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 static System::Object ^ Parse(Type ^ enumType, ReadOnlySpan<char> value);
public static object Parse (Type enumType, ReadOnlySpan<char> value);
static member Parse : Type * ReadOnlySpan<char> -> obj
Public Shared Function Parse (enumType As Type, value As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char)) As Object
 static System::Object ^ Parse(Type ^ enumType, System::String ^ value);
public static object Parse (Type enumType, string value);
public static object Parse (Type enumType, string value);
static member Parse : Type * string -> obj
static member Parse : Type * string -> obj
Public Shared Function Parse (enumType As Type, value As String) As Object

以下示例使用 Parse(Type, String) 方法分析通过调用 GetNames 方法创建的字符串数组。 它还使用 Parse(Type, String) 方法分析由位字段组成的枚举值。

using namespace System; [Flags] enum class Colors Red = 1, Green = 2, Blue = 4, Yellow = 8 int main() Console::WriteLine( "The entries of the Colors enumeration are:" ); Array^ a = Enum::GetNames( Colors::typeid ); Int32 i = 0; while ( i < a->Length ) Object^ o = a->GetValue( i ); Console::WriteLine( o->ToString() ); Console::WriteLine(); Object^ orange = Enum::Parse( Colors::typeid, "Red, Yellow" ); Console::WriteLine("The orange value has the combined entries of {0}", orange ); This code example produces the following results: The entries of the Colors Enum are: Green Yellow The orange value has the combined entries of Red, Yellow using System; public class ParseTest [Flags] enum Colors { Red = 1, Green = 2, Blue = 4, Yellow = 8 }; public static void Main() Console.WriteLine("The entries of the Colors enumeration are:"); foreach (string colorName in Enum.GetNames(typeof(Colors))) Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1:D}", colorName, Enum.Parse(typeof(Colors), colorName)); Console.WriteLine(); Colors orange = (Colors) Enum.Parse(typeof(Colors), "Red, Yellow"); Console.WriteLine("The orange value {0:D} has the combined entries of {0}", orange); This code example produces the following results: The entries of the Colors Enum are: Red = 1 Green = 2 Blue = 4 Yellow = 8 The orange value 9 has the combined entries of Red, Yellow open System [<Flags>] type Colors = | Red = 1 | Green = 2 | Blue = 4 | Yellow = 8 printfn "The entries of the Colors enumeration are:" for colorName in Enum.GetNames typeof<Colors> do printfn $"{colorName} = {Enum.Parse(typeof<Colors>, colorName):D}" printfn "" let orange = Enum.Parse(typeof<Colors>, "Red, Yellow") :?> Colors printfn $"The orange value {orange:D} has the combined entries of {orange}" // This code example produces the following results: // The entries of the Colors Enum are: // Red = 1 // Green = 2 // Blue = 4 // Yellow = 8 // The orange value 9 has the combined entries of Red, Yellow Public Class ParseTest <Flags()> _ Enum Colors Red = 1 Green = 2 Blue = 4 Yellow = 8 End Enum Public Shared Sub Main() Console.WriteLine("The entries of the Colors enumeration are:") Dim colorName As String For Each colorName In [Enum].GetNames(GetType(Colors)) Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1:D}", colorName, [Enum].Parse(GetType(Colors), colorName)) Console.WriteLine() Dim orange As Colors = CType([Enum].Parse(GetType(Colors), "Red, Yellow"), Colors) Console.WriteLine("The orange value {0:D} has the combined entries of {0}", orange) End Sub End Class 'This example displays the following output: 'The entries of the Colors Enum are: 'Red = 1 'Green = 2 'Blue = 4 'Yellow = 8 'The myOrange value 9 has the combined entries of Red, Yellow

参数 value 包含枚举成员的基础值或命名常量的字符串表示形式,或者由逗号 (,) 分隔的命名常量列表。 中 value 每个值、名称或逗号的前面或后面可以有一个或多个空格。 如果 value 是列表,则返回值是指定名称的值,并结合按位 OR 运算。

如果 value 是与 的命名常量 enumType 不对应的名称,则方法将 ArgumentException 引发 。 如果 value 是不表示枚举的基础值的整数的 enumType 字符串表示形式,则该方法返回其基础值 value 转换为整型类型的枚举成员。 如果不需要此行为,请调用 IsDefined 方法以确保整数的特定字符串表示形式实际上是 的成员 enumType 。 下面的示例定义枚举 Colors ,调用 Parse(Type, String) 方法将字符串转换为相应的枚举值,并调用 IsDefined 方法以确保特定整型值是枚举中 Colors 的基础值。

using System; [Flags] enum Colors { None=0, Red = 1, Green = 2, Blue = 4 }; public class Example public static void Main() string[] colorStrings = { "0", "2", "8", "blue", "Blue", "Yellow", "Red, Green" }; foreach (string colorString in colorStrings) try { Colors colorValue = (Colors) Enum.Parse(typeof(Colors), colorString); if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Colors), colorValue) | colorValue.ToString().Contains(",")) Console.WriteLine("Converted '{0}' to {1}.", colorString, colorValue.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("{0} is not an underlying value of the Colors enumeration.", colorString); catch (ArgumentException) { Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is not a member of the Colors enumeration.", colorString); // The example displays the following output: // Converted '0' to None. // Converted '2' to Green. // 8 is not an underlying value of the Colors enumeration. // 'blue' is not a member of the Colors enumeration. // Converted 'Blue' to Blue. // 'Yellow' is not a member of the Colors enumeration. // Converted 'Red, Green' to Red, Green. open System [<Flags>] type Colors = | None = 0 | Red = 1 | Green = 2 | Blue = 4 let colorStrings = [ "0"; "2"; "8"; "blue"; "Blue"; "Yellow"; "Red, Green" ] for colorString in colorStrings do let colorValue = Enum.Parse(typeof<Colors>, colorString) :?> Colors if Enum.IsDefined(typeof<Colors>, colorValue) || (string colorValue).Contains "," then printfn $"Converted '{colorString}' to {colorValue}." printfn $"{colorString} is not an underlying value of the Colors enumeration." with :? ArgumentException -> printfn $"'{colorString}' is not a member of the Colors enumeration." // The example displays the following output: // Converted '0' to None. // Converted '2' to Green. // 8 is not an underlying value of the Colors enumeration. // 'blue' is not a member of the Colors enumeration. // Converted 'Blue' to Blue. // 'Yellow' is not a member of the Colors enumeration. // Converted 'Red, Green' to Red, Green. <Flags> Enum Colors As Integer None = 0 Red = 1 Green = 2 Blue = 4 End Enum Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim colorStrings() As String = {"0", "2", "8", "blue", "Blue", "Yellow", "Red, Green"} For Each colorString As String In colorStrings Dim colorValue As Colors = CType([Enum].Parse(GetType(Colors), colorString), Colors) If [Enum].IsDefined(GetType(Colors), colorValue) Or colorValue.ToString().Contains(",") Then Console.WriteLine("Converted '{0}' to {1}.", colorString, colorValue.ToString()) Console.WriteLine("{0} is not an underlying value of the Colors enumeration.", colorString) End If Catch e As ArgumentException Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is not a member of the Colors enumeration.", colorString) End Try End Sub End Module ' The example displays the following output: ' Converted '0' to None. ' Converted '2' to Green. ' 8 is not an underlying value of the Colors enumeration. ' 'blue' is not a member of the Colors enumeration. ' Converted 'Blue' to Blue. ' 'Yellow' is not a member of the Colors enumeration. ' Converted 'Red, Green' to Red, Green.


 static System::Object ^ Parse(Type ^ enumType, ReadOnlySpan<char> value, bool ignoreCase);
public static object Parse (Type enumType, ReadOnlySpan<char> value, bool ignoreCase);
static member Parse : Type * ReadOnlySpan<char> * bool -> obj
Public Shared Function Parse (enumType As Type, value As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char), ignoreCase As Boolean) As Object
 static System::Object ^ Parse(Type ^ enumType, System::String ^ value, bool ignoreCase);
public static object Parse (Type enumType, string value, bool ignoreCase);
public static object Parse (Type enumType, string value, bool ignoreCase);
static member Parse : Type * string * bool -> obj
static member Parse : Type * string * bool -> obj
Public Shared Function Parse (enumType As Type, value As String, ignoreCase As Boolean) As Object

以下示例使用 Parse(Type, String, Boolean) 方法分析通过调用 GetNames 方法创建的字符串数组。 它还使用 Parse(Type, String) 方法分析由位字段组成的枚举值。

using System; [Flags] enum Colors { None=0, Red = 1, Green = 2, Blue = 4 }; public class Example public static void Main() string[] colorStrings = { "0", "2", "8", "blue", "Blue", "Yellow", "Red, Green" }; foreach (string colorString in colorStrings) try { Colors colorValue = (Colors) Enum.Parse(typeof(Colors), colorString, true); if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Colors), colorValue) | colorValue.ToString().Contains(",")) Console.WriteLine("Converted '{0}' to {1}.", colorString, colorValue.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("{0} is not an underlying value of the Colors enumeration.", colorString); catch (ArgumentException) { Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a member of the Colors enumeration.", colorString); // The example displays the following output: // Converted '0' to None. // Converted '2' to Green. // 8 is not an underlying value of the Colors enumeration. // Converted 'blue' to Blue. // Converted 'Blue' to Blue. // Yellow is not a member of the Colors enumeration. // Converted 'Red, Green' to Red, Green. open System [<Flags>] type Colors = | None = 0 | Red = 1 | Green = 2 | Blue = 4 let colorStrings = [ "0"; "2"; "8"; "blue"; "Blue"; "Yellow"; "Red, Green" ] for colorString in colorStrings do let colorValue = Enum.Parse(typeof<Colors>, colorString, true) :?> Colors if Enum.IsDefined(typeof<Colors>, colorValue) || (string colorValue).Contains "," then printfn $"Converted '{colorString}' to {colorValue}." printfn $"{colorString} is not an underlying value of the Colors enumeration." with :? ArgumentException -> printfn $"{colorString} is not a member of the Colors enumeration." // The example displays the following output: // Converted '0' to None. // Converted '2' to Green. // 8 is not an underlying value of the Colors enumeration. // Converted 'blue' to Blue. // Converted 'Blue' to Blue. // Yellow is not a member of the Colors enumeration. // Converted 'Red, Green' to Red, Green. <Flags> Enum Colors As Integer None = 0 Red = 1 Green = 2 Blue = 4 End Enum Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim colorStrings() As String = {"0", "2", "8", "blue", "Blue", "Yellow", "Red, Green"} For Each colorString As String In colorStrings Dim colorValue As Colors = CType([Enum].Parse(GetType(Colors), colorString, True), Colors) If [Enum].IsDefined(GetType(Colors), colorValue) Or colorValue.ToString().Contains(",") Then Console.WriteLine("Converted '{0}' to {1}.", colorString, colorValue.ToString()) Console.WriteLine("{0} is not an underlying value of the Colors enumeration.", colorString) End If Catch e As ArgumentException Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a member of the Colors enumeration.", colorString) End Try End Sub End Module ' The example displays the following output: ' Converted '0' to None. ' Converted '2' to Green. ' 8 is not an underlying value of the Colors enumeration. ' Converted 'blue' to Blue. ' Converted 'Blue' to Blue. ' Yellow is not a member of the Colors enumeration. ' Converted 'Red, Green' to Red, Green.

参数 value 包含枚举成员的基础值或命名常量的字符串表示形式,或者由逗号 (,) 分隔的命名常量列表。 中 value 每个值、名称或逗号的前面或后面可以有一个或多个空格。 如果 value 是列表,则返回值是指定名称的值,并结合按位 OR 运算。

如果 value 是与 的命名常量 enumType 不对应的名称,则方法将 ArgumentException 引发 。 如果 value 是不表示枚举的基础值的整数的 enumType 字符串表示形式,则该方法返回其基础值 value 转换为整型类型的枚举成员。 如果不需要此行为,请调用 IsDefined 方法以确保整数的特定字符串表示形式实际上是 的成员 enumType 。 下面的示例定义枚举 Colors ,调用 Parse(Type, String, Boolean) 方法将字符串转换为相应的枚举值,并调用 IsDefined 方法以确保特定整型值是枚举中 Colors 的基础值。

参数 ignoreCase 指定此操作是否区分大小写。

generic <typename TEnum>
 where TEnum : value class static TEnum Parse(System::String ^ value, bool ignoreCase);
public static TEnum Parse<TEnum> (string value, bool ignoreCase) where TEnum : struct;
static member Parse : string * bool -> 'Enum (requires 'Enum : struct)
Public Shared Function Parse(Of TEnum As Structure) (value As String, ignoreCase As Boolean) As TEnum
generic <typename TEnum>
 where TEnum : value class static TEnum Parse(ReadOnlySpan<char> value, bool ignoreCase);
public static TEnum Parse<TEnum> (ReadOnlySpan<char> value, bool ignoreCase) where TEnum : struct;
static member Parse : ReadOnlySpan<char> * bool -> 'Enum (requires 'Enum : struct)
Public Shared Function Parse(Of TEnum As Structure) (value As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char), ignoreCase As Boolean) As TEnum
generic <typename TEnum>
 where TEnum : value class static TEnum Parse(ReadOnlySpan<char> value);
public static TEnum Parse<TEnum> (ReadOnlySpan<char> value) where TEnum : struct;
static member Parse : ReadOnlySpan<char> -> 'Enum (requires 'Enum : struct)
Public Shared Function Parse(Of TEnum As Structure) (value As ReadOnlySpan(Of Char)) As TEnum
generic <typename TEnum>
 where TEnum : value class static TEnum Parse(System::String ^ value);
public static TEnum Parse<TEnum> (string value) where TEnum : struct;
static member Parse : string -> 'Enum (requires 'Enum : struct)
Public Shared Function Parse(Of TEnum As Structure) (value As String) As TEnum