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string filename = lblApplyTime.Text.Replace("/", "-") + "-" + lblName.Text + ".html";


string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~/WebManage/Template.htm");


using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(path))

String line = null;

//大量字符串拼接或频繁对某一字符串进行操作时最好使用 StringBuilder

StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();


while ((line = r.ReadLine()) != null)



str.Replace("$Department$", lblDepartment.Text);//开始替换文本

str.Replace("$ApplyTime$", lblApplyTime.Text);

str.Replace("$Name$", lblName.Text);

str.Replace("$WorkDate$", lblWorkTime.Text);

str.Replace("$WorkTime$", lblWorkTime.Text);

str.Replace("$Reason$", lblReason.Text);


string htmlpath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/HtmlFile/");

string paths = htmlpath + filename;


StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter(paths, false, Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"));




catch (Exception ex)


[C#] 纯文本查看 复制代码//将动态的ASP.NET页面转化成静态的页面private void CreateHtml(){try{//设置文件名string filename = lblApplyTime.Text.Replace("/", "-") + "-" + lblName.Text + ".html";//获取当前文件路径(服务器端)string path = HttpContex...
生成 静态页有很多好处,可以缓解服务器压力、方便搜索网站搜索等等,这是 生成 静态页的实例代码。 从预先定义好的模板 生成 静态 页面 :读取模板,替换内容,保存文件。 工具:使用vs2019 技术: c# , asp.net , html
Html 页面 代码如下: <%@ Page Language=” C# ” AutoEventWireup=”true” CodeFile=”Default. aspx .cs” Inherits=”_Default” ValidateRequest=”false” %> <%@ Register Src=”UserControl/Ucone.ascx” TagName=”Ucone” TagPrefix=”uc1″ %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD X HTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtm
获取Url的 方法 有两种,通过后台获得或通过前面js获得,如下: 1、通过 C# 获取当前 页面 的URL string url = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; //结果: //www.jb51.net/web/index. aspx string host = Request.Url.Host; //结果:www.jb51.net string rawUrl = Request.RawUrl; //结果:/web/index. aspx string localPath = Request.Url.LocalPath; //结果:/web/index. aspx 2、通过Javas
从提高网站的访问速度和搜索引擎的收录考虑,有时候我们需要把动态的 aspx 转换为静态的 html ,这种转换分为两种:伪静态和真静态!这两种各有优劣,今天先不考虑这个,讲讲伪静态是怎么完成的 首先,我们要有Mircosoft URLRewriter.dll 如果没有就从网上下载,然后将他们考到项目的bin下面 其次,就是在web.config 配置相关,这也是最重要的 public static string RenderPage(string pageLocation)         System.Web.HttpContext context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;         StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(1024); PLANET.COM VIDEO Full motion videos are collected between 30 and 120 seconds by a single camera from any of the active SkySats. Videos are collected using only the Panchromatic half of the camera, hence all videos are PAN only. Videos are packaged and delivered with a video mpeg-4 file, plus all image frames with accompanying video metadata and a frame index file (reference Product Types below)