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本机构定位成为我国生殖医学领域临床与基础研究中心、生殖健康疾病转化研究平台和人才培养基地。在主任乔杰教授的领导下,研究团队凝练形成了三个主要研究方向,分别为:(1) 配子和胚胎发育调控与遗传学诊断;(2) 生殖障碍性疾病研究与生育力保护;(3) 辅助生殖新技术研发和安全性评估。


近年来的重要研究成果包括:(1)系统开展人胚胎发育调控机制研究,解析人胚胎早期发育遗传、表观遗传及基因调控网络,构建首个人类精/卵、胚胎和原始生殖细胞的遗传及表观遗传全景图,发现特异表达基因和DNA甲基化遗传规律,在国际上领跑生殖领域胚胎发育单细胞组学研究;(2) 创建植入前胚胎遗传学诊断新方法,实现单基因遗传病的出生前阻断,成功实现临床转化;(3) 揭示疑难不孕症发病机制,优化与规范辅助生殖技术;(4) 建立生育力维持和生殖储备研究平台,提出生育力保护保存新策略。以上成果在JAMA、Nature、Cell等期刊发表SCI 论文160 余篇,并且连续两年入选科技部“中国科学十大进展”,引领我国生殖医学领域的学科发展,为维护女性生殖健康做出重要贡献。







Key Laboratory of Assisted Reproduction, Ministry of Education

The department of obstetrics and gynecology of the third Hospital of Peking University is one of the National key specialties, and established the discipline of reproductive medicine with the efforts of Professor Zhang Lizhu, a famous obstetrics and gynecologist of China. In 1988, the first IVF-ET baby in mainland China was born in our center. And in 2006, the "three cryopreservation" IVF-ET baby (oocyte cryopreservation, sperm cryopreservation, and embryo cryopreservation) which was the first case in China and the second case in world was born here. The first born of IVF-ET baby following MALBAC-based whole genome screening in 2014 prove that we have reached the international leading level in the field of assisted reproductive technology research. Our team was approved to set up the "Key Laboratory of Assisted Reproduction, Ministry of Education (2011)", "Beijing Key Laboratory of Reproductive Endocrinology and Assisted Reproductive Technology (2011) ", "National Clinical Research Center for  Obstetrics and Gynecology (2014)", "Beijing international scientific and technological cooperation base of Birth defect prevention and control (2015)", and "Reproductive health research center of Peking University Health Science Center (2016)".

Our institution has become the center of reproductive medicineof China in clinical, basic research and transformation of reproductive health diseases. And we also became the base of talent training of China reproductive medicine field. Under the leadership of Professor Jie Qiao, the research team has formed three main research directions: 1) the molecular mechanisms of mammalian oocyte maturation and embryonic development, 2) the protection and preservation of female fertility, and 3) assessment of the risk of assisted reproductive technology and the perfection of clinical standards.

Our team currently has an academy of Engineering Academician of Chinese. One person among us owned the scholar of the Changjiang River, one person owned the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, two people owned the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars, one person was enrolled in the Thousand Talents Plan, and three people won the honor of excellent talents of Beijing. By now, a series of platforms has been set up, which includes female fertility protection platform, genetic diagnosis analysis platform, reproductive endocrine detection and analysis platform, assisted reproductive technology platform, operating platform of experimental animal, stem cell research platform, the experimental platform of molecular and cell biology, and histochemical analysis platform. At the same time, we have established the electronic management system. In our center, the overall research facilities and research environment have reached the international advanced level. Our team has been awarded the "Innovation team of the Ministry of Education", and "National Natural Resources Foundation Innovation Group". We also obtained two first class Prizes for National Scientific and Technology Progress, two first class of the Ministry of Education for Science and Technology Progress, one first class of Beijing Scientific and Technology Progress and more than 10 awards.

The important research results in recent years include: 1) engaged in the research on the molecular mechanisms of mammalian oocyte maturation and embryonic development, provided the first comprehensive gene expression profiling of human pre-implantation embryos and hESCs at single-cell and single-base resolution, and landscaped the transcriptome and DNA methylome of human pre-implantation embryos, providing insights into systematic embryo development, as well as human embryo epigenetics for the first time, 2) established a new method for genetic diagnosis of preimplantation embryo, to realize prenatal block of single gene genetic disease and clinical transformation, 3) revealed the pathogenesis of Infertile infertility and optimized the standards of the assisted reproductive technology and 4) established the research platform of fertility maintenance and reproductive reserve, and put forward new strategies of fertility protection and conservation. The above studies have been published more than 160 SCI publications in JAMA, Nature, Cell and other journals. We won the honor of "Ten Progress in Chinese Science" by the Ministry of Science and Technology in two consecutive years. Our achievements lead the development of reproductive medicine in China and making great contributions to the maintenance of female reproductive health.

Director: QIAO jie

Contact: LI rong

Email: roseli001@sina.com

TEL: 86-010-82265080
