rcompanion包中的wilcoxonZ函数提供计算两组wilcoxon检验Z-score计算方法,sign函数可以返回值的正负,-1或1,wilcox.test则进行检验获得p value。
R文档: https://rdrr.io/cran/rcompanion/man/wilcoxonZ.html
exact: a logical indicating whether an exact p-value should be computed. correct: a logical indicating whether to apply continuity correction in the normal approximation for the p-value. 两组wilcoxon比较计算z-score和p value
setwd("analysis_ding/06.FunctionPrediction/03_wilcoxon/") df = read.table("t_input.txt", header=T, sep="\t", row.names=1) # z-score数据标准化 # df = cbind(data.frame(Group=df$Group), scale(df[, 2:ncol(df)])) BC = df[which(df$Group=="BC"), c(2:ncol(df))] JZ = df[which(df$Group=="JZ"), c(2:ncol(df))] KC = df[which(df$Group=="KC"), c(2:ncol(df))] SAP = df[which(df$Group=="SAP"), c(2:ncol(df))] # control CK = df[which(df$Group=="CK"), c(2:ncol(df))] # wilcoxon比较 # 函数,计算z-score,wilcoxon p value library("rcompanion") fun_zp <- function(v1, v2) z = as.numeric(wilcoxonZ(v1, v2, exact=FALSE, correct=FALSE)) wil = wilcox.test(v1, v2, exact=FALSE, correct=FALSE) return(c(z, wil$p.value)) # analysis length = ncol(BC) #3.1 BC_CK #fun_zp(BC[,1], CK[,1]) data = BC mark = c() zscore = c() pvalue = c() for(i in 1:length) res = fun_zp(data[,i], CK[,i]) mark = c(mark, colnames(CK)[i]) zscore = c(zscore, res[1]) pvalue = c(pvalue, res[2]) res_BC = data.frame(mark=mark,zscore=zscore,pvalue=pvalue) #3.2 JZ_CK data = JZ mark = c() zscore = c() pvalue = c() for(i in 1:length) res = fun_zp(data[,i], CK[,i]) mark = c(mark, colnames(CK)[i]) zscore = c(zscore, res[1]) pvalue = c(pvalue, res[2]) res_JZ = data.frame(mark=mark,zscore=zscore,pvalue=pvalue) #3.3 KC_CK data = KC mark = c() zscore = c() pvalue = c() for(i in 1:length) res = fun_zp(data[,i], CK[,i]) mark = c(mark, colnames(CK)[i]) zscore = c(zscore, res[1]) pvalue = c(pvalue, res[2]) res_KC = data.frame(mark=mark,zscore=zscore,pvalue=pvalue) #3.4 SAP_CK data = SAP mark = c() zscore = c() pvalue = c() for(i in 1:length) res = fun_zp(data[,i], CK[,i]) mark = c(mark, colnames(CK)[i]) zscore = c(zscore, res[1]) pvalue = c(pvalue, res[2]) res_SAP = data.frame(mark=mark,zscore=zscore,pvalue=pvalue) ## 整理结果数据 res_BC res_JZ res_KC res_SAP markdown = c() signif = res_BC[which(res_BC$pvalue <= 0.05),] markdown = c(markdown, signif$mark) signif = res_BC[which(res_JZ$pvalue <= 0.05),] markdown = c(markdown, signif$mark) signif = res_BC[which(res_KC$pvalue <= 0.05),] markdown = c(markdown, signif$mark) signif = res_BC[which(res_SAP$pvalue <= 0.05),] markdown = c(markdown, signif$mark) # 各组比较都显著的target out = data.frame(table(markdown)) out = out[which(out$Freq==4),] target = as.character(out$mark) # 提取target的zscore和pvalue绘图 res_BC res_JZ res_KC res_SAP input_BC = res_BC[which(res_BC$mark%in%target),] input_JZ = res_JZ[which(res_JZ$mark%in%target),] input_KC = res_KC[which(res_KC$mark%in%target),] input_SAP = res_SAP[which(res_SAP$mark%in%target),] input = input_BC input = input_JZ input = input_KC input = input_SAP input$sign = as.character(sign(input$zscore)) #library("ggplot2") ggplot(input, aes(x=mark, y=zscore, fill=sign)) + geom_col(color=NA, width=0.3) + scale_fill_manual( values = c("-1" = "deepskyblue3", "1" = "indianred3")) + labs(x="", y="Z-score") + theme_classic() + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 18), axis.text = element_text(size = 12), axis.line = element_line(size = 1), axis.ticks = element_line(size = 1)) + coord_flip() + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-8, 8), expand = c(0, 0), breaks = c(-4, -2, 0, 2, 4)) + geom_hline(yintercept = -1.96, size=0.8, linetype="dashed") + geom_hline(yintercept = 1.96, size=0.8, linetype="dashed") + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size=0.8) ggsave(p, file="wilcoxon_BC.pdf", width=14) ggsave(p, file="wilcoxon_JZ.pdf", width=14) ggsave(p, file="wilcoxon_KC.pdf", width=14) ggsave(p, file="wilcoxon_SAP.pdf", width=14)