You can use check boxes on a worksheet, and link the results to a cell. If the box is checked, the cell shows TRUE, and if it’s not checked, the cell shows FALSE or the cell is empty. This makes it easy for someone to give a quick answer to a question, or select an option. You can even link check boxes to cells with a macro, so something happens automatically when the box is clicked.
您可以使用工作表上的复选框,并将结果链接到单元格。 如果选中该框,则该单元格显示TRUE,如果未选中,则该单元格显示FALSE或该单元格为空。 这使某人可以轻松地快速回答问题或选择一个选项。 您甚至可以使用宏将复选框链接到单元格,因此单击该复选框时,某些操作会自动发生。
Two Part Tutorial
This will be a two part tutorial on how to link check boxes to a macro.
First, we’ll set up the check boxes, and link them to cells. You’ll see how to do this manually, and with a macro.
首先,我们将设置复选框,并将其链接到单元格。 您将看到如何使用宏手动执行此操作。
In the next part, we’ll link check boxes to cells with a macro.
Creating a To Do List
To see how the check boxes can be used, we’ll set up a To Do list, with a check box for each item. Here is the list, ready for the check boxes.
要查看如何使用复选框,我们将设置一个“待办事项”列表,其中每个项目都有一个复选框。 这是清单,准备使用复选框。
Insert a Check Box
To insert a check box, follow these steps:
Click the Developer tab on the Ribbon. If you don’t see the Developer tab, follow
the instructions here
, to show it.
单击功能区上的“开发人员”选项卡。 如果您没有看到“开发人员”标签,请按照
In the Controls group, click the Insert command
There are two types of check boxes – Form Control and ActiveX Control.
For this example, we’ll use the check box from the Form Controls, so click that.
On the worksheet, click near the top left corner of the cell where you want to add the check box -- cell B4 in this example.
The top left border of the check box frame should be inside cell B4. If necessary, move it down or right, so it’s inside the cell.
复选框框架的左上边框应在单元格B4内。 如有必要,向下或向右移动它,使其在单元格内。
Copy the Check Box
Now that you’ve created and formatted one check box, you can copy it, and paste copies into the other cells.
NOTE: For a quicker way to add check boxes, you can use the macro from
the Excel VBA - Check Boxes page
on my Contextures site.
“ Excel VBA-复选框”页面中
Press Ctrl, and click on the check box, if it is not already selected.
On the Ribbon’s Home tab, click Copy (or use the
Ctrl + C
Ctrl + C
Select cell B5, and paste the check box, then paste into cells B6 and B7
Link the Check Boxes to Cells
If you add a check box to a worksheet, it isn’t automatically linked to a cell. If you want to capture the check box result, you’ll have to link it to a specific cell.
如果在工作表中添加复选框,则不会自动链接到单元格。 如果要捕获复选框结果,则必须将其链接到特定的单元格。
If there are only a few check boxes, you can link them manually, by following these steps:
You can see the formula in the screen shot below:
= $ D $ 4
NOTE: You can also link to a cell by going into the check box’s properties, but that takes longer.
Use Programming to Create Cell Links
In an ideal world, you would be able to use a relative reference to a cell as the check box link. Then, if you moved or copied the cell to a different location, it would automatically adjust to refer to the cell that in the same row, 20 columns to the right.
在理想情况下,您将能够使用对单元格的相对引用作为复选框链接。 然后,如果将单元格移动或复制到其他位置,它将自动进行调整,以引用同一行(向右20列)中的单元格。
Unfortunately, that doesn’t work, and you have to link each check box individually. The good news is that you can link check boxes to cells with a macro, if you have lots of check boxes to link.
不幸的是,这是行不通的,您必须单独链接每个复选框。 好消息是,如果要链接的复选框很多,则可以将复选框链接到带有宏的单元格。
Instead of manually linking the remaining check boxes, we’ll use the following macro. To add this code to your own workbook,
copy it to a regular code module
代替手动链接其余复选框,我们将使用以下宏。 要将此代码添加到您自己的工作簿中,
Sub LinkCheckBoxes()
Dim chk As CheckBox
Dim lCol As Long
lCol = 2 'number of columns to the right for link
For Each chk In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
With chk
.LinkedCell = _
.TopLeftCell.Offset(0, lCol).Address
End With
Next chk
End Sub
运行宏 (Run the Macro)
Then, with the To Do list worksheet active, run the macro:
You won’t see anything happen, but each check box will be linked to the cell two columns to its right.
测试复选框 (Test the Check Boxes)
To test the check boxes, click on each one.
下一步–将宏添加到复选框 (Next – Adding Macros to Check Boxes)
In my next post, on Thursday, we’ll add a macro to each check box.
I’ll also have the completed sample file that you can download, to see how it all works. ____________
我还将提供完整的示例文件,您可以下载该文件,以查看其工作原理。 ____________
翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2014/01/14/click-a-cell-to-check-yes-or-no/
单元格下拉框实现复选框多选 将复选框链接到带有宏的单元格 (Link Check Boxes to Cells With a Macro) You can use check boxes on a worksheet, and link the results to a cell. If the box is checked, the cell shows TRUE, and if it’s no...
下拉框加入一个valiation, 内容是 =$A$2:$A$5
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ' Call back function which defined within according worksheet
Dim i As Integer
Dim tempStr As String
Dim firstDrawBoxRowCount As Integer
Dim firstDrawBoxColumn As Integer
firstDrawBoxRowCount = 4 'Define the row number of first draw box
firstDrawBoxColumn = 1 'Define the column number of ifrst draw box
Dim secondDrawBoxRowCount As Integer
Dim secondDrawBoxColumn As Integer
secondDrawBoxRowCount = 33 'Define the row number of second draw box
secondDrawBoxColumn = 4 'Define the column number of second draw box
If Target.Column = 1 Then 'This defines the first column of draw box list, you can also define the row number of draw box list
Cells(Target.Row, Target.Column + 1) = "" ' Do the clean first
Cells(Target.Row, Target.Column + 1).Validation.Delete
Cells(Target.Row, Target.Column + 2) = ""
Cells(Target.Row, Target.Column + 2).Validation.Delete
For i = 2 To firstDrawBoxRowCount + 1 'Enter the cycle to find out the content for column 2
If Trim(Cells(Target.Row, Target.Column)) = Trim(Cells(i, firstDrawBoxColumn)) Then
tempStr = Trim(Cells(i, firstDrawBoxColumn + 1)) 'Find out the options for second draw box, it is seperated by ,
Cells(Target.Row, Target.Column + 1).Select ' Fill the validation to second draw box
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:=tempStr
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputTitle = ""
.ErrorTitle = ""
.InputMessage = ""
.ErrorMessage = ""
.IMEMode = xlIMEModeNoControl
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
* EasyUI DataGrid根据字段动态合并
* 参数 dataGridId 要执行
* 参数 colList 要合并的列,用逗号分隔(例如:"encode,idx,chebox");
function mergeCellsByField(dataGridId, colList) {
参考地址:点击打开链接第一步:新建一个excel且设置数据有效性【选中X列--数据--有效性】第二步:开发工具--查看代码--把代码复制进去保存就OK了代码如下:Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' Developed by Contextures Inc.
' www.contextures.com
Dim rngDV As ...
// html 部分
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="lib/Bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css"/>
<script src="js/jquery-1.12.4.js" ...
Private Sub ListBox2_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
Dim i&, s$
With ListBox2
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1...
function checkForm() {
var select = document.getElementById("mySelect");
if (select.value == "") {
return false;
return true;
3. 使用服务端语言(如
if (!isset($_POST['mySelect']) || $_POST['mySelect'] == "") {
// 提示用户
注意:使用第 2 种和第 3 种方法时,通常还需要向用户显示一个错误信息,提示