
I ran across two Open Source projects recently. CINT, a C/C++ script engine, and Scintilla, a multi-language editor with syntax highlighting among other features.

So the possibilities here are obvious. A simple application that would allow the rapid entry, execution, and debugging of C/C++ scripts. What a handy tool for a developer such as myself. I would imagine this would also be of interest to anyone learning the C/C++ language.

Application Goals

There is tremendous opportunity here for features. But I decided to keep the feature set as small as possible so as to focus on the integration of the CINT engine and the Scintilla editor.

The features provided will enable you to enter your C/C++ code into the editor, execute it, then the program will rub your nose in all the numerous syntax errors you have inflicted on the digital world.

This application also statically links both projects, and I will cover the details needed to make this happen. Often with small applications like this, you know, without full blown installers, it's nicer to static link to avoid frustrating users with missing DLLs. My personal preference is to static link if possible unless I have an installer that is capable of verifying the integrity of the installation. Disk space is cheaper than time these days.

Our project

The project is an MFC dialog application created with VC6. I avoided using MFC specific classes for integrating CINT or Scintilla, so you should have no problem porting this code to a non-MFC project.

Linking to Scintilla

From the Scintilla website - Scintilla is an editor control providing support for syntax styling, error indicators, code completion, and call tips. The selection margin can contain markers like those used in debuggers to indicate breakpoints and the current line. Styling choices are more open than with many editors, allowing the use of proportional fonts, bold and italics, multiple foreground and background colors, and multiple fonts.

I downloaded and extracted Scintilla into the sub folder scintilla in our project folder. We find the VC project files in the sub folder ./scintilla/vcbuild . After adding the SciLexer.dsp project to our workspace, we find it builds without error. Great!

By default, Scintilla compiles to a DLL. We would like to static link, so we will add a linker response file to create a static library. I created two files, one for the release version, and another for the debug version.

Linker Response File ( rsp_scintilla.txt ) - Release version.

/nologo /subsystem:windows ./Release/*.obj /out:../bin/s_scintilla.lib

Linker Response File ( rsp_scintillad.txt ) - Debug version.

/nologo /subsystem:windows ./Debug/*.obj /out:../bin/sd_scintilla.lib

Now we add a Post-Build Step to each of the Release and Debug versions, calling the appropriate response file.

Post-Build Step - Release version.

link -lib @rsp_scintilla.txt

Post-Build Step - Debug version.

link -lib @rsp_scintillad.txt

Build Scintilla, and you should find that the files sd_scintilla.lib and s_scintilla.lib have been created in the scintilla/bin folders. These are the libs we will link to.

We need to add Scintilla headers to our project, so I prefer to do this in the Stdafx.h file, since the Scintilla library files will probably not change much. So, in Stdafx.h , let's add the following includes...

// Include Scintilla parser
#include "scintilla/include/SciLexer.h"
#include "scintilla/include/Scintilla.h"

Last step here, we need to link to the Scintilla lib files. Open the Stdafx.cpp file and add the following....

#ifdef _DEBUG
#   pragma comment( lib, "scintilla/bin/sd_scintilla.lib" )
#   pragma comment( lib, "scintilla/bin/s_scintilla.lib" )

This will link us to the debug or release version as needed. You could also add the lib files to the project settings, I prefer this method.

Since the Scintilla project was a DLL, and we're now linking statically, we need to reproduce the startup and shutdown procedures it would have done in the DLL. You can usually find this by searching the project for the function DllMain() . Sure enough, we find DllMain() in Scintilla. It registers the editor window class among other things. We will add this code to our startup. In InitInstance() , add...

// Initialize the Scintilla
if ( !Scintilla_RegisterClasses( AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance ) )
{   AfxMessageBox( "Scintilla failed to initiailze" );
    return FALSE;
} // end if

Add the Scintilla shutdown code to ExitInstance() ...

// Release Scintilla

Great! We are now linked to the Scintilla library. Let's move on to CINT.

Linking to CINT

From the CINT website - CINT is a C/C++ interpreter aimed at processing C/C++ scripts.

CINT is a part of ROOT . ROOT has a fascinating feature set, and it would be interesting to integrate as well. I would have done so except that ROOT is covered by the LGPL, and being a commercial developer myself, this license would never allow me to use the work in an actual project. Scintilla and CINT are covered by more commercial friendly licenses. I would definitely like to update this project in the future to integrate ROOT as well.

I downloaded and extracted CINT into the subfolder cint in our project folder. Unfortunately, the VC project files for CINT are actually wrappers around a MAK file. Because of this, I chose to just create another project and add the files that I needed. I created the project files in the subfolder ./cint/libcint . This project natively creates static libraries, so there is nothing else to do here but compile.

Upon compiling, I ran into a small snag. Two functions, G__SetGlobalcomp() and G__ForceBytecodecompilation() , are defined in both Method.cxx and v6_dmystrm.c , and both files are needed to compile CINT. The v6_dmystrm.c versions are the ones we want, so I surrounded the two functions in Method.cxx with #if 0 . I also had to do the same in Apiifold.cxx . I'm sure this is probably an oversight since the project is primarily for UNIX. Hopefully, this will be resolved in a later version.

Despite this minor hiccup, things are now compiling nicely. Let's add it to our project by added the following includes to the the Stdafx.h file...

#include "cint/G__ci.h"
#include "cint/src/Global.h"

We need to link as well, so we add the following lines to the Stdafx.cpp file...

#ifdef _DEBUG
#   pragma comment( lib, "cint/libcint/Debug/libcint.lib" )
#   pragma comment( lib, "cint/libcint/Release/libcint.lib" )

Creating the Scintilla Editor and Output windows

Now that both libraries are linked in, we can start the fun part of actually using them. To start, let's create the Scintilla editor by calling the function InitialiseEditor() from OnInitDialog() . We require a list of C/C++ keywords and a color scheme to complete the initialization. I used a color scheme I like: the original Twilight scheme from the old Borland compiler for DOS from which I learned C++ many moons ago. It should be straightforward to modify the colors to your own taste.

// C++ keywords
static const char g_cppKeyWords[] = 
    // Standard
    "asm auto bool break case catch char class const "
    "const_cast continue default delete do double "
    "dynamic_cast else enum explicit extern false finally "
    "float for friend goto if inline int long mutable "
    "namespace new operator private protected public "
    "register reinterpret_cast register return short signed "
    "sizeof static static_cast struct switch template "
    "this throw true try typedef typeid typename "
    "union unsigned using virtual void volatile "
    "wchar_t while "
    // Extended
    "__asm __asume __based __box __cdecl __declspec "
    "__delegate delegate depreciated dllexport dllimport "
    "event __event __except __fastcall __finally __forceinline "
    "__int8 __int16 __int32 __int64 __int128 __interface "
    "interface __leave naked noinline __noop noreturn "
    "nothrow novtable nullptr safecast __stdcall "
    "__try __except __finally __unaligned uuid __uuidof "
/// Scintilla Colors structure
struct SScintillaColors
{   int         iItem;
    COLORREF    rgb;
// A few basic colors
const COLORREF black = RGB( 0, 0, 0 );
const COLORREF white = RGB( 255, 255, 255 );
const COLORREF green = RGB( 0, 255, 0 );
const COLORREF red = RGB( 255, 0, 0 );
const COLORREF blue = RGB( 0, 0, 255 );
const COLORREF yellow = RGB( 255, 255, 0 );
const COLORREF magenta = RGB( 255, 0, 255 );
const COLORREF cyan = RGB( 0, 255, 255 );
/// Default color scheme
static SScintillaColors g_rgbSyntaxCpp[] = 
    {   SCE_C_COMMENT,          green },
    {   SCE_C_COMMENTLINE,      green },
    {   SCE_C_COMMENTDOC,       green },
    {   SCE_C_NUMBER,           magenta },
    {   SCE_C_STRING,           yellow },
    {   SCE_C_CHARACTER,        yellow },
    {   SCE_C_UUID,             cyan },
    {   SCE_C_OPERATOR,         red },
    {   SCE_C_PREPROCESSOR,     cyan },
    {   SCE_C_WORD,             cyan },
    {   -1,                     0 }
void CCintDlg::InitialiseEditor() 
    // Punt if we already have a window
    if ( ::IsWindow( m_hwndEditor ) ) return;
    // Create editor window
    m_hwndEditor = CreateWindowEx(  0, "Scintilla", "", 
                                        WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | 
                                        10, 10, 500, 400,
                                        GetSafeHwnd(), NULL /*(HMENU)GuiID*/, 
                                        AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance, NULL );   
    // Did we get the editor window?
    if ( !::IsWindow( m_hwndEditor ) )
    {   TRACE( "Unable to create editor window\n" );
    } // end if
    // CPP lexer
    SendEditor( SCI_SETLEXER, SCLEX_CPP );
    // Set number of style bits to use
    SendEditor( SCI_SETSTYLEBITS, 5 );
    // Set tab width
    SendEditor( SCI_SETTABWIDTH, 4 );
    // Use CPP keywords
    SendEditor( SCI_SETKEYWORDS, 0, (LPARAM)g_cppKeyWords );
    // Set up the global default style. These attributes
    // are used wherever no explicit choices are made.
    SetAStyle( STYLE_DEFAULT, white, black, 10, "Courier New" );
    // Set caret foreground color
    SendEditor( SCI_SETCARETFORE, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
    // Set all styles
    SendEditor( SCI_STYLECLEARALL );
    // Set selection color
    SendEditor( SCI_SETSELBACK, TRUE, RGB( 0, 0, 255 ) );
    // Set syntax colors
    for ( long i = 0; g_rgbSyntaxCpp[ i ].iItem != -1; i++ ) 
        SetAStyle( g_rgbSyntaxCpp[ i ].iItem, g_rgbSyntaxCpp[ i ].rgb );

I also used Scintilla for the output window. Just to show a different method. I accessed the output window more directly using ::SendMessage().

void CCintDlg::InitialiseOutput() 
    // Punt if we already have a window
    if ( ::IsWindow( m_hwndOutput ) ) return;
    // Create editor window
    m_hwndOutput = CreateWindowEx(  0, "Scintilla", "", 
                                        WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP | 
                                        10, 10, 500, 400,
                                        GetSafeHwnd(), NULL /*(HMENU)GuiID*/, 
                                        AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance, NULL );   
    // Did we get the editor window?
    if ( !::IsWindow( m_hwndEditor ) )
    {   TRACE( "Unable to create editor window\n" );
    } // end if
    // Set number of style bits to use
    ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_SETSTYLEBITS, 5, 0L );
    // Set tab width
    ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_SETTABWIDTH, 4, 0L );
    // Set foreground color
    ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_STYLESETFORE, 
                   STYLE_DEFAULT, (LPARAM)RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
    // Set background color
    ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_STYLESETBACK, STYLE_DEFAULT, (LPARAM)RGB( 0, 0, 0 ) );
    // Set font
    ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_STYLESETFONT, STYLE_DEFAULT, (LPARAM)"Courier New" );
    // Set selection color
    ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_SETSELBACK, (WPARAM)TRUE, (LPARAM)RGB( 0, 0, 255 ) );
    // Set all styles
    ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_STYLECLEARALL, 0, 0L );

To position the windows, I used the following code. It's straightforward as we are just dealing with plain old window handles...

BOOL CCintDlg::Size()
    // Ensure valid window
    if ( !::IsWindow( GetSafeHwnd() ) )
        return FALSE;
    // Get window size
    RECT rect, ctrl;
    GetClientRect( &rect );
    CopyRect( &ctrl, &rect );
    // Position the editor window
    ctrl.bottom -= ( 6 * 24 );
    CWnd *pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle( m_hwndEditor );
    if ( pWnd ) pWnd->MoveWindow( &ctrl );
    // Position the output window = ctrl.bottom;
    ctrl.bottom = rect.bottom;
    pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle( m_hwndOutput );
    if ( pWnd ) pWnd->MoveWindow( &ctrl );
    return TRUE;

Executing the code with CINT

Of course, we want to be able to execute the script, and have any output generated accessible in a cut-and-pasteable window. CINT sends the output from the script to the standard output stream STDOUT. We need to intercept this data. So to make this simple, I appropriated the class CHookStdio from the Open Source project rulib (don't worry, no license violation here). CHookStdio allows us to easily hook STDOUT and access the data. Note that we have to pass a parameter to CHookStdio indicating how much buffer space we need. Be aware of this size when writing to your scripts. I set this to 64K.

So the steps to execute our script are now...

  • Get the text from Scintilla
  • Hook STDOUT
  • Send to CINT for processing
  • Check for CINT errors
  • Write the hooked STDOUT data to the output window
  • And here are the details.

    void CCintDlg::OnExecute() 
        // Reset CINT
        g_sCintLastError = "";
        // Reset Scintilla
        SendEditor( SCI_MARKERDELETEALL, 0 );
        // Clear output window
        ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_SETTEXT, 0, (WPARAM)"" );
        // Get the editor window handle
        CWnd *pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle( m_hwndEditor );
        if ( !pWnd ) return;
        // Get the script text
        CString strScript;
        pWnd->GetWindowText( strScript );
        if ( strScript.IsEmpty() ) return;
        // Must add to get proper line number
        strScript = "#line 0\r\n" + strScript;
        // Hook stdio output
        CHookStdio hs( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
        // Set error callback function
        G__set_errmsgcallback( &CCintDlg::CintError );
        // Execute the program
        if ( !G__int( G__exec_text( (LPCTSTR)strScript ) ) )
            // Initilaize error markers
            SendEditor( SCI_MARKERDEFINE, 0, SC_MARK_SHORTARROW );
            SendEditor( SCI_MARKERSETFORE, 0, RGB( 80, 0, 0 ) );
            SendEditor( SCI_MARKERSETBACK, 0, RGB( 255, 0, 0 ) );
            // Set error marker to proper line
            int nErrLine = G__lasterror_linenum();
            SendEditor( SCI_MARKERADD, nErrLine - 1, 0 );
            // Show the error string
            ShowError( g_sCintLastError.c_str() );
        } // end if                
        // Set foreground color
        ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_STYLESETFORE, 
                       STYLE_DEFAULT, (LPARAM)RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) );
        ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_STYLECLEARALL, 0, 0L );
        // Get output
        char buf[ 64 * 1024 ] = "";
        buf[ hs.Read( buf, sizeof( buf ) - 1 ) ] = 0;
        // Show script output
        if ( *buf ) ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_SETTEXT, 0, (WPARAM)buf );

    This function also includes the code for highlighting errors in the script. Here is a screenshot of what an error looks like.


    That sums it up. So have fun.

    One of the many practical uses I can think of for this project is generating tedious lookup tables which often come up when optimizing code. Now I can create a simple script and run it when I needed, instead of wasting time with an entire project just to generate a simple table. (Although I have to admit to using PHP for this lately.)

    Here is a script to generate a square root lookup table...

    // Start the table
    printf( "const double g_rdLookup_Sqrt[] = \r\n{\r\n\t" );
    // Generate items
    for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
        // Add value separator
        if ( i ) printf( ", " );
        // Break into reasonable pieces
        if ( i && !( i % 8 ) ) printf( "\r\n\t" );
        // Calculate value
        printf( "%g", (double)sqrt( (double)i ) );
    // Complete the table
    printf( "\r\n};" );

    And here's the output...

    const double g_rdLookup_Sqrt[] = 
        0, 1, 1.41421, 1.73205, 2, 2.23607, 2.44949, 2.64575, 
        2.82843, 3, 3.16228, 3.31662, 3.4641, 3.60555, 3.74166, 3.87298, 
        4, 4.12311, 4.24264, 4.3589, 4.47214, 4.58258, 4.69042, 4.79583, 
        4.89898, 5, 5.09902, 5.19615, 5.2915, 5.38516, 5.47723, 5.56776, 
        5.65685, 5.74456, 5.83095, 5.91608, 6, 6.08276, 6.16441, 6.245, 
        6.32456, 6.40312, 6.48074, 6.55744, 6.63325, 6.7082, 6.78233, 6.85565, 
        6.9282, 7, 7.07107, 7.14143, 7.2111, 7.28011, 7.34847, 7.4162, 
        7.48331, 7.54983, 7.61577, 7.68115, 7.74597, 7.81025, 7.87401, 7.93725, 
        8, 8.06226, 8.12404, 8.18535, 8.24621, 8.30662, 8.3666, 8.42615, 
        8.48528, 8.544, 8.60233, 8.66025, 8.7178, 8.77496, 8.83176, 8.88819, 
        8.94427, 9, 9.05539, 9.11043, 9.16515, 9.21954, 9.27362, 9.32738, 
        9.38083, 9.43398, 9.48683, 9.53939, 9.59166, 9.64365, 9.69536, 9.74679, 
        9.79796, 9.84886, 9.89949, 9.94987
    QuestionHaving a problem with the first part to statically link the and compile the library Pin
    Thomas Williams12-Jan-19 0:41
    Thomas Williams12-Jan-19 0:41  I usually used codeblocks but I am using visual studio for this and I can't work out how you add the files to which part of the linker. I know I haven't done it right because I get error Link1104 cannot open file 'scintilla/bin/sd_scintilla.lib" That library isn't being created there on compile.
    Sign In·View Thread  The previous question hase been resolved.
    today,The question is just the subject, how i Make the character to be upper.
    i have test the "SendMessage( hwndSci, SCI_STYLESETCASE, STYLE_DEFAULT, SC_CASE_UPPER)",but that dosn't
    make the character to be upper. what i should do that?
    Sign In·View Thread  thanks for your the article.
    And i have one question, that is how i change the ForeColor and BackColor of the Magins
    Will your answer!
    Sign In·View Thread 
    Oh !! Got it SetAStyle( STYLE_DEFAULT, white, black, 10, "Courier New" ); this code
    Thank you !!
    Sign In·View Thread  Your article is very good and I learnt a lot from it, particularly CINT. If possible, could you please repeat the process with vs2010 or later? These vsxxxxes ae used extensively in Win7 or later.
    Sign In·View Thread  // Complete the table printf( "\r\n};" );

    I simply add the function above sqlroot.cpp, but no error msg, and nothing runs.
    Sign In·View Thread  When i test the for, while and other looping instructions the app doesn't work.
    The sqrt sample in the code that use the for instruction doesn't work.
    Mauricio Alfaro

    Sign In·View Thread 
    I found the answer...
    The problem is in the char buffer you have to give it more size...
    In the sample is...
    //Get output
    char buf[ 64 * 1024 ] = "";
    Change it to.. char buf[1024*1024] ="";
    The other problem is in the looping instructions like for, while, even switch...
    You have to put at the end of your code or instruction another instruction like printf(" ");
    like in the sqrt table sample.
    For example in this code if you erase the printf( "\r\n};" after the for cicle the code would not work.
    I tested with other instructions and it happens the same.
    // Start the table
    printf( "const double g_rdLookup_Sqrt[] = \r\n{\r\n\t" );
    // Generate items
    for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
    // Add value separator
    if ( i ) printf( ", " );
    // Break into reasonable pieces
    if ( i && !( i % 8 ) ) printf( "\r\n\t" );
    // Calculate value
    printf( "%g", (double)sqrt( (double)i ) );
    //After the end of the cicle
    //Keep this instruction for the code to work
    printf( "\r\n};" ); !<------------
    Mauricio Alfaro

    Sign In·View Thread  Could you possibly let me know how you managed to compile Cint? I have downloaded the sources and the Windows binaries as per the homepage, but the docs mention a 'platform' directory, which I don't have, nor do I have the 'libcint' directory mentioned in your article.
    Sign In·View Thread  really nice tool. Is there a way to run code from a dll? I tried to dynamically load it ( HINSTANCE LoadLibrary(LPCTSTR lpLibFileName); ) but I have benn unsuccesful so far ( Error: Function LoadLibrary(".\\XXX.dll") is not defined in current scope ).
    Sign In·View Thread  Does anyone know how difficult it is to call functions from your main code through the scripted code using CINT? CINT seems like the perfect solution for a project I am working on, but I definitely need to provide functions that the script can call. I know CINT can do it, but I could not find any examples of how to do it and am afraid it will be too complicated to be a worthwhile soltion.
    Sign In·View Thread  I compiled cint using vc 7.0 and an MFC dialog interface (Scintilla is simply unecessary for my purposes and complicates my mission, which is to get CINT to work in an MFC window).
    Using pretty much all of your code except for the Scintilla stuff, I got it to compile, but when I try to run it from a simple MFC edit control window, capturing the text as CString progstr; m_myEditCtrl.GetWindowText(progstr);
    I always get a runtime error, with the debug break occuring here:
    file: v6_ifunc.cxx
    * G__overload_match(funcname,libp,hash,p_ifunc,memfunc_flag,access,pifn)
    struct G__ifunc_table* G__overload_match(char* funcname
    ,G__param *libp
    ,int hash
    ,G__ifunc_table *p_ifunc
    ,int memfunc_flag
    ,int access
    ,int *pifn
    ,int isrecursive
    ,int doconvert)
    struct G__funclist *funclist = (struct G__funclist*)NULL;
    struct G__funclist *match = (struct G__funclist*)NULL;
    unsigned int bestmatch = G__NOMATCH;
    struct G__funclist *func;
    int ambiguous = 0;
    >> int scopetagnum = p_ifunc->tagnum;
    struct G__ifunc_table *store_ifunc = p_ifunc;
    int ix=0;
    (break at >> )
    Any idea what's going on here ?
    BTW, won't compile at all unless MFC is statically linked. ???
    Don't you just hate porting Unix code with their God-Awful mak files to C++!
    I have actually tried for several years to do what you've done here - namely port CINT to C++, without success. So I want to congratulate you on your efforts. I am certain it wasnt easy.
    Michael Pliam
    Sign In·View Thread 
    I don't have vc7, so I won't be able to test this exactly. I mainly use vc6 + Intel compiler, and occasionally vc8. A couple of questions...
    Does the project available here work for you?
    Did you call G__init_cint() from InitInstance()? Oversight on my part leaving this out of the article. I will update... Check the source code here for an example.
    Can you post the function that interfaces with CINT?
    You have to statically link MFC because I setup the CINT project to statically link the CRT. Change the CRT settings in CINT to match the settings in your project and you should be ok. More on that in the first part of the article...
    Sign In·View Thread 
    The project available here works just fine. It compiles using Visual C++.NET (7.0) as long as one sets the compiler configuration to 'Use MFC in a Static Library' and the C++/Precompiled Headers setting to 'Automatically Generate (/YX)'. There is only a single compilation warning,
    HookStdio.cpp(96) : warning C4311: 'type cast' : pointer truncation from 'HANDLE' to 'long'
    It runs just fine in WinXP Pro.
    As for my project, it never calls G__init_cint(). When I tried to in the OnInitDialog(), 'G__init_cint();' results in the compiler error:
    error C2660: 'G__init_cint' : function does not take 0 parameters
    Modified Aug 16, 2006:
    OK. I used your CINT initialization in the InitInstance :
    // Initialize the interpreter
    if ( G__INIT_CINT_FAILURE == G__init_cint( "cint" ) )
    { AfxMessageBox( "Failed to initialize CINT" );
    return FALSE;
    } // end if
    Now, other than some minor formatting problems of my own, it appears to work quit nicely. Thank you so very much. I look forward to your work on ROOT.
    Only one function in the dialog interfaces with CINT. It is as follows:
    void CMyCintDlg::OnToolsExecute()
    // Reset CINT
    g_sCintLastError = "";
    // Clear output window
    m_ResponseEditCtrl.SetWindowText(_T("")); // m_ResponseEditCtrl == member variable
    // Get the script text
    CString strScript;
    m_ProgEditCtrl.GetWindowText( strScript ); // m_ProgEditCtrl == member variable
    if ( strScript.IsEmpty() ) return;
    // Must add to get proper line number
    strScript = "#line 0\r\n" + strScript;
    // Hook stdio output
    CHookStdio hs( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, 64 * 1024 );
    // Set error callback function
    G__set_errmsgcallback( &CMyCintDlg::CintError );
    // Execute the program
    if ( !G__int( G__exec_text( (LPCTSTR)strScript ) ) )
    // Set error marker to proper line
    int nErrLine = G__lasterror_linenum();
    // Show the error string
    ShowError( g_sCintLastError.c_str() );
    TRACE1("Error =:\n%s\n", g_sCintLastError.c_str());
    } // end if
    // Get output
    char buf[ 64 * 1024 ] = "";
    buf[ hs.Read( buf, sizeof( buf ) - 1 ) ] = 0;
    TRACE0("got here #3\n");
    // Show script output
    }// OnToolsExecute()
    I searched for G__init_cint() in the lib src files but could not find a function definition that would explain the required call parameters.
    Thanks again for your fine efforts on this project.
    -- modified at 14:57 Wednesday 16th August, 2006
    Michael Pliam
    -- modified at 15:08 Wednesday 16th August, 2006
    Well, not quite. It won't properly process error messages or recover from an error.

    Sign In·View Thread  > ROOT is covered by the LGPL, and being a commercial developer myself,
    > this license would never allow me to use the work in an actual project
    LGPL should not be a problem! In fact the LGPL can
    be considered the commercial-friendly variant of the GPL.
    You can distribute LGPL'd code without having to disclose
    your own source code! It only asks you to offer the source
    code to the LGPL'd code itself.
    Sign In·View Thread 
    Not that I would want to get to deep into this already well hashed issue, but to maintain balance.
    With LGPL, it's generally agreed that...
    1) Commercial projects can't statically link against it.
    2) You can't use it in proprietary embedded systems. (Remember Linksys?)
    3) Many companies forbid it's use. So interpretations are moot.
    These were the reasons for my comments.
    -- modified at 21:40 Wednesday 12th July, 2006
    Sign In·View Thread  One of the best script engines available:
    "There's always one more bug"
    Sign In·View Thread  BTW: I hade made the corrections to UNICODE my own, and they worked without any problems.
    ShowError( "string" ); -to-> ShowError( _T("string") );
    TRACE( "" ); -to-> TRACE( _T("") );
    ... and some others.
    the most important:
    ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_SETTEXT, 0, (WPARAM)"" ); // Get the editor window handle CWnd *pWnd = CWnd::FromHandle( m_hwndEditor ); if ( !pWnd ) return; // Get the script text CString strScript; pWnd->GetWindowText( strScript ); if ( strScript.IsEmpty() ) return; // Must add to get proper line number strScript = "#line 0\r\n" + strScript; // Hook stdio output CHookStdio hs( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, 64 * 1024 ); // Set error callback function G__set_errmsgcallback( &CCintDlg::CintError ); // Execute the program if ( !G__int( G__exec_text( T2A(strScript) ) ) ) // Initilaize error markers SendEditor( SCI_MARKERDEFINE, 0, SC_MARK_SHORTARROW ); SendEditor( SCI_MARKERSETFORE, 0, RGB( 80, 0, 0) ); SendEditor( SCI_MARKERSETBACK, 0, RGB(255, 0, 0) ); // Set error marker to proper line int nErrLine = G__lasterror_linenum(); SendEditor( SCI_MARKERADD, nErrLine - 1, 0 ); // Show the error string ShowError( A2T(g_sCintLastError.c_str()) ); return; } // end if // Set foreground color ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_STYLESETFORE, STYLE_DEFAULT, (LPARAM)RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) ); ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_STYLECLEARALL, 0, 0L ); // Get output char buf[ 64 * 1024 ] = ""; buf[ hs.Read( buf, sizeof( buf ) - 1 ) ] = 0; // Show script output if ( *buf ) ::SendMessage( m_hwndOutput, SCI_SETTEXT, 0, (WPARAM)buf ); compiled and tested with VC .NET 2005
    Sign In·View Thread 
    Thanks for mentioning this. I forgot about Unicode. I'll stick this in the next update.
    Sign In·View Thread  There are several other C interpreters available including this one here at CP[^]
    Integrating an interpreter into an application is incredibly useful at times. My Programmer's Editor, ED for Windows has had a C like interpreter in it forever and much of the editor is writing using this. It is a great way to work and also enables end-users to extend the product.
    Neville Franks, Author of Surfulater "Save what you Surf" and ED for Windows
    Sign In·View Thread 
    Thanks for the tip on TOOL. I haven't looked at this one. I did go through several others, there were problems with licensing mostly, but also technical problems. I need a scripting engine for a commercial project. I probably won't end up using CINT because of multi-threading issues. It uses global variables extensively and I would have to either isolate it in seperate processes or do a lot of work on the code. So I'm really still looking.
    I've ran across ED before by the way. Didn't realize that was a single developer effort. Congrats, very nice work.
    Sign In·View Thread 
    Hi Robert,
    any chance you checked the commercial interpreter Ch from
    how do you think of its solution?
    Sign In·View Thread  Nifty. Thanks.
    One thing though: the hack with stdout redirection might be better handled with a pipe - I think there is an example of this somewhere on CP.
    Sign In·View Thread 
    CHookStdio wraps a call to ::CreatePipe() to get the job done, unless you had something else in mind?
    Sign In·View Thread  Web01 2.8:2023-03-27:1