. 浦城县年产5000吨竹原纤维项目
项目联系人:王捷 联系电话:0599-2880373 13809588568
传真:0599-2822148 电子邮箱:13809588568@163.com
28. Pucheng Natural Bamboo Fiber Project with Capacity of 5000 tons
I. Description: It is planned to produce 2500 tons crude fiber, 1500 tons half-fine fiber ad 1000 tons fine fiber. It is located in Putan Industrial Park of Pucheng County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Bamboo fiber has good market application prospect with easily accessible raw materials and high ROI.
III. Preliminary work: The feasibility report has been prepared.
IV. Total investment: RMB 140 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: Normal annual total profits of the Project can reach RMB 60 million. The pre-tax FIRR will be 23.35 % and the pre-tax investment payback period will be 4.26 years (including construction period).
VI. Contact unit: Pucheng Bureau of Development, Reform and Technology
Contact person: Wang Jie Tel.: 0599-2880373 13809588568
Fax: 0599-2822148 E-mail: 13809588568@163.com
29. 浦城县薏苡素提取加工项目
项目联系人:王捷 联系电话:0599-2880373 13809588568
传真:0599-2822148 电子邮箱:13809588568@163.com
29. Pucheng Coixol Extraction & Processing Project
I. Description: It is planned to build a standard coix seed planting base of 6000 mu and a production line for extracting and processing coixol. The Project is located in Bio-Industry Special Park of Pucheng Industrial Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: In recent years, market demands for coixol products are increasing. Pucheng has a long history of coix seed planting and coid seeds produced here features higher contents of coixol than other places in China, high use ratio in extraction and adequate supply of raw materials.
III. Preliminary work: The feasibility report has been prepared.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The value of production is estimated to reach RMB 100 million within 5 years after completion of the Project and RMB 200 million by 2020.
VI. Contact unit: Pucheng Project Planning Center
Contact person: Wang Jie Tel.: 0599-2880373 13809588568
Fax: 0599-2822148 E-mail: 13809588568@163.com
30. 松溪茶多酚、黄酮高效提取项目
项目联系人:胡希文 联系电话:0599-2327257 18039797969
传真:0599-2327257 电子邮箱:sxfagai@163.com
30. Songxi Tea Polyphenols & Flavone Efficient Extraction Project
I. Description: With an floor area of 40 mu, it is planned to build new process industrialized production and supporting facilities required for producing high-purity tea polyphenols. The Project is located in Songxi Economic and Technological Development Zone.
II. Reasons and conditions: Songxi is one of the major tea producing areas in Fujian and has tea plantation of 86,000 mu. As we know, a large amount of leftovers of low price will be produced from tea processing. Such leftovers can be used for extracting and producing tea polyphenols which is a high added-value refined product and a new type of natural antioxidant.
III. Preliminary work: The Project Proposal has completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual sales revenue is estimated to be RMB 400 million and the annual profits RMB 60 million after the Project is put into production.
VI. Contact unit: Songxi Bureau of Development, Reform and Technology
Contact person: Hu Xiwen Tel.: 0599-2327257 18039797969
Fax: 0599-2327257 E-mail: sxfagai@163.com
31. 松溪笋竹废弃物提取黄酮等生物活性物质项目
项目联系人:胡希文 联系电话:0599-2327257 18039797969
传真:0599-2327257 电子邮箱:sxfagai@163.com
31. Songxi Flavone and Other Bioactivators Extraction Project with Bamboo Shoot Wastes
I. Description: The planned land area is 60 mu with a floor area of 17,000 m2 for building new plants. The Project is located in Songxi Economic Development Zone.
II. Reasons and conditions: Flavone and other bioactivators extracted from bamboo shoot wastes have a wide application in modern life, including pharmaceutical intermediates, health care products, food additive, feed additive, biopesticide and daily cosmetics industries with broad market exploration prospect. Songxi County has 220,000-mu bamboo forest, sufficient to provide raw materials for extraction of flavone and other bioactivators.
III. Preliminary work: Pre-planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 250 million.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It is expected to generate annual operating revenue of RMB 430 million and annual profits of RMB 50 million after putting into operation with an investment payback period of 5 years.
VI. Contact unit: Songxi Bureau of Development, Reform and Technology
Contact person: Hu Xiwen Tel.: 0599-2327257 18039797969
Fax: 0599-2327257 E-mail: sxfagai@163.com
32. 邵武动力型锂离子电池生产项目
项目联系人:黄小丽 联系电话:0599-6233716 13960688716
传真:0599-6233716 电子邮箱:swchzx@163.com
32. Shaowu Power Lithium Ion Battery Produc-tion Project
I. Description: It is planned to build a standard plant of 45,000 m2 and 20,000 lithium ion battery packs for electric bicycles, large-sized batteries for communication and digital purposes and lithium battery module packs for electric cars. The Project is located in Jintang "Circular Economy" Demonstration Park, Shaowu.
II. Reasons and conditions: Lithium ion batteries are widely used nowadays and have great space for market growth. As a key traffic hub in Northwest Fujian, Shaowu City has been set with provincial and national CIQ offices and combined transportation of railway and sea can be provided for cargoes in railway containers.
III. Preliminary work: The project proposal has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 160 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual sales revenue will be RMB 600 million; the profits will be RMB 928 billion and the payback period will be 3.6 years upon completion of the Project.
VI. Contact unit: Project Planning Center of Shaowu
Contact person: Huang Xiaoli Tel.: 0599-6233716 13960688716
Fax: 0599-6233716 E-mail: swchzx@163.com
33. 邵武草甘膦专用炭氧化催化剂项目
二、项目建设理由和条件:草甘膦专用炭氧化催化剂是应用于亚氨基(IDA) 法生产草甘膦所需的催化剂。目前生产企业所需的专用炭氧化催化剂基本上依赖进口,年需要量达1000-1500吨,且价格昂贵。本产品能替代进口催化剂炭,具有较好的市场前景。
项目联系人:黄小丽 联系电话:0599-6233716 13960688716
传真:0599-6233716 电子邮箱:swchzx@163.com
33. Special Carbon Oxidation Catalyst for Glyphosate Project in Shaowu
I. Description: It is planned to build a production line of carbon oxidation catalyst special for glyphosate with capacity of 2000 tons. The Project is located in Shaowu suburban industrial district.
II. Reasons and conditions: Carbon oxidation catalyst special for glyphosate is used as catalyst for production of glyphosate with IDA method. Current demand for special carbon oxidation catalyst of enterprises is satisfied with imported goods. The annual demand reaches 1000 - 1500 tons and the price is expensive. Products from the Project can take the place of imported catalyst and thus have a good market prospect.
III. Preliminary work: The project proposal has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It is estimated that the sales revenue will increase by RMB 120 million annually, total profit will be RMB 35.6 million and the investment will be recovered in 4 years upon completion of the project.
VI. Contact unit: Project Planning Center of Shaowu
Contact person: Huang Xiaoli Tel.: 0599-6233716 13960688716
Fax: 0599-6233716 E-mail: swchzx@163.com
34. 邵武年产300吨阿维菌素及100吨依维菌素生物制剂项目
项目联系人:黄小丽 联系电话:0599-6233716 13960688716
传真:0599-6233716 电子邮箱:swchzx@163.com
34. Shaowu AVM (300 tons annually) and IVM (100 tons annually) Biological Agent Project
I. Description: The planned land area is 50 mu for construction of production workshops and warehouses, quality inspection center, small test workshops and solvent storage. The Project is located in Jintang "Circular Economy" Demonstration Park, Shaowu.
II. Reasons and conditions: AVM and its derivative from chemical modification - IVM are efficient and safe antibiotic pesticides and miticides with broad market outlook.
III. Preliminary work: The project proposal has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 160 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual sales revenue will be RMB 500 million, net profit will be RMB 64 million and the investment will be recovered in 4.5 years upon completion of the project.
VI. Contact unit: Project Planning Center of Shaowu
Contact person: Huang Xiaoli Tel.: 0599-6233716 13960688716
Fax: 0599-6233716 E-mail: swchzx@163.com
35. 邵武农、林废弃物制备纤维素乙醇项目
项目联系人:黄小丽 联系电话:0599-6233716 13960688716
传真:0599-6233716 电子邮箱:swchzx@163.com
35. Shaowu Cellulosic Ethanol Production with Agricultural and Forest Wastes Project
I. Description: It is planned to build a project for producing fuel ethanol of 100,000 tons/year and DDGS of 80,000 tons/year. The Project is located in Jintang "Circular Economy" Demonstration Park, Shaowu.
II. Reasons and conditions: Cellulosic fuel ethanol is mainly produced from agricultural and forest wastes rich in cellulose such as plant stalks, straws, plant litters. Its production concentration is higher than 90% and it has a promising market prospect.
III. Preliminary work: The project proposal has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 310 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: When production starts, it is expected to generate annual sales revenue of RMB 665 million and annual profits of RMB 163 million.
VI. Contact unit: Project Planning Center of Shaowu
Contact person: Huang Xiaoli Tel.: 0599-6233716 13960688716
Fax: 0599-6233716 E-mail: swchzx@163.com
36. 邵武年产2万吨有机硅橡胶项目
项目联系人:吴兴盛 联系电话:0599-6220526 13960602626
传真:0599-6233716 电子邮箱:swchzx@163.com
36. Shaowu Organic Silicon Rubber with Annual Capacity of 20,000 tons
I. Description: It is planned to build an organic silicon rubber project with an annual capacity of 20,000 tons. The Project is located in Jintang "Circular Economy" Demonstration Park, Shaowu.
II. Reasons and conditions: Organic silicon rubber compound is mainly used in buttons, electronic product insulation and cable & wire industries with large amount of market demand.
III. Preliminary work: The project proposal has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 130 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: Upon completion, the Project is estimated to achieve annual revenue of about RMB 450 million and annual profit of RMB 70 million.
VI. Contact unit: Project Planning Center of Shaowu
Contact person: Wu Xingsheng Tel.: 0599-6220526 13960602626
Fax: 0599-6233716 E-mail: swchzx@163.com
37. 邵武锂离子电池隔膜项目
项目联系人:黄小丽 联系电话:0599-6233716 13960688716
传真:0599-6233716 电子邮箱:swchzx@163.com
37. Shaowu Lithium Ion Battery Separator Project
I. Description: It is proposed to build a project with an annual capacity of lithium ion battery separator of 20 million m2. The Project is located in Jintang "Circular Economy" Demonstration Park, Shaowu.
II. Reasons and conditions: Lithium battery separator is a high-performance membrane material and will see an increase of 5-10 times in market demands from new-energy automobile, windmill and solar energy industries with a very promising future.
III. Preliminary work: The project proposal has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 450 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: When production starts, it is expected to generate annual sales revenue of RMB 750 million and annual profits of RMB 75 million. The investment payback period is 5.74 years.
VI. Contact unit: Project Planning Center of Shaowu
Contact person: Huang Xiaoli Tel.: 0599-6233716 13960688716
Fax: 0599-6233716 E-mail: swchzx@163.com
38. 邵武年产2000吨天然石墨锂离子电池负极材料项目
项目联系人:黄小丽 联系电话:0599-6233716 13960688716
传真:0599-6233716 电子邮箱:swchzx@163.com
38. Shaowu Natural Graphite Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Material Project with Annual Capacity of 2000 tons
I. Description: It is proposed to build a project with an annual capacity of natural graphite lithium ion battery cathode materials of 2000 tons. The Project is located in Jintang "Circular Economy" Demonstration Park, Shaowu.
II. Reasons and conditions: Spherical graphite is mainly used in producing cathode conducting materials and fuel battery plate materials for lithium batteries and has a great market demand.
III. Preliminary work: The project proposal has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 160 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: When production starts, it is expected to generate annual sales revenue of RMB120 million and annual profits of RMB 75 million. The investment payback period is 3.6 years.
VI. Contact unit: Project Planning Center of Shaowu
Contact person: Huang Xiaoli Tel.: 0599-6233716 13960688716
Fax: 0599-6233716 E-mail: swchzx@163.com
39. 永春新型高端瓷土项目
39. Yongchun New High-End China Clay Project
I. Description: It is planned to build a new China clay research base to develop new type of China clay, explore alternative role in rubber industry and produce new environmental-friendly products. The Project is located in Jiefu Village, Yongchun County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Jiefu Village has proved kaolin reserves of over 50 million tons and thus can supply sufficient raw materials for the Project. The Project helps to give full play of alternative role of China clay in rubber industry, produce new type of green products and high-end China clay and expand applications of China clay.
III. Preliminary work: The planning is undergoing.
IV. Total investment: RMB 150 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The Project has a promising investment prospect.
VI. Contact unit: Jiefu Village People's Government, Yongchun County
Contact person: Xiao Xingrui
Tel.: 13859778690
40. 永春生物医药产业园项目
联系电话:0595-27002828 13905087001
40. Yongchun Biomedical Industry Park Project
I. Description: The planned land area is over 320 hectares, including 158.3 hectares for Phase I and 95.6 hectares for industrial district to attract biomedical industry projects. The Project is located in Taocheng Town, Yongchun County.
II. Reasons and conditions: As a "biochemical industry development pilot area" in Fujian Province and biochemical industry base in Quanzhou, Yongchun County has abundant Chinese medicinal herbs resources and good ecological environment, featuring suitable conditions for development of biomedical industry.
III. Preliminary work: Phase I infrastructure construction of 1300 mu has been completed and such enterprises as SmartMerit has settled in the Park.
IV. Total investment: It depends on specific projects.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It depends on specific projects.
VI. Contact unit: Promotion Bureau of Yongchun County
Contact person: Huang Rongzhong
Tel.: 0595-27002828 13905087001
41. 泉州开发区国家火炬电子信息特色产业基地
项目联系人:吴葳葳 联系电话:0595-22353032 13599771799
传真:0595-22353032 电子邮箱:kfqkjj@126.com
41. National Torch Electronic Information Special Industry Base in Quanzhou Development Zone
I. Description: Supported by such leading enterprises as Shenzhou Electronics, TDX Electronics and Ruichi Electronics, it is proposed in the Project to introduce domestic and foreign enterprises in "Triple Play" and "three-screen one" STB, smart home, intelligent security, intelligent wearable equipment and new electronic material industries. The Project is located in Qingmeng Park of Quanzhou Development Zone.
II. Reasons and conditions: The Project features good location and great industrial foundation and a competitive industrial cluster of electronic information has been established in Quanzhou Development Zone.
III. Preliminary work: The preliminary planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: It depends on specific projects.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It depends on specific projects.
VI. Contact unit: Technological & Economic Development Administration of Quanzhou Development Zone
Contact person: Wu Weiwei Tel.: 0595-22353032 13599771799
Fax: 0595-22353032 E-mail: kfqkjj@126.com
42. 泉港3万吨/年特种环氧树脂
联系电话:0595-27728271 18016699292
42. Quangang 30,000 t/a Special Epoxy Resin Project
I. Description: Quangang 30,000 t/a special epoxy resin project The Project is located in Nanshan Plot of Quangang Petrochemical Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: As a kind of important thermosetting resin, epoxy resin finds applications in many industries such as composite materials in aerospace vehicles, wind power blades and insulating materials of power generators with a large market demand.
III. Preliminary work: The preliminary planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 300 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The estimated annual output will be over RMB 480 million after being put into operation.
VI. Contact unit: Construction and Development Company of Quangang Petrochemical Industrial Park
Contact person: Huang Wei
Tel.: 0595-27728271 18016699292
Fax: 0595-27728270
43. 泉港10万吨/年高级脂肪醇
联系电话:0595-27728271 18016699292
43. Quangang 100,000 t/a Higher Aliphatic Alcohol Project
I. Description: Quangang 100,000 t/a higher aliphatic alcohol project The Project is located in Nanshan Plot of Quangang Petrochemical Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: Aliphatic alcohol is a key raw material for producing surfactant, textile auxiliary, dyeing and printing auxiliary, agricultural emulsifier, shampoo, bath foam and laundry detergent with huge market potential.
III. Preliminary work: The preliminary planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 800 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The estimated annual output will be over RMB 1.28 billion after being put into operation.
VI. Contact unit: Construction and Development Company of Quangang Petrochemical Industrial Park
Contact person: Huang Wei
Tel.: 0595-27728271 18016699292
Fax: 0595-27728270
44. 泉港10万吨/年甲基丙烯酸甲酯
联系电话:0595-27728271 18016699292
44. Quangang 100,000 t/a Methyl Methacrylate Project
I. Description: Quangang 100,000 t/a methyl methacrylate project The Project is located in Nanshan Plot of Quangang Petrochemical Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: As the monomer of polymethyl methacrylate, methyl methacrylate is widely used in many industries and expected to see an increase rate of around 5% in global market demand. By 2016, the estimated market demand is about 4.2 million tons.
III. Preliminary work: The preliminary planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1.5 billion
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The estimated annual output will be over RMB 2.4 billion after being put into operation.
VI. Contact unit: Construction and Development Company of Quangang Petrochemical Industrial Park
Contact person: Huang Wei
Tel.: 0595-27728271 18016699292
Fax: 0595-27728270
45. 惠安120万吨/年精对苯二甲酸
联系电话:0595-87250666 13805916933
45. Hui'an 1.2 million t/a Purified Terephthalic Acid (PTA) Project
I. Description: Hui'an 1.2 million t/a purified terephthalic acid project The Project is located in Quanhui Petrochemical Industrial Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: As an important bulk organic raw material, PTA is used in many industries and its estimated domestic demand by 2020 will reach about 47 million tons.
III. Preliminary work: The preliminary planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 3.75 billion
V. Analysis of economic benefits: The annual sales revenue will be RMB 10.08 billion, the ROI 19.59 % and the payback period 6.71 years (including 2 years for construction).
VI. Contact unit: Management Committee of Quanhui Petrochemical Industrial District
Contact person: Huang Daqiang
Tel.: 0595-87250666 13805916933
Fax: 0595-87860678
46. 惠安40万吨/年PET聚酯瓶片
联系电话:0595-87250666 13805916933
46. Hui'an 400,000 t/a PET Bottle Chip Project
I. Description: Hui'an 400,000 t/a PET bottle chip project The Project is located in Quanhui Petrochemical Industrial Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: PET bottle chips are a good alternation to PVC, aluminum, glass and other traditional packaging materials and its domestic demand is expected to reach around 12 million tons in 2020.
III. Preliminary work: The preliminary planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1 billion
V. Analysis of economic benefits: The annual sales revenue will be RMB 4.4 billion, the ROI 17.8 % and the payback period 7.2 years (including 2 years for construction).
VI. Contact unit: Management Committee of Quanhui Petrochemical Industrial District
Contact person: Huang Daqiang
Tel.: 0595-87250666 13805916933
Fax: 0595-87860678
47. 惠安6万吨/年PBT聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯
联系电话:0595-87250666 13805916933
47. Hui'an 60,000 t/a PBT Project
I. Description: Hui'an 60,000 t/a PBT project The Project is located in Quanhui Petrochemical Industrial Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: Driven by demands from auto industry and electrical apparatus industry in the downstream, domestic PBT demand in 2020 is expected to reach about 700,000 tons.
III. Preliminary work: The preliminary planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 390 million
V. Analysis of economic benefits: The annual sales revenue will be RMB 1.2 billion, the ROI 22.91 % and the payback period 6.08 years (including 2 years for construction).
VI. Contact unit: Management Committee of Quanhui Petrochemical Industrial District
Contact person: Huang Daqiang
Tel.: 0595-87250666 13805916933
Fax: 0595-87860678
48. 惠安6万吨/年PTT长丝
联系电话:0595-87250666 13805916933
48. Hui'an 60,000 t/a PTT Filament Project
I. Description: Hui'an 60,000 t/a PTT filament project The Project is located in Quanhui Petrochemical Industrial Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: PTT filament is a high-performance fiber and domestic PPT fiber demand will reach around 200,000 tons in 2020.
III. Preliminary work: The preliminary planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 650 million
V. Analysis of economic benefits: The annual sales revenue will be RMB 1.26 billion, the ROI 21.54 % and the payback period 6.3 years (including 2 years for construction).
VI. Contact unit: Management Committee of Quanhui Petrochemical Industrial District
Contact person: Huang Daqiang
Tel.: 0595-87250666 13805916933
Fax: 0595-87860678
49. 惠安5万吨/年PETG共聚聚酯项目
联系电话:0595-87250666 13805916933
49. Hui'an 50,000 t/a PETG Project
I. Description: Hui'an 50,000 t/a PETG project The Project is located in Quanhui Petrochemical Industrial Park.
II. Reasons and conditions: PETG is mainly used in thin film and plastic injection product industries. Currently, imported PETG is dominant in domestic market and its domestic demand will reach about 150,000 tons in 2020.
III. Preliminary work: The preliminary planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 490 million
V. Analysis of economic benefits: The annual sales revenue will be RMB 1.25 billion, the ROI 25.26 % and the payback period 5.72 years (including 2 years for construction).
VI. Contact unit: Management Committee of Quanhui Petrochemical Industrial District
Contact person: Huang Daqiang
Tel.: 0595-87250666 13805916933
Fax: 0595-87860678
50. 石狮海洋生物科技园区一期项目
联系电话:0595-88929228 13805919228
50. Shishi Marine Biotechnological Park Phase I Project
I. Description: The planned land area is 9.7 km2 mainly for building "three vertical, four horizontal and one semi-ring" road traffic system and setting up product testing center, product R & D center, education & training center and comprehensive service center in Phase I to attract industrial leaders. The Project is located in Xiangzhi Town, Shishi City.
II. Reasons and conditions: Marine fishery and aquaculture fine & deep processing industry in Shishi play a long-lasting important role in Fujian Province and annual amount of fishing in the entire city is nearly 400,000 tons.
III. Preliminary work: Preliminary infrastructure construction in the Park has been completed.
IV. Total investment: It depends on specific projects.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It depends on specific projects.
VI. Contact unit: Shishi Marine Biotechnological Park Leading Group Office
Contact person: Lin Xinmiao
Tel.: 0595-88929228 13805919228
农 业 Agricultural Projects
51. 清流台湾农民创业园千亩精致园艺果蔬观光园项目
项目联系人:罗尚华 联系电话:0598-5327798 13459882369
51. Qingliu Taiwan Farmers Pioneer Park 1000 mu Fine Gardening, Fruits & Vegetables Sightseeing Garden Project
I. Description: The planned land area of Qingliu Taiwan Taiwan Farmers Pioneer Park is 1000 mu. It is planned and provided with infrastructure construction in uniform manner with flower planting sightseeing & demonstration area of 400 mu, fine gardening sightseeing & picking area of 550 mu and service area of 50 mu. The Project is located in Qingliu County.
II. Reasons and conditions: The area features suitable climate, high ecological environment quality and convenient transportation. Enterprises settled in the Park can enjoy preferential policies for national Taiwan Farmers Pioneer Park.
III. Preliminary work: A land area of more than 1000 mu has been acquired and overall planning is in progress; infrastructure construction for some ditches and roads has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual profits will be RMB 20 million and the investment payback period will be 10 years (including construction period).
VI. Contact unit: Management Committee of Qingliu Taiwan Farmers Pioneer Park
Contact person: Luo Shanghua Tel.: 0598-5327798 13459882369
52. 龙岩兰田生态农业观光园项目
项目联系人:邱禄兴 联系电话:0597-3278289 13600994080
52. Longyan Lantian Eco-Agriculture Sight-seeing Park Project
I. Description: The planned area is 1050 mu, including mountain area of 296 mu for creating eco-agriculture leisure park with countryside landscape and eco-landscape, new high-end flower area of 150 mu, fine nursery stock area of 150 mu, organic vegetable garden of 150 mu, ecological orchard of 150 mu and under-forest economy area of 300 mu. It is also supported with infrastructure such as self-driving campsites and agritourism to promote alpine leisure agriculture. The Project is located in Zhangping, Longyan.
II. Reasons and conditions: Subject to subtropical monsoon climate, Yongfu Town, the center area of the Project features suitable climate for growing and breeding of various flowers and trees, rich wild flower resources and unique weather conditions for development of modern agriculture.
III. Preliminary work: Topographic survey with the scale of 1:500 and planning & design of the general layout have been completed; land circulation and concentration is in progress.
IV. Total investment: RMB 150 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual profits will be RMB 18 million and the investment payback period will be 8 years (including construction period).
VI. Contact unit: Management Committee of Zhangping Taiwan Farmers' Pioneer Park, Longyan City
Contact person: Qiu Luxing Tel.: 0597-3278289 13600994080
53. 屏南熙岭高山食用菌示范园区建设项目
联系电话:0593-3286099 13509567082
53. Pingnan Xiling Alpine Edible Fungi Demon-stration Park Construction Project
I. Description: Edible Fungi Pioneer Park covers an area of 1600 mu, including production site of 1400 mu which is divided into three areas. The Project is located in Xiling Township, Pingnan County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Xiling Township of Pingnan County boasts beautiful ecological environment, high-altitude natural cold resources, long history of cultivation and solid technical expertise.
III. Preliminary work: Initial planning & design of the Park feasibility study report, preliminary planning and approval & filing of the Project have been completed; 1200 mu land has been circulated and construction of access road into the Park (1.75 km in length and 6 m in width) has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 150 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: After completion of the Park, annual capacity of standardized plantation area will reach 30 million bags, obtaining annual value of production of nearly RMB 200 million and annual profits of RMB 80 million.
VI. Contact unit: Xiling Township People's Government, Pingnan County
Contact person: Zhang Qinghou
Tel.: 0593-3286099 13509567082
54. 古田永安食用菌现代农业示范基地项目
项目联系人:谭国良 联系电话:0593-3883991 13905037251
54. Gutian Yong'an Edible Fungi Modern Agriculture Demonstration Base Project
I. Description: The planned land area is over 400 mu for constructing modern agriculture domestication base of edible fungi. The Project is located in Yong'an Village, Jixiang Township, Gutian County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Known as the "hometown of edible fungi in China", Gutian features great resource and industrial advantages, perfect traffic infrastructure, abundant production raw materials and labor resources, providing necessary conditions for industrialized production for the Project.
III. Preliminary work: Planning and site selection of the Project have completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 500 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: Multiple operation models including companies, professional cooperatives, bases and farmers are adopted with high return on investment.
VI. Contact unit: Development and Reform Bureau of Gutian County
Contact person: Tan Guoliang Tel.: 0593-,3883991 13905037251
Fax: 0593-3803118
55. 长汀万亩蓝莓基地示范种植及加工建设项目
项目联系人:李志明 联系电话:0597-6831418 13859576907
55. Changting 10,000 mu Blueberry Plantation and Processing Demonstration Base Construction Project
I. Description: Zhuotian Town and Cewu Town of Changting County have been selected as the Project site for building blueberry plantation demonstration core base of 10,000 mu. It is planned to build a standardized base of over 20,000 mu to construct a processing, freshkeeping, storage and sales center and to establish an integrated industrial system combining plantation, processing, freshkeeping storage, logistics and distribution.
II. Reasons and conditions: Blueberries are full of nutriments and have very good market outlook.
III. Preliminary work: Current blueberry planting area in Zuobo and other villages in Zhuotian Town, Changting County is around 5000 mu, in which over 2000 mu of blueberry plants have borne fruits. A general management office, a nursery stock garden and some infrastructure have been built.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: An amount of 35,000 tons of finished products will be processed, stored and sold every year with a value of production of RMB 400 million. The financial internal rate of return of the Project will be 25.3 %, the profit ratio of investment 33.4 % and the payback period of investment 7.87 years (including three years of construction and promotion).
VI. Contact unit: Agricultural and Sideline Products Processing Office
Contact person: Li Zhiming Tel.: 0597-6831418 13859576907
E-mail: ctxnjb@163.com
56. 连城铁皮石斛基地建设及加工项目
项目联系人:谢福旺 联系电话:0597-3328949 13806990680
56. Liancheng Dendrobium Officinale Base Con-struction and Processing Project
I. Description: It is planned to build steel frame greenhouse of 3000 mu, dendrobium officinale processing plant of 10,000 m2, intelligent greenhouse of 3000 m2, tissue culture building of 3000 m2 and office building of 3000 m2. The Project is located in Jie Township, Liancheng County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Dendrobium officinale from Guanzhai Mountain was nominated as a geographical indication protection product of China's agricultural products in 2013. According to field investigation and analysis & research of fingerprint, it is believed that dendrobium officinale from Guanzhai Mountain has very strong vitality and has the best quality among varieties known in China.
III. Preliminary work: Feasibility study report has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 300 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It is expected that the annual value of production will be over RMB 80 million, the annual sale revenue growth rate 5 - 10% and the annual profit rate 55%.
VI. Contact unit: Liancheng County Agriculture Bureau
Contact person: Xie Fuwang Tel.: 0597-3328949 13806990680
57. 松溪油茶种植、育苗、加工产业化项目
项目联系人:胡希文 联系电话:0599-2327257 18039797969
传真:0599-2327257 电子邮箱:sxfagai@163.com
57. Songxi Camellia Oleifera Plantation, Seedling Culture and Processing Industrialized Project
I. Description: Camellia oleifera planting area in the Project is 11,000 mu (including cutting orchard and high-yield demonstration park of 36,000 mu with nearly 50 fine varieties of seven series reviewed by the State). It is planned to build fine camellia oleifera variety breeding base and deep processing base of camellia oleifera and its byproducts. The Project is located Chaping Township, Songxi County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Subject to subtropics maritime monsoon climate, Songxi County features vast forest area, fertile soil, thick soil layer and is very suitable for planting camellia oleifera. It has been listed in "the most suitable planting areas" for camellia oleifera in national "camellia oleifera industry development plan" and becomes an "active development zone" with major national supports.
III. Preliminary work: Cultivation promotion is in progress.
IV. Total investment: RMB 750 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It is expected to generate annual operating revenue of RMB 300 million and annual profits of RMB 40 million after putting into operation with an investment payback period of 15 years.
VI. Contact unit: Songxi Bureau of Development, Reform and Technology
Contact person: Hu Xiwen Tel.: 0599-2327257 18039797969
Fax: 0599-2327257 E-mail: sxfagai@163.com
58. 松溪县无患子能源林示范基地建设项目
项目联系人:胡希文 联系电话:0599-2327257 18039797969
传真:0599-2327257 电子邮箱:sxfagai@163.com
58. Songxi Sapindus Energy Forest Demonstra-tion Base Construction Project
I. Description: It is plan to create a sapindus energy forest of 60,000 mu. The Project is located Chaping Township, Songxi County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Sapindus has a wide application in biomedicine, energy, washing and ecology with promising market prospect. Songxi boasts good geological conditions for sapindus plantation.
III. Preliminary work: The project proposal has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 180 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual value of production is expected to be RMB 50 million, the annual profits RMB 18 million and the investment payback period 10 years after completion of the Project.
VI. Contact unit: Songxi Bureau of Development, Reform and Technology
Contact person: Hu Xiwen Tel.: 0599-2327257 18039797969
Fax: 0599-2327257 E-mail: sxfagai@163.com
59. 邵武中药材种植及加工项目
项目联系人:黄小丽 联系电话:0599-6233716 13960688716
传真:0599-6233716 电子邮箱:swchzx@163.com
59. Shaowu Medicinal Herb Planting and Pro-cessing Project
I. Description: It is proposed to plant 20,000 mu of atractylodes and trichosanthes kirilowii, 20,000 mu of mangnolia officinalis and 50,000 mu of wolfiporia extensa. The Project covers townships and towns of Shaowu.
II. Reasons and conditions: Shaowu is a time-honored planting area of Chinese medicinal herbs, as it told in the story of quispualis indica growth and reproduction in Shaowu recorded in Compendium of Materia Medica. Growth of such medicinal herbs as wolfiporia extensa, atractylodes, mangnolia officinalis and trichosanthes kirilowii is an enrooted tradition in Shaowu. In 2009, Shaowu, Zherong and Taining were honored as top three medicinal herb growing cities and counties.
III. Preliminary work: The project proposal has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It is estimated that the sales revenue will increase by RMB 40 million annually, net profit will be RMB 3 million and the investment will be recovered in 4 years upon completion of the project.
VI. Contact unit: Project Planning Center of Shaowu
Contact person: Huang Xiaoli Tel.: 0599-6233716 13960688716
Fax: 0599-6233716 E-mail: swchzx@163.com
60. 邵武铁皮石斛规模化种植与深加工项目
项目联系人:黄小丽 联系电话:0599-6233716 13960688716
传真:0599-6233716 电子邮箱:swchzx@163.com
60. Scale Growth and Deep Process of Dendro-bium Officinale in Shaowu
I. Description: It is proposed to construct greenhouses and tissue culture plants of dendrobium officinale with annual output of 40 million plants of dendrobium officinale and supporting plants with annual output of 5000 kg dendrobii and 30 million cans of dendrobium officinale soft drink. The Project is located in Shaowu Food Industrial Park and townships and towns of Shangwu.
II. Reasons and conditions: The health care products made from dendrobium officinale are becoming known to the public with annual revenue exceeding RMB 1 billion in Zhejiang Province alone. Seen from the overall market status, dendrobium officinale industrial is still a fledging with amazing consumption prospects and development scope.
III. Preliminary work: The project proposal has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 100 million.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: When the Project starts to operate, it is expected to generate annual revenue of RMB 290 million and annual profit of RMB 113 million and the estimated investment payoff period is 3 years.
VI. Contact unit: Project Planning Center of Shaowu
Contact person: Huang Xiaoli Tel.: 0599-6233716 13960688716
Fax: 0599-6233716 E-mail: swchzx@163.com
服务业 Tertiary Industry
61. 福州海峡冷链物流集散分拔中心项目
项目联系人:江军 联系电话:0591-63150123 18859159876
61. Fuzhou Western Taiwan Straits Cold-chain Logistics Distribution Center Project
I. Description: It is proposed to build constant temperature cold storage, super-low temperature cold storage and electronic & digital cold-chain logistics distribution center with a total building area of 30,000 m2. The Project is located in Fuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone.
II. Reasons and conditions: Located close to port and international airport, Fuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone boasts a complete transportation hub combing water, land and air transportation for convenient transporting of goods, well-developed communications and the largest trading center of aquatic products in China.
III. Preliminary work: The Project planning has been finished.
IV. Total investment: USD 80 million.
V. Analysis of economic benefits: The annual rate of return is planned to be over 20% and the payback period is estimated to be 5 years.
VI. Contact unit: Economic Trade Bureau of Mawei Development Zone of Fuzhou
Contact person: Jiang Jun Tel.: 0591-63150123 18859159876
Fax: 0591-83684146
62. 长乐数字福建产业园启动区一期
项目联系人:陈良松 叶紫娟
联系电话:0591-88588888 15959016050
62. Phase I Test Area of Digital Fujian Industrial Park in Changle
I. Description: Covering 1,150 mu planning area and about 1.1 million m2 building area, the Project is planned to include Digital Fujian Cloud Computing Center, Digital Fujian Could Computing Center Society, Enterprise Cloud Project, Digital Fujian Mansion, Digital Fujian Software Mansion, Cross-Straits E-commerce Industrial Demonstration Base, Enterprise Headquarters Base, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Incubator Base and Intelligence Experience Center. The Project is located in the East side of East Lake, Changle, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province.
II. Reasons and conditions: High-end information technology industry is a key backbone to deeply promote "Digital Fujian" construction.
III. Preliminary work: Most of the supporting production, R&D and domestic facilities have competed.
IV. Total investment: It depends on specific projects.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: Digital Fujian Industrial Park boasts cutting edge on international information network and provides favorable conditions for cloud computation, big data, offshore outsourcing and cross-border e-commerce industries with great business prospects and strong profitability.
VI. Contact unit: Fujian New E-Lake Tech-Park Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Chen Liangsong Ye Zijuan
Tel.: 0591-88588888 15959016050
Fax: 0591-88377777 E-mail: yezj@elake.com.cn
63. 永泰清凉镇养生养老项目
项目联系人:侯德建 联系电话:0591-24891238 13950380826
传真:0591-24891200 电子邮箱:qlz24891238@163.com
63. Health Care and Retirement Project in Qingliang Town, Yongtai County
I. Description: It is planned to build a leisure & retirement center featuring elderly health care, leisure, entertainment, exercise and rehabilitation training with an area of 800 mu. The Project is located in Lingxiadian Village, Qingliang Town, Yongtai County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Qingliang Town has a convenient transportation. The area is compassed by green hills of dense vegetation and was named state-level ecological village in 2012. It is abundant in water resources with Yuxi Brook and Qingliang Brook running through and geothermal resources with Lingxia Shuiwei Hot Spring of 54 ℃, an ideal place for development of wellness and retirement projects.
III. Preliminary work: It is estimated that feasibility design, approval, site selection, planning and design will complete in 2015.
IV. Total investment: About RMB 300 million.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: With the advent of an aging society and expanding and growing demand of the aged, the business of welfare and care for the aged is facing an extensive prospects and future profitability.
VI. Contact unit: The People's Government of Qingliang Town, Yongtai County
Contact person: Hou Dejian Tel.: 0591-24891238 13950380826
Fax: 0591-24891200 E-mail: qlz24891238@163.com
64. 永泰县嵩口古镇旅游综合开发项目
项目联系人:侯新洪 联系电话:0591-24665851,13625099718
传真:0591-24662060 电子邮箱:skzdzb@sina.com
64. Comprehensive Development Project of Tourism in Songkou Ancient Town of Yongtai County
I. Description: It is proposed to restore the landscape of flowing clear water in Dazhang Brook, build "waterfront landscape" along Dazhang Brook and construct a series of sight-seeing spots including a tent hotel with an area of 8000 m2. The Project is located in Songkou Town and surrounding scenic area of Yongtai County, Fuzhou City.
II. Reasons and conditions: Songkou Town is the third Chinese famous historical and cultural town in Fujian and the only one in Fuzhou. Seated under mountains and by the water, it features unique geographic location, rich cultural heritage, abundant ecological and natural resources. A rural tourism resort begins to take shape and brand effect starts to work.
III. Preliminary work: A grand tourism plan in Songkou including "one core and five areas" has completed. The historical styles of old street shops and traditional lanes & yards are restored.
IV. Total investment: RMB 300 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: When the Project is completed, it is expected to annually greet 1.5 million tourists and achieve an annual income of RMB 500 million.
VI. Contact unit: The People's Government of Songkou Town, Yongtai County
Contact person: Hou Xinhong Tel.: 0591-24665851 13625099718
Fax: 0591-24662060 E-mail: skzdzb@sina.com
65. 永泰小火车休闲体验项目
项目联系人:余斌 联系电话:0591-24821366,18965092733
传真:0591-24821213 电子邮箱:qysgwhbgs@126.com
65. Yongtai Sightseeing Train Leisure Project
I. Description: Develop from Yongtai Geling Tianmen Mountain Scenic Area to China Yunding Scenic Area to combine Tianmne Mountain, Chibi and Yunding scenic attractions. The project stretches across 30 km and trains shuttle through forest with altitude of 1100 m along cliff or overhead rails. The Project is located along Chibi -Tianmen Mountain - Yunding tourism line.
II. Reasons and conditions: Yongtai Qingyun Mountain is well bestowed with a wealth of tourism resources, including a host of 4A Scenic Spots.Therefore, the sightseeing train is planned here to combine all those scenic spots together, integrate tourism resources, upgrade tourism quality, make known Qingyun Mountain tourism brand in order to create a sightseeing zone unique in China.
III. Preliminary work: The planning and design are undergoing.
IV. Total investment: RMB 800 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: Direct income from sight-seeing fare, fee for advertisement on car body and carriage and train naming fee.
VI. Contact unit: Tourism Bureau of Yongtai County
Contact person: Yu Bin Tel.: 0591-24821366 18965092733
Fax: 0591-24821213 E-mail: qysgwhbgs@126.com
66. 平潭台湾免税市场招商项目
项目联系人:林威 联系电话:0591-38080312 18558729677
66. Pingtan Investment Attraction of Taiwan Duty-free Market
I. Description: The market covers a floor area of 129,552 m2 and building area of 128,515 m2, including 90,055 m2 ground building, 38,460 m2 underground building, 37 commercial buildings with maximum 3 stories. The Project is located in the middle of Aoqian area.
II. Reasons and conditions: The commercial tenants here can enjoy preferable tax policies, logistics subsidies, exhibition allowances, rental cut and housing assurance. Anyone visitor of the market can shop RMB 6000 of commodities duty-free (including tariff, import VAT and consumption tax).
III. Preliminary work: The Project has completed and started operation.
IV. Total investment: It depends on specific projects.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It depends on specific projects.
VI. Contact unit: Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Area Duty-free Market Development Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Lin Wei Tel.: 0591-38080312 18558729677
67. 莆田对台贸易物流基地及小额商品交易市场项目
项目联系人:杨志 联系电话:0594-5850988 18050519393
传真:0594-5060988 电子邮箱:xy5850988@163.com
67. Putian-Taiwan Trade Logistics Center and Petty Commodity Trade Market Project
I. Description: The Project is proposed to cover an area of 2000 mu as a modern logistics park in China's Southeast coast and a quick third party logistics platform. Project site: Putou Work Zone of Xiuyu District
II. Reasons and conditions: Xiuyu District has good natural and geographical location. Supporting facilities here are sophisticated and friendly, such as railways, expressways and high-grade highways.
III. Preliminary work: The Project is now at planning and recommendation stage.
IV. Total investment: RMB 2 billion.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The Project has a promising profitability.
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Bureau of Xiuyu District
Contact person: Yang Zhi Tel.: 0594-5850988 18050519393
Fax: 0594-5060988 E-mail: xy5850988@163.com
68. 莆田健康产业国际会议展览中心项目
项目联系人:杨志 联系电话:0594-5850988 18050519393
传真:0594-5060988 电子邮箱:xy5850988@163.com
68. Putian International Health Care Expo Center
I. Description: It is proposed to build a 200,000 m2 international exhibition center. Project site: Xiuyu District.
II. Reasons and conditions: As Xiuyu District, Putian is the cradle of Putian private hospitals, a large health care exhibition center here will attract business attention to hold large health care expo, product promotion conferences and international medical device & technology summit.
III. Preliminary work: The Project is now at planning and recommendation stage.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1.5 billion
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The Project has a promising profitability.
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Bureau of Xiuyu District
Contact person: Yang Zhi Tel.: 0594-5850988 18050519393
Fax: 0594-5060988 E-mail: xy5850988@163.com
69. 莆田冷链物流产业园
项目联系人:杨志 联系电话:0594-5850988 18050519393
传真:0594-5060988 电子邮箱:xy5850988@163.com
69. Putian Cold-chain Logistics Industrial Park
I. Description: It is proposed to build China's largest standard cold-chain logistics industrial park that brings together import & export trade, storage, refrigeration, processing & packaging, sales, logistics distribution and information service with cascade LNG Cold Energy. Project site: Xiuyu District.
II. Reasons and conditions: Provided with CPOE LNG terminals, Xiuyu District now has 4 LNG storage tanks featuring 640,000 m3 storage capacity as a leading terminal site with strong LNG storage capacity across China. Building large cold-chain logistics bases with LNG cold energy is a key circular economic project for investment attraction in Fujian LNG Cold Energy Industrial Park.
III. Preliminary work: The Project is now at planning and recommendation stage.
IV. Total investment: It depends on specific projects.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefit: It depends on specific projects.
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Bureau of Xiuyu District
Contact person: Yang Zhi Tel.: 0594-5850988 18050519393
Fax: 0594-5060988 E-mail: xy5850988@163.com
70. 莆田南日岛生态旅游开发项目
二、项目建设理由和条件:南日岛上气候属亚热带海洋性气候。全年最高气温35℃,最低气温2℃,年平均气温19.2℃ ,全年无霜,空气中富含负离子。岛上风光秀丽,滩平沙净,素有“东海明珠”和“海上乐园”之美誉,堪称理想的度假休闲和避暑胜地。
项目联系人:杨志 联系电话:0594-5850988 18050519393
传真:0594-5060988 电子邮箱:xy5850988@163.com
70. Eco-tourism Development of Putian Nanri Island
I. Description: It is proposed to integrate the tourism resources across the island to achieve comprehensive development and exploitation of the main island and surrounding islands and build a national 4A scenic spot. Project site: Nanri Island, Xiuyu District.
II. Reasons and conditions: Nanri Island features subtropics oceanic climate. The yearly temperature ranges from 35 ℃ to 2 ℃ and averages at 19.2 ℃. With anion-rich air, it is frost less all the year round. With breathtaking scenery, flat beach and clean sand, this island is hailed as the Pearl of the East China Sea and Paradise of the Sea, a perfect holiday getaway and summer resort.
III. Preliminary work: Initial design is under progress.
IV. Total investment: It depends on specific projects.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefit: It depends on specific projects.
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Bureau of Xiuyu District
Contact person: Yang Zhi Tel.: 0594-5850988 18050519393
Fax: 0594-5060988 E-mail: xy5850988@163.com
71. 莆田平海湾游艇港湾项目
项目联系人:杨志 联系电话:0594-5850988 18050519393
传真:0594-5060988 电子邮箱:xy5850988@163.com
71. Putian Pinghai Bay Yacht Harbor Project
I. Description: It is proposed to build supporting facilities for a yacht harbor and sea health club. Project site: Pinghai Town, Xiuyu District.
II. Reasons and conditions: Pinghai has rich wind power, i.e., nearly 320 days per year with wind power more than Force 5 and amazing golden beach that earns its name of Oriental Hawaii. This is an ideal site to build yacht harbor.
III. Preliminary work: The Project is now at planning and recommendation stage.
IV. Total investment: RMB 500 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The Project has a good investment prospects.
VI. Contact unit: Investment Promotion Bureau of Xiuyu District
Contact person: Yang Zhi Tel.: 0594-5850988 18050519393
Fax: 0594-5060988 E-mail: xy5850988@163.com
72. 海西·龙岩(上杭)金铜产业物流园建设项目
联系电话:0597-3995468 13850635878
72. West Coast Economic Zone · Longyan (Shanghang) Gold and Copper Industrial Park
I. Description: It is proposed to build a 300-mu production-oriented logistics park based on gold and copper industries. The Project site covers Chengnan plot of Shanghang Industrial Park and Jiaoyang Industrial Cluster Zone.
II. Reasons and conditions: Shanghang County has outstanding location advantages, developed transportation, industrial foundation to build hundred-billion class gold and copper industrial cluster and such industrial supporting conditions to build and develop gold and copper industrial logistics as industrial foundation, resources, technology, enterprises and infrastructure.
III. Preliminary work: The feasibility report and survey on project site & market have completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1.8 billion
V. Analysis of economic benefits: It is expected the sales revenue will reach RMB 2 billion.
VI. Contact unit: Bureau of Copper Industry of Shanghang County
Contact person: Lin Qingguang
Tel.: 0597-3995468 13850635878
73. 连城四堡雕版印刷基地旅游业态建设项目
项目联系人:李剑 联系电话:0597-8921895 13799073025
传真:0597-8921895 电子邮箱:gzsgwh@163.com
73. Liancheng Sibao Block Printing Base Tourism Development Project
I. Description: It is proposed to restore old bookshops, forests and traditional houses, build museums and block printing process museums, expand tourism highway and construct sight-seeing footpaths, eco-parking lots and tourist centers. Project Site: Sibao Township, Liancheng County.
II. Reasons and conditions: As one of China's top four block printing bases in Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty (equivalent to Beijing, Yangzhou and Hangzhou), Sibao is a rarely well-preserved block printing cultural relic in the world.
III. Preliminary work: The preliminary planning is under progress.
IV. Total investment: RMB 300 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The Project has a promising tourism business prospect.
VI. Contact unit: Guanzhaishan Scenic Spot Management Committee
Contact person: Li Jian Tel.: 0597-8921895 13799073025
Fax: 0597-8921895 E-mail: gzsgwh@163.com
74. 诏安工业园区婴童用品专业市场
项目联系人:沈明辉 方惠聪
联系电话:0596-3302608 13709303585
74. Baby product market of Zhaoan Industrial Park
I. Description: It is proposed to build a baby product retail and exhibition market cross the boundary of Fujian and Guangdong in Shaoan Industrial Park covering a floor area of approximate 100 mu and building floor of 50,000 m2.
II. Reasons and conditions: Since Chenghai, Guangdong is the biggest distribution center of baby toys in China and Quanzhou has a rapidly growing baby garment industry, Shaoan, located between Chenghai and Quanzhou, can conveniently tap into the professional market platform to bring together the sales and design of baby products in Quanzhou and Chenghai to make the best of exchange and exhibition of baby decorators, F&B and cartoon artworks from Hangzhou and Shenzhen.
III. Preliminary work: The supporting facilities for land leveling, water supply & discharge, pollution discharge, power supply, landscaping and lighting have completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of economic benefits: Thanks to the high return on investment, the investment payback period will be rather short.
VI. Contact unit: Fujian Zhaoan Industrial Construction and Development Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Shen Minghui Fang Huicong
Tel.: 0596-3302608 13709303585 Fax: 0596-3301917
75. 福建海西国家广告产业园区(泉州园)
项目联系人:郑巍萍 联系电话:0595-22508075 13505076768
传真:0595-22508085 电子邮箱:153540818@qq.com
75. Fujian National Western Taiwan Straits Advertising Industrial Park (Quanzhou Zone)
I. Description: It is planned to provide 1050 mu of floor area and reconstruct 85 old industrial plants that cover areas of 800,000 m2 to build the headquarters of advertising creative enterprises, advertising pioneering and development zones, advertising media zones, public service zones, erect such functional platforms as advertising creative center, public information service center, advertising product transaction center, advertising shooting & producing center and attract the enterprises and individuals dealing in such advertising and creative fields as advertisement, e-commerce, architecture, design, software, publishing, and TV broadcast. Project site: South side of Quanxiu Street, Fengze District.
II. Reasons and conditions: With the cultural and creative industries including advertising booming, Quanzhou Zone was approved in April 2014 as a national advertising industrial park to gain overall policy support for future development and outstanding development advantage.
III. Preliminary work: 187 mu of infrastructure of Phase I and II, 37 plants are reconstructed and creative office buildings and cultural and leisure blocks are constructed.
IV. Total investment: It depends on specific projects.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: It depends on specific projects.
VI. Contact unit: Management Committee of National Western Taiwan Straits Advertising Industrial Park (Quanzhou Zone)
Contact person: Zheng Weiping
Tel.: 0595-22508075 13505076768
Fax: 0595-22508085
E-mail: 153540818@qq.com
76. 泉州软件园招商项目
项目联系人:辛楚阳 联系电话:0595-28787899 13599701111
传真:0595-24667555 电子邮箱:100329789@qq.com
76. Quanzhou Software Park Investment Attrac-tion Project
I. Description: The Project is planned with 1017 mu land and divided into R&D + incubator zone and business service zone. Phase I of the Project covers an area of 500 mu, including 123 mu for R&D testing zone. The Project is located in the north of Beifeng area, Fengze District.
II. Reasons and conditions: Software industry is an emerging backbone industry and a strong engine to drive the development of other industries. It helps to draw enterprises of software sector to build such a software park.
III. Preliminary work: The first ten software companies have moved into the complex building of testing zone.
IV. Total investment: It depends on specific projects.
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The Project has a promising prospect.
VI. Contact unit: Quanzhou Software Park and Development Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Xin Chuyang Tel.: 0595-28787899 13599701111
Fax: 0595-24667555 E-mail: 100329789@qq.com
77. 南安消防器材交易市场
项目联系人:林文杰 联系电话:0595-86382730 13808507388
77. Nan'an Fire Equipment Market
I. Description: It is planned to build a commodity display area, business center, information trade platform, engineering design center and product R&D center and construct a fire equipment market and logistics, storage and business center. Project site: Ximei Street, Nan'an City.
II. Reasons and conditions: There are now hundreds of fire equipment manufacturers in Nan'an. most of which are capable to extend reproduction. It would be promising to construct a large scale fire equipment shopping mall that brings together production, sales and R&D.
III. Preliminary work: The planning and design are undergoing.
IV. Total investment: RMB 500 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: When the Project starts operations, it is expected to achieve an annual sales revenue of RMB 500 million whose 10% will be charged as annual management fee, i.e., the annual return will reach RMB 5 million. Based on an assumed 8% year-on-year growth, the annual income will increase to RMB 7.5 million after 5 years. The static investment will be recovered in 7.2 years.
VI. Contact unit: Nan'an Ximei Street Sub-district Office
Contact person: Lin Wenjie Tel.: 0595-86382730 13808507388
78. 霞浦台湾水产品集散中心水产品加工冷链基地
项目联系人:陈明学 联系电话:0593-8772666 18959315328
传真:0593-8815275 电子邮箱:xpts622@163.com
78. Xiapu Aquatic Products Processing and Cold-chain Base for Taiwan Aquatic Products
I. Description: It is proposed to build cross-strait facilities for aquatic product processing, refrigeration, logistics and cold-chain businesses. The Project is planned to cover an area of about 1500 mu. Project site: Sanzha Town, Xiapu County.
II. Reasons and conditions: The Project conforms to the development direction of aquatic product cold chain logistic encouraged by Chinese government and has both developed transportation and outstanding regional advantages.
III. Preliminary work: Overall planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1.5 billion
V. Expected economic efficiency analysis: The financial rate of return will be 13.1 %, the profit rate of investment 18.2 % and the investment payback period 5.5 years.
VI. Contact unit: Management Committee of Xiapu-Taiwan Aquatic Products Distributing Center
Contact person: Chen Mingxue Tel.: 0593-8772666 18959315328
Fax: 0593-8815275 E-mail: xpts622@163.com
79. 柘荣县剪纸创意产业开发建设项目
项目联系人:吴恩银 联系电话:0593-8352210 13706026876
79. Zherong County Paper- cut Creative Industrial Development and Construction Project
I. Description: It is planned to allocate 30-50 mu land to build Zherong Paper-cut Creative Industrial park, Cultural Creative Experience Zone and Chinese Paper Cutting Cultural Street.
II. Reasons and conditions: In September 2009, Zherong Paper-cut is included in the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO and become an international brand. Zherong Paper-cut is making its way into our modern daily lives and becoming a perfect choice for home decoration, meeting & travel souvenir, collection and gift.
III. Preliminary work: Preliminary work has completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The paper cut industrial park is estimated to output 2 million works per year with annual output value ranging from RMB 60 million to RMB 150 million and annual income of RMB 6 million from sales of admission tickets of folk custom park.
VI. Contact unit: Culture & Sports Bureau of Zherong County
Contact person: Wu Enyin Tel.: 0593-8352210 13706026876
80. 浦城九牧詹溪峡谷生态漂流开发建设项目
项目联系人:李民兴 联系电话:0599-2847639 13509527299
80. Pucheng Jiumu Zhanxi Valley Drifting Eco-tourism Development Project
I. Description: It is proposed to develop tourism highways, tourist centers, upstream and downstream docks, riverbed renovation, green agricultural (forestry) leisure and sight-seeing parks, bamboo forest recreation facilities, Laoyingshan (Eagle Mountain) Scenic Spot, Shenxianqiang (God's Wall) Danxia Land Form Scenic Spot, mountain villa, souvenir R&D bases, etc. Project site: Jiumu Town, Pucheng County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Zhanxi Valley is a grand valley developed in the forests in Jiumu where the Wuyi Mountains and Xianxia Mountains connect and features the rare and unique mountain-canyon land form. Well bestowed with more than ten thousand-meter high mountains and about 50,000 mu bamboo forests, this site is as beautiful as a farmland, free from any noise or pollution, with refreshing air rich with negative oxygen ions. This is the best choice for eco-tourism development.
III. Preliminary work: The feasibility study and preparation of tourism program planning have completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 300 million.
V. Analysis of estimated economic benefits: Based on the assumed annual tourist reception capacity 8 years ago, i.e., 600,000, and tourist consumption of RMB 600 per capita per day, the annual comprehensive income will reach RMB 360 million. If the profit rate is 20%, the annual profit will reach RMB 72 million. Considering business tax and income tax, the investment is expected to be recovered in about 6 years.
VI. Contact unit: Tourism Bureau of Pucheng County
Contact person: Li Minxing Tel.: 0599-2847639 13509527299
81. 邵武养老养生基地建设项目
项目联系人:郑玥 联系电话:0599-6233716 13850938650
传真:0599-6233716 电子邮箱:swchzx@163.com
81. Shaowu Retirement and Elderly Health Care Base
I. Description: It is proposed to build an all-in-one ecological elderly care base that embraces rehabilitation, sport, leisure and health care. Project site: Shuibei Town, Shaowu City.
II. Reasons and conditions: As Chinese population keeps aging, promising prospects awaits for elderly retirement and health care industry. With lush vegetation, fresh air and amazing scenery, the project site is ideally located in the center of the green triangle zone of Northwestern Fujian (Wuyi mountain-Shaowu-Taining), joining Wuyi Mountain, one of the few World Heritage Sites marked by UNESCO for both cultural and natural heritages in the north, connects with Jinhu Lake, Taining, a known national scenic spot and Jiangle Yuhua Cave in the south, where three national 4A scenic spots are located.
III. Progress of the preliminary work: Project proposal has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 500 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The annual revenue will reach RMB 150 million, net profit will be RMB 50 million and the investment will be recovered in 8-10 years upon completion of the Project.
VI. Contact unit: Project Planning Center of Shaowu
Contact person: Zheng Yue Tel.: 0599-6233716 13850938650
Fax: 0599-6233716 E-mail: swchzx@163.com
82. 明溪县中药材产业博览园建设项目
项目联系人:林报运 联系电话:0598-2862737 13605969191
82. Mingxi County Traditional Chinese Medicine Industrial Expo Park Construction Project
I. Description: The Project will bring together medicinal herb cultivation, growing and processing as a sight-seeing park as well as a Chinese traditional health care park. Project site: Mingxi County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Located in the northwest of Fujian, Mingxi County is an essential production base of Chinese traditional medicinal herbs and a genetic resource base for medicinal herbs in China. The site boasts a virgin forest with a wealth of plants, including more than 2000 species of medicinal herbs and is honored as "the Treasury of Chinese Traditional Medicine".
III. Preliminary work: The feasibility report has completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: Upon completion of the Project, the annual sales revenue will reach RMB 300 million, the annual profit and tax will reach RMB 45.7 million, profit rate of investment will be 29 % and the investment will be recovered in 4.7 years.
VI. Contact unit: Forestry Bureau of Mingxi County
Contact person: Lin Baoyun
Tel.: 0598-2862737 13605969191
E-mail: mxlyj3582@163.com
83. 尤溪县联合梯田旅游开发项目
二、项目建设理由和条件:联合梯田位于尤溪县联合乡,梯田规模宏大,气势磅礴,绵延整个中高山片区的八个行政村,面积达万亩。联合的梯田是天然美景,层层叠叠的梯田,美若山水田园诗画。近来以来,联合梯田的知名度日渐提高,众多省内外游客和摄影爱好者纷至沓来, 2010年被评为“海西之美十佳景点”之一,拥有“中国五大魅力梯田”之一的美名。
83. Youxi County Lianhe Township Terrace Tourism Development Project
I. Description: It is proposed to build 21 km featured terrace landscape corridor in Lianhe Township, 12 viewing decks, new terrace tourist center, Fuhuyan Harvesting Scenic Spot, Yunshan Leisure Resort, Dongbian Village Agricultural Leisure Inn, Lianyun Folk Village and 500 mu long-term irrigated terrace for sight-seeing and photographing. Project site: Lianhe Township, Youxi County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Located in Lianhe Township, Youxi County, Lianhe Terrace is known for its grand size and imposing momentum, covering an area up to 10,000 mu, extending across eight administrative villages in the medium and high mountain areas. The terrace of Lianhe is a natural fine view. The green terraces tier upon tier bring a breathtaking feast to your eyes. In recent years, the increasing fame of Lianhe terrace attracts crowds of tourists and photographers around China. 2010 saw this site honored as "Beautiful West Coast of the Taiwan Straits- Top Ten Best Sight-seeing Spots" and is know,n as one of "Top Five Most Charming Terraces of China".
III. Preliminary work: Overall Planning of Lianhe Terrace Tourist Area has completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 300 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: Upon completion of the Project, the operating sales revenue will reach RMB 140 million, the annual profit and tax will reach RMB 65 million, profit rate of investment will be 14.3 % and the investment will be recovered in 7 years.
VI. Contact unit: Tourism Bureau of Youxi County
Contact person: Zhang Qijing
Tel.: 0598-5080003 13067003689
E-mail: yxlyj6338765@126.com
84. 龙海埭美水上古民居项目
项目联系人:蔡兆祺 联系电话:0596-6702113 15159658185
传真:0596-6701007 电子邮箱:dyzlybgs@163.com
84. Longhai Daimei Waterfront Ancient Dwelling Project
I. Description: It is proposed to build a scenic area that covers a floor area of 495 mu, consisted of 276 old houses, including 49 buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties as 4A provincial and township tourist scenic spot. Project site: Danmei Village, Dongyuan Town, Longhai City.
II. Description: Ideally planned to be surrounded by water, these old buildings are paragons of Southern Fujian traditional dwellings and are honored as No.1 Southern Fujian Village. Chen Shijin, the 31st generation descendant of "The Sage Ruler of Zhangzhou", Chen Yuanguang established his family business and built the biggest and best reserved old dwellings in Zhangzhou, making this village one of the fourth-batch villages honored as Famous Historical and Cultural Villages of Fujian Province.
III. Preliminary work: The initial planning is undergoing to apply for preliminary survey of Fujian Style Red Brick as world cultural heritage.
IV. Total investment: RMB 100 million
V. Analysis of expected economic benefits: The Project has a good investment prospect.
VI. Contact unit: Tourism office of Dongyuan Town
Contact person: Cai Zhaoqi Tel.: 0596-6702113 15159658185
Fax: 0596-6701007 E-mail: dyzlybgs@163.com
基础设施 Infrastructures
85. 惠安斗尾港区5万吨级公用多用途码头
联系电话:0595-87396181 13905988255
85. Hui'an Douwei Port 50,000t Public Multi-purpose Dock
I. Description: It is proposed to build a 50,000 t berth with 4 million ton throughput capacity and such auxiliary facilities as navigation channels and storage yards in the east side of Mahou Hill, Douwei Port, Hui'an.
II. Reasons and conditions: It is proposed to build a series of comprehensive and professional public docks to fundamentally address the pressure and difficulties caused by the excessive and increasing logistics load in Douwei Port Area, which is only transported by road, enhance the rate of multipurpose utilization of harbor resources, improve the infrastructure and promote the rapid economic growth in the port area.
III. Preliminary work: Location selection and project proposal have completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 400 million
V. Contact unit: Development and Reform Bureau of Hui'an County
Contact person: Jing Jinkun
Tel.: 0595-87396181 13905988255
Fax: 0595-87391177
86. 惠安小岞剑屿10万吨级公用多用途码头
联系电话:0595-87396181 13905988255
86. Hui'an Xiaozuo Jianyu 100,000t Public Multi-purpose Dock
I. Description: It is proposed to build a 50,000 t (allowing for 100,000 t) berth planned with 4 million ton throughput capacity and such auxiliary facilities as navigation channels and storage yards in Dongshan Jianyu, Xiaozuo Town, Hui'an County.
II. Reasons and conditions: It is proposed to build a series of comprehensive and professional public docks to fundamentally address the pressure and difficulties caused by the excessive and increasing logistics load in Douwei Port Area, which is only transported by road, enhance the rate of multipurpose utilization of harbor resources, improve the infrastructure and promote the rapid economic growth in the port area.
III. Preliminary work: The Project has been included into the control-based detailed planning of Meizhou Bay Port Area.
IV. Total investment: RMB 400 million
V. Contact unit: Development and Reform Bureau of Hui'an County
Contact person: Jing Jinkun
Tel.: 0595-87396181 13905988255
Fax: 0595-87391177
87. 惠安小岞虎空山10万吨级散杂货码头
联系电话:0595-87396181 13905988255
87. Hui'an Xiaozuo Hukongshan 100,000 t Bulk & General Cargo Terminal
I. Description: It is proposed to build a 100,000 t berth planned with 7 million ton throughput capacity and such auxiliary facilities as navigation channels and storage yards in Hukongshan, Xiaozuo Town, Hui'an County.
II. Reasons and conditions: Xiaozuo Work Zone is an essential part of Douwei Port Area with favorable depth. As most of the shorelines remain undeveloped here, this site boasts significant value and potential for development. The Project helps to enhance the rate of multipurpose utilization of dock resources, improve the infrastructure and promote the rapid economic growth in the port area.
III. Preliminary work: The Project has been included into the control-based detailed planning of Meizhou Bay Port Area.
IV. Total investment: RMB 600 million
V. Contact unit: Development and Reform Bureau of Hui'an County
Contact person: Jing Jinkun
Tel.: 0595-87396181 13905988255
Fax: 0595-87391177
88. 泉州台商投资区秀涂人工岛项目
联系电话:0595-27308666 13599171371
88. Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone - Xiutu Man-made Island Project
I. Description: It is planned to build Xiutu Man-made Island, 4480 m long and 800 m wide, covering an area of 4830 mu, mainly functioning to build 12 berths with 50,000 t load capacity, 2 berths for work ship and yacht respectively and a planned throughout capacity of 36 million tons. Xiutu Man-made Island Project is started with construction of 4 berths each with 50,000 load capacity and throughout capacity of 4.65 million tons.
II. Reasons and conditions: Ideally located in the center of downtown Quanzhou and sharing the eastern bay of Quanzhou's civic center, Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone has 25 km coastline and favorable water front and depth conditions for dock construction. Moreover, the port is planned as a bonded area to support the export-oriented enterprises of Quanzhou.
III. Preliminary work: Control preparation for port based logistics park and formalities for construction approval such as permission of Xiutu Work Zone and environmental assessment have completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1.6 billion
V. Contact unit: Economic Development Administration of Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone
Contact person: Zheng Xingwen
Tel.: 0595-27308666 13599171371
Fax: 0595-27399976
89. 霞浦下浒镇港口物流园区深水码头
联系电话:0593-8585441 13850320007
89. Deepwater Dock of Port Logistics Park in Xiahu Town, Xiapu County
I. Description: It is planned to construct one comprehensive dock with annual throughput of 1 million tons, a goods yard covering 20,000 m2, a general distributing warehouse 10,000 m2 and a circulating processing zone 100,000m2 and supporting roads and auxiliary production and living facilities.
II. Reasons and conditions: The project site boasts superior natural geographical conditions for port construction with good depth condition allowing for high tonnage steamers and strong throughout capacity.
III. Progress of the preliminary work: The Project planning has been finished.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Contact unit: The People's Government of Xiahu Town
Contact person: Lin Shengxi
Tel.: 0593-8585441 13850320007
90. 宁波至东莞国家高速公路福建省沙埕湾跨海公路通道工程
项目联系人:邵茂产 联系电话:0593-2768152 18959308080
传真:0593-2768002 电子邮箱:ndsgzjtc@163.com
90. Fujian Shacheng Bay Cross-sea Highway Channel of Ningbo-Dongguan National Expressway
I. Description: The route starts from Nanshanjian Tunnel (Fujian Province Border 1310 m) in Shuanghua Village, Jiayang Township, Fuding City (Border of Zhejiang Province and Fujian Province K0+130) and connects to section of Wenzhou Rui'an to Cangnan (Border of Zhejiang Province and Fujian Province) of the complex line of Zhejiang Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Expressway. The expressway is 20.52 km in total length (with additional secondary road of 9.186 km), planned to be double-way six-lane expressway with a design speed of 100 km/h and a roadbed width of 33.5 m. The expressway is provided with interchanges in Jiayang, Dianxia and Kengmenli Hubs.
II. Reasons and conditions: The Project is a section of China's expressway network from Ningbo to Dongguan Expressway (G15W3) and one of key critical channels connecting the Western Taiwan Straits Economic Zone with Yangtze River delta. The Project is of great significance for perfecting the expressway network layout of west coast of the Taiwan Straits, improving traffic capacity of coastal road, strengthening the ties between west coast of the Taiwan Straits and Yangtze River Delta, and promoting economic growth of northeastern Fujian Province.
III. Preliminary work: Approvals of other preconditions for feasibility study report and project establishment have completed. It is planned to complete approvals of feasibility study report and project establishment by the first quarter of 2015, preliminary design by the first half of 2015 and construction drawing design by the second half of 2015, and strive to start construction by the end of 2015.
IV. Total investment: RMB 4 billion
V. Contact unit: Highway Construction Headquarters of Ningde
Contact person: Shao Maochan
Tel.: 0593-2768152 18959308080
Fax: 0593-2768002 E-mail: ndsgzjtc@163.com
91. 福安市韩赛快速通道
联系电话:0593-6797961 13959360993
91. Fu'an Hangyang-Saiqi Fast Lane
I. Description: The fast lane starts from Lingzhi Avenue, Xibeiyang High Tech Industrial Park and ends at the intersection with G104 National Highway in Saiqi. With a total length of 8.698 km, the Project is an urban fast lane 24-36 m wide with design speed of 60 Km/h. The Project covers one-way 420 m Duchuantou Tunnel, one-way 1880 m Xianshanding Tunnel, 1359 m Saiqite Bridge and 566 m Lianshou Bridge.
II. Conditions and reasons: The Project shortens the distance between Downtown Fu'an and Saiqi, improves the traffic in Fu'an, helps to create a good investment environment and promote the regional economic growth in Xibeiyang and Saiqi.
III. Preliminary work: Environment assessment and part of the earthwork have completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1.3 billion
V. Contact unit: Fu'an Urban Construction Project Management Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Chen Zhi
Tel.: 0593-6797961 13959360993
92. 湄洲湾东吴港区东吴作业区1#、2#、3#泊位工程建设项目
项目联系人:赵君 联系电话:0594-5963322
传真:0594-5978811 电子邮箱:bagyygwh@126.com
92. 1#, 2#, 3# Berth Construction of Dongwu Work Zone, Dongwu Port Area, Meizhou Bay
I. Description: 1#-3# Berth of Dongwu Work Zone in Dongwu Port Area are deep water berths with 50,000 t load capacity (1# and 2# structures allow for 100,000 t) with total shorelines of 1034 m and design throughout of 5 million t/a.
II. Reasons and conditions: We should make best of the opportunities of economic construction in West-Straits Economic Area and tap into the natural deep water resources in Dongwu Port work zone, Meizhou Bay, Putian to build deep water docks.
III. Preliminary work: The Sea Use Permit has obtained.
IV. Total investment: RMB 800 million
V. Contact unit: Management Committee of Dongwu Port-based Industrial Park
Contact person: Zhao Jun Tel.: 0594-5963322
Fax: 0594-5978811 E-mail: bagyygwh@126.com
93. 上杭蛟洋至城关高速公路(经营权转让招商项目)
项目联系人:徐世栋 联系电话:0597-3969215 13950840692
传真:0597-3969221 电子邮箱:shcjg@163.com
93. Shanghang Jiaoyang-Chengguan Express-way (Investment attraction project for transfer of management right)
I. Description: Shanghang Jiaoyang-Chengguan Expressway ranges from Xiadaohu Village, Jiaoyang Township to Shibei Village, Chengguan, Shanghang, extending along 3 towns/townships and 21 administrative villages, including Jiaoyang Township, Baisha Town and Lincheng Town and is provided with system interchanges in Xiahudao, Baisha and grade separation without ramps in Gushi. The expressway is 36.132 km in total length with Class I highway load, two-way four-lane expressway standard, design speed of 100 KM/h and roadbed width of 26 m.
II. Transfer Price: The terms and price of management right of the Project are subject to relevant provisions in No. 11 Transfer of Rights and Interests in Toll Roads issued by Ministry of Transport of the People'.s Republic of China, National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China and Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China in 2008
III. Contact unit: Shanghang Jiaoyang-Chengguan Expressway Co., Ltd.
Contact person: Xu Shidong
Tel.: 0597-3969215 13950840692
Fax: 0597-3969221 E-mail: shcjg@163.com
94. 莆田至湄洲岛轨道交通项目
联系电话:0594—2298258 13950795155
94. Putiain-Meizhou Island Railway Transporta-tion Project
I. Description: Putiain-Meizhou Island Railway starts from Putian Railway Station and runs along Xiuyu District, Dongqiao, Yuetang, Zhongmen, Shanting and ends in Mazuge. The new route extends 36 km in length. The railway is provided with 7 stations: Putian, West Xiuyu, East Xiuyu, Dongqiao, Yuetang, Zhongmen, Shanting and Mazuge, at an interval of 5 km.
II. Reasons and conditions: The Project is to fulfill the future demands of passenger flow in Meizhou Island, enhance the brand clout of Meizhou Island, improve the tourist passageway, i.e., the fast lane connecting Meizhou Island and Putian center, strengthen development and construction of Meizhou Island and promote and upgrade tourist industry.
III. Preliminary work: The Project has been covered in Plan of Railway Transportation Network of Cities of Strait West Coast Economic Area in Fujian Province and passed the expert assessment arranged by China International Engineering Consulting Corp.
IV. Total investment: RMB 6 billion
V. Contact unit: Putian Municipal Railway Construction Office
Contact person: Zheng Jiancheng
Tel.: 0594-2298258 13950795155
Fax: 0594 - 2295908
95. 松溪县农村污水处理工程项目
联系电话:0599-2327257 18039797969
95. Songxi County Rural Sewage Treatment Engineering Project
I. Description: It is proposed to build sewage treatment facilities for 4 townships/towns and 50 administrative villages.
II. Reasons and conditions: In recent years, the disordered discharge of rural domestic sewage becomes a key pollutant for rural environment that impact ecological and residential environment. The Project will bring about extensive social benefit and eco-environmental benefit for local people.
III. Preliminary work: The feasibility survey has completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 130 million
V. Contact unit: Songxi Bureau of Development, Reform and Technology
Contact person: Hu Xiwen Tel.: 0599-2327257 18039797969
Fax: 0599-2327257 E-mail: sxfagai@163.com
96. 南平港延平新城港区项目
联系电话:18960618387 0599-8616117
96. Port Area of Yanping New Town, Nanping Port
I. Description: Covering an area of 1670 mu, the Project consists of dock work zone and comprehensive supporting zone. The dock work zone covers an area of 370 mu, while the comprehensive supporting zone, 1300 mu.
II. Reasons and conditions: Boasting good water condition, this navigation channel belongs to the trunk navigation channel of Minjiang River. The proximity to Nanping Industrial Park and major large industrial enterprises of Nanping city can attract enterprises to perform import/export business of raw material and achieve a favorable interaction with the park. Since the second half of the last year, Fujian Government has accelerated the governance over the navigation channel below the dam of Shuikou Hydro-power Station. Governance of navigation channel will complete by the third quarter of this year to open up a coastal access for Nanping and form a direct river-sea transportation access. Therefore the shipping capacity of Mingjiang River will improve and upgrade profoundly to achieve an annual throughout capacity exceeding 14 million tons.
III. Preliminary work: Preparation of Details of Control-based Planning of Yangkeng Work Zone of Port Area in Yanping New Town, Nanping Port has been entrusted and passed expert review. Fujian Port Waterway Investigation Design Institute is entrusted to prepare pre-feasibility study and project economic analysis report of Gangyan New Town Port Area of Nanping Port Area.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1.1 billion
V. Contact unit: Management Committee of Fujian Nanping Industrial Park
Contact person: Zhang Guozhi
Tel.: 18960618387 0599-8616117
Fax: 0599-8601080
E-mail: npgyyq8616117@163.com
97. 连江西北内陆经济区一期项目
联系电话:0591-62998982 13067398598
97. Lianjiang Northwest Inland Economic Zone Phase I Project
I. Description: The master plan covers an area of about 30,000 mu and the Phase I covers an area of 3,000 mu. Key investment attraction projects include financial service, software and information service, technology development, e-commerce. modern logistics, cultural creativity, new energy, advanced manufacturing industry (vehicle parts, industry 4.0, robot) and Internet of Things.
II. Reasons and conditions: The purpose of Lianjiang Northwest Inland Economic Zone is to construct a national spring tourism resort area and Fuzhou back garden ecological economic zone. With the completion of Guixin Tunnel and construction of Fuzhou Circle Highway, priority of the Project is to focus on development of financial service, software and information service, R&D, modern logistics, pace up fostering of upscale functions to make the zone a production-based service hub that can drive surrounding areas forward.
III. Preliminary: The master plan (outline) and regulatory detailed plan are under development and improvement.
IV. Total investment: RMB 10 billion
V. Contact unit: Management Committee of Fujian Lianjiang Economic Development Zone
Contact person: Mr. Yan
Tel.: 0591-62998982 13067398598
Fax: 0591-26131166
98. 松溪县纺织专业园项目
联系电话:0599-2327257 18039797969
传真:0599-2327257 电子邮箱:sxfagai@163.com
98. Songxi County Textile Special Park Project
I. Description: It is planned to allocate 300 mu land in the old county industrial park of Fujian Songxi Economic Development Zone to build a textile special park.
II. Reasons and conditions: The site has a developed transportation and relevant industrial foundation.
III. Preliminary work: Planning has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 1.5 billion
V. Contact unit: Songxi Bureau of Development, Reform and Technology
Contact person: Hu Xiwen Tel.: 0599-2327257 18039797969
Fax: 0599-2327257 E-mail: sxfagai@163.com
99. 邵武市林产加工专业园二期建设项目
99. Shaowu Forest Process Special Park Phase II Construction Project
I. Description: The Project is planned with 200 mu land to build about a dozen of high-standard multi-story plants (building area: 100,000 m2) and provide relevant supporting facilities depending on the move-in merchants.
II. Reasons and conditions: The site has a developed transportation and industrial foundation for forest product processing.
III. Preliminary work: Shaowu Municipal Government has approved to build the forest processing special park. The overall planing and control based planning details, including the forest product processing special park that covers the Project, has completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Contact unit: Shaowu Municipal Forestry Bureau
Contact person: Shu Guofa
Tel.: 13509510682
E-mail: shuguofa316@163.com
100. 泉州台商投资区高端装备制造产业园
联系电话:0595-27308666 13599171371
100. High-end Equipment Manufacture Park of Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone
I. Description: Based on the current machinery manufacture industry of Quanzhou, it is proposed to encourage Taiwan equipment manufacturers to relocate in Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone to make investment. Priority is given to introduce textile machinery, bleaching and dyeing equipment and food process machinery made in Taiwan to enhance the mechatronical performance of the investment zone.
II. Reasons and conditions: Quanzhou City boasts a solid industrial foundation of equipment manufacture and equipment manufacture industrial system, dominated by automobile machinery, textile machinery, shoe making machinery, engineering machinery, ship building industry and fitting part machinery, which has taken its shape. By now, the project of China CNR Corp in Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone has started operation and boasts impressive development conditions and advantages. Meanwhile, Quanzhou also has a wealth of medium and senior technical talents and skilled workers in equipment manufacture industry and excellent talent support.
III. Preliminary work: Land acquisition and infrastructure construction in the Park are under progress.
IV. Total investment: RMB 2 billion
V. Contact unit: Economic Development Administration of Quanzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone
Contact person: Zheng Xingwen
Tel.: 0595-27308666 13599171371
Fax: 0595-27399976
101. 顺昌县食品、光电产业园建设项目
101. Shunchang County Food and Photoelectric Industrial Park Construction
I. Description: Covering an area of 392 mu, the Project is to develop food and photoelectric industries with resources and regional strength.
II. Reasons and conditions: The site has a convenient transportation and sufficient raw material supply.
III. Preliminary work: The feasibility report has been completed.
IV. Total investment: RMB 200 million
V. Contact unit: Development and Reform Bureau of Shunchang County
Contact person: Liao Qiwang
Tel.: 13950645188
102. 顺昌新城开发建设项目
联系电话:0599-6071127 13860015558
102. Shunchang New Town Development and Construction Project
I. Description: It is proposed to accelerate such comprehensive supporting facilities construction as riverside view, new municipal roads, public cultural, educational and health care facilities, expansion of Dongmen Bridge and settlement housing by investment attraction and promotion and drive acquisition, purchasing and storage of about 150 hectares of land. 3-5 years of efforts in eastward and westward expansion will be made to complete the trunk road network and construction framework for Shunchang New Town.
II. Reasons and conditions: The Project highlights "ecology, technology and culture" features to build a "charming county with momentous mountains and rivers" that boasting grand frosts, extensive waterscape, profound culture and developed tourism. Uphold ecological ideas to operate the city, plan waterfront green ways, develop commercial properties. Build the city with cultural concepts, and underline the historical culture of Shunchang to accomplish a livable and green new town in harmony with hills and waters.
III. Preliminary work: Relocation is undergoing.
IV. Total investment: RMB 3 billion
V. Contact unit: Management Commitee of Fuzhou New Zone, Shunchang County
Contact person: Chen Faping
Tel.: 0599-6071127 13860015558
103. 长泰县陈巷镇港园工业园
项目联系人:黄海平 联系电话:13906064268
103. Gangyuan Industrial Park of Chenxiang Town, Changtai County
I. Description: It is planned to allocate the Project with 3500 mu land, provide three supplies (supply of water, electricity and road), and one leveling works, infrastructure of water, power and transportation in the park. Priority is given to introduce such industries as electronic information, new material and machinery manufacture.
II. Reasons and conditions: The Park is 48 km away from Xiamen Airport in the east, 15 km away from Zhangzhou Railway Station in the south and 5 km away from county in the west. This area is accessible to Xiamen-Chengdu Expressway and Shenyang-Haikou Expressway. North Loop Road, Industrial Avenue and Lianhua Road run through the area to provide excellent transportation conditions.
III. Preliminary work: Three supplies (supply of water, electricity and road), and one leveling of the park are under construction.
IV. Total investment: RMB 2.5 billion
V. Contact unit: People's Government of Chenxiang Town, Changtai County
Contact person: Huang Haiping Tel.: 13906064268
Fax: 0596-8222158