I'm making a transaction in my code and I get unreacheable code detected.Can someone help me to correct it?trans.Commit can't be reached,finding it hard to find solution.
<pre>return await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync() > 0 ;
I can't reach
What I have tried:
public async Task<bool> Save( string company, int number, string registrationNumber) using ( var trans = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction()) var db = new SibaCiidDbContext(); var dbSet = _dbContext.Set<IntermediaryAssignment>(); // set the database var check = await ( from s in db.StickerDistributions join i in db.IntermediaryAssignment on s.CompanyCode equals i.CompanyCode where s.Dispatched == false && s.CompanyCode == company <pre>&& s.StickerCode != i.StickerCode select s).ToListAsync(); var datas = await ( from s in db.StickerDistributions where s.Dispatched == false && s.CompanyCode == company && s.IntermediaryDispatched == false select s) .ToListAsync(); var data = await ( from s in db.StickerDistributions where s.Dispatched == false && s.CompanyCode == company && s.IntermediaryDispatched == false select s).Take(number).ToListAsync(); var intermediary = ( await _repo.FindBy(s => s.RegistrationNumber == registrationNumber && s.Status == EntityStatus.Active)).FirstOrDefault(); foreach ( var sticker in data) if (dbSet.Any(s => s.StickerCode != sticker.StickerCode)) var entity = new IntermediaryAssignment(); entity.CompanyCode = sticker.CompanyCode; entity.StickerCode = sticker.StickerCode; entity.RegistrationNumber = intermediary.RegistrationNumber; entity.Status = EntityStatus.Active; entity.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; entity.Dispatched = false ; entity.IntermediaryType = intermediary.IntermediaryType; // entity.Sticker.Id = sticker.Sticker.Id; sticker.IntermediaryDispatched = true ; dbSet.Add(entity); return await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync() > 0 ; trans.Commit(); That's because you use the keyword return before trans.Commit() . That line will never be called.
What you can do is something like this:
var result = await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync(); trans.Commit(); if (result > 0 ) return true ; return false ;
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