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1. 浏览器端:
在发送跨域请求时,如:PUT http://cat:1974/api/v1/sources/16162
浏览器会自动将同样的参数以OPTIONS的请求方式对服务器进行请求:OPTIONS http://cat:1974/api/v1/sources/16162
2. 服务器端(cherrypy):
class sources:
    exposed = True
    def OPTIONS():
        # 跨域处理
    def PUT(id):
        # 跨域处理
        # do something
    def GET(start, count):
        # 跨域处理
        # do something

如上中举的例子,当cherrypy获取到请求OPTIONS http://cat:1974/api/v1/sources/16162时,
2.1 所以使用cherrypy实现rest api跨域时,需要考虑到参数列表的情况,
def OPTIONS(start)

2.2 但是这样只能解决带有一个参数的请求跨域的情况,
如果浏览器发送的是GET http://cat:1974/api/v1/sources/0/10 这样的多参数的请求,则会有同样的问题,
def OPTIONS(*arg)

2.3 另外,上面举的例子都是rest风格的url,如果换为标准的HTTP GET风格的url就需要使用**kwargs了,
如GET http://cat:1974/api/v1/sources?start=0&count=10
3. 最后的解决方案:
def OPTIONS(*args, **kwargs)
1. 浏览器端:在发送跨域请求时,如:PUT http://cat:1974/api/v1/sources/16162浏览器会自动将同样的参数以OPTIONS的请求方式对服务器进行请求:OPTIONS http://cat:1974/api/v1/sources/16162当得到服务器端进行允许跨域的响应之后,才会按照我们指定的方式进行请求,如下图:2. 服务器端(cher
django 的并发能力真的是令人担忧,django本身框架下只有一个线程在处理请求,任何一个请求阻塞,就会影响另一个情感求的响应,尤其是涉及到IO操作时,基于框架下开发的视图的响应并没有对应的开启多线程,再者 Python 的多线程对于多核CPU有效利用率非常低,参照 这里就使用 nginx + uwsgi 提供高并发 nginx 的并发能力超高,单台并发能力过万(这个也不是绝对),在纯静态的 ...
#cd srs/trunk #vi src/app/srs_app_http_stream.cpp 在w->header()->set_content_type(“video/x-flv”);下一行添加代码 w->header()-&am
Over the last few years, the boom that the World has experienced with the Internet breakthrough has pushed almost every programming language or platform to welcome the rise of web development toolkits, libraries, and frameworks. The Python programming language has grown a rather large list of these environments though apart from a few of them such as Zope and Twisted most have a fairly small community. It is in this context that Cherry Py came into existence when Rémi Delon, its creator, decided that he needed a tool that would work as he wanted for his own personal projects. He then released Cherry Py under a free software license so that anyone could use, distribute, and contribute to the project. Cherry Py is a Python library implementing the HTTP protocol, which is at the very core of the Web, using common Python idioms. On top of that Cherry Py offers its own view and concepts on how to help a developer to build web applications while being minimally intrusive through its own simple and straightforward API. This book will guide you through the Cherry Py library with the aim of giving you the key to make the best of it in your own web applications. The first four chapters are dedicated to Cherry Py , providing information ranging from its history to an in-depth presentation of its key features. The rest of the book will then take you into the development of a photoblog application. Each chapter tries to provide enough background to allow you to ponder the why and how of each decision made. Indeed writing software applications is not a precise science and compromises need to be undertaken for the better, however, the truth is that writing software usually does not go quite as planned. I have written this book with the hope that in the end you would have learnt much more than using a Python library. Preface [ 2 ] What This Book Covers Chapter 1 presents the story behind Cherry Py and a high-level overview of the project. Chapter 2 guides you through the installation and deployment of Cherry Py via common strategies like using distutils, setuptools, or subversion. Chapter 3 gives an overview of the main and the most common aspects of Cherry Py , which will give you an understanding of what the library can do. Chapter 4 goes into an in-depth review of the main aspects of the library such as its support for the HTTP protocol or the WSGI interface. It also extensively discusses the tool feature of the Cherry Py API. Chapter 5 introduces the application, which will be the unifying theme for the rest of the book. The chapter reviews the basic entities that the application will manipulate before moving onto explaining how we will map them into a relational database. This will allow us to explain the concept of ORM and perform a quick comparison between SQLAlchemy, SQLObject, and Dejavu. Chapter 6 presents the idea behind web services by reviewing REST and the Atom Publishing Protocol. Chapter 7 describes how to use a templating engine such as Kid to generate web pages dynamically. The chapter also introduces Mochikit a JavaScript toolkit to perform client-side development. Chapter 8 extends chapter 7 by diving into the world of Ajax, which has reminded web developers that they can create extremely powerful applications by simply using the browser capabilities, the JavaScript language, and the HTTP protocol. Chapter 9 makes a strong point that any application should be reasonably well tested and introduces some testing strategies like unit testing, functional testing, and load testing. Chapter 10 ends the book by reviewing some methods to deploy a Cherry Py application under a common web-server front end like Apache and lighttpd. The chapter also explains how to enable SSL from your Cherry Py application.
先安装 cherry Py 模块,pip3 install cherry Py -i https:// py pi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple 在 py charm里建个文件 import sys sys.path.append("./cheery") import cherry py class HelloWord(object):     @ cherry py .expose
跨域 服务器 不支持 跨域 访问的 Web API 服务器。 提供两个不同版本的服务器代码( python 和服务器端 javascript,通过 node.js)。 Python 版 服务器的 python 版本基于的服务器,使用 cherry py python server. py ##Node 版本 node 版本需要 http、url 和 httpdispatcher。 node server.js
py mortgage 应用程序是一个能够动态比较多种不同类型抵押贷款的应用程序。 有很多不同的抵押贷款计算器,但我发现没有一个可以让您像这样进行细致的比较。 项目源在托管,我部署了一个开发版本,因为我在 Openshift 上进行了重大更改 。 请随时访问并测试它! 有关最新版本、贡献以及更多信息,请访问 GitHub 上的项目页面或 Openshift 节点。 使用的技术 我使用这个项目通过 Bootstrap 和 D3 图表库来学习 HTML/CSS/JS。 除此之外,我还通过这个项目增加了对 Python 的理解,并了解了一些 Openshift 及其工作原理。 后端 API 是 python ,它为前端 UI 生成数据以进行图表和显示。 请通过在打开问题来报告任何错误或请求的增强功能。 如果你想在本地运行它,克隆当前的主(开发): git clo
最近几天在看Cherr Py ,中文资料很少所以打算看文档的时候顺便翻译下来,希望能给需要的朋友一点帮助。   前面几节已经有中文版了,附上连接点击打开链接   这里从Basics这一章开始 一分钟的应用实例: 你可以使用 Cherry Py 编写的最基本的web应用程序,几乎涉及其所有核心概念。 import cherry py class Root(object): @ cherry
Python 有很多不同的 Web 框架可供选择。以下是一些最受欢迎的 Python Web 框架: 1. Django:Django 是 Python 最流行的 Web 框架之一,用于开发复杂的 Web 应用程序。它有一个庞大的社区,提供了许多功能强大的工具和库,如 ORM、表单处理和安全性。 2. Flask:Flask 是一个轻量级 Web 框架,简单易用,适用于开发小型 Web 应用程序和 API。它具有灵活性和可扩展性,可以根据需求选择添加需要的插件和库。 3. Py ramid: Py ramid 是一个功能强大的 Web 框架,专注于灵活性和可扩展性。它具有大量的插件和库,适用于开发大型和复杂的 Web 应用程序。 4. Bottle:Bottle 是一个轻量级 Web 框架,代码简单易懂,适用于开发小型 Web 应用程序和 API。它内置了一个简单的模板引擎,可以轻松处理 HTTP 请求和响应。 5. Cherry Py Cherry Py 是一个 Web 框架,可以帮助开发人员构建高性能的 Web 应用程序和服务。它可以直接运行在多种服务器上,例如 Apache、IIS 和 Nginx。 以上是一些最流行的 Python Web 框架,每个框架都有其独特的特点和优势,可以根据自己的需求和项目的要求选择合适的框架。