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Applies to: yes Visual Studio no Visual Studio for Mac no Visual Studio Code

Django is a high-level Python framework designed for rapid, secure, and scalable web development. Python support in Visual Studio provides several project templates to set up the structure of a Django-based web application. To use a template in Visual Studio, select File > New > Project , search for "Django", and select from the Blank Django Web Project and Django Web Project templates. See the Learn Django tutorial for a walkthrough of all the templates.

Visual Studio provides full IntelliSense for Django projects:

  • Context variables passed into the template:

  • Tagging and filtering for both built-ins and user-defined:

  • Syntax coloring for embedded CSS and JavaScript:

    Visual Studio also provides full debugging support for Django projects:

    It's typical for Django projects to be managed through their manage.py file, which is an assumption that Visual Studio follows. If you stop using that file as the entry point, you essentially break the project file. In that case you need to recreate the project from existing files without marking it as a Django project.

    Django management console

    The Django management console is accessed through various commands on the Project menu or by right-clicking the project in Solution Explorer .

  • Open Django Shell : opens a shell in your application context that enables you to manipulate your models:

  • Django Sync DB : executes manage.py syncdb in an Interactive window:

  • Collect Static : executes manage.py collectstatic --noinput to copy all the static files to the path specified by STATIC_ROOT in your settings.py .

  • Validate : executes manage.py validate , which reports any validation errors in the installed models specified by INSTALLED_APPS in your settings.py :

    See also

  • Learn Django tutorial