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我在使用react native for Android 在windows中开发中,用dos命令行一步一步的做下来,到了最后往模拟器上安装时他老是报错,说

Could not install the app on the device, read the error above for details.

Make sure you have an Android emulator running or a device connected and have

set up your Android development environment:



  1. 检查模拟器的开发者模式和usb调试是否开着,长时间过后好像会自动关闭usb调试。
  2. 模拟器开着就别插真机了,看看debug是不是说连接的是你的模拟器还是其他设备,设备名查询:$adbdevices
  3. 小米手机有的机型要关闭miui优化,在开发者模式最下面一个
  4. sorrycanthelpu


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