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Good day,
am trying to build the this other project, but am having issues like i cant find the
the following features like: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore,Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite, Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools,and Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer on nuget when i try to add to add to the project as per project requirements as a result it gives the error
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.301\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets(241,5): error NETSDK1004: Assets file 'C:\Users\Lenovo\source\repos\CRUDOperationWithImageUploadCoremaster\CRUDOperationWithImageUploadCore\obj\project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. 1>Done building project "CURDOperationWithImageUploadCore5_Demo.csproj" -- FAILED. ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Will really appreciateanyone's assistance.
What I have tried:
i have tried some of recomended solutions like, clean the solution, restore packages through nuget manager, because i thoght is something to do with .Net sdk version. but iddnt win at all. for am using .NET 5.0
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