


其实,普通业务人员最常用的界面就是像Excel或者Chrome浏览器这样人手一个的应用。而且这些产品都有自己的插件机制。那么今天,我们就来为Excel写一个插件,让业务人员不需要懂代码也能随时使用ChatGPT来辅助完成工作,提高效率。而且,这个插件的代码也不是由我们自己来写,而是让ChatGPT来帮我们写。 在这个过程中,你会看到我们如何利用ChatGPT逐步探索,使用我们并不熟悉,甚至完全不会的编程语言和工具完成任务。



在课程的第 1 讲里面,我就给你举过一个例子。我们使用ChatGPT的API,在一个商品上实现了标题翻译、卖点撰写和售价预估的功能。这个需求,其实是很多跨境电商的运营人员都能用上的。


import openai import os openai.api_key = os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY") COMPLETION_MODEL = "text-davinci-003" prompt = """ Consideration proudct : 工厂现货PVC充气青蛙夜市地摊热卖充气玩具发光蛙儿童水上玩具 1. Compose human readable product title used on Amazon in english within 20 words. 2. Write 5 selling points for the products in Amazon. 3. Evaluate a price range for this product in U.S. Output the result in json format with three properties called title, selling_points and price_range """ def get_response(prompt): completions = openai.Completion.create ( engine=COMPLETION_MODEL, prompt=prompt, max_tokens=512, n=1, stop=None, temperature=0.0, ) message = completions.choices[0].text return message print(get_response(prompt))


{ "title": "Glow-in-the-Dark Inflatable PVC Frog Night Market Hot Selling Water Toy for Kids", "selling_points": [ "Made of durable PVC material", "Glow-in-the-dark design for night play", "Inflatable design for easy storage and transport", "Perfect for water play and outdoor activities", "Great gift for kids" ], "price_range": "$10 - $20" }















Sub CopyFirstColumnToSecondColumn() '获取第一列和第二列的范围 Dim firstColumn As Range Dim secondColumn As Range Set firstColumn = Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row) Set secondColumn = Range("B1:B" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row) '复制第一列到第二列 secondColumn.Value = firstColumn.Value End Sub

根据ChatGPT给出的详细操作步骤,我们可以通过快捷键 ALT + F11 打开Excel下的VBA编辑器,然后把对应的Excel代码复制进去;也能够在Excel的表格界面里,通过快捷键 ALT + F8 唤起宏的对话框,执行这段宏。你可以试一下,这段VBA的宏的确能够将我们表格里面的第一列,复制到第二列里面。

虽然这段代码的功能非常简单,但是它帮助我们走通了一个基本路径,就是 怎么在Excel里面撰写VBA代码并且执行 。这种方法也是使用AI写代码时一个常用的方式,我们先通过一些简单的任务来试一试,看看AI是否能把路径走通,还是说它只会胡扯。如果能够走通的话,意味着我们又朝最终答案靠近了一步。而如果是胡扯的话,你也可以早点另请高明。



请为我写这样一段在Excel里面运行的VBA程序: 1. 读取表格里面的第一列的内容 2. 内容的每一行,都是一个商品标题。对这个商品标题,通过下面的Prompt,调用OpenAI的API拿到返回结果: """ Consideration proudct : 商品标题 1. Compose human readable product title used on Amazon in english within 20 words. 2. Write 5 selling points for the products in Amazon. 3. Evaluate a price range for this product in U.S. Output the result in json format with three properties called title, selling_points and price_range """ 3. 将对应API的返回结果,插入到表格的第二列里


Option Explicit Sub GetOpenAIResults() 'Declare variables Dim wb As Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Dim lastRow As Long Dim i As Long Dim productTitle As String Dim sellingPoints As String Dim priceRange As String Dim outputJSON As String Dim response As String Dim request As Object Dim url As String Dim apiKey As String 'Set variables Set wb = ThisWorkbook Set ws = wb.ActiveSheet lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row apiKey = "YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY" url = "https://api.openai.com/v1/engines/davinci-codex/completions" 'Loop through each row in column A For i = 1 To lastRow 'Get the product title from column A productTitle = ws.Cells(i, 1).Value 'Set up the OpenAI API request Set request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") request.Open "POST", url, False request.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json" request.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & apiKey 'Send the request to OpenAI API request.send "{""prompt"": ""Consideration proudct : " & productTitle & vbNewLine & "1. Compose human readable product title used on Amazon in english within 20 words." & vbNewLine & "2. Write 5 selling points for the products in Amazon." & vbNewLine & "3. Evaluate a price range for this product in U.S." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Output the result in json format with three properties called title, selling_points and price_range"",""temperature"": 0.7,""max_tokens"": 1024}" 'Get the response from OpenAI API response = request.responseText 'Extract the title, selling points, and price range from the response productTitle = ExtractJSONValue(response, "title") sellingPoints = ExtractJSONValue(response, "selling_points") priceRange = ExtractJSONValue(response, "price_range") 'Create the JSON output string outputJSON = "{""title"": """ & productTitle & """,""selling_points"": """ & sellingPoints & """,""price_range"": """ & priceRange & """}" 'Insert the JSON output into column B ws.Cells(i, 2).Value = outputJSON Next i End Sub Function ExtractJSONValue(jsonString As String, key As String) As String 'Declare variables Dim jsonRegex As Object Dim matchCollection As Object Dim match As Object 'Set variables Set jsonRegex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") jsonRegex.Global = True jsonRegex.Pattern = """" & key & """\s*:\s*""([^""]+)""" Set matchCollection = jsonRegex.Execute(jsonString) 'Check if the key was found in the JSON string If matchCollection.Count > 0 Then Set match = matchCollection(0) ExtractJSONValue = match.SubMatches(0) Else ExtractJSONValue = "" End



不过,这一次我们运气不太好,程序没有运行成功,还报错了。我们的Excel里面出现了一个VBA的弹窗,有一段错误消息:“缺少 End Function”。我上一次写VBA代码,可能还要追溯到2005年在微软当实习生的时候。所以看到这个报错,我也没法立刻知道该怎么解决。

不过这个代码是ChatGPT写的,那出了错也应该让它负责。我们直接把对应的错误信息,填到ChatGPT的对话窗口里,让它看看怎么解决。这一次,它还挺礼貌,意识到了自己的错误,给出的代码里面缺少了“End Function”。所以,它会重新生成一份语法没有问题的代码给到我们。


缺少End Function


…… Else ExtractJSONValue = "" End If End Function




{"title": "","selling_points": "","price_range": ""}


  1. 整个程序由两个函数组成,GetOpenAIResults 是主函数,是程序的主体执行结构。ExtractJSONValue是一个功能函数,从API调用的返回结果里面,通过正则表达式去提取返回结果里面的内容。
  2. GetOpenAIResults这个主函数的结构也非常简单,除了一开始的一系列变量定义,其实就是做了这样几件事情。

  1. 通过一个For循环,遍历第一列单元格里面的值。
  2. 对每一个值,都构造了一个HTTP的请求,调用OpenAI的API。
  3. 对于拿到的返回结果,通过ExtractJSONValue函数提取里面的内容,然后再重新拼装成一个JSON。
  4. 最终将这个outputJSON的输出结果,填到第二列的单元格里面。


于是,我们把 GetOpenAIResults 函数最后填入第二列单元格的代码修改一下,把调用OpenAI的API拿到的返回结果,填到第三列里。修改完之后,我们重新运行宏,看看第三列里的返回结果是什么。


…… ws.Cells(i, 2).Value = outputJSON ws.Cells(i, 3).Value = response ……


{ "error": { "message": "We could not parse the JSON body of your request. (HINT: This likely means you aren't using your HTTP library correctly. The OpenAI API expects a JSON payload, but what was sent was not valid JSON. If you have trouble figuring out how to fix this, please send an email to support@openai.com and include any relevant code you'd like help with.)", "type": "invalid_request_error", "param": null, "code": null } }

从这个输出结果里面看到,错误信息是说,OpenAI不能够解析我们输入的JSON Body。那么,我们就再修改一下代码,把我们输入的JSON放到第四列里,看看是不是这部分代码ChatGPT写错了。

…… 'Send the request to OpenAI API requestJSON = "{""prompt"": ""Consideration proudct : " & productTitle & vbNewLine & "1. Compose human readable product title used on Amazon in english within 20 words." & vbNewLine & "2. Write 5 selling points for the products in Amazon." & vbNewLine & "3. Evaluate a price range for this product in U.S." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Output the result in json format with three properties called title, selling_points and price_range"",""temperature"": 0.7,""max_tokens"": 1024}" request.send requestJSON 'Get the response from OpenAI API response = request.responseText …… 'Insert the JSON output into column B ws.Cells(i, 2).Value = outputJSON ws.Cells(i, 3).Value = response ws.Cells(i, 4).Value = requestJSON ……



…… Dim apiKey As String Dim requestJSON As String 'Set variables ……



{"prompt": "Consideration proudct : 工厂现货PVC充气青蛙夜市地摊热卖充气玩具发光蛙儿童水上玩具 1. Compose human readable product title used on Amazon in english within 20 words. 2. Write 5 selling points for the products in Amazon. 3. Evaluate a price range for this product in U.S. Output the result in json format with three properties called title, selling_points and price_range","temperature": 0.7,"max_tokens": 1024}


我们并不擅长撰写VBA应用,所以这个时候,我们的思路还是要 把问题简化。 我们拿一个最简单的JSON来向OpenAI发起请求,看看结果是不是还会报出相同的错误。

…… 'Send the request to OpenAI API requestJSON = "{""prompt"": ""Consideration proudct : " & productTitle & vbNewLine & "1. Compose human readable product title used on Amazon in english within 20 words." & vbNewLine & "2. Write 5 selling points for the products in Amazon." & vbNewLine & "3. Evaluate a price range for this product in U.S." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Output the result in json format with three properties called title, selling_points and price_range"",""temperature"": 0.7,""max_tokens"": 1024}" requestJSON = "{""prompt"": ""How are you?""}" request.send requestJSON 'Get the response from OpenAI API response = request.responseText ……



{ "error": { "message": "The model: `davinci-codex` does not exist", "type": "invalid_request_error", "param": null, "code": "model_not_found" } }


url = "https://api.openai.com/v1/engines/text-davinci-003/completions"


{"id":"cmpl-70ZEVctFduMnv6D1WIz4iffTZdaGl","object":"text_completion","created":1680369791,"model":"text-davinci-003","choices":[{"text":"\n\nI'm doing well, thanks for asking!","index":0,"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"stop"}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":4,"completion_tokens":11,"total_tokens":15}}

不过这个返回内容,针对的还是我们刚才构造的最简单的Prompt:“How are you?”的回答,我们把使用的JSON切换回去,再运行一下,看看结果是怎么样的。

…… 'Send the request to OpenAI API requestJSON = "{""prompt"": ""Consideration proudct : " & productTitle & vbNewLine & "1. Compose human readable product title used on Amazon in english within 20 words." & vbNewLine & "2. Write 5 selling points for the products in Amazon." & vbNewLine & "3. Evaluate a price range for this product in U.S." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Output the result in json format with three properties called title, selling_points and price_range"",""temperature"": 0.7,""max_tokens"": 1024}" request.send requestJSON 'Get the response from OpenAI API response = request.responseText ……


{ "error": { "message": "We could not parse the JSON body of your request. (HINT: This likely means you aren't using your HTTP library correctly. The OpenAI API expects a JSON payload, but what was sent was not valid JSON. If you have trouble figuring out how to fix this, please send an email to support@openai.com and include any relevant code you'd like help with.)", "type": "invalid_request_error", "param": null, "code": null } }




…… 'Send the request to OpenAI API requestJSON = "{""prompt"": ""Consideration proudct : " & productTitle & vbNewLine & "1. Compose human readable product title used on Amazon in english within 20 words." & vbNewLine & "2. Write 5 selling points for the products in Amazon." & vbNewLine & "3. Evaluate a price range for this product in U.S." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Output the result in json format with three properties called title, selling_points and price_range"",""temperature"": 0.7,""max_tokens"": 1024}" requestJSON = "{""prompt"": ""Consideration proudct : 工厂现货PVC充气青蛙夜市地摊热卖充气玩具发光蛙儿童水上玩具\r\n1. Compose human readable product title used on Amazon in english within 20 words.\r\n2. Write 5 selling points for the products in Amazon.\r\n3. Evaluate a price range for this product in U.S.\r\n\r\nOutput the result in json format with three properties called title, selling_points and price_range""}" request.send requestJSON 'Get the response from OpenAI API response = request.responseText ……

而这么一运行,我们就得到了一个正常的、有意义的JSON返回值。那这个时候,对于问题的定位就进一步缩小了。我们只要看看上下两个字符串有什么不一样就好了。仔细观察一下,你就会发现,上下两边使用的换行符不一样。上面使用的是 vbnewline,而下面使用的是\r\n。那我们就把上面的换行符设成和下面完全一致的,再来试试看。

…… requestJSON = "{""prompt"": ""Consideration proudct : " & productTitle & "\r\n1. Compose human readable product title used on Amazon in english within 20 words.\r\n2. Write 5 selling points for the products in Amazon.\r\n3. Evaluate a price range for this product in U.S.\r\n\r\nOutput the result in json format with three properties called title, selling_points and price_range.\r\n"",""temperature"": 0.7,""max_tokens"": 1024}" request.send requestJSON ……


{"id":"cmpl-70ZaUPXSb8nU39jmpNkhl59bMsG4A","object":"text_completion","created":1680371154,"model":"text-davinci-003","choices":[{"text":"\r\n\r\n{\r\n \"title\": \"Premium Handcrafted Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser\", \r\n \"selling_points\": [\"Natural Ultrasonic Operation\", \"7 Colorful LED Lights\", \"Auto Shutoff Timer\", \"Whisper Quiet Operation\", \"Easy to Clean\"], \r\n \"price_range\": \"$25 - $50\"\r\n}","index":0,"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"stop"}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":89,"completion_tokens":84,"total_tokens":173}}




[reference_begin]注:对应的整个对话参见链接 https://sharegpt.com/c/rAmlkqQ[reference_end]

ChatGPT给了我们示例,告诉我们可以在GitHub上找到对应的函数库。如果你按图索骥,就能在 VBA-JSON 和 VBA-Dictionary 找到我们需要的库。并且按照文档的要求,在VBA编辑器里通过 “文件”=>“导入文件” 来导入函数库。然后,我们只要按照文档的格式小小修改一下现在的代码,就能提取到我们希望得到的JSON格式了。

…… Dim requestJSON As String Dim Json As Object 'Set variables …… 'Loop through each row in column A For i = 1 To lastRow …… Set Json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(response) 'Insert the JSON output into column B ws.Cells(i, 2).Value = Json("choices")(1)("text") ws.Cells(i, 3).Value = response ws.Cells(i, 4).Value = requestJSON


{ "title": "Glow In The Dark Inflatable PVC Frog Pool Toy For Kids", "selling_points": [ "Made of durable and safe PVC material", "Inflatable and easy to store", "Comes with glow in the dark effect", "Ideal for both outdoor and indoor fun", "Perfect for kids of all ages" ], "price_range": "$8 - $12"}

那接下来,问题就很简单了。我们只需要进一步把这个JSON字符串也解析一下,然后把title、selling_points 以及 price_range解析出来,分别放到不同的列里面就可以了。如果有想不明白怎么写的代码你还是可以继续问ChatGPT。


Option Explicit Sub GetOpenAIResults() 'Declare variables Dim wb As Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Dim lastRow As Long Dim i As Long Dim productTitle As String Dim response As String Dim request As Object Dim url As String Dim apiKey As String Dim requestJSON As String Dim Json As Object 'Set variables Set wb = ThisWorkbook Set ws = wb.ActiveSheet lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row apiKey = "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" url = "https://api.openai.com/v1/engines/text-davinci-003/completions" 'Loop through each row in column A For i = 2 To lastRow 'Get the product title from column A productTitle = ws.Cells(i, 1).Value 'Set up the OpenAI API request Set request = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") request.Open "POST", url, False request.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json" request.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer " & apiKey 'Send the request to OpenAI API requestJSON = "{""prompt"": ""Consideration proudct : " & productTitle & "\r\n1. Compose human readable product title used on Amazon in english within 20 words.\r\n2. Write 5 selling points for the products in Amazon.\r\n3. Evaluate a price range for this product in U.S.\r\n\r\nOutput the result in json format with three properties called title, selling_points and price_range.\r\n"",""temperature"": 0.7,""max_tokens"": 1024}" request.send requestJSON 'Get the response from OpenAI API response = request.responseText Set Json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(response) Set Json = JsonConverter.ParseJson(Json("choices")(1)("text")) 'Insert the JSON output into column B ws.Cells(i, 2).Value = Json("title") ws.Cells(i, 3).Value = ConcatenateArrayToString(Json("selling_points")) ws.Cells(i, 4).Value = Json("price_range") Next i End Sub Function ConcatenateArrayToString(arr) As String Dim result As String Dim i As Long 'Assuming the array is stored in a variable named "arr" For i = 1 To 5 result = result & arr(i) & vbCrLf 'Use vbCrLf to add a line break after each element Next i 'The "result" variable now contains the concatenated string ConcatenateArrayToString = result End Function


  1. 遍历列表的第一列的时候,我们跳过了第一行的标题行。
  2. 去除了不再需要使用的临时变量,以及不再需要的之前AI自动生成的函数。
  3. selling_points是一个5个元素的数组,通过一个单独的函数封装了从数组到字符串的拼装。





好了,这一讲到这里也就结束了。设计这节课的目的是给你演示一下 如何和ChatGPT协同编写代码 ,完成一个对你有价值的小插件。我们通过ChatGPT的帮助,完成了一个使用VBA来编写的Excel小插件。








最近有一个很火的新的代码编辑器,叫做curso.so。它背后也是GPT的模型,能够快速根据你输入的需求描述生成Python和Typescript代码。如果你没有订阅GitHub Copilot,也可以去尝试一下这个应用。

内容来源:《AI 大模型之美》(https://time.geekbang.org/column/article/646801?utm_source=zmt&utm_medium=zmt&utm_term=zmt)