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adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/123.png

由于screencap是手机命令,因此要先进入 adb shell .

usage: screencap [-hp] [-d display-id] [FILENAME]
   -h: this message
   -p: save the file as a png.
   -d: specify the physical display ID to capture (default: 19260720540627841)
       see "dumpsys SurfaceFlinger --display-id" for valid display IDs.
If FILENAME ends with .png it will be saved as a png.
If FILENAME is not given, the results will be printed to stdout.
yake@yakedeMacBook-Pro lottie-android % adb shell screencap


第一步:adb shell

第二步:adb screencap -p /sdcard/123.png

截屏之后图片保存到目录 /sdcard/123.png,可以使用命令保存到PC,adb pull /sdcard/123.png ./ 把保存的图片导出到PC当前目录。

adb shell screenrecord /dacard/123.mp4

adb shell screenrecord --h查看帮助:

Usage: screenrecord [options] <filename>
Android screenrecord v1.2.  Records the device's display to a .mp4 file.
    Set the video size, e.g. "1280x720".  Default is the device's main
    display resolution (if supported), 1280x720 if not.  For best results,
    use a size supported by the AVC encoder.
--bit-rate RATE
    Set the video bit rate, in bits per second.  Value may be specified as
    bits or megabits, e.g. '4000000' is equivalent to '4M'.  Default 20Mbps.
    Add additional information, such as a timestamp overlay, that is helpful
    in videos captured to illustrate bugs.
--time-limit TIME
    Set the maximum recording time, in seconds.  Default / maximum is 180.
    Display interesting information on stdout.
    Show this message.
Recording continues until Ctrl-C is hit or the time limit is reached.



3.1 自动截屏并保存到本地

adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/tmp/123.png
adb pull /sdcard/tmp/123.png ./

3.2 自动录屏并保存到本地

adb shell screenrecord -p /sdcard/tmp/123.mp4
adb pull /sdcard/tmp/123.mp4 ./
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