, "Select the option to Modify".
3.select the
check box
4.Add C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin to your Path environment variable or press CTRL+ALT+S in android studio. Then go to "Version Control"-> Subversion -> General -> Check the Checkbox "use commmand line client" and set the path to
C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\svn.exe
In Android studio1.5 version when you try to add the file in your project,
android studio will ask for a pop like "schedule for Addition"
to subversion?. select the check box (Remember, don't ask again) and click "yes".
After this whatever the file you add or remove to your project it will automatically
synced to your svn repository. suppose if you didn't get that dialog, but you want to
add the newly added .png or xml file to svn means you can manually select those files
which you have added (the newly added file will be in red color) right click
on that file -> subversion -> Add to VCS or simply select the file and use (CTRL+ALT+A).
如果你想改变 "添加时间表 "的设置,请进入Settings -> Version Control -> 确认 -> 当文件被创建时
Choose 在添加到版本控制之前显示选项